Joshua COLEMAN - Erikson Scrapbook Activity-6
Joshua COLEMAN - Erikson Scrapbook Activity-6
Joshua COLEMAN - Erikson Scrapbook Activity-6
1. Trust Vs Mistrust Involves a conflict between trust at Trust - broadly refer to the views and When an infant's cry is answered
one extreme and mistrust at the other, expectations that an infant develop about immediately, sometimes it is ignored
according to erikson. To progress their environment briefly then answered and
through this stage in the best way, the Mistrust - refers to when needs are not sometimes the infants crying can be
infant needs to develop the right consistently being recognised, their left for long periods, this lack of
balance of trust and mistrust environment becomes unreliable and consistency can develop mistrust
unpredictable, irregular or even rejecting
2. Autonomy Vs A conflict between autonomy at one Autonomy- refers to the ability to do An infant's eagerness to dress
Shame/Doubt extreme and shame and doubt at the things independently and the feelings of themselves demonstrates their
other, erikson believed that self-control, self-confidence and increasing autonomy
successful attempts by infants to competence
establish their independence as they Shame and Doubt - a sense of being too
become increasingly more mobile and dependent on others can lead to a lack of
competent contributes to a sense of self-confidence, self-consciousness and
autonomy feelings of shame and doubt about our
3. Initiative Vs Guilt A conflict between initiative at one Initiative - involves being able to plan, A 5 year old who is so angry at her
extreme and guilt at the other, having think for oneself and carry out various little brother that she wants to hit
established a sense of trust and kinds of activities with a purpose him, she realises that this is wrong
autonomy in infancy, children develop Guilt - about going too far, overstepping and that this action would upset her
an increasing sense of their own boundaries, about asking too many parents, she also realises that she
power and now want to try new things inappropriate questions, about becoming will feel guilty is she fails to control
and use their power the ‘wrong kind of person’ her behaviour
4. Industry Vs Involves a conflict between industry at Industry - when children are encouraged Children learn the basic ‘tools’ that
Inferiority one extreme and inferiority at the in their efforts to get the most out of things will enable them to become
other. During this stage, which they already have, to do practical things, productive, industrious workers later
corresponds with the primary school are allowed to finish their products and in their live, reward for effort or
years, children have a desire to learn are praised and rewarded for their results, achievement enhances our sense of
how things are made, how they work then their sense of industry is enhanced. industry.
and what they do. According to Inferiority - when children feel less
erikson, children will develop a strong adequate than their peers in
sense of industry, unless they are achievements, skills and abilities, they
restricted by feelings of inferiority and develop a sense of inferiority
5. Identity Vs Role The conflict between identity at one Identity - refer to the overall image Role confusion can cause some
Confusion extreme and role confusion at the individuals have about themselves, tongue people to adopt a ‘negative
other. During this stage, which identity is something all people seek and identity’ which is opposite to their
corresponds with adolescence, the that the search for identity is a lifelong parents preferences. For example,
psychosocial crisis is about search. however , it first comes into focus parents might want their kid to be a
developing a sense of identity. Failure during adolescence. clean, classy businessman but their
to resolve this crisis produces some Role confusion - a sense of not knowing kid whos adopted a ‘negative
degree of ‘role confusion’ who they are, where they belong, to identity’ dresses in black clothes,
whom they belong to or where they are wants tats, dyes their hair etc.
headed in life.
6. Intimacy Vs Isolation Involves a conflict between intimacy Intimacy - refer to the ability to share with Soldiers who have served together
at one extreme and isolation at the and care about another person without under the most dangerous
other. Failure to resolve this conflict the fear of losing oneself in the process. circumstances often develop a
results in avoiding interpersonal Isolation - refers to the sense of being sense of commitment to one another
relationships and experiencing a alone without anyone to share one's life that illustrates intimacy in its
sense of isolation with or care for. broadest sense, if intimacy is not
established with friends or partners
7. Generativity Vs Corresponds with adulthood and Generativity - refers to a person's Generativity can be achieved
Stagnation involves the psychosocial crisis of concern with others beyond their through actively participating in
generativity at one extreme and immediate family, with future generations groups concerned with social or
stagnation at the other, people and the nature of society and world in environmental problems, such as
experience this stage at the latter half which those generations will live youth development and climate
of their lives and feel a need to Stagnation - refers to a sense of change
participate in the continuation of life. ‘sameness’, inactivity, boredom, too much
concern with personal needs and
comforts and a lack of personal growth
Integrity Vs Despair This stage occurs when most of a Integrity - refers to a sense of satisfaction An old person may look back
person's life's work is nearing with one's achievements in life and a through an old photo album and feel
completion and there is time for belief that all that happened during the a strong sense of integrity because
reflection, the last psychosocial crisis course of one's life has been useful, they are looking back on their past
to be faced is integrity versus despair meaningful and valuable. achievements and may feel strong
Despair - involves feeling bitter feelings of satisfaction with their life.
hopelessness, involving loss of
opportunities, mistakes that were made
and the sense that life has been
meaningless and empty.,