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Saturday, October 18, 2008
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Pay some
to basement
Associated Press

The basement of the house we

grew up in had a clanking fur-
nace, rumbling water heater and
banging pipes. Damp, dark and
musty, it housed boxes and boxes
of canned goods and who knows
what else.
As children, we were too
scared to venture down there
A basement also can be scary
when it comes to home maintain-
ance. They are vulnerable to in-
trusion by water, damage by rot
and structural pests such as ter-
mites. Many provide easy access
to rodents and insects. Most
house a maze of exposed plumb-
ing pipes, heating ducts and ex-
haust flues. Since by design base-
ments tend to leak, one of the
most important components in a
basement is a sump pump.
As Halloween and cold weath-
er approach, it’s time to turn at-
tention to the basement and the
various systems it houses. Here
are some tasks that can make for
a safer, more comfortable home,
without frightening leaks,
squeaks or monster utility bills.
■ Have your furnace inspected
and serviced by a professional
heating contractor. Make sure it
is operating safely and that
you’re getting the best bang for
your energy buck. The pro will
adjust burners, check the thermo-
stat, change filters, confirm pres-
sures and perform other cleaning
and maintenance.
■ Leaking heat ducts can be a
major source of energy loss. Look
for separating ducts at joints and
connections to equipment.
Though duct tape is excellent for
many jobs, sealing leaking ducts
is not one of them. Pros use a
heavy metallic tape or a paint-on
elastomeric sealer.
■ Insulation around heat ducts
is an important part of their effi-
ciency. If the ducts are old, the in-
sulation may contain asbestos, a
health hazard. The Environment
Protection Agency recommends
asbestos-containing building ma-
terials are best left alone when in
good condition and not crum-
bling. If you are concerned, con-
tact the nearest branch of the
American Lung Association for
information on testing, repair
and abatement. If ducts are not
insulated, insulate them. If they
are insulated and the material is
not firmly affixed, use a spray ad-
■ Check for leaks at all plumb-
ing pipes and repair or replace
leaking ones. Pay special atten- Designed by TARA M. ASKIN/Courier-Post
tion to the pipes attached to the
hot and cold ports on the water ■ Read a story on how to build a scarecrow, as well as info about costumes, decorating and
heater; they are prime candidates Halloween events, visit the Web and add /halloween.
for corrosion.
■ Carbon monoxide is a color-
less, odorless gas that results
from improper combustion by
fuel-burning appliances. In high
concentrations it could be lethal.
To prevent any carbon monoxide It’s time again for Scream-
in the basement, make sure fur- Have a favorite Christmas ornament o-licious, our annual online
naces, stoves, fireplaces, water you keep year after year, a cherished Halloween house decorating
heaters, boilers, gas dryers and keepsake with which you can’t seem to contest. Submit photos of your
part? Whether it be your grandmother’s house at www.courierposton
See HOME, Page 9C Christmas angel or a commemorative El- Sub-
vis ornament, we want to know about it. missions will be accepted
Send us a photo and the story behind through noon Monday, fol-
your favorite tree decoration and we may lowed by open voting until
feature it in an upcoming Home and Gar- Oct. 27.
den story. Send an e-mail and photo at- The winner will get a $500
tachment to cmitchell@courierposton Boscov’s gift card, with more
Visit our Web site or send regular mail to Christi- prizes for second and third
and add /homeprojects na Mitchell, Home and Garden editor, place. Visit www.courierpost
Box 5300, Cherry Hill 08034. No phone for
for more Home & Garden ideas complete rules.
calls, please. Courier-Post file

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