Uneartherd 1.2
Uneartherd 1.2
Uneartherd 1.2
Tuesday Knight Games. This product is published under license. Mothership RPG is a
LAAL-KUTH trademark of Tuesday Knight Games. All rights reserved. For additional information,
These psychic aliens travelled here millions of years
Dust Storm www. tuesdayknightgames.com or contact [email protected] .
ago. They discovered it was bare of life apart from the living
contamination, and thought that it needed to be controlled, If desired the opening dust storm sequence can be built up
so they secured it into storage and locked it away. using the following tables, this may increase the difficulty if
the adventure significantly, use it wisely.
This swarming insectile virus consumes and subsumes Navigation
all it encounters. It will either destroy what it engulfs or fuse While caught in a dust storm, visibility is reduced to things
nearby or closer, and all ranged combat is at a disadvantage AN EXPLORATORY AVENTURE SCENARIO
with it to control or absorb it.
[-]. Also for each hour that characters are exposed. The BY MANDALA STUDIOS
group should roll 1d10 (+ 1 cumulatively for each additional
hour in the storm) on the following table.
Result Navigating the dust storm
0 Tolerable, the characters can continue on the way unimpeded
1-2 Confused, the characters have lost the ability to route find without skilled or
technical assistance, wilderness survival or a tech solution is required to navi-
3-5 Lost, as the storm intensifies the characters are still Confused, but must also
each roll on the hazard table below
THE CONTAMINATED LAAL-KUTH 6-9 Raiders, from out of the dust 1d2 raiders assault the party in an hit and run
This alien was unfortunate enough to knock over an attack, trying to capture ore if they still have it or whatever they can steal (an
additional +1 is added to future rolls on this table for each raider they encoun-
urn containing Contamination during the sealing of a vault,
several more were disturbed as it was infected. Now its once
smooth skin, is encased with a black fractal insectile 10+ Find the door, the characters come across the strange doorway in the rock
carapace and it seeks only to spread itself and consume what
it can. It is currently dormant outside the vault where it fell.
Marked with a *
0 Damage to equipment, the warden should randomly select an item of gear for
this character, and until it is cleaned and fixed it should caused all rolls involved
in its use to be at disadvantage [-]
To work their way out of this facility the characters 1-2 Separated, this character gets separated from the rest of the group, and wan-
need to retrieve the crystal from the contaminated Laal-kuth ders in a random direction until reunited.
which can be used to open the doors, or produce some other 3-6 Blindness, dust damages the eyes or visor of the character, until suitable actions
method using lasers or something. are taken the character cannot see.
7-8 Breathing difficulty, dust enters the breathing apparatus or lungs, making
Releasing the contamination from the facility will
exertion challenging, halve the time requirements for exhaustion.
require a whole host of problems to be solved to return the
rock to “safety”. 9 Ruined supplies, the warden should randomly select an item of food or other
damageable item, and it is destroyed. This should be revealed to the players at
the most dramatically opportune time.
The dust eases momentarily and there is a large open This room is where the Laal-Kuth administration was
Tens of millions of years ago, this place was an oasis, a done, there are several “chairs” and some crystals
doorway in the rockface, it appears to have been exposed by a
strange type of life evolved here, something between a virus embedded into the ceramic walls, if the crystals are
rockfall in the dust storm. There is no other discernible
and an insect. It consumed and subsumed all it encountered. disturbed in any way, holographic projections showing the
entrance or exit.
Until it had devoured all life except itself on this rock. Millions accident which resulted in the Laal-Kuth being contaminated
of years later, spacefaring creatures, the LAAL– KUTH, found downstairs will appear above a pedestal.
this place and awoke the contamination, they secured it away
tightly. But accidents happen, a storage jar was breached, a 5. HABITATION
victim found, and the facility sealed. Until now. All the architecture and fittings of the facility are made This chamber has strange objects that would seem to
from either ceramic or crystal. The ceramic is a seamless support the alien body shape in a variety of relaxed poses,
pearlescent white material. Its smooth exterior is hard and (Alien chairs and beds) and one wall houses a vat of an
strangely warm to touch. The crystals are clear and vibrate orange liquid that is dispensed through a nozzle close to
with an almost imperceptible hum. All the unlocked doors, , floor level above a trough (Alien food source)
The setup to this consists of 2 parts either, or both can are in airlock style pairs with front one opening moments after
be ignored depending on where your players are located and the rear closes, leaving no sign of their location in the 6. POOL ROOM
how you want to get them into the facility, however it is seamless surface. They are opened by proximity so a quick In here is a pool of electric blue liquid on the floor.
recommended that whatever you do, ensure some period of walk around the walls will find them. This functions as a filter that takes the gasses produced by
play showcasing normality of their existence so that the the atmosphere generators and makes them breathable.
facility can feel more alien. 1. ENTRANCE CHAMBER The liquid is held up by a force field, it will take some
This chamber appears to be a large featureless white weight, but a person walking out away from the very edge
DUST STORM room, once sufficient weight is on the floor, the main door will fall though, causing the liquid to fall along with them.
While working in the mine, the players are tasked with slams shut and 3 imperceptible doors around the walls open
escorting a remote cart back to “processing”. Enroute a heavy into short corridors with blank ends. The left and right LIFT
dust storm kicks up. corridors slope notably down along their length. Lifts, after a short delay once entered, change level.
Dropping to the lower-level the lift goes to the station that
RAID The main door once closed can be examined to reveal a is least effected by the turbines wind.
Using the dust storm for cover local prospector/ raiders delicately inscribed grid structure on its surface. This grid
seek to steal the cart of ore. In a narratively ideal world, the requires accurately placed lines of light projected along them 7. ENGINEERING/ ATMOSPHERICS
cart would have its axel broken, and the players would be to act as the key, the crystal that will produce the light can be The turbines, which surround a large power crystal in
somewhat overwhelmed and end up running into the storm, found on the Contaminated Laal-kuth found in 8. VAULTS. the centre of the room, generate a wind which blows strong
whereupon they find THE FACILITY. But really play it out enough to extinguish small flames, throughout the lower
however you feel best and if they end up somewhere else you 2. STOREROOM corridors, only 2 of the turbines operate at any one time,
can use this adventure elsewhere in the future. Here on pedestals is a selection of strange objects; leaving a quieter area which is where the lift will
Hollow inverted clear bowl shapes, with hoses leading to automatically return to. The cycle shifts every 10 minutes.
boxes full of an electric blue liquid (Alien breather helmets).
Tubes with a multitude of protrusions along its length, with a 8. VAULTS
separate cylinder that can be secured to them (Alien plasma Off the main corridor are several storage vaults filled
throwers, treat as flamethrower) with crystal urns, the doors to which are marked by similar
grids to that found on the 1. ENTRANCE. and must be
*These can be made workable, however carrying them causes opened similarly. This is where the Contamination was
acute radiation poisoning, and use causes 1d10 dmg to stats stored. The urns all contain Contamination, most are
saves and hits from radiation poisoning on every shot.* stacked up on shelves, sealed and pristine, but some are
7. ENG scattered, empty and broken. The cause of this breakage
In here on a pedestal in the centre of the room is a was an accident which is detailed in the holographic
* clear crystalline chamber full of electric blue liquid, suspended projections seen in 4. COMMAND AND CONTROL. This
accident has resulted in a Laal-kuth being contaminated.
8. VAULT in the liquid is the slumbering form of a million-year-old Laal-
Kuth. The way to revive it is a mystery.
The Mine
With the view from above at an oblique angle you
can see a squid like creature. It pulls from a fold in its flesh,
a crystal of some sort. It flashes the crystal towards the wall
and a doorway appears as if from nowhere. It seems to 1/2
look inside the doorway as the crystal slips from its grasp
and rolls down the corridor.
The creature turns to grab it, but as it does so knocks
a urn from a shelf. Hitting the floor, the urn opens, and a
swarm of blackness erupts and engulfs the alien. The
creature flails knocking down more urns releasing more of
the inky black swarms. The creature is becoming completely
enveloped now, it writhes for a while, then lays still. But the
black swarm seams to squirm over and into the alien’s flesh,
until after a few moments, its starts to move again.
Designation 1511-15-E
Inhabitants 4000
Radius 495 km
Port Surface landing
Gravity 0.68 Std
Location MN Cluster
Sector 14