Mothership - Another Bug Hunt v1.1
Mothership - Another Bug Hunt v1.1
Mothership - Another Bug Hunt v1.1
2ndLt Kaplan (KIA) SSgt Underhill (MIA) Dr. Edem Hinton (MIA)
Platoon Commander Platoon Sergeant Mission Specialist Science Officer
Sgt Yang LCpl Xavier (KIA) LCpl Resnick (KIA) Cpl Novikov
Squad Leader APC Driver Fireteam 1 Fireteam 2
Zigzag Squad Zigzag Squad Zigzag Squad Zigzag Squad
Sgt Abara (KIA) Cpl Ivanovic LCpl Franco (MIA) Cpl Qadir (MIA)
Squad Leader APC Driver Fireteam 1 Fireteam 2
Siege Squad Siege Squad Siege Squad Siege Squad
2 W Give your players a copy of the org chart to help them keep track of who is who.
How to use this Module
Content Warnings
Go over these with your players before you start your session.
• Arachnophobia. The carcinids have elements of giant insects, spiders, and crabs.
• Body horror. Amputations, rot, organ-removal, and others nightmarish events.
• Mind control. Mental enslavement and agency removal are key plot elements, along
with psychic intrusion that resemble elements of real-life psychiatric disorders.
• Violence. Combat, suicide by firearm, emotional trauma, and corpses feature heavily.
• Claustrophobia and other environmental hazards (such as drowning) are common.
The Company detected signs of The signs are emissions from an ancient
biochemistry on Samsa VI and decided to starfaring race that landed on Samsa VI a
send a team to investigate. century ago. Since then they have slept
aboard their ship, slowly terraforming the
planet to suit their needs.
The colonists captured a carc larva for The colony’s android, Hinton, discovered
experimentation and study. the carcs can assimilate other lifeforms
using a memetic virus they transmit
through a piercing “Shriek.”
Greta Base ceased all communications. Hinton, now MIA, interfaced with the
carcs’ telepathic hive mind and converted
it to a Signal that could be broadcast over
The Company hired the crew to address the Using this new Signal, Hinton transformed
situation. several colonists into carcs during a
birthday celebration. Slaughter ensued.
The crew entered the Samsa system and Hinton laid siege to the remaining colonists,
found Greta Base unresponsive to hailing. who are currently barricaded in the Heron
Terraforming Station.
The crew’s dropship touched down on Hinton has begun a process to awaken the
Samsa VI. Torrential rain pours down like slumbering nobles in the hopes that he may
judgment day while the colony sits silent as ascend and become one of them.
a prayer.
4 W Summarize the left column for your players. The right column is just for you.
// Module Overview
Freedom to Choose w
Samsa VI
There are three key locations on Samsa VI:
Greta Base (pg. 10), Heron Terraforming
Station (pg. 16) and the Mothership (pg. 30). (pg. 10)
Below are the most common routes:
!!! CARCINID !!!
6 W Use the table on the back cover to show each carc as unique and sapient.
The Shriek
2. Induction Victim suffers catatonic state (2d10 minutes) filled with dream-like
visions of the hive, working underground in ant-like tunnels. Victim
has [-] on any action which would harm a (fellow) carcinid.
3. Possession Victim must make a Body Save hourly or else engage in mindless
drone-work (digging, hoarding food, walking towards the nearest
group of carcs). Only physical harm (2+ DMG) breaks the trance.
4. Assimilation Victim succumbs to complete control by the hive mind. The player
must roll up another character. Currently, there is no known vaccine.
5. Transformation A fully grown carc erupts from the victim’s neck, chest, or abdomen.
All but emergency power is out, and a !!! MARINE (GRUNT) !!!
powerful tropical storm is rolling in...
C:30 Pulse Rifle 3d10 DMG I:25 W:1
Introducing Characters w
Once the players understand the mission, The worst manager you ever had.
get down to the action: describe the Completely unconcerned with the lives
characters getting in the dropship and of the crew, and only cares about the
breaking the atmosphere of Samsa VI. retrieval of the logic core. The more
annoying you make him, the better.
• It’s gotta smell pretty cruddy inside a
dropship, right? All that human sweat!
• They feel the ship creak and shake. After the Fear Saves are settled, the dropship
• They hear loud alarms blare from the lands at the Greta Base Landing Zone (pg.
cockpit, and see the pilot (Anders, stocky, 10). Describe the lush jungle, the torrential
experienced) and copilot (Renfield, chatty, rainfall, the thick mud, and the lack of
chewing gum) trying to control the craft visibility.
due to a severe tropical storm.
Then, ask them what they want to do. You’re
Then, call for your first Fear Save. off to a great start.
Fear Saves
Call for Fear Saves anytime there’s a chance that something a character experiences
might cause them to be afraid or feel any other strong negative emotion (like loneliness
or rage). The first time you call for a Fear Save, teach the following:
• What Saves are, how to roll the dice, and what the penalty for failure is. In this case,
the characters gain 1 Stress.
• How adding relevant skills can help. This might be Piloting, or Military Training, but it
could even be Theology. What’s important is how your players justify their actions, and
how you both work that into the encounter.
Listen to your players. Maybe one holds onto a trinket for good luck, or another might
want to get up and help the crew. Use your best judgment, and award [+] to the Fear Save
if it sounds like they’ve earned it, or waive it entirely if you don’t think it’s called for.
Reading the Key
10 W The players might not visit most of these locations. That’s fine!
Pacing and Tension
Noticing Things
You might be tempted to call for a roll
to see if characters notice the quiet thud
in the Commissary, but try waiting and
seeing what the players do. If they go
slowly, don’t make a lot of noise, tell
them they hear it. If they’re talking a
lot, or moving things around, moving
3. Commissary. Ransacked mess hall and rec quickly, they miss it. Let their actions,
room. Flickering lights. The place is a mess. not the game, guide you.
• “Happy Birthday Ollson” banner droops
from the ceiling.
• Rain drips from the ceiling.
Leak is from bullet holes. 4. Pantry. The shelves are completely bare,
• Empty cups, dishware, broken glass. their contents removed and divided into
• Bullet casings, blood spatter, bullet holes, large piles of MREs on the floor.
large claw-like gouges in furniture. • In the far corner lies the slumped over
• A woman’s head, ripped at the neck. body of a marine (dead).
W Should this be a Fear Save? Dog tags: 2ndLt Lange.
• Makeshift barricade (couch, table, chairs) Scientist/Medical Skills: the marine starved
shoved up against the door to the Crew to death.
Quarters [6]. “Paper cuts”criss-cross the emaciated
• Upturned table: cake splattered across the corpse (The Shriek pg. 7).
A human arm protrudes from beneath.
Under the table is a headless corpse in When do we roll dice?
fatigues, a gigantic hole in the neck. The
body is covered in “paper cuts” (The You don’t need to call for a roll for
Shriek pg. 7). every little thing. If players ask the
` If inspected: the chest cavity is right questions or have the right
completely hollowed out, like tools or relevant Skills, give them the
something erupted from inside. information. The game is best played
Dog tags: LCpl Xavier. when you test the players’ abilities
• A small kitchenette in the back leads to rather than the numbers on their
the Pantry [4]. character sheets.
• All cabinets and storage bins are empty.
• Quiet thud: if the players are quiet or The more often they roll, the more
listen for noise they’ll hear a faint thud likely they’ll fail, so save rolls for when
every few seconds coming from the stakes are high or you really don’t
the Garage [10]. know the outcome of an action.
12 W Slow, methodical searching helps build tension. They let their guard down.
8. The Medbay: a small medical area with an 9. The Command Center. The central
operating room inside and an observation nervous system of the base and primary
and analysis lab outside, separated by a communication station for the Company.
glass wall. • Marine corpse slumped over the controls.
Single gunshot wound to the head.
Inside the Observation and Analysis Lab: One hand holds a revolver, five shots
the observation side of the glass wall holds remaining.
a small bank of computer terminals, all The other hand holds the Samsa VI Org
powered down, along with piles of loose Chart (inside front cover).
paperwork and a log book. If body is examined: “paper cuts” all
• The latest entries in the log: notes from over (The Shriek pg. 7.).
Dr. Edem, excited at their discovery of Dog tags: 2ndLt Kaplan.
something they call the “krebslieder” or • Central computer and communication
“crabsong,” a shrill Shriek the “carcinids” instruments are smashed.
use in order to replicate. W If you’re running this scenario as a
W While you know the word carcinid one-shot: this can be repaired in 1d10
from reading this book, remember rounds. Grant [+] with a successful
this may be the players’ first Speed Check. Once repaired it can be
interaction with the term. used to call the dropship for evac.
Edem begrudgingly admits the base’s W If you’re running this scenario as a
android, Hinton, did much of the campaign: this can be repaired in
legwork of this discovery, but it is Edem 2d10 hours. Grant [+] for teamwork
who truly “put two and two together.” or clever ideas. Once repaired it only
plays the Signal (pg. 5) unless the
Inside the Medbay (locked, only Dr. Edem Tower (pg. 20) has been retaken.
has the keycard): the entire operating
area has been destroyed. Remnants of
the equipment are smashed or are fused Handling repairs
together by carc webbing, including:
• Litkovich MedPod 1080a (broken): restores Repairs take time, knowledge, or tools.
1 Wound per week spent in the pod. Roll a check if the players lack 2 out of 3.
Repairs take 1d10 hours.
• Sato T3 Bio-Printer (broken): prints
synthetic biological material.
Empty stem cell cartridges (matter used GRETA BASE
for Bio-Printer).
Repairs take 1d10 hours.
• Lead container: hydrofluoric acid.
• 4 large specimen containment tubes
containing carcinid larva. Untouched.
• Upturned surgical bed. [10]
Near it is a meter-long black crab-like
carcinid limb.
! If touched, it thrashes violently: Body
[3] 05 [5]
Save or 1d10 DMG.
Behind bed: air vent to the Garage [10]. [6] [4]
W If you’re running this scenario as a
one-shot: the specimen containment [2]
tubes hold the samples the Company
is looking for from Dr. Edem.
Failing Forward
14 W The carcs are VERY hard to kill. Always remind players they can run away.
Inside the APC
• Demar. The base mechanic. Wearing a
tinfoil hat. Gripping a frag grenade. Pin
already pulled.
Thin, malnourished, body covered in
“paper cuts” (The Shriek pg. 7).
Hugs his legs. When talking, is mostly
concerned with his place in “the hive.”
` “I want to go back. I want to go back
to the hive.”
` “I can hear them, they are calling me.
I want to contribute.”
` “They will wake, they are awakening.”
Ignores any noise outside the APC,
completely enthralled to the hive mind.
If gently pressed, can show the way
to the Mothership (pg. 30). Otherwise
continues in a trance for three more
hours, then becomes fully assimilated.
• Controls are in working order. Nav shows
the Heron Terraforming Station (pg. 17).
! If the comms are operated: a piercing
Shriek emits (Sanity Save, see The
Shriek pg. 7).
` Demar wakes from his brainwashed
slumber, drops the grenade, and
screams “leave me!”
` Body Save to get out of the APC
before the blast.
16 W Play up Sgt. Valdez’s rescue. The marines fire in the air and bring the ruckus.
pg. 20
pg. 21
pg. 22
pg. 24
pg. 25
pg. 25
pg. 25
pg. 26
pg. 26
pg. 28
pg. 29
pg. 29
18 W Don’t be afraid to let them split up. It helps raise the tension.
See Dr. Edem’s Plan on pg. 24. See Sgt Valdez’s Plan on pg. 26.
Name What are they like? Name What are they like?
Sgt Yang Tactical thinker. If a weakness is PFC Pedro Follows chain of command.
found, joins Hog Squad. Infatuated with Sgt. Valdez.
Sobol Quiet, loner. Suspects that all of this is Cpl Novikov Trigger happy. Just wants to cause
Hinton’s fault somehow. the most destruction possible.
Vehicular Combat
AP: 6 Wounds: 1(20)
Vehicles operate like really well armored
Top Speed: 90 mph Crew Capacity: 3 characters. Once they reach their
Maximum Wounds they crash, wreck,
Description: front-facing GPMG. or explode. Usually you’ll give players a
Body Save to avoid the worst.
20 W Sgt. Valdez treats the Hangar like a fortress. It’s the only place they have left.
2. The Dam. ~10m wide wall, 60m drop on one side, and a nearly overflowing lake on the
other. The rain pours in sheets. The only light comes from the ATVs’ headlights.
• ATVs can cross in 2 minutes, humans in 7 minutes (on foot).
! A single carcinid is visible on the wall.
! As the ATVs drive out, more carcs emerge from the nearby lake.
W Take a minute to describe this. It should be a terrifying revelation that the carcs can
swim. Build it up a bit.
! One or two carcs emerge from the water every couple of minutes.
W Tell the players directly, or have Brookman tell them, that if this keeps up, they
could wind up trapped at the Tower with no way back.
! The carcs attack any ATV that gets near. They are strong enough to knock one over.
` If they do: driver makes a Body Save to avoid crashing.
` If the vehicle crashes: all passengers must Body Save [-] or take a Blunt Force Wound.
• Brookman and Ivanovic ride point and are taken down by the first carc they encounter.
Both are thrown from the crash. The carcs focus on killing Brookman.
If the players stop and check: Ivanovic is alive, but unconscious.
• Above the wall via ladder: a catwalk runs the length of the dam. ~15 minute hike.
Wide enough for two people or one carc.
The railings provide enough cover to sneak across unseen, if careful.
! Light or noise attracts a carc in a of couple minutes.
W Don’t tell the players “you can sneak across the catwalks,” let them decide to try
it and risk it. It takes more time and they’re more vulnerable without the ATVs, but
sometimes that’s the safest way.
22 W Try to work the storm into all ofyour descriptions. An ever-present threat.
4. The Control Room (locked). The elevator 5. The Orbital Relay. A gigantic satellite dish
and ladders lead to a squat, industrial on the roof of the Tower.
control room, locked from the inside. ! Heavy rains, the roof is slippery.
Brookman has the keycard. • Guardrails run along the side.
• Catwalk surrounds the exterior. • Perched up top: Sgt Underhill, firing a
• Small ladder: to the Orbital Relay [5]. Wilbur Mk-II Anti-Material Rifle (AMR),
sniping carcs as they crest the guardrails.
Inside the Control Room: the source of the ` Range: Extreme DMG: 2d10x5 DMG
Signal (pg. 5). (AA) Shots: 5. Wound: Fire/Explosion
! A little jump scare: as soon as the players [+] Two-handed. Heavy. Must be fired
enter they see a carc sprawled across the prone/braced. [-] on Combat Check at
room. Fear Save [-]. Close Range.
On second look: the carc is strapped Adjacent is his synthetic bloodhound,
down, jacked into the controls. Marlow, who can smell those infected
` Its breathing is labored. by the Shriek (pg. 7).
` It looks pathetic, eyes begging for Underhill has only 12 shots left, but can
death. kill 1 carc per round.
• Locker with emergency first aid kit. ` Underhill is infected: Stage 3.
Bandages, x5 stimpaks, a flashlight, and ` Marlow bites him whenever he
an inflatable raft. becomes “possessed.”
! The carcs can only be held off for a few ` Underhill’s orders: get off this rock.
minutes at most. • To manually reset the array takes a round.
W Really make the most of this. Have Once reset, comms return if the Control
the carcs banging on the door, prying Room [4] has been disconnected from
it open, threatening to swarm inside. the carc inside it.
24 W Play up the social aspects of this mission. Dr. Edem is acting suspcious.
7. The Clean Room. Split by a glass partition
into an observation area and a small lab. THE LAB
• Ziegler is in the lab, behind the glass,
performing some unseen experiment.
W He is infected [Stage 5].
• It takes a minute to get his attention:
he turns and speaks in a creepy voice [8] [7] [6]
! Transforms into a carc in 1d5 minutes.
TO [1]
• Lab table: vials of hydroflouric acid and
chemical synthesis equipment (heavy).
• At the back of the lab: locked door to the
Cryovault [8].
Only Dr. Edem has the keycard.
Dr. Edem uses any excuse to get into
the Cryovault (even risking harm). They [10]
claim they “just need to grab some
samples” and no one should follow TO [13]
because it could “contaminate the vault.”
Sgt Valdez’s Plan
26 W Use the Chimney as a warning of what could happen. Nothing needs to happen.
If the power’s out
28 W The real reward here is the revelation that Hinton has betrayed everyone.
14. The Hydroreactor. A gigantic industrial
complex, now nearly flooded to the top. THE REACTOR
! Radiation Level 3 (Lethal).
! Each round: 10% chance a carc arrives.
If entering from the Stairs [13]:
• The complex is flooded. It’s a 30 second
TO [10]
swim to the surface.
W Strength (Athletics) Check or Body [12]
Save? Is the player active or reactive?
What’s going on?
At this point, you know what you’re doing, While alien ships in media are incredibly
so we’ll be taking off the training wheels as common, they may be a brand new
much as possible. thing to the characters. Take a moment
and describe this massive ship and its
There are several puzzles in this scenario implications for humanity. Treat this like a
that you should familiarize yourself with, big deal and it’ll set the tone for the rest of
so be sure to give it a good read before the session.
diving in.
If you’re running this
scenario as a one-shot… Encourage players to experiment and
explore. If they aren’t making progress
The crew have heard Hinton’s garbled along one of the routes, remind them
distress Signal to the carcinid race, but are there may be other entrances.
unable to decode it. They can tell, however,
that the distress call has come from the Treat this like a real scientific expedition,
Company’s distress beacon, so they are and pay special attention to the minutiae
obliged to investigate. of exploration: light, movement, figuring
out what things are and what they do.
Start them at the base of the mothership Unless otherwise noted, every chamber is
with the goal of investigating the source of pitch black. And remember: comms most
the Signal. likely don’t work!
Alien technology
32 W Where did the human body parts in A3 come from? Are they hybrids? Real?
A2. Foggy Canyon. Giant canyon with no A4. Cylindrical Chamber. Large ribbed tower.
way to get to the other side. • Warty polyp pulsating with yellow light.
• Large tumor with a mouth-like hole 3m long carc-like limb protrudes from it.
bulges near the edge. Rusty, but can be articulated.
If fed organic matter: a bridge 10m high • Metallic beach-ball sized nodule in the
of hardened cartilage extends all the floor in front of the polyp.
way to a cylindrical chamber [A4]. ! If the limb touches the nodule, an
` A human body keeps the bridge up electric current runs through and peels
for 15 minutes, a carc’s for 30. back a section of the wall, revealing a
W Use common sense to judge. passage to The Court [D].
! Corrosive gasses congeal at the bottom. • Fleshy, calcified tendrils, thick as a
Devours flesh in minutes, and breaches forearm criss-cross the room.
armor in (AP) rounds. Carcs immune. ! If cut (10+ DMG), they spray pressurized
A grate at the bottom just big enough fluid (Body Save or 1d5 DMG).
for a human in a vaccsuit to slip Search: a second metallic nodule which
through into a large Drainage Tunnel if connected to the polyp peels back
[A3]. The gas inexplicably does not flow a section of the wall to reveal a Small
through the grate. Cavity [A5].
• Along the far wall is a metallic web which
A3. Drainage Tunnel. Wide throat-like tunnel leads down to a Drainage Tunnel [A3].
200m long, bisected by a river of black liquid.
• Walls pock-marked with small chambers. A5. Small Cavity. Pool of glowing saline.
Chambers are filled with human body • The solution is harmless.
parts grafted to the walls. W Don’t mention this. Let them worry.
` Each still lives. The faces and mouths • Floating within the fluid: a lengthy black
express alternating agony and bliss. tube, connected to a large, swollen sac by
` Examine: the muscles are spliced an umbilical cord.
with carc fibers and do not belong to You can wear the sac like a vest and
any colonists. hold the tube like a rifle.
! Hands grasp those passing by. They On the top of the tube, in an awkward
do not let go. location for a human, is a trigger.
W What allows players to escape? ! The trigger releases a pressurized
• Tunnel terminates in a large metallic stream of hydroflouric acid.
web to a Cylindrical Chamber [A4] then ` 1d100 DMG. 12 shots. Ignores carc
continues for several miles underground armor.
to the Tunnels (pg. 29).
34 W Let your players experiment in each room. There’s no time pressure here.
3/4 VIEW
[D] [B5] [B4] [B3] [B2] [B1] [B]
ceiling on fiber weave strands.
• From the other side of the room: 2 dying
carcs enter, crawl along the edge of the pit.
The spindly carcs leap on the injured
ones, devour them, and excrete their
raw matter back into the pit. A C
` This districts the spindly carcs for a
few rounds.
Exits to the Triple Airlock [B5]. A
36 W If they get stuck, remind them they can leave and look for other entrances.
3/4 VIEW
[D] [C5] [C4] [C3] [C2] [C1] [C]
Simply present the material, and allow !!! CARCINID NOBLE !!!
the players to decide for themselves
how and if they’d like to approach it. Claw: Body Save [-] or die I:95 AP:100 W:10(100)
Running away is fine—and probably a
good idea! Assimilation: Sanity Save or Stage 4 Infection.
40 W Keep things moving. Don’t let them rest. Everything is always getting worse.
The colonists have the following remaining
The Carcinids
in their stockpile: x3 ATVs (with GPMGs), x4
GPMGs (x30 mags), x2 explosive devices,
To make matters worse, the carcinids begin x12 pulse rifles (x48 mags), x32 frag
a full fledged assault on the colony. They can grenades, x1 flamethrower (x2 tanks), as
swim, climb, and run without much difficulty well as sandbags, razor-wire, and various
in the storm, and they are very difficult to other tools for warfare and fortication.
see in the low light. The crew may have to
defend against them in waves, run from
them to escape, or sneak past them. Be Simplifying Big Actions
flexible and give your players options.
If players are in a fortified position,
Roll on the table below once per hour to fending off waves of carcinids, don’t
determine whether the crew encounters a play out every round of combat.
wave of carcinids. If Hinton is alive and the Instead, set the stakes more broadly,
nobles have awoken, there’s a 50% chance and zoom out a bit. For example: a
any carcs encountered are fighting amongst single Combat Check success might kill
themselves. Otherwise, they are on a several carcs, whereas a failure might
mission to wipe out the colonists. let one slip through. Zoom back in when
it feels right.
If the players return to the orbiting ship, Part of this final scenario is teaching
they’ll find Maas has been kicking back and your players how ship-to-ship combat
taking it easy this whole time. The pilots works. In this case, the ships start out in
say he’s mostly just been hanging out in his Contact Range, and the carc ship won’t
quarters, watching tv. They say Maas tried respond to hails, so they don’t have to
to communicate with the players, but once worry about negotiation.
they heard all that gibberish, he just checked
in once a day and then clocked out. They do, however, have to worry about
the carc (Maas) onboard their own
Maas is, of course, infected. Don’t try too ship. Between each ship round, spend
hard to hide it. But, if the players check on two rounds dealing with the fallout
Maas, he’s sitting in the chair in his room, and actions on board the ship. This
obsessively filling out reports. should keep things pretty tense, without
slowing things down too much.
Remember, the carc ship is a Class-VI
C:55 4d10 DMG I:55 W:2(20) AP:30 vesel, meaning it is too difficult for the
players to fight. It should have [+] on
Weakness: hydrofluoric acid. all actions against the players’ ship.
Describe to the players very clearly that
the ship moves at a speed like they’ve
never seen, that the targeting is dead
As soon as Maas transforms into a carcinid, on, and then really emphasize any
the sensors onboard the ship start blaring: damage the players take. It’s okay to
another vessel has launched from the say “This thing is beyond your ship’s
surface of Samsa VI. capabilities, you may want to run.”
Especially after the first Ship Round.
00 Holds a conical tin cup, and prefers to drink rather than fight or work.
17-20 Mouth foams with pus-yellow bubbles as if rabid. Treat as a foam gun.
21-24 Carapace and legs constructed partially out of rebar, with steel rods exposed.
25-28 Enhanced sensory system: grafted on human eyes, ears, noses, and tongues.
33-36 One claw is enlarged, while its opposite is small and oddly human.
37-40 Carapace is painted black and spotted with diamonds, decorated like star charts.
41-44 Completely molted, soft and dripping with rapidly thickening resin. AP: 0.
45-48 Partially molted, with the raw tissue beneath the carapace exposed. AP: 10.
49-52 Claws are thin and belted with chainsaw-like edges linked to an engine.
65-68 Body covered in eyes, many of which are not standard on carcinids.
73-76 Wears a headdress made from an open human book, pages frozen with resin.
77-80 Carapace has integrated plastics, including exposed, lung-like food bags.
93-96 Long legs loaded with spring-like muscles; Long Range leap for a 3d10 DMG attack.
99 Entirely robotic apart from its nerves, and covered in metal plating.