Removing A NG Tube With Rationale

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Medical- Surgical Nursing II


Name: ________________________ February 28, 2024

Date: ______________________________
Year Level and Block: _______________________ Clinical Instructor:

Rating scale:

3 Performed correctly, systematically according to standard with correct rationale.

2 Performed correctly, with correct rationale but not systematic.
1 Performed correctly, but not systematic and with inadequate rationale.
0 Performed incorrectly.

Procedure: Removing a NG tube


3 2 1 0
1. Assess:
• For the presence of bowel Checking the presence of bowel
sounds. sounds before removing the NG
tube is to ensure that the
gastrointestinal tract is functioning

• For the absence of nausea or Clamping the tube prevents any

vomiting the tube is clamped. gastric contents from moving up
the esophagus and reduces the
risk of aspiration during the
removal process.

2. Assemble equipment and supplies. Having the necessary equipment

• Disposable pad or towel on hand ensures a hygienic and
• Tissues efficient procedure.
• Clean gloves
• 50ml syringe
• Plastic trash bag
3. Confirm the doctor’s order for removal of Following medical orders ensures
NGT patient safety and compliance with
treatment plans.

4. Assist the client to a sitting position if not Positioning the patient upright
contraindicated helps facilitate a smoother removal
process and minimizes discomfort.

5. Place the disposable pad or towel across To collect any spillage of mucous and
the client’s chest. gastric secretions from the tube

6. Provide tissues to the client to wipe nose This clears the nares/nasal passages
and mouth after tube removal. of any remaining secretions

1. Introduce yourself and verify the Patient understanding and
client's identity. Explain to the client cooperation facilitate a smooth
what you are going to do, why it is procedure and reduce discomfort.
necessary, and how the client can
2. Perform hand hygiene This reduces the transmission of

3. Provide privacy Respects the patient's dignity and

reduces potential embarrassment,
promoting their comfort and
cooperation during the procedure.

4. Detach the tube.

• Disconnect the NGT from the Prevents accidental suctioning of
suction apparatus if present. gastric contents or respiratory
secretions, reducing the risk of
aspiration or respiratory distress.

• Unpin the tube from the Removing the pin ensures that the
client’s gown. tube can be smoothly and safely
withdrawn without any obstruction
or pulling on the gown.

• Remove the adhesive tape Removing the tape allows for

securing the tube on the nose easier and safer removal of the NG

5. Remove the NG tube.

• Put on clean gloves To prevent transmission of

. This closes the glottis, thereby

• Ask the client to take a deep preventing accidental aspiration of
breath and to hold it. any gastric ccontent.

• Pinch the tube with the

Pinching the tube prevents any
gloved hand.
contents inside the tube from
draining into the client’s throat

• Smoothly withdraw the tube. Slow, steady removal reduces

discomfort and minimizes the risk
of injury to the nasal passages or
• Place the tube in the plastic
bag. Placing the tube immediately into the
bag prevents the transference of
microorganisms from the tube to
other articles or people

• Observe the intactness of the Removing a damaged tube

tube. prevents potential harm to the
patient during removal.
6. Ensure client comfort.
• Provide mouth care, if lows patients to alleviate dryness,
desired. remove any residual taste or
sensation associated with the tube
Excessive secretions may have
• Assist the client as required to accumulated in the nasal passages.
blow nose
7. Dispose of the equipment
appropriately. Correct disposal prevents the
• Place the pad, bag with tube and transmission of microorganisms.
gloves in the receptacle designated
by the agency.
8. Document all relevant information.
• Record the removal of the tube, the 28/2/15 1500 NG tube removed
amount and appearance of any intact without difficulty. Oral & nasal
drainage, if the tube was connected care given. No bleeding or excoriation
to suction, and relevant assessments noted. Client states is hungry &
of the client thirsty. 60 mL apple juice given. No
c/o nausea. ––––––J. BUENO, RN

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