Business Analytics SQL Assignment

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Business Analytics

Name: Charumathi Kubendiran

Student ID: 2217687
SQL & Importance of SQL in Business Analytics:
SQL is a structured Query Language which is used to communicate with the database. SQL is
one of the most important skill sets required by employers for business Analyst. What SQL helps
with business system analyst is to run the queries or statements directly against database of a
system and gets results out of it.
Usually, the users of a system type in the certain data in the fields and click save button with
enterprise level software where the system takes the data from the screen and stores it in
database. These are two different components 1. screen / Fields in which data is typed 2.
Enterprise Level Software.
Any single field or combination of fields are called keys. Keys are categorized as Primary key,
foreign key and unique key.
Primary key is a unique value in a table and a table has one primary key only. When more than
one primary key is used, it is referred to as composite keys.
A foreign key is used to link the tables. This is also called as referencing key. Primary key is used
to match the table with foreign key in second table.
Unique key is one or more fields used to uniquely identify a record in the database.
SQL lets us to tap directly into the database without even looking at the application. Learning
SQL is way of working with data under the hood of the system without going through the
application without having to go through the screens that normal users use. We write a query
like “Select” and execute it against the database that exist for an application and this query
provides the results /shows the data we asked for.
The five categories of SQL are DDL, DML, DQL, DCL and TCL. Business Analyst most widely use
the second and third categories which are DML and DQL.
DML in SQL is “Data Manipulation Language” which uses “Insert, Update, delete” mainly used
for Manipulation or modification of database. This allows us to enter new records into a
database, to update existing records and to delete records into the database.
DQL in SQL stands for “Data Query Language” which is a “SELECT” Statement, this category lets
us extract the data that already exist inside the database.
Data Definition Language – DDL is mostly used by developers who does the creation of the
database structure.
Data Control Language – DCL is typically used by the system administrators, who maintains data
on an ongoing basis and maintains and controls the permission of access to these databases.
The last category TCL – Transaction Control Language is used by the admins and the developers.
From the lectures it was easy to understand the difference between structured and
unstructured data .data stored in tables having rows and columns and the broken smaller
entities of the table is called “Fields”. We run through the above SQL queries in these fields.
RDBMS, SQL Select were the easy and comfortable concepts to learn. To write the own “select”
command and running through the database was a learning and fun activity.
There are no specific concepts that I struggled with as the concepts are understandable but
with having only business background it is difficult to remember the key words that are used for
queries with time the skill can be acquired.
Overall, I have decided to explore more and finding it more interesting to learn the SQL
concepts and trying to learn from the certifications available in the platforms like LinkedIn and
Google analytics YouTube videos.

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