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Volume 26 Issue 2 October 2020

has been decimated with labor is- This year we have three incum-
sues, subsequently we have ex- bents running for the three year
tended the anticipated completion terms available. Karen,
date. We still hope to have the Kehrwecker, Richard Vahlbusch,
majority of the work done by the and John Beauchamp. Even
end of December. The outside though there are no other candi-
siding, fascia, gutters, painting, dates running this year, our By-
We just experienced the best cement work and roof extension laws require that we still have an
summer weather of all time in must be completed before the in- election. Please return your en-
TC! We enjoyed many days in clement weather begins. We will closed ballot by November 8th.
the mid-nineties with bay tem- be able to complete the indoor
peratures over 70 degrees since hallways by adding more fireproof Your Board of Directors have
early June. The water levels are drywall, adding new LED lights, unanimously approved an addi-
still among the highest ever re- hooking up the fire suppression tional rule to our “Rules and
corded in the last 100 years. We system, adding carpet tiles and Regulations .“ As of January 1st,
are now at 55 inches higher than then painting the walls. Our fire 2021 we will ban smoking of any
5 years ago, and projections are suppression sprinkler system has kind once you enter the building
for it to continue rising a few been completed on the east end, from the parking lot all the way to
inches higher for next year. Our we still need to finish 12 rooms on the water on the north side. That
fall colors are beginning to peak, the west end. Forty-seven new means smoking will not be al-
I hope it will last into November mini-splits have been added to the lowed in the enclosed hallways,
this year to make up for an abys- west end rooms and to the hall- the rooms, the common areas, the
mal 2019 fall season. Traverse ways on first and second west. We decks, the grassy areas, and the
City was recently voted as the were required by code to take out beach. We have received numer-
“Best City To Live” in Michi- the windows on the guest rooms ous complaints recently regarding
gan. Spectacular M-22 from facing the parking lot on first and (Continued on page 2)
Greilickville to Arcadia was second east. If we were to add
named as one of the most fabu- windows in the future to that area,
lous scenic fall drives in Amer- they would have to be fixed (non-
ica! 2020
opening)windows, and they would Annual Owner’s Meeting
have to be fire-rated, (costing
Our enclosure project has been around $6K each). We will begin
ongoing at a snails pace. Our You are invited to attend on
refurbishment of the rooms as
major construction company in soon as we see where we stand SUNDAY
charge of finishing the project with the final costs on the enclo-
November 08 at 12:00 Noon
sure project.
at the Elk’s Lodge
Page 1......In and Around the Resort I would like to thank all of our
in Traverse City.
Page 2…………….Board Members owners and employees alike who
have had to endure such a long Brunch will be served
Insert………...Meet the Candidates
year of chaos with Covid-19, and
following the meeting.
Insert…………...……Ballot/RSVP construction dust. It will feel and
Page 3…….……….Newsletter Ads look “GREAT” when it is all over Please R.S.V.P
and done with!
Page 2 Reflections from the Reef
RCI Trading Power Adjustment Chart
(Continued from page 1) Receive this
second hand smoke. In order to Deposit Your Week Percentage of Trading Power
provide a clean, safe and family
friendly environment for all > 9 Months in Advance 100%
guests, we have decided to imple- 6 - 9 Months in Advance 95%
ment this new policy. You will
be informed of the exact policy at 3 - 6 Months in Advance 90%
the Annual Meeting, and in writ-
ing thereafter. 1 - 3 Months in Advance 80%

15 - 30 Days in Advance 60%

Congratulations are extended to
our employees of the month: < 15 Days in Advance 45%
April - Destiny Smith - Room Pinestead Reef Owners Association
Attendant, 2020-2021 Board of Directors
May - Liberty Edwardson-Room Term Expires
June - Dana Tuller-GSR, Mark Hawley President 2022
July - Kim Kroupa,-GSR, and
August - Pat Bleisch - Room At- John Beauchamp Vice President 2020
Jennifer LaPointe Secretary 2021
Thanks everyone for your dedi-
cated effort during a very trying Richard Vahlbusch Treasurer 2020
Joe Dombrowski Director 2022
Gary Thaxton
General Manager Karen Kehrwecker Director 2020

William Adams Director 2021

Interval Calendar
Bill Carpenter Director 2021
Not sure on the start date of
your timeshare week? An in- Mary Butcher Director 2022
terval calendar is available in
the Owner section of our web- Contact for board members is: [email protected]
site which currently goes
THE REEF" NEWSLETTER Contact Fred Weber to get your
In 2021, week #1 starts on ONLINE? name on the want list or sales
Sunday, January 03. listings, or to provide escrow
By doing so you can quickly and services for the transfer of your
You can always call us to con- conveniently read our newsletter
online and help us control our unit - 25 years experience.
firm your week or with any Contact Fred at
printing & postage costs.
other questions you may have. (231) 631-1986
Our Front Desk staff is ready e-mail your information to or
to assist you. (231) 947-4010. [email protected]. [email protected]
Page 3 Reflections from the Reef


1 bdrm Unit 208, week 45 2 bdrm Unit 110, week 36
1 bdrm Unit 218, week 8
1 bdrm Unit 208, week 46 2 bdrm Unit 119, week 43
Call 231-590-9001
FREE! Please call
616-667-0401 Or email
Call Mike 810-614-5690
[email protected]


2 bedroom / week 24 Retiring/Moving Publicize your week for sale,

an internal exchange
1 bdrm Unit 138, week 8 request, or a service or
Call Scott FLEX product you have to offer.
616-437-4828 1 bdrm Unit 138, week 12 Ads are priced from only
FIXED $20.00. For more
FREE!! information contact
Call Adam 941-740-1430 Bridget Orr at
[email protected] (231) 947-4010

Restaurant and Retail News Lakeview House Hotel. The Gardens. The store features
Around the Area new restaurant will pay tribute lavender products, live plants,
to the site’s history with old dried/preserved wreaths and
Courtesy of Beth Milligan photographs and a mural arrangements, bunches of
TC Ticker painted by Kevin Burdick. dried flowers and grasses, kew
pots, rain chains, local can-
After 13 years in operation, A new burger joint is coming to dles, birch garden signs, seed
Siren Hall is ending its run in the former Ham-Bonz space at cards, garden-themed artisan
Elk Rapids this fall on Novem- 108 East Eigth Street. Josh work, nature-inspired prints
ber 9. Owner and chef, Mi- Gray and Leslie Bilbey are and so much more.
chael Peterson will be reopen- preparing for a February
ing in mid– November as launch of Oakwood Proper Tiki Pineapple, a Michigan ice
American House Woodfired Burgers, which will feature lo- cream chain and eatery focus-
Pizza. Other menus items will cally-sourced, ground-fresh ing on Dole Whip varietals and
include appetizers, salads, burgers, hand cut fries made tropical-themed food has
pastas and some former Siren fresh daily, and shakes and opened at 1218 South Garfield
Hall favorites—like roasted malts made on a 1950’s Ray Avenue.
salmon and steak and frites– Kroc MultiMixer.
as wells as a full wet bar.
Leelanau Lavender owner Check out
The name American House Cymbre Foster has opened a to read the full article and keep
refers to a hotel of the same new store in the Mercato at up with what’s going on and
name that sat on the property The Village at Grand Traverse around Traverse City.
in 1870; it later became the Commons called Moonstruck
Pinestead Reef Resort
1265 U.S. 31 North
Traverse City, MI 49686

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