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Narrative Tenses

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2B G ram m ar and listening M em orable journeys

^ th e world's toughest
row ing Tace

I you
Apply o n lin e a t w w w . r o w . . .

1 SPEAKING Read the advert for the Atlantic challenge and discuss the questions.
1 W h at typ e o f even t is it?
2 W h at m ight the challenges be?
3 If you took part in the event, w h o w ou ld you choose as your rowing partner?
your best friend your m u m / d a d your teacher som eone famous

2 Read part 1 of the story. Who was supposed to be Daniel's rowing partner? What happened?
What do you think happened next?

P a rt 1
’jan Meek usually g o t home from work at 6 o'clock and today was no different. 2She m a d e herself
a cup of tea and lo o k e d out of the kitchen window. 3|f w a s ra in in g and cold outside - not good
weather for building a boat. ]an had an uneasy feeling and decided to check her answering machine.
There was a message from her son, Daniel, and it wasn’t good news. 4At the tim e, 21-year-old Daniel
w a s p r e p a r in g to com pete in the Atlantic challenge with a friend. Unfortunately, his friend had just
called him with some bad news. He didn’t have the tim e to prepare for the race, so Daniel had to
find another partner, som eone with enough free tim e to raise money, build a boat and to train!
5The boat w a s very small and the race was long, so it also had to be someone he could get on with.
6|an phoned her son and asked him what h a d h a p p e n e d . Then 7w hile |an w a s s u g g e s tin g solutions
Daniel in te r r u p te d h e r...

Narrative tenses
3 Read parti of the story again. Then match sentences 1-7 to rules a-g.
We use the past simple for:
a a past state,
b a past habit.
c a sequence of actions in th e past.
We use the past continuous for:
d background descriptions.
e an action or actions in progress at a specific tim e in the past.
We use the past simple and the past continuous for:
f a longer action interrupted by a shorter action.
We use the past perfect for:
g an action or even t that happened before another action in the past.

Reference and practice 2.1 W orkbook page 106

4 Complete part 2 of the story with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then answer the
1 W h o did Daniel ask and w h y?
2 W h y did th ey agree?
3 W h at was goo d / bad about th e journey?

18 T ra v e lle rs'ta le s

2 B

Pa rt 2
Surprisingly, D a n ie l1........................ (ask) his fifty-year-old mum to be his rowing partner His
mum 2........................ (never / row) in her life, but she was very adventurous. The previous year she
3........................ (study) Chinese in Taiwan, then she had gone backpacking round the world on
her own. )an said 'yes' because she 4........................ (know) that the race was a 'once-in-a-lifetime'
Two years and m any hours of training later Jan and Daniel 5........................ (arrive) in Tenerife. At
last they were ready to take part in the race - they 6........................ (raise) enough money and they
7........................ (build) a good boat. On the boat, there was enough food for 100 days, as well as
books and m usic for entertainm ent. They 8....................... (also / ask) friends to w rite them letters
and poems, so they had som ething to open during the difficult days ahead.
Once the race 9....................... (start), |an and Daniel realized just how hard it was going to
be. The rowing was tiring, they couldn’t wash and they were constantly soaked with salt w ater
There were terrible days when they wanted to give up, but there were also good days. W hile they
10........................ (row), they saw dolphins, whales, and flying fish. They also 11.........................(get)
to know each other extrem ely well.
In the end, the journey 12....................... (take) 101 days - two m onths longer than the winners
of the race. Ian and Daniel thought that everyone 13........................ (forget) about them. But
when they arrived in Barbados, people 14....................... (w ait) on boats to greet them. Everyone
15........................ (cheer) and waving, and there was m usic and fireworks. People wanted to
congratulate them on their amazing achievem ent!

1.06 Listen to a radio show about Jan and Daniel. What did they do next?

6 1.06 Listen again. Put the events in the correct order,

then retell their story. Use the words and phrases below.
before (the expedition) by the tim e (they arrived) first next
then a f t e r i w hile w hen in the end

Ja n and Daniel tho ug h t about giving up. They learned h o w to use a gun.
They w e n t on a course to learn survival skills. Friends followed their blog posts.
They had a bad accident. They w ere ready to start the expedition
Jan suffered from frozen hands. Th ey broke another w orld record.

7 Choose the correct answers.

1 Jan and Daniel had been / were on an adventure together before the polar challenge.
2 Before they left, th ey were starting / started a blog about their expedition.
3 They w ere well-prepared because th ey had trained / trained for over a year.
4 They took a gun because a polar bear had attacked / attacked another team.
5 O ne o f the tents that th ey brought / had brought burnt dow n.
6 I hey packed up their rem aining tent, then carried on / were carrying on w ith their journey.
7 Halfway through their journey, th ey realized that th ey hadn't packed / didn't pack enough food.
8 By the tim e they reached the pole, th ey had raised / raised a lot o f m on ey for charity.

8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about a memorable journey you have
had. Use the ideas below.
Think about:
w here you went. w h a t you did / saw on the journey,
w h at you had packed / read / d on e before h o w you w ere feeling before, during and after,
your journey. w h at you thought about the journey,
w h o you travelled with.

T ra v e lle rs'ta le s 19

Grammar reference and practice 2

2.1 N arrative tenses Past perfect

Past simple Affirmative h a d + past participle

Negative hadn't + past participle

Affirmative verb + - e d /- d
Questions h a d + subject it past participle
Negative didn't + infinitive

Questions d id it subject + infinitive Sue had remembered to brinq a torch.

I hadn't been on a coach tour before.
She described the holiday in detail. Had you tried a house-swap before this summer?
They didn't see the sights. Yes, 1 had. / No, I hadn't.
Pid you go backpacking? Yes, we did. / No, we didn't.
M any verbs have irregular past simple forms, e.g. Use
h a v e -*h a d , se e -* sa w , b u y-*b o u g h t. W e use the past perfect to talk about:
an action or even t that happened before another action
Use in th e past.
W e use the past simple to talk about: They had saved up a lot of money before they went on
com pleted past actions or past states. the cruise.
We visited several important sites during the week, to talk about tw o com pleted past actions, introduced
a sequence o f actions in the past. by w hen or offer. The past perfect always refers to the
I tried to ask the man for directions in French. He action that happened first.
smiled at me and replied in perfect English, When / After we had checked into the hotel, we found
past habits. our room and went to bed.
Before he bought a car, John travelled everywhere by
bike. This is quite similar to w hen + past sim ple + past simple,
but the use of the past perfect generally suggests a longer
W e use when + past simple + past sim ple to talk about tw o period o f tim e b etw een th e tw o actions.
co n n ected actions that happen at around the same time. When / After Rosa had read P-achel's note, she started
When Rosa read P-ache\'s note, she started laughing. laughing.
When can appear in the middle o f the sentence, w ithout a
com m a. 1 Choose the correct sentence in each pair.
Rosa started laughing when she read P-achel's note. 1 a W ere you finding your w atch w hen you tidied up?
b Did you find your w atch while you w ere tidying up?
Past continuous 2 a I saw a big spider in m y sleeping bag w hen I
op en ed it.
Affirmative was / were + -ing form
b I was seeing a big spider in m y sleeping bag w hen
Negative wasn't / weren't + -ing form I op en ed it.
3 a It was eight o'clock. The sun was setting and
Questions was / were + subject + -ing form
people w ere enjoying the w arm evening air.
b It was eight o'clock. The sun set and people
It was raining when we arrived.
enjoyed the w arm evening air.
We weren't cycling very fast.
4 a W h ile you w ere putting your bag in the overhead
Were you waitinq very long for the coach?
locker, som ething fell out.
Yes, we were. / No, we weren't.
b W h ile you put your bag in the overhead locker,
som ething fell out.
5 a W e discussed our holiday destination w hen Sharon
W e use the past continuous to talk about:
had a great idea.
background descriptions.
The sun was shining and everyone was smiling and b W e w ere discussing our holiday destination w hen
Sharon had a great idea.
6 a Matilda's shoe broke w hile she w as walking around
actions in progress at a specific tim e in the past.
tow n, so she bought a n e w pair,
I was talking to a very interesting person this afternoon,
longer actions interrupted by shorter actions.
b Matilda's shoe w as breaking w hile she was walking
around tow n, so she bought a n e w pair.
I was putting my bag in the luggage rack when 1 dropped
7 a O n ce the plane was starting its engines, Kieran
my phone.
realized that he w as very nervous,

W e use while to introduce an action in the past continuous.

b O nce the plane started its engines, Kieran realized
that he w as very nervous.
While isn’t followed by the past simple.
While you were talking to Denise, Jack phoned.
W e don't use the past continuous with state verbs, e.g.
believe, need etc.

106 Grammar reference and practice 2


2 One of the verbs in each sentence is wrong. Rewrite Mum used to work as a tour guide.
one of the verbs in each sentence in the correct It didn't use to be o r a t o r y to wear a seatbelt.
form. Use the past simple, past continuous or past Did your grandparents use to go on a working holiday every
perfect. year? Yes, they did. / No, they didn't.

1 Dina felt disappointed w ith th e result because she

W e can use w ould + infinitive in th e same w a y as used to to
never failed an exam in her life.
talk about past habits and repeated actions.
As children, they used to play together for hours.
2 The driver stopped the bus and had opened a map.
As children, they would play toqether for hours.
Som eo ne asked him if he w as lost.
However, w ould is not used to describe past states.
NOT Lranddad would be a postman when he wao younger.
3 The trip w en t really well and everyone w as having a
W h e n w e are talking about past habits, w e generally use
goo d time. Suddenly, the tour guide announced that
w ould on ly in the affirmative.
there was a problem.
NOT We wouldn't go on holiday to the same place every year
when I was little.
4 W h ile Em m a had taken Sam m y back to the campsite,
NOT Would you go on holiday to the s ame place every year
w e stayed on the beach and played volleyball.
when you were little?
Although w ould and used to are very similar, used to simply
5 W h e n w e arrived at the hotel, we'd decided not to
expresses a fact, w hile w ould emphasizes that the action is
stay there.
typical o fa person o r a situation.
When we were little, it used to rain on the first day of the
6 W h e n I cam e into the bedroom last night, you talked
in your sleep.
When we were little, it would always rain on the first day of
the holidays.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
of the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple,
u s e d to or w o u ld . If both u s e d to and w o u ld are
past continuous or past perfect. If two tenses are
correct, write both forms.
possible, write both forms.
1 M y granny says that people
1 Ja n e .................................... (knew) the area well
be happier in the past.
because she (go) the year before.
2 I .............................. like seafood, but I eat it all the
2 Everyone (turn round) w hen
tim e now.
s h e .................................... (walk) into the room.
3 I rem em ber the w a y that D a d ..............................
3 W hile y o u ................................... (enjoy) your holiday,
pretend to be a tour guide w hen ever w e visited
w e .....................................(have to) look after the house.
4 S h e .................................... (speak) Spanish very well
4 you share a bedroom with
considering s h e ....................... e v e r ..........................
both your sisters?
(not have) any classes.
5 Every evening at exactly seven o'clock, w e
5 W h e n Pete (get) to know the
find our cat sitting on our doorstep.
town, h e .................................... (feel) m uch safer
6 In the past, m any fam ilies..............................
spend every sum m er holiday in th e same small hotel.
6 T an ia.................................... (leave) but w e
.................................... (m anage) to persuade her to
2 Rewrite the sentences in the past. Use the correct
form of u s e d to or w o u ld . If both u s e d to and w o u ld
7 W h e n the traffic.................................... (move), our
are possible, write both forms.
tax i.................................... (speed up).
8 We (decide) to g o for a walk 1 Fiona has four pairs o f sunglasses.

after w e ................................. (eat).

2 Leo doesn't use his m obile much.

2 .2 u s e d to a n d w o u ld 3 Paul gets really scared w hen boarding a plane.

W e use used to + infinitive to talk about:

past habits that do not happen now. 4 On long car journeys, m y little sister always says'Are
When I was younq, I used to walk £ km to school w e nearly there yet?'
every day.
My family used to stay at the same campsite every year. 5 Ja ck and Kim live in th e same street.

W e don't use used to for single actions.

My family used to stay at the same campsite every year. 6 Do you and Lisa know each other?

NOT My family used to stay at the came campsite last July.

Grammar reference and practice 2 107

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