Evs Project

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BACKGROUND-: On April 26, 1986, a sudden surge of power during a reactor

systems test destroyed Unit 4 of the nuclear power station at Chernobyl, Ukraine, in the
former Soviet Union. The accident and the fire that followed released massive amounts of
radioactive material into the environment.

Emergency crews responding to the accident used helicopters to pour sand and boron on the
reactor debris. The sand was to stop the fire and additional releases of radioactive material;
the boron was to prevent additional nuclear reactions. A few weeks after the accident, the
crews completely covered the damaged unit in a temporary concrete structure, called the
“sarcophagus,” to limit further release of radioactive material. The Soviet government also
cut down and buried about a square mile of pine forest near the plant to reduce radioactive
contamination at and near the site. Chernobyl’s three other reactors were subsequently
restarted but all eventually shut down for good, with the last reactor closing in December
2000. The Soviet nuclear power authorities presented their initial accident report to an
International Atomic Energy Agency meeting in Vienna, Austria, in August 1986.

After the accident, officials closed off the area within 30 kilometers (18 miles) of the plant,
except for persons with official business at the plant and those people evaluating and dealing
with the consequences of the accident and operating the undamaged reactors. The Soviet (and
later on, Russian) government evacuated about 115,000 people from the most heavily
contaminated areas in 1986, and another 220,000 people in subsequent years


accident’s severe radiation effects killed 28 of the site’s 600 workers in the first four months
after the event. Another 106 workers received high enough doses to cause acute radiation
sickness. Two workers died within hours of the reactor explosion from non-radiological
causes. Another 200,000 cleanup workers in 1986 and 1987 received doses of between 1 and
100 rem (The average annual radiation dose for a U.S. citizen is about .6 rem). Chernobyl
cleanup activities eventually required about 600,000 workers, although only a small fraction
of these workers were exposed to elevated levels of radiation. Government agencies continue
to monitor cleanup and recovery workers’ health.

The Chernobyl accident contaminated wide areas of Belarus, the Russian Federation, and
Ukraine inhabited by millions of residents. Agencies such as the World Health Organization
have been concerned about radiation exposure to people evacuated from these areas. The
majority of the five million residents living in contaminated areas, however, received very
small radiation doses comparable to natural background levels (0.1 rem per year). Today the
available evidence does not strongly connect the accident to radiation-induced increases of
leukemia or solid cancer, other than thyroid cancer. Many children and adolescents in the
area in 1986 drank milk contaminated with radioactive iodine, which delivered substantial
doses to their thyroid glands. To date, about 6,000 thyroid cancer cases have been detected
among these children. Ninety-nine percent of these children were successfully treated; 15
children and adolescents in the three countries died from thyroid cancer by 2005. The
available evidence does not show any effect on the number of adverse pregnancy outcomes,
delivery complications, stillbirths or overall health of children among the families living in
the most contaminated areas. Experts expected that some cancer deaths might eventually be
attributed to Chernobyl over the lifetime of the emergency workers, evacuees and residents
living in the most contaminated areas. While cancer deaths have generally been far lower
than initial speculations of tens of thousands of radiation-related deaths, a recent study of a
cohort of emergency workers found a statistically significant relative risk of solid cancer
incidence and mortality.

There are also psycho-social impacts on residents and evacuees from the disaster including
higher rates of depression, alcoholism and anxiety over potential health effects. Residents
report very negative self-assessments of health, unexplained physical symptoms, and
expectations of a short life.


The accident caused the largest uncontrolled radioactive release into the environment ever
recorded for any civilian operation, and large quantities of radioactive substances were
released into the air for about 10 days. This caused serious social and economic disruption for
large populations in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. Two radionuclides, the short-lived iodine-
131 and the long-lived caesium-137, were particularly significant for the radiation dose they
delivered to members of the public.

It is estimated that all of the xenon gas, about half of the iodine and caesium, and at least 5%
of the remaining radioactive material in the Chernobyl 4 reactor core (which had 192 tonnes
of fuel) was released in the accident. Most of the released material was deposited close by as
dust and debris, but the lighter material was carried by wind over Ukraine, Belarus, Russia,
and to some extent over Scandinavia and Europe.

The casualties included firefighters who attended the initial fires on the roof of the turbine
building. All these were put out in a few hours, but radiation doses on the first day caused 28
deaths – six of which were firemen – by the end of July 1986. The doses received by the
firefighters and power plant workers were high enough to result in acute radiation syndrome
(ARS), which occurs if a person is exposed to more than 700 milligrays (mGy) within a short
time frame (usually minutes). Common ARS symptoms include gastrointestinal problems
(e.g. nausea, vomiting), headaches, burns and fever. Whole body doses between 4000 mGy
and 5000 mGv within a short time frame would kill 50% of those exposed, with 8000-10,000
mGy universally fatal. The doses received by the firefighters who died were estimated to
range up to 20,000 mGy.

The next task was cleaning up the radioactivity at the site so that the remaining three reactors
could be restarted, and the damaged reactor shielded more permanently. About 200,000
people ('liquidators') from all over the Soviet Union were involved in the recovery and clean-
up during 1986 and 1987. They received high doses of radiation, averaging around 100
millisieverts (mSv). Some 20,000 liquidators received about 250 mSv, with a few receiving
approximately 500 mSv. Later, the number of liquidators swelled to over 600,000, but most
of these received only low radiation doses. The highest doses were received by about 1000
emergency workers and onsite personnel during the first day of the accident.

According to the most up-to-date estimate provided by the United Nations Scientific
Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), the average radiation dose due
to the accident received by inhabitants of 'strict radiation control' areas (population 216,000)
in the years 1986 to 2005 was 31 mSv (over the 20-year period), and in the 'contaminated'
areas (population 6.4 million) it averaged 9 mSv, a minor increase over the dose due to
background radiation over the same period (about 50 mSv)4.

Initial radiation exposure in contaminated areas was due to short-lived iodine-131; later
caesium-137 was the main hazard. (Both are fission products dispersed from the reactor core,
with half lives of 8 days and 30 years, respectively. 1.8 EBq of I-131 and 0.085 EBq of Cs-
137 were released.) About five million people lived in areas of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine
contaminated (above 37 kBq/m2 Cs-137 in soil) and about 400,000 lived in more
contaminated areas of strict control by authorities (above 555 kBq/m2 Cs-137). A total of
29,400 km2 was contaminated above 180 kBq/m2.

The plant operators' town of Pripyat was evacuated on 27 April (45,000 residents). By 14
May, some 116,000 people that had been living within a 30-kilometre radius had been
evacuated and later relocated. About 1000 of these returned unofficially to live within the
contaminated zone. Most of those evacuated received radiation doses of less than 50 mSv,
although a few received 100 mSv or more.

In the immediate years following the accident many more settlements were shifted to
different areas to reduce the impact of the accident.


the Chernobyl accident, both workers and the general public were affected by radiation that
resulted, or can result, in adverse health effects. In this report consideration is given primarily
to the exposure patterns of members of the general public exposed to radionuclides released
to the environment. Information on doses received by members of the general public, both
those evacuated from the accident area and those who live permanently in contaminated
areas, is required for the following health related purposes: (a) Substantiation of
countermeasures and remediation programmes; 10 (b) Forecast of expected adverse health
effects and justification of corresponding health protection measures; (c) Information for the
public and the authorities; (d) Epidemiological and other medical studies of radiation induced
adverse health effects. The results of post-accident environmental monitoring indicate that the
most affected countries were Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Much of the
information on doses from the Chernobyl accident relates to these countries. There were four
main mechanisms for delivering radiation dose to the public: external dose from cloud
passage, internal dose from inhalation of the cloud and resuspended material, external dose
from radioactive material deposited on soil and other surfaces, and internal dose from the
ingestion of food products and water. Except for unusual circumstances, the latter two
pathways were the more important. External dose and internal dose tended to be
approximately equally important, although this general conclusion is subject to large
variation, due to the shielding afforded by buildings and the soil from which crops were
grown. Estimates of doses to individual members of population groups were based on
millions of measurements of concentrations of radioactive material in air, soil, foods, water,
human thyroids and the whole body contents of humans. In addition, many measurements
were made of the external gamma exposure rate over undisturbed and disturbed fields, and
external doses to humans were measured with individual thermoluminescent dosimeters.
Thus the results of estimated doses are firmly based upon measurements and tend to be
realistic rather than conservative. As the major health effect of the Chernobyl accident for the
general public was an elevated thyroid cancer incidence in children and adolescents, much
attention has been paid to the dosimetry of the thyroid gland. The assessment of thyroid doses
resulting from the intake of 131I is based on the results of 350 000 human measurements and
a few thousand measurements of 131I in milk performed in Belarus, the Russian Federation
and Ukraine within a few weeks of the accident. Doses to humans were reduced significantly
by a number of countermeasures. Official countermeasures included evacuation and
relocation of persons, the blockage of contaminated food supplies, the removal of
contaminated soil, the treatment of agricultural fields to reduce the uptake of radionuclides,
the substitution of foods and the prohibition of the use of wild foods.


ANIMALS-: The biological effects of radiation on plants and animals have long been of
interest to scientists; in fact, much of the information on the effects on humans has evolved
from experimental studies on plants and animals. Additional research followed the
development of nuclear energy and concerns about the possible impacts of radioactive
releases into the terrestrial and aquatic environments. By the mid-1970s, a large amount of
information had been accrued on the effects of ionizing radiation on plants and animals. The
Chernobyl nuclear accident in April 1986 occurred not in a desert or ocean but in a territory
with a temperate climate and flourishing flora and fauna. Both acute radiation effects
(radiation death of plants and animals, loss of reproduction, etc.) and long term effects
(change of biodiversity, cytogenetic anomalies, etc.) have been observed in the affected areas.
Biota located in the area nearest to the source of the radioactive release, the 30 km zone or
Chernobyl exclusion zone (CEZ), were most affected. As a result, in this area population and
ecosystem effects on biota, caused, on the one hand, by high radiation levels, and, on the
other hand, by plant succession and animal migration due to intraspecific and interspecific
competition, have occurred. The plant and animal conditions in the CEZ changed rapidly
during the first months and years after the accident and later arrived at a quasistationary
equilibrium. At present, traces of adverse radiation effects on biota can hardly be found in the
near vicinity of the radiation source (a few kilometres from the damaged reactor), and on the
rest of the territory both wild plants and animals are flourishing because of the removal of the
major natural stressor: humans.

Conclusions-: It can be concluded that the existing uncertainties associated with the
stability of the shelter structures, the radioactive inventory, the insufficient confinement, the
evolving characteristics of the FCM and the conditions inside and around the shelter (e.g.
groundwater conditions) create uncertain safety conditions from the point of view of
protection of workers, the public and the environment in the future. Therefore, continuation
of the stabilization measures at the shelter and construction of the NSC are expected to
improve safety and prevent or mitigate accident scenarios that would be expected to have
consequences outside the CEZ. It is also required that prompt solutions be found for the safe
predisposal and disposal management of the radioactive waste to be generated during this
period, in particular for the management of long lived and high level waste. Planning and
evaluation of safety for the decommissioning of unit 4 after the construction of the NSC is
needed in order to develop appropriate measures and to allocate necessary resources for the
conversion of the shelter into a safe environmental system. 162 The decommissioning of unit
4 will generate significant amounts of radioactive waste with a wide range of characteristics
that will need to be safely managed as part of the decommissioning and waste management
activities at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the CEZ. A comprehensive strategy for
the management of all waste streams is needed to ensure adequate infrastructure and
capabilities for the processing, storage and disposal of this waste. Such a strategy will also
need to take into account the future development of underground and on-surface storage and
disposal facilities, some of which are flooded. At present, studies show that the known waste
facilities do not present an unacceptable hazard to the public; however, an assessment of their
long term impact on the public and the environment is needed. This should be done taking
into account the remaining sources of radioactive contamination in the CEZ, and particularly
those facilities that are flooded and represent higher risks. For the less known and less studied
waste facilities it will be necessary to reduce the uncertainties associated with the waste
inventories and facility characteristics, assess their long term safety, monitor the dynamics of
radionuclide migration into the environment and, where necessary, implement remediation
measures. This is important for the successful implementation of waste management
activities in the CEZ and the conversion of the zone into a safe environmental

Recommendations-: It can thus be recommended that recognizing the ongoing effort on

improving safety and addressing the aforementioned uncertainties in the existing input data, the
following main recommendations are made regarding the dismantling of the shelter and the
management of the radioactive waste generated as a result of the accident.

(a) Since individual safety and environmental assessments have been performed only for individual
facilities at and around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a comprehensive safety and
environmental impact assessment, in accordance with international standards and
recommendations, that encompasses all activities inside the entire CEZ, should be performed.

(b) During the preparation and construction of the NSC and soil removal, special monitoring wells
are expected to be destroyed. Therefore, it is important to maintain and improve the environmental
monitoring strategies, methods, equipment and staff qualification needed for the adequate
performance of monitoring of the conditions at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant site and the CEZ.
(c) The dismantling of the shelter after a delay of about 50 years does not seem to be a viable option,
due to the need for long term maintenance of structure stability and integrity, resources and
knowledge. This long term strategy raises concerns related to the potential loss of the most
experienced personnel at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the maintenance of a stable
workforce necessary for the safe operation of the NSC. It is reasonable, therefore, to begin retrieving
FCM soon after dismantling the unstable structures of the shelter rather than waiting for the
availability of a geological disposal facility.

(d) Development of an integrated radioactive waste management programme for the shelter, the
Chernobyl nuclear power plant site and the CEZ is needed to ensure application of consistent
management approaches and sufficient facility capacity for all waste types. Specific emphasis needs
to be given to the characterization and classification of waste (in particular waste with transuranic
elements) from all remediation and decommissioning activities, as well as to the establishment of
sufficient infrastructure for the safe long term management of long lived and high level waste.
Therefore, development of an appropriate waste management infrastructure is needed in order to
ensure sufficient waste storage capacity; at present, the rate and continuity of remediation activities
at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant site and in the CEZ are being limited.

(e) A coherent and comprehensive strategy for the rehabilitation of the CEZ is needed, with
particular focus on improving the safety of the existing waste storage and disposal facilities. This will
require development of a prioritization approach for remediation of the sites, based on safety
assessment results, aimed at making decisions about those sites at which waste will be retrieved and
disposed of and 163 those sites at which the waste will be allowed to decay in situ.

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