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MARCH 1986
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Claudia Liebler
John Pettit
March 1986
Chapter Page
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................... iii
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................... 1
2. BACKGROUND ................ ........................ .......... 3
3. APPROACH TO THE CONSUIZANCY........................................ 5
4. STAGE ONE: WORKSHOP PREPARATION ..................................... 7
4.1 Overview .................. .............................. 7
4.2 Meetings with Key Decision-Makers ............................. 7
4.3 Working Sessions with Organizational Representatives ..... 7
4.4 Staff Training and Preparation ........................... 7
5. STAGE TWO: WORKSHOP DELIVERY.................. o........ ....... o 9
5.1 Overview............................................ ..... 9
5.1.1 Purpose ........................ ........ o..... . . .. 9
5.1.2 Methodology ............................ o............. 9
5.1.3 Participants ............................ 10
5.1.4 Training Team Staff Meetings ........................... 10
5.2 Workshop Modules...................... ................... 11
6.1 Overview .................................... - 15
6.2 Highlights of Participant Evaluation Results.................. 15
6.2.1 Workshop Objectives.... ............................ 15
6.2.2 Cverall Satisfaction with Workshop ....... .............. 16
6 .2 .3 Relevance to Job...... ....... .. .. . ... . . .. . .. ... o . . .. o. 16
6.2.4 Collaboration ....... o... ........ ....... .. .... o.. 16
7. LESSONS LEARNED........... ....... ................. .. .. ..... 17
7.1 Strategic Focus for Pre-Departure Preparation ............... 17
7.2 Capacity Building........ ............. . ... .... 17
7.3 Establishing Relevancy ..................................... 17
8. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FUTURE .......................... . ...
. 19
A. Plan for December Visit ................................. 23
B. Plan for Phase-One Consultancy..................................... 29
C. Memorandum to Key Officials........................................ 37
D. Staff Training - Team Planning .............................. 41
E. Training Staff ................................. ....... ..... . .... 47
F. Participants ...................................................... 51
G. Workshop Design ................................................... 55
H. Materials Used in the Chilema Training of Trainers Workshop ......... 69
I. Participant Evaluation Forms ................................... .... 73
J. Participant Self Assessment Questionnaire ........................... 81
K. Topics for Practice Training Round One .............................. 85
L. Topics for Practice Training Round Two .............................. 89
The success of this consultancy is due in large part to the interest and
involvement of high level officials in the Ministry of Health and the Ministry
of Works and Supplies. The Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Works, Mr.
Charles Clark, and the Clief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health, Dr.
Hetherwick Ntaba, not only made themselves available for joint meetings during
the initial stages of the consultancy, but also came together to the workshop
itself to listen and respond to recommendations developed by the participants
concerning stronger collaboration between the Rural Piped Water Project and
the Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program.
The initial idea for a joint training of trainers and collaboration planning
workshop came from the heads of the two projects involved -- Mr. Lindesey
Robertson of the Rural Piped Water Project and Mr. Yohane Nyasulu of the
Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program. Both worked hard to make
the effort successful. Mr. Craig Hafner of the Water and Sanitation for Health
(WASH) Project was the key sponsor and advocate for this consultancy as a part
of his long-term commitment to Malawi and in particular to the Rural Piped
Water Project and the Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program. Chief
Health Officer, USAID/Malawi, Mr. Charles Gurney, gave encouragement and
support to the collaborative effort.
The tr:aining staff that worked with the two consultants on planning and
condvcting the workshop included the following personnel:
The training staff contributed many hours before and during the workshop to
ensure that the workshop content and approach were relevant and appropriate to
the job settings of the participants.
At the request of the USAID Mission in Lilongwe and the Ministries of Works
and Health of the Government of Malawi, the Water and Sanitation for Health
(WASH) Project sent a two-person team to Malawi in January 1986 to conduct a
training program for field supervisors of the Rural Piped Water Project of the
Ministry of Works and the Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program of
the Ministry of Health. The purpose of the consultancy was to increase skills
in planning and conducting workshops for field staff and to explore ways of
increasing collaboration at the field level. Collaboration between these two
staffs is important in order to achieve improved health for villagers along
with improved accessibility to clean water. This consultancy is a part of
WASH's long-term support of Malawi's Rural Piped Water Project and Health
Education Sanitation Promotion Program.
1. There is a clear recognition of the importance of health education
activities at the village level to achieve maximum benefit from improved
accessibility to clean water.
-- V-
Recommenda t ions
1. Initiate some viable next steps regarding collaboration in order not to
lose momentum.
2. Use an action-planning process to put participant recommendations on
collaboration into operation.
3. Plan future joint training ventures.
.. 4.4
Chapter 1
During the month of January 1986, Water and Sanitation for Health (WASH)
consultants Claudia Liebler and John Pettit worked with the Rural Piped Water
Project of the Malawi Ministry of Works and the Health Education and
Sanitation Promotion Program of the Malawi Ministry of Health to achieve the
following outcomes by conducting a joint workshop for district health
inspectors and Rural Piped Water Project supervisors:
The consultancy had three major stages. Stage one was the workshop
preparation, stage two the delivery of the training of trainers workshop at
the United Church Lay Training Center at Chilema, and stage three the workshop
evaluation and follow-up planning.
This final report describes the background and approach to the consultancy,
the purpose, key events, and outcomes achieved for each stage, the lessons
learned, and recommendations for the future.
Chapter 2
In June 1983, two three-week workshops were conducted by WASH for 53 Ministry
of Health field workers. The workshops introduced these workers to new
responsibilities in health education and sanitation promotion related to the
USAID-funded Rural Piped Water Project. The participants were trained in new
skills for forming and training village health committees which would in turn
educate other villagers in proper health practices related to the use and
storage of clean water, and in other sanitation measures. Twelve Ministry of
Health personnel were trained as trainers to conduct similar workshops in the
In August 1983, the mid-project evaluation of the Rural Piped Water Project in
Malawi recommended that training of trainers workshops be held for staff of
the Rural Water Supply Office and additional training be carried out for the
staff of the Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program.
In June 1985, the USAID mission in Lilongwe and the Ministries of Health and
Works requested thL assistance of the WASH Project in providing two trainers
to assist in the design and delivery of a training of trainers workshop and to
provide one trainer to assist the Ministry of Health staff in designing and
delivering some health education workshops. In September 1985, Craig Hafner of
the WASH Project visited Lilongwe and met with representatives from the
Government of Malawi and USAID to lay the groundwork for this consultancy.
In December 1985, team leader Claudia Liebler made a follow-up visit to
Malawi. During this second visit., staff of tne Rural Piped Water Project, and
Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program, and of USAID/Malawi were
interviewed and tentative agreements were reached regarding the purpose,
outcomes, approach, and action plan for the consultancy (see Appendix A). The
time allocated for this consultancy included a week for preparation January 6
to 10, a two-week training of trainers and team building workshop for district
health inspectors and Rural Piped Water Project supervisors January 13 to 24,
and a three-day planning effort for future follow-up actions January 27 to 29.
Based on the information gathered during the December visit, the two
consultants developed a plan for the overall consultancy, a design for the
staff preparation week, and a design with materials for the workshop itself
before returning to Malawi (see Appendix B).
Chapter 3
The approach to the consultancy was based on maximizing the input and
participation at various stages of four different groups of people to ensure
that the work in Malawi reflected the priorities of the ministries and groups
involved in this effort. The WASH consultants viewed this participation as
particularly important given that one of the desired outcomes of this
consultancy was increased collaboration between the Rural Piped Water Project
and the Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program. The four groups
This group of eight, along with the two WASH consultants, formed
the training team. They comprised the senior-level staff of the
Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program and the Rural
Piped Water Project. A major responsibility of this staff was to
assist in the preparation, delivery, and evaluation of the
methodology during the actual workshop. The team-planning meeting is an
organized process during which a group of persons involved in an assignment
come together in a concentrated effort to define, plan for, and mobilize to
accomplish the work.
Chapter 4
4.1 Overview
This stage of workshop preparation involved key decision makers, organiza
tional representatives, and training staff in planning and working sessions to
" Guidance from key decision makers on the consultants' approach to
the portion of the workshop that deals with future collaboration
between the involved ministries.
" Agreement on the part of the organizational representatives on the
implementation plan for the consultancy and the roles they pJay.
" Clarification and review with the training staff about the
purpose, outcomes, and approach of the workshop and the roles they
will play.
* Final planning and preparation for the workshop.
The second key event was a working session with the organizational
representatives of the Rural Piped Water Project and the Health Education and
Sanitation Promotion Program. During this session, outcomes of the meeting
with key officials were presented, the work plan for the consultancy was
reviewed, the roles of the two organizational representatives were defined,
the schedule for the staff training period was worked out, and logistical
arrangements were discussed.
of Health. (Appendix D describes the staff training and preparation
The training staff members (with the exception of the two organizational
representatives), although senior in rank, held the same positions as most of
the workshop participants (see Appendices E and F). They also had the same
need as the workshop participants to improve their training skills. Therefore
the staff training and preparation period was designed to
Chapter 5
5.1 Overview
5.1.1 Purpose
The basic reason for doing this workshop was to upgrade the training skills of
key personnel in the Rural Piped Water Project and the Health Education and
Sanitation Promotion Program. It was also expected that the workshop would
provide a conducive climate for closer collaboration between both groups. The
two-week workshop was designed to enable the participants to
5.1.2 Methodology
The training methods used were based on principles of adult learning theory
and included experiential training techniques. These methods are participant
centered, and they create an active approach to learning and assume that
responsibility for learning is shared between trainers and participants.
Throughout the workshop every effort was made to present these new techniques
in a way that utilized content and materials from the participants' daily work
environment. One of the ways this was done was to use upcoming training events
to be conducted by participants of both groups for their field work staff as a
focus for preparing and conducting sessions. Time was spent identifying the
job functions performed by the field staff and defining the skills needed to
fulfill those functions. The skills needed formed the basis of the session
designs prepared by the participants.
In order to n .ximize the opportunities for collaboration, participants
regularly worked together in teams. For example, integrated teams of health
and water personnel planned and conducted short sessions which they would then
use to train field workers. A portion of the workshop was spent on practice
training when these teams took turns delivering sessions. The specific
workshop activities are described in detail in Appendix G.
5.1.3 Participants
Nineteen participants attended the vorkshop -- eight from the Ministry of
Health and eleven from the Ministry of Works (see Appendix F). Four of ;The
Ministry of Health participants were district health inspectors responsible
for carrying out public health activities at the district level and for
supervising up to four levels of subordinates. The other four were health
inspectors, second in command at the district levels.
Ten of the Ministry of Wnrks participants were personnel working for the Rural
Piped Water Project. They functioned as water supervisors, each responsible
for managing a cadre of field workers. One participant from the Ministry of
Works was a senior instructor at the Works and Supplies Training Centre in
While the WASH consultants conducted most of the training, the Malawian staff
members were key resources concerning how the participants were doing and a
constant check on the effectiveness of the program. In addition to the
planning meetings held prior to the workshop, the staff met every evening to
evaluate the day and review what was going to happen the next day. The format
for those meetings is noted in Appendix D.
While participating in these meetings was often taxing after a full day of
training, the opportunity to share views and ask questions made the effort
extremely worthwhile. The staff's overall satisfaction rating for each day of
the course was 4.9 out of a 5.0 scale.
5.2 Workshop Modules
The workshop was divided into six major modules.
Photo 6. Instructor Claudia Liebler assisting training team
in preparing for their second round of practice training.
Photo 8. Role play at tap site during second round of
practice training.
Chapter 6
6.1 Overview
This stage included an evaluation of the workshop by the participants, follow
up meetings with key decision-makers and organizational representatives to
review participant evaluation data and discuss initial recommendations for
next steps, and a series of planning sessions with the Health Education and
Sanitation Promotion Program to develop an action plan for its upcoming
training programs in March and April 1986.
The participants evaluated each session of the workshop at the end of week one
and again at the end of week two by filling out a weekly evaluation form. In
addition, they completed a final written end-of-workshop evaluation (see
Appendix I).
The data from the final. evaluation was tabulated and presented in a debriefing
session with the principal secretary of the Ministry of Works, the chief
public health officer of the Ministry of Health, the USAID/Malawi health
officer, and the organizational representatives of the Rural Piped Water
Project and the Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program. Initial
recommendations of the two consultants, particularly in regard to next steps
in collaboration between the two programs, were also presented and discussed.
Before the consultants left Malawi, they distributed a report entitled
"Recommendations for the Future" to the principal secretary of the Ministry of
Works, the chief medical officer and the chief public health officer of the
Ministry of Health, the organizational representatives of the two projects
involved, and USAID/Malawi. The decisions made and agreements reached with the
Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program regarding its upcoming
training programs are documented in a report entitled "Plan for Phase Two"
which was distributed to appropriate officials in the Ministry of Health.
6.2.2 Overall Satisfaction with Workshop
On a five-point scale, with one being "not at all
satisfied" and five being
"very satisfied," 80 percent of the participants rated their satisfaction
five and 20 percent as four. as
6.2.4 Collaboration
Participants were asked to rate the usefulness of the
discussions and planning
activities on collaboration between the Rural Piped
Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program. On Water Project and the
a scale of one to five,
with one being "not useful" and five being "very useful,"
participants marked five, 27 percent marked four, and 62 percent of the
5 percent marked three.
Chapter 7
The first lesson is that the pre-departure preparation should have a strategic
Preparation activities at this stage should not be too detailed for at least
three reasons. First, the time spent, for example, on designing specific
sessions at the micro-level takes away time from developing a strategy for
maximizing the potential of the training for a longer-range impact. Second,
specific design and plans almost always require modification upon arrival. No
matter how much groundwork has been laid for the consutancy it is unrealistic
to assume that all actors involved have a shared understanding of what will
occur and that the situation has remained static since the last set of
agreements was reached. Third, detailed planning leaves little room for
incliding the input of key actors who have a role to play in contributing to
the successful achievement of workshop outcomes.
The process for the Malawi work included defining the purpose and outcomes of
the consultancy, identifying key actors whose involvement was critical,
clarifying the nature and timing of their involvement, formulating the
objectives of the three key phases of the consultancy, planning pre-workshop
meetings and work sessions, and designing staff preparation sessions and the
workshop itself (on a macro level).
The second lesson is that attention must be paid to capacity building as well
as to the delivery of an effective workshop. Training efforts may be success
ful in the short run. Participant evaluations may indicate a high degree of
satisfaction and participating institutions may be pleased with the event.
However, not much more may occur, unless the overall approach to the
consultancy deliberately considers the goal of capacity building.
This can be done in a number of ways, such as ensuring that the workshop
design can be easily replicated in the future; involving superiors in defining
the purpose and outcomes of a workshop for subordinates; orienting and
receiving input from key officials so that efforts reflect their ministries'
priorities; designing a training effort that results in improved job
performance; preparing a local staff to play a leadership role in the training
event; and holding follow-up planning sessions with superiors to increase
opportunities for skill application. All these approaches were used during the
Malawi consultancy.
The second stage helped participants to identify how they and their field
workers contribute to the realization of their vision of an ideal village.
This was done by listing major responsibilities and job tasks of field
The third stage established the link between job tasks and the skills required
to carry them out effectively. This resulted in a list of skills necessary for
field workers to master.
The consultants referred back to the group pictures of the ideal villages
frequently during the workshop in ani attempt to build undeL;tanding that the
major purpose of training programs must be to improve job performance and
ultimately the quality of life for villagers. The lists of skills needed by
field workers provided the necessary foundation when later in the workshop
par.ticipants began designiag and conducting practice training sessions.
Chapter 8
8.1 Take Some Viable Next Steps Regarding Collaboration in Order Not To Lose
There are several immediate opportunities to further collaborative efforts.
For example:
* Send out to all Chilema participants and key officials in the
Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Works copies of this report
and subsequent reports to be developed over the next three weeks.
Next the committee would review the recommendations that were
generated by participants at Chilema. It would be necessary to
expand on the more general statements and explore the intent
behind ideas like "more joint meetings." Critical points, when
collaboration is important, would need to be identified.
6. The guidelines should be printed in draft form and distributed to
the field workers for their comments and suggestions. District
health inspectors and water supervisors might want to schedule a
special meeting with their field staff in order to review the
guidelines and gather reactions.
7. After ideas were gathered from the field staff, someone would
have to compile this new data and bring it to the next meeting of
the committee for review. When the joint committee reached
agreement about the final modifications, they should be sent to
the principal secretary (PS) or whoever needed to endorse the new
guidelines. Finally, they should be published and sent out to all
regional and district staff.
to apply on their jobs and which they feel they would like to improve. The
workshop would focus on those skills that participants and trainers identify
as being most needed, based on participants' success and difficulties in
trying to utilize the skills on their jobs.
By building within the two ministries a cadre of people that are skilled in
planning and conducting experiential training, each ministry is strengthening
its capability to develop an effective staff-development program. A staff
development program that achieves results in terms of improved effectiveness
on the job, systematically provides opportunities for upgrading the skills of
its personnel through the use of specially planned workshops.
Once personnel have learned a set of new skills they must practice these
skills or else they will remain dormant and on-the-job improvements will not
result. The aim of every training effort must be to increase on-the-job
performance from individuals and departments.
Plan for December Visit
£f.VA. 101,'IWU a k WASH Operations Center
Io1., I 'I 1611 N.Kent St., Room 1002
IWS WOF WAN yg/ Arlington, Virginia 22209 USA
Camp Dresser & McKee International Inc. International Science and Technology Institute, Inc. Training Resources Group
Associates in Rural Development, Inc. Research Triangle Institute University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Vl&V I L
ei V. YU1'NlLl II
- l 11 VE
W 4results of these discussions can then be incorporated into the proposed
working session with the seven co-trainers/resource persons designated as
playing a leadership role in the implementation of the workshop. This working
session would occur on the second day of the visit. Although we recognize the
busy schedule that some members of this group of seven may be facing,
particularly at this time of year, we feel it is essential to have all of them
available for a 4 to 6 hour working session on the Dec. 4th or Dec. 5th.
Finally, on the last day of the visit, Claudia would again meet with the three
organizations together to report back on the working session and finalize
agreements and next steps. This meeting should be a couple of hours at the
Objective for Initial Meetings with Key Decision Makers: Dec. 3 P.M. or Dec. I
(Nyasulu, Robertson, Gurney)
- to review and verify current understanding of the purpose and intended
results of the workshop
- to share preliminary design work completed inWashington and receive
- to define the role the key decision makers will play in the preparation
and actual conduct of the workshop.
Objectives for working Session with MLK/MOI Staff: Dec. 4th or Dec. 5th
- to identify what the group expects from the US consultants (i.e., what
they want and need) and what the US consultants expect from the group.
- to explore mutual roles and reach initial agreement
- to clarify next steps and responsibilities from now to the final
preparation week.
Objectives for Final Meeting with Key Decision Makers: Dec. 6
- To share and discuss outcomes of the working session.
AVA ILll UI a 11
-a IfWN E
WV -to sumnarize roles, expecLations, next steps, and logistics in light of
the results of the working session.
Enclosed you will find a letter from Claudia and John to the two MOH and the
five Mow staff members you have designated as co-trainers/resource persons for
the workshop. Please we ask you to forward the letter to each of them in
advance of Claudia's working session with them, to help clarify their
expectations of the session.
A unique aspect of this consultancy is the opportunity to work as a team
with the MO and MOH. We hope that the visit in December will give a head
start on building a team and together implementing a workshop that meets high
standards of excellence.
Cr g Hafner
Senio Project Officer
This document is the proposed plan for the WASH (Water and Sanitation for
Health) Project consultanq'with the Malawi Ministry of Works and Ministry of
Health. The WASH team of Claudia Liebler and John Pettit developed it as part
of its pre-departure planning work. This plan is a result of input from WASH
staff member Craig Hafner who visited mlawi in September to lay the ground
work for this consultancy and a follow-up visit made to Malawi by Team Leader
Claudia Liebler in December.
During this second visit, staff of the Rural Piped Water Project (Ministry of
Works) and the Health Education and Sanitation Program (Ministry of Health),
and of USAID/Malawi were interviewed and tentative agreements were reached
regarding the purpose, outcomes, approach, and action plan for the
consultancy. The time allocated for this consultancy includes a week for
preparation 6-10 January, a two week Training of Trainers and Team Building
Workshop for District Health Inspectors and Rural Piped Water Project
supervisors 13-24 January, and a three day planning effort for future
follow-up actions 27-29 January.
This plan represents our current thinking and is, of course, open for further
revision based on your input. We also intend to use parts of it in working
sessions with you and with the total training staff (8 Malawian professionals
from MOH and MOq and two American consultants from WASH).
1. GOM Key Decision Makers
This group includes the principal secretaries (or their designees) of
the two involved ministries. Their input is most crucial in terms of
the goal of increased collaboration between the Ministry of Work's
Rural piped Water Project and the Ministry of Health's Health
Education and Sanitation Program intended to result in a stronger link
between improved accessibility and use of piped water and improved
health, at the local level.
o Contributing to the building of a conitment to team work at the
operational level and to a vision of the benefits to villaqers that a
coordinated effort could bring.
We have divided the consultancy into three major phases. Phase one is the
workshop preparation; phase two, the workshop delivery, and phase three, the
workshop evaluation and follow-up planning.
A. Phase One - January 6-12
This phase will be carried out through three related sets of activities:
(1) Initial entry and information gathering with Key Decision Makers
(2) Implementation planning with Organizational Representatives
(3) Workshop preparation working sessions with Training Staff
(4)Be able to adjust other sessions so that they create more
participation on the part of the learner.
(5)Have increased their confidence in standing in front of a group.
(6)Have developed an action plan for collaboration between HESP and the
Rural Piped Water Project at the operation level.
We have divided the workshop into six major modules:
(1)Opening of Workshop and Setting the Context (approximately 1 1/2 days)
(2)Introduction to Training (approximately 1 day)
(3)Commnication Skills for Trainers (approximately 1/2 day)
(4)Experiential Training Methods (approximately 2 days)
(5)Skill Practice (approximately 3 days)
(6)Team Building/Closure (approximately 2 days)
A brief description of each module follows:
(1) O ing of Workshop and Setting the Context
The purpose of this module is to help participants become acquainted
with each other, up-date everyone on past accomplishments and future
directions of HESP and the Rural Piped Water Project, involve
participants in developing a sense of future directions for the
projects and identifying the skills they would need as part of that
future vision, and to present and review the workshop plans, agenda
and schedule.
(2) Introduction to Training
The purpose of this module is to introduce participants to basic
theory concerning the training of adults, involve them in comparing
and contrasting various training approaches and give them an initial
opportunity to practice teaching a skill.
(3) Communication Skills for Trainers
The purpose of this module is to identify comunication skills
necessary to become an effective trainer and give participants an
opportunity to practice some of those skills.
(4) Experiential Training Methods
The purpose of this module is to identify methods available to
trainers, understand how to choose appropriate methods, and to focus
in depth on the use of three different methods most appropriate to
the setting of the participants.
(5) Skill Practice
The purpose of this module is to give participants an opportunity to
practice planning and delivering two different sessions using new
methods and to receive suggestions for improvement from trainers and
colleagues. The sessions will be based on the up-coming training
events being planned by HESP and the Rural Piped Water Project.
(6) Team Building/Closure
The purpose of this module is to involve participants in developing
and planning for an approach that will result in future closer
collaboration between HESP and the Rural Piped Water Project, and to
formally close out the workshop.
As part of our preparation for our work in Malawi, a couple of weeks ago, we
made tentative arrangements with USAID/Malawi to contact you on our behalf for
setting a meeting in the next few days. The purpose of this memo is two-fold.
First, to brief you on our current understanding of the purpose and intended
outcomes of the consultancy with the Health Education and Sanitation Program
(HESP) and the Rural Piped Water Project; and second, to propose a meeting to
gain your input regarding what you think is important for us to consider in
our work with your field staff, particularly concerning future collaboration
between the two projects.
Planning for this consultancy, which will culminate in a two week workshop
starting 13 January for the professional staff of the Rural Piped Water
Project and the HESP, has been going on since September, 1985 and included a
visit to Malawi by WASH team leader Claudia Liebler in December.
Page 2
Although we realize this is short notice, we hope your schedule will permit
these meetings to occur, as we believe they are crucial if we are to do a good
job of reflecting you ministries' priorities for this work.
Thank you.
cc: USAID/Malawi, Health Office
Team Planning Meeting #1
The first session began with a getting acquainted activity. Next, the purpose
of the consultancy, an overview of the preparation done to date, and the
objectives and schedule for the staff training and preparation period were
outlined and discussed.
With this vision of future collaboration in mind, small groups then met to
identify the role of a district health inspector or water supervisor and the
functions that must be performed to carry out the roles. These were reported
by each group and a discussion was held about what impact future collaboration
might have on current roles.
Next each member was asked to complete the following statement: "This workshop
will be successful if..... " Answers were collected and posted on flipcharts
and discussed.
Possible roles of the training team members were presented for reflection and
further discussion in a later session. A handout on experiential training was
distributed to be read by the next session and small groups were given an
assignment to identify what skills are needed by staff in order to reach the
future vision cf collaboration presented earlier by the organizational
The second session began with a climate setter. The names of animals were
posted around the room and team members were asked to go to the animal which
most depicted their style as a trainer. Groups gathered around a particular
animal and reported on why they had chosen it.
Next the assignment given at the end of the first session was reviewed. A list
of skills needed by staff to reach the future vision of collaboration was
posted on a flipchart and discussed. The workshop objectives were reviewed and
compared with the skills list.
This was followed by a presentation of the six modules of the workshop. Trios
met to discuss the modules and identify questions about them. In the large
group questions were addressed and discussed.
Next trios were formed to review the list of possible roles for the training
staff presented in the first session and to modify or add to the list. The
roles were discussed in a large group and individuals were asked to think
about what role they would like to play before the next session. The list
o Workshop participant
It was agreed that during staff meetings all staff would evaluate the
effectiveness of the day and review upcoming sessions for cultural
appropriateness and relevance to the job setting.
It was pointed out that the staff could influence the behavior of the workshop
participants by the manner in which it conducted itself. If the staff worked
well together it would help set the climate for participants to work together.
Specific ways to encourage intermingling between participants from the
Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Health and active involvement in
workshop activities were identified.
The session ended with the listing of decisions to be made and pre-workshop
tasks to be assigned in the last session. Two workshop coordinators -- one
from the Ministry of Health and one from the Ministry of Works -- were
The last session began with participants individually completing the following
sentence and sharing their responses in trios: "A strength of this team
is ...."
Next workshop modules for which Malawian training staff preparation or input
was needed were identified and tasks clarified.
The first day's sessions were presented in depth and the list of possible
roles of training staff were reviewed in light of the specific sessions.
Next the Malawian training team members met in one group and the Americans in
another to generate a list of expectations each group had of the other. The
lists were presented, clarified, and discussed. Finally the purpose, agenda,
and time for daily staff meetings were agreed on.
1. Review rating scale (which all staff members mark on the flipchart as
they enter the room)
1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Moderately Very
satisfied satisfied satisfied
Training Staff
Workshop Design
The purpose of this module was to help participants become acquainted with
each other, update everyone on past accomplishments and future directions of
the Health Education and Sanitation Promotion Program and the Rural Piped
Water Project, involve participants in developing a sense of future directions
for the projects and in identifying the skills they would need as part of that
future vision, and present and review the workshop plans, agenda, and
* become better acquainted with each other and more aware of the
resources available in their group,
* identified the skills field workers need in order to help make the
ideal village happen, and
Each person then introduced his partner to the rest of the group. The morning
concluded with a brief overview of the purpose of the course and the scheduled
times. (The more in-depth schedule overview was done after the needs
assessment conducted on Tuesday morning.)
Water Project on their programs' achievements, areas for improvement, and
future directions. The participants then met in mixed small groups to develop
a group picture of their vision of the ideal village. The four pictures
included the following themes:
As the participants explained what was in each of their pictures they pointed
out how the water and health projects contribute to the realization of their
vision of the ideal village.
On Tuesday morning the next session began by linking back to the previous
discussion about how each of these projects contributes to the development of
the ideal village. This led into a brief lecturette/discussion that used the
following flowchart to show the inter-relationship between the improved
conditions of the ideal village, the job responsibilities of the field
workers, the various tasks field workers needed to do in order to carry out
their responsibilities, and the skills that field workers must have so they
can perfotm these tasks.
This was then followed with a discussion about the kind of skills the
participants needed in order to plan and conduct training for field workers.
The morning session concluded with the participants completing a self
assessment questionnaire designed to help them identify training skills that
they would like to improve during the workshop (see Appendix J).
analyzing the session in a way that highlighted first the trainer's behavior
and then the participants' actions at each particular stage.
The purpose of this module was to identify the communication skills necessary
to become an effective trainer and to give participants an opportunity to
practice some of those skills.
This module began Wednesday afternoon and concluded on Thursday morning. The
first part focused on paraphrasing and used a role play of a typical
interaction between a district health inspector and a health surveillance
assistant (field worker) or a water supervisor and a rural water operator
(field worker). After the session was introduced, participants paired up to
play one of the above roles. Five minutes into the role play the action was
stopped for a short lecturette on paraphrasing. When the role play continued
again the participants were asked to paraphrase whenever the trainer gave them
a signal. Thus, each role player had to listen closely in order to be prepared
to paraphrase accurately what the other person was saying.
By the end of this module participants had
e understood the purpose and use of a case study and were able to
write one,
@ understood the purpose and use of a role play and were able to
This module began on Thursday afternoon with a module overview and rationale.
This session was devoted to demonstration, one of the primary teaching tools
used by rural water operators and district health inspectors to teach new
practices and skills.
The session began with a large group discussion on how and when the partici
pants use demonstration as a training tool. The brainstorming technique was
introduced and small organizational groupings of six to eight members were
formed. Each used the brainstorming technique to identify topics that could be
taught to field workers or villagers by demonstration. Twenty-five to thirty
topics were identified by both Ministry of Health and Ministry of Works
* how to create active learner involvement at each stage, and
The session ended Oth a practice demonstration done by one of the Ministry of
Health groups. Participants critiqued the demonstration by using the checklist
introduced earlier.
Friday morning's session began with a large group discussion on key issues in
planning and conducting a demonstration. The group developed a list of common
problems in conducting demonstrations.
Their task was to identify which topics on the list were appropriate to teach
to field workers and which to villagers and to develop ideas for teaching
field workers how to conduct interactive demonstrations. Each group presented
its ideas. The session ended with participants identifying what they had
learned about dumonstration as a training method.
The Friday afternoon session was devoted to the case study. The session began
with a large group discussion on the case study as a training method. The
trainer reviewed with participants a session conducted during module two which
had used the case study method. A lecturette followed which defined the term
case study, described the method, and identified when it is a useful
Next a model case study was distributed and small groups of mixed participants
identified the characteristics of an effective case study. Each group
presented its findings and a list was developed. In the same groups
participants were then asked to use the brainstorming technique to develop a
list of topics that could be taught to field workers by using a case study.
The lists were posted and reviewed by the participants.
The handout, "Suggestions on Writing a Case Study", was distributed and read
by participants. Discussion and questions followed.
Working in pairs, participants chose a topic from the list generated earlier
and wrote a short case study. Each pair then exchanged its case study with
that of another pair to make useful suggestions on how to improve it. After
participants identified what they had learned about writing case studies, they
completed an evaluation of week one.
Module four was continued on Monday morning of week two. This session was
devoted to writing learning objectives and to role play as a training
The session began with feedback to the participants on the results of their
individual evaluations of week one. This was followed by an overview of the
week. Next a lecturette was presented on the purpose of learning objectives
and how to write them. Three rules for writing learning objectives were given
and participants critiqued ten learning objectives posted on a flipchart,
identifying which were adequate, which were not, and why.
Next typed copies of the case studies that participants had developed in the
previous session were distributed and the authors were asked to develop
learning objectives fo; their particular case study.
Next, in the large group a discussion was held to identify situations in water
and health training when role plays can be used. This was followed by a small
group task during which participants described a situation that could be used
for a role play, defined what participants should learn from the role play,
and outlined the description for each role.
Finally, participants identified what they had learned about role plays and
how they could use role plays when training others.
This module began Monday mid-afternoon with an overview of how the skill
practice was going to be conducted. The participants were divided into four
or-five person design teams composed of people from the same ministry. Each
team then signed up to prepare a session for one of the posted curriculum
topics (Appendix K). Their task was to use the following outline for planning
their session.
5. Think about how you will conduct the session and write down how
you will do each of the following:
The teams continued preparing for practice training into the evening. They
also had additional time on Tuesday morning to complete their preparations.
Then the teams were put into two separate tracks, with those doing the
training going to the other track to conduct their session. At the end of a
practice session the WASH trai ners working with each track led a discussion
and review of what a particular team did well and where they needed to
improve. In a large group discussion that included everyone the following
learnings were noted:
8. When you are preparing your subject, think about the steps in the
Experiential Learning Cycle.
9. In setting the climate, introductions should be short.
10. Climate setting should have some questions related to the topic.
during the second round of practice training the new teams were mixed so there
were representatives from both ministries on each team. (A list of topics
covered by those teams is included in Appendix L).
" How would you rate the opportunities for collaboration between
the health surveillance assistants and the rural water operators?
1 2 3 4 5
See no See some See many
opportunities opportunities opportunities
" How many participants know of at least one specific example of how
coordination has occurred in the past?
* Where do most opportunities for collaboration occur?
o How much influence can DHIs and water supervisors have on their
field staff to bring about closer collaboration?
1 2 3 4 5
No Average High
influence influence influence
On Thursday morning the data from the above questions were tabulated, put on a
flipchart, and discussed with the total group. Next the task forces met and
developed the following recommendations.
- Decide together.
- Share resources.
- Draw up a calendar of events together.
e The project implementation/construction stage:
* Welcome speech: Chaya (3 minutes)
* Presentation by CMO/PS
e Closure: Yohane
* Tea
Friday began by reviewing the previous day's meeting with the PS and CMO.
There was also a lot of discussion about what to do with the recommendations
and how best to follow them up. Later there was time for a structured review
of the course when each person had a chance to
Materials Used in the Chilema
Training of Trainers Workshop
1. Boot, Maria T. Making the Links: Guides to Hygiene Education in Community
Water Supply and Sanitation. The Hague: International Reference Center,
8. International Reference Center. Manual for User Education. The Hague: IRC,
9. John A. Burns School of Medicine. Health Manpower Development Staff. 1982.
Introduction to Training: A Workbook for Community Health Workers.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii.
10. Karlin, Barry and Raymond B. Isely. Developing and Using Audiovisual
Materials in Water Supply and Sanitation Programs. WASH Technical Report
No. 30. Arlington, VA: WASH Project, 1984.
11. LeClere, Marie and Keith Sherer. A Workshop Design for Latrine
Construction - A Training Guide. WASH Technical Report No. 25. Arlington,
VA: WASH Project, 1984.
12. McCaffery, James. "Experiential Approach." Journal for Cross Cultural
Effectiveness (Forthcoming Summer 1986).
13. McCoy, Louise. "Supplement to WASH Field Report No. 99. Training in Health
Education and Sanitation Promotion for Rural Water Projects in Malawi."
Arlington, VA: WASH Project, 1983.
14. Pettit, John and Daniel Edwards. "Supervising Communication Skills." In
Training for Development - A Five Day Program of Training Modules for
Supervisors and Managers in Agricultural Organizations. Training Resources
Group, Inc., Alexandria, VA: 1983.
15. Training Resources Group, Inc. "Training Inventory". Alexandria, VA: TRG,
Inc., 1983, 1985.
16. Waterhouse, Philip. Managing the Learning Process. New York: Nichols,
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ACTIVITY 3; 1 2 35
A~CTIITY 4:_ 1 2 34 5
ACTPI': 1 2 35
.,OTIVI~I'Y 6:1 34 5
.C TIP 7. - - 1 2 4 5
J2 102 2' 34 5
JANUARY 13 to 24, 1986
Please rate the deoree to which the workshop helped you to meet
each of the objectives:
1. Be able to discuss principles of adult education and
the role of
a trainer who teaches adults.
Which of the training methods used were
helpful to your learning?
I* How useful were the disoussions and
planning activities about
Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
1 2 3 4 5
1. Please indicate your overall satisfaction with
Not at all Moderately Very
satisfied satisfiod satisfied
1 2 3 4 5
Yes No
What additional training is needed for:
Your subordinates.
I~~ ?LpF~&--
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Su er~
M-4 ~
Lc C o _~ SAAI P
- ia:v~r
TM 1Coieilmet
v6Lv _ -
1. Community approach
2. Communication with leaders
3. Committee meetings
6. User education
7. Monitoring system
8. Monitoring programme
9. Reporting system
10. Training staff how to train repair teams
1. Community mobilization
1. Training RWOs how to Team A Chinongola
train repair teams Makondetsa
2. Tap opening ceremony Team B Goweni
3. Monitoring system Team C Chaiama
4. User education Team C Alimoyo
1. Relationship between Team E George
water-realted disease Nkhoma
and sanitation Richard
2. Use and/or construction Team F Munyenyere
of washing slabs Panje
3. Prevention of water Team G