Removing A NG Tube With Rationale
Removing A NG Tube With Rationale
Removing A NG Tube With Rationale
Rating scale:
4. Assist the client to a sitting position if not Positioning the patient upright
contraindicated helps facilitate a smoother removal
process and minimizes discomfort.
5. Place the disposable pad or towel across To collect any spillage of mucous and
the client’s chest. gastric secretions from the tube
6. Provide tissues to the client to wipe nose This clears the nares/nasal passages
and mouth after tube removal. of any remaining secretions
1. Introduce yourself and verify the Patient understanding and
client's identity. Explain to the client cooperation facilitate a smooth
what you are going to do, why it is procedure and reduce discomfort.
necessary, and how the client can
2. Perform hand hygiene This reduces the transmission of
• Unpin the tube from the Removing the pin ensures that the
client’s gown. tube can be smoothly and safely
withdrawn without any obstruction
or pulling on the gown.
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