Spitfire Symphony Orchestra Manualv2
Spitfire Symphony Orchestra Manualv2
Spitfire Symphony Orchestra Manualv2
Introduction 3
Welcome 4
Downloading & Installing 6
The Spitfire App Preferences 7
Registering with Kontakt Player 8
Spitfire Symphony Orchestra Folder Structure 9
Symphonic Strings 10
Symphonic Brass 21
Symphonic Woodwinds 31
Performance Patch Overview 40
Ostinatum overview 42
Symphonic Percussion - Kickstart view 45
Symphonic Percussion - Harp 53
Symphonic Percussion - Piano 59
Articulation Mapper 63
Mic and Mix details 64
Appendix A — Kontakt vs Kontakt Player 65
Appendix B — FAQs & Troubleshooting 66
Appendix C — UACC 70
Appendix D - Legacy content 71
Revered by the world’s best composers, Spitfire Symphony Orchestra features a full
symphonic string, symphonic brass and symphonic woodwind sections including solo
instruments, plus harp, piano and all core elements of percussion needed to complete the
band — giving your music the professional sounds that stand out.
Windows 10 or 11 (latest Service Pack), Intel Core
i5 or equivalent CPU.
4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended for large
KONTAKT Instruments).
A modern classic
With this relaunch you can now explore the stunning performances of these incredible musicians, in one
place with a new UI, a review of all sample content, all-new legatos created by Andrew Blaney, and all
presented in Native Instrument’s Kontakt 7:
Symphonic Strings
60 of the worlds best, recorded in situ.
The strings in this library captured has been created with 60 of the world’s finest strings players — 16
1st violins, 14 2nd violins, 12 violas, 10 cellos & 8 basses — performing over 175 articulations, including 9
legato patches programmed by Andrew Blaney, and presented with four versatile microphone positions.
Symphonic Brass
Bold, detailed and powerful.
The world’s finest brass players, covering solo, chamber, symphonic and cinematic instrument groups.
The full range of brass instruments, from classic to lesser known.
Symphonic Woodwinds
Timeless, melodic and expressive
World class woodwind players, from traditional piccolos, flutes, oboes, clarinets and bassoons to a con-
temporary selection of instruments, from alto, bass flutes, bass clarinets, contrabass clarinets and a
thunderous contrabassoon.
This comprehensive orchestral percussion library performed by award-winning percussionist Joby Bur-
gess features 9 tuned, 13 drums, 12 ‘toys’, from agogo to shakers, 14 unpitched metal instruments, and 3
unpitched wood instruments.
Harp performed by London’s leading harpist Skaila Kanga, featuring a comprehensive range of articula-
tions and pedalling, with glisses in every key.
Orchestral Grand Piano is a very realistic “contextual” piano designed specifically to fit proudly within
your full orchestral arrangements.
The Crown, Wonder Woman 1984, The Trial of The Chicago 7, James Bond, Interstellar, The Grand
Budapest Hotel, The Dark Knight, Harry Potter, Gladiator—all were recorded in Lyndhurst Hall at
London’s AIR Studios, Spitfire Audio’s spiritual home and a room where blockbuster scores are
born. Architecturally unique, the acoustic properties of the interior of Lyndhurst Hall are renowned
globally, loved by composers and musicians alike.
There is a gentle reverberation in the room that adds beauty to anything played there. The sound
produced by a soloist, or a full symphonic orchestra expands and blooms inside the space, a truly
versatile palette giving access to a range of textures from delicate and intimate to thunderous and
Thank you for buying Spitfire Symphony Orchestra. If you are new to Spitfire Audio, you can get
up to speed here: https://www.spitfireaudio.com/about/
First though, grab the ‘Spitfire Audio App’ from this link, this app will enable you to download the
library: http://www.spitfireaudio.com/info/library-manager/
THE SPITFIRE AUDIO APP 2. FILTERS Clicking these filters will quickly
display products you’ve yet to install, those
When you launch the app you will be already installed, and any available updates.
prompted to login using the same details Clicking again will remove the filter.
you use at our site. Then you’ll see the page
pictured below: 3. LIBRARY All libraries and plugins in your
collection will appear with their artwork on
the My Products tab. Clicking this artwork
will open the product page. This is a great
place to find information such as system
requirements and instructions as well as
Reset and Repair options.
1 2
To find out more about the differences between Kontakt and Kontakt Player, go to Appendix A.
1. Install Kontakt Player (skip this step if you already 5. You will then be prompted to navigate to the not
have the latest version). installed products in Native Access. From here, add
library for Spitfire Symphony Orchestra. Browse
2. Open the player (or Kontakt 7 full version if you for your downloaded Spitfire Symphony Orchestra
have that) and click Manage Libraries in the library folder and select this to complete the authorisa-
browser window, then click Launch Native Access tion.
in the window that opens:
...It can be found in your ‘ready to download’ email For more information about NKS and integration
and at the following link: with Native Instruments hardware controllers and
keyboards please checkout their online instruc-
https://www.spitfireaudio.com/my-account/seri- tions.
Simply double click an ‘nki’ file (this is Native Instruments’ file extension for a Kontakt instrument) to
load, or indeed drag the instrument (it’ll have the little keyboard icon and the suffix .nki) from the left
pane into the right pane.
If you can’t hear anything double check first that the midi channel you are transmitting on with your
keyboard is the same as the one in the Kontakt Instrument.
2. 9.
All of the libraries that we track at AIR Studios are chestral preset you’ll be greeted with this GUI.
recorded via priceless ribbon and valve mics via
Neve Montserrat pre-amps, the largest 88R Neve ASSIGNING CONTROLS IN KONTAKT.
console in the world and onto pristine 2” tape be-
fore being converted with the top-of-their-class All GUI controls can be assigned a unique control-
Prism AD converters at 96k. The orchestra is pre- ler number so you can automate or adjust via an
sented in carefully orchestrated sections, some- external controller (vital when playing in virtual Or-
times in unison across the entire orchestral range chestral parts). To un-assign, assign or just to see
sometimes in high low and middle sections. Along- what CC number is assigned to any control RIGHT
side many ‘work horse’ long and short articulations or CTRL CLICK.
are expertly prepared legato patches; a menu of
You can then alter the controller parameters in the
effects and a huge selection of string runs. There
are five mic positions (Close, Tree, Ambient, Outrig-
“Automation pane” want your mod wheel to go all
gers and Leader), to load and mix to suit the type
the way from top to bottom but the control to have
restricted bandwidth change default of 0-127 to
of music you’re writing and the scale you want to
achieve. 20-100 say. Or if you want the controller to make
the GUI control in the reverse direction change
When you first load up a Symphonic Strings or- from default 0-127 to 127-0.
This area at the top of each instrument is where The following controls are included in this library
to set your audio and MIDI routing as well as see to allow you to control and automate various pa-
whether the patch is loaded, loading or purged. rameters:
On the right you can solo, mute, pan, tune and
adjust volume. Dynamics - probably the most important control-
ler you have. This crossfades between the differ-
2 . S I D E BA R ent dynamic layers recorded.
The side bar is where you select and change mic Vibrato - where appropriate this crossfades from
mix/signals views(as described on page 14). no (or senza) to lots (molto) vibrato.
4. PATC H / ART I CULATION LA BEL This allows you to toggle the page view between
the Controllers and the Ostinatum. This Page but-
Displays the name of the loaded patch and the ton will only appear on articulations that support
currently selected articulation. the Ostinatum (shorts).
The mics are a stereo mix and this menu allows
you to refine how the stereo image is handled. All
our musicians are recorded in situ, i.e. where they
would be seated on a standard scoring session,
giving you a fantastic spectral spread when putting
A - MIXER PRESETS all the elements together. This panning tool helps
you to manage and tweak this to your own tastes/
Pick from 5 different velocity curves to suit your Toggle between signal and easy mixer mode.
1st Violins (or Vn) G3 C#7 16 players 2nd Violins (or Vn) G3 C#7 14 players
Usually the largest of the string sections with the widest expect- Exactly the same instruments as the 1sts, but in a slightly more
ed range. They sit to the left of the conductor and their principal ‘supportive’ role sitting to the right of the 1sts and next to the
player is referred to as the orchestra ‘leader’ violas.
Violas (or Va) C3 F#6 12 players Cellos (or Violoncello or VC) C2 Bb5 10 players
Similar in shape, but much larger in size than a violin. These sit Arguably the most versatile of the string instruments with a
straight ahead and slightly to the right of the conductor. They huge range from very low to heartbreaking highs. They sit to
often play the simpler more ‘pedalling’ harmonic lines. the right of the conductor and in front of the basses.
A. B. C.
Violins read from the treble clef (A.), violas from
the ‘viola’ (C.)or ‘alto’ clef (where the middle line
is middle C). Cellos play from the bass clef (B.)
as do the basses. However the basses sound an
octave lower than written. Want cellos and bass-
es to play in unison octaves? Give them both the
same music and it will happen!
Legato in the context of a sample instrument re- Bowed - this is when the bow changes direction
fers to a technique of capturing the sound of an while changing note with the left hand - this pro-
instrument moving from one note to the next. duces a slightly more defined and strong change.
Capturing this detail gives a lot of added realism,
but means that you need to play monophonically Portamento - this is a sliding transition from one
(one note at a time). note to the next. This is achieved by literally slid-
ing the finger on the fingerboard. It is necessary
To trigger these transitions, you must make sure on larger intervals to cross the strings as well.
that you hold down the first note while playing
the key of the second note. As long as you over- Runs - these short transitions are recorded for
lap the notes in this way, the engine will know semitone, tone, and minor third intervals to allow
that you want to trigger a legato transition. you to play very fast stepwise runs.
We have recorded a number of different types Sul G/C - the expression ‘Sul G’ means ‘played on
of transition, to help you play really expressively the G string’ - on the Violin, the G string is the low-
and musically using the library. est string. Playing a melody solely on this string
gives a very characteristic ‘throaty’ sound that
Fingered - this is the most basic kind: simply add- can be very expressive. The lowest string on the
ing or removing a finger on the left hand while the Viola and Cello is tuned to a ‘C’.
SLOWER transitions - if you are playing slowly,
In the latest version of the Symphonic strings we the velocity of the note you move to in the phrase
have developed special patches called ‘Perfor- affects the type of note transition you hear: 1-19
mance Legato Patches’. Using the legato transi- gives you the portamento, 20-84 is the stand-
tions above to help you play really expressively ard slurred ‘fingered’ transition, and 85-127 the
and musically using the library in a ground break- bowed heavier transition.
ing and intuitive way.
FASTER transitions - if you play faster, vel 1-84
These patches are designed so that you can for- gives you a slurred ‘fingered’ fast transition, while
get about keyswitching - and just play. The patch 85-127 gives you a faster fingered legato with a
will follow your playing and attempt to select slight accent.
the most appropriate sound. You can play short
notes, long, loud, soft, trills, runs, arpeggios, you
RUN transitions - if you play very fast, you enter
name it. Here is how it works in practice: this mode, where vel 1-84 gives a fingered ‘runs’
style for fast realistic runs, and vel 85-127 a more
ATTACK - your velocity (how hard you hit the key- accented transition.
board) controls the opening attack of the phrase:
vel 1-9 is smooth, then 10-127 goes through 3-4 Your playing speed will automatically select the
dynamic layers of spiccato/staccato attack, with 6 correct set of transitions. Check out this video tu-
RR (round robins - alternating recordings to avoid torial:
the ‘machine gun effect’ or hearing the same
sample again and again!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLvPstdnnSs
FLAUTANDO - This refers to a soft ‘flute-like’ way SUL TASTO - Playing with the bow over the fin-
of performing on a stringed instrument. Often the gerboard, to produce a thinner more delicate
bow will be near or over the fingerboard, which tone. This is different from ‘Flautando’ in that it is
gives a very different character to the sound from not specifically required to be ‘flute like’ or ‘har-
the usual bow position. Sometimes we describe monic like’ and therefore is more of a very soft
this to the players as ‘harmonic like’ and this gives delicate but yet ‘normale’ sounding tone.
them a steer toward a more ‘glassy’ and delicate,
often non vibrato sound. SUPER SUL TASTO - Taken to the extreme! The
players asked to play as softly as humanly pos-
HARMONICS - If the player holds down lightly on sible, so that a large proportion of the sound is
the string a perfect 4th interval up from the note the lovely ‘hiss’ of the rosin on the bows. A very
they are fingering, you hear what is called an exciting and delicate sound.
‘artificial harmonic’ sound - two octaves up from
the note being fingered. This is called ‘artificial’ RACHMANINOFF MOLTO VIB - This is taking the
to distinguish it from the natural harmonic series molto vib to its logical conclusion, a super appas-
of the open string. These ‘natural’ harmonics can sionata sound, with a lovely wide vibrato, played
be heard by moving the finger up and down the in the late-romantic style!
string lightly while bowing.
MARCATO ATTACK - Played with a very heavy
CON SORD - This is short for ‘con sordino’ which accented and abrupt start to the note.
means ‘with the mute’. A small rubber mute is at-
tached onto the bridge, and this has a damping
effect on the strings, that produces an extreme-
ly beautiful sound. This is softer than the ‘open’
sound, but still very dynamic in range.
2. 9.
All of the libraries that we track at AIR Studios are tral preset you’ll be greeted with this GUI.
recorded via priceless ribbon and valve mics via
Neve Montserrat pre-amps, the largest 88R Neve ASSIGNING CONTROLS IN KONTAKT.
console in the world and onto pristine 2” tape be-
fore being converted with the top-of-their-class All GUI controls can be assigned a unique control-
Prism AD converters at 96k. The orchestra is pre- ler number so you can automate or adjust via an
sented in carefully orchestrated sections, some- external controller (vital when playing in virtual Or-
times in unison across the entire orchestral range chestral parts). To un-assign, assign or just to see
sometimes in high low and middle sections. Along- what CC number is assigned to any control RIGHT
side many ‘work horse’ long and short articulations or CTRL CLICK.
are expertly prepared legato patches; a menu of
effects and a huge selection of string runs. There You can then alter the controller parameters in the
are five mic positions (Close, Tree, Ambient, Outrig- “Automation pane” want your mod wheel to go all
gers and Leader), to load and mix to suit the type the way from top to bottom but the control to have
of music you’re writing and the scale you want to restricted bandwidth change default of 0-127 to
achieve. 20-100 say. Or if you want the controller to make
the GUI control in the reverse direction change
When you first load up a Symphonic Brass orches- from default 0-127 to 127-0.
This area at the top of each instrument is where The following controls are included in this library
to set your audio and MIDI routing as well as see to allow you to control and automate various pa-
whether the patch is loaded, loading or purged. rameters:
On the right you can solo, mute, pan, tune and
adjust volume. Dynamics - probably the most important control-
ler you have. This crossfades between the differ-
2. S I D E BA R ent dynamic layers recorded.
The side bar is where you select and change mic Vibrato - where appropriate this crossfades from
mix/signals views (as described on page 25). no (or senza) to lots (molto) vibrato.
3 . A RTI C U LAT I O N SWITC HER Release - allows you to change the amount of re-
lease trigger you and your listener hears.
These musical note icons are the available artic-
ulations in your patch. These icons also corre- Tightness - the start of a note is often not the start
spond to the red keys in the Kontakt keyboard of the ‘sound’ of the instrument. This cuts further
(see point 5.) into the note to make it tighter. But does detract
from realism. Worth tightening up when playing
- Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking on the purge in, then loosening and putting a negative delay
button for an articulation will SOLO LOAD that ar- into your DAW to compensate for ultimate reality.
- Holding SHIFT and clicking an articulation icon Expression - ostensibly instrument trim (CC11), so
will allow multiple articulations to be activated si- this adjusts the volume within the instrument vol-
multaneously. Mileage may vary depending on ume (CC7).
articulations picked.
- Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking on the articula- 7. SLID E R
tion icon will pop up the ARTICULATION MAPPER
(page 63) and allow you to customise how the ar- When the articulations overrun the screen, a slid-
ticulation is activated. er is provided underneath to access the non-visi-
- Holding ALT and clicking on the articulation icon ble articulations.
will toggle an existing ARTICULATION MAPPER
setting on and off. 8 . PAGE BU T TON
4 . PATC H / ART I CULATION LA BEL This allows you to toggle the page view between
the Controllers and the Ostinatum. This Page but-
Displays the name of the loaded patch and the ton will only appear on articulations that support
currently selected articulation. the Ostinatum (shorts).
1 2 . UAC C / K S MA N AG EMEN T
The mics are a stereo mix and this menu allows
you to refine how the stereo image is handled. All
our musicians are recorded in situ, i.e. where they
would be seated on a standard scoring session,
giving you a fantastic spectral spread when putting
A - MIXER PRESETS all the elements together. This panning tool helps
you to manage and tweak this to your own tastes/
Pick from 5 different velocity curves to suit your Toggle between signal and easy mixer mode.
TROMBONE (TENOR) F1 C5 solo, a2, a6 BASS TROMBONE (Bb) Eb1 Ab4 solo, a6
A deeply versatile brass instrument with warmth and depth Because of its different bore size the timbre differs from the
when played in lower dynamics, switching very quickly to rasp- tenor trombone. Great for lower passages but also in a unison
ing tones when louder. Great for solo or accompaniment. blend with the tenor bones.
FANFARE patches: And we’d say: if you can hear the loop point, you
are holding the note down too long and will have
These are designed to play very fast passages in an unrealistic part!
a fanfare style. Load up the individual patch and
have a go. You can play two handed (the range
is repeated on the keyboard) and the main con-
trol is via your keyboard velocity: Vel 1-99 is a
very quick staccato for rapid notes, vel 100-110
is a static staccato good for starting and finishing
notes, and 111-127 a marcato that also serves as a
Con Sord is short for ‘con sordino’ which means STACCATO / STACCATISSIMO
‘with the mute’. Mutes are placed into the bell of
the instrument to provide a different sound. With The shortest note style, a nice tight staccato - or
the Horn, quite often ‘Stopped’ is the instruction, an even shorter staccatissimo.
which means to use the hand to ‘stop up’ the bell,
giving the effect of a mute, but more intense. TENUTO
Horn mutes are of course still available as an
alternative, but the ‘stopped’ sound is arguably The intermediate short length - literally it means
more popular. ‘hold the note for its full duration or even slight-
ly longer’ and implies some form of accent. We
TRILL Minor 2nd, Major 2nd think of this as a nice rounded attack.
2. 9.
All of the libraries that we track at AIR Studios are orchestral preset you’ll be greeted with this GUI.
recorded via priceless ribbon and valve mics via
Neve Montserrat pre-amps, the largest 88R Neve ASSIGNING CONTROLS IN KONTAKT.
console in the world and onto pristine 2” tape be-
fore being converted with the top-of-their-class All GUI controls can be assigned a unique control-
Prism AD converters at 96k. The orchestra is pre- ler number so you can automate or adjust via an
sented in carefully orchestrated sections, some- external controller (vital when playing in virtual Or-
times in unison across the entire orchestral range chestral parts). To un-assign, assign or just to see
sometimes in high low and middle sections. Along- what CC number is assigned to any control RIGHT
side many ‘work horse’ long and short articulations or CTRL CLICK.
are expertly prepared legato patches; a menu of
effects and a huge selection of string runs. There
You can then alter the controller parameters in the
are five mic positions (Close, Tree, Ambient, Outrig-
“Automation pane” want your mod wheel to go all
gers and Leader), to load and mix to suit the type
the way from top to bottom but the control to have
of music you’re writing and the scale you want to
restricted bandwidth change default of 0-127 to
achieve. 20-100 say. Or if you want the controller to make
the GUI control in the reverse direction change
When you first load up a Symphonic Woodwinds from default 0-127 to 127-0.
This area at the top of each instrument is where The following controls are included in this library
to set your audio and MIDI routing as well as see to allow you to control and automate various pa-
whether the patch is loaded, loading or purged. rameters:
On the right you can solo, mute, pan, tune and
adjust volume. Dynamics - probably the most important control-
ler you have. This crossfades between the differ-
2. S I D E BA R ent dynamic layers recorded.
The side bar is where you select and change mic Vibrato - where appropriate this crossfades from
mix/signals views(as described on page 35). no (or senza) to lots (molto) vibrato.
3 . A RTI C U LAT I O N SWITC HER Release - allows you to change the amount of re-
lease trigger you and your listener hears.
These musical note icons are the available artic-
ulations in your patch. These icons also corre- Tightness - the start of a note is often not the start
spond to the red keys in the Kontakt keyboard of the ‘sound’ of the instrument. This cuts further
(see point 5.) into the note to make it tighter. But does detract
from realism. Worth tightening up when playing
- Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking on the purge in, then loosening and putting a negative delay
button for an articulation will SOLO LOAD that ar- into your DAW to compensate for ultimate reality.
- Holding SHIFT and clicking an articulation icon Expression - ostensibly instrument trim (CC11), so
will allow multiple articulations to be activated si- this adjusts the volume within the instrument vol-
multaneously. Mileage may vary depending on ume (CC7).
articulations picked.
- Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking on the articula- 7. SLID E R
tion icon will pop up the ARTICULATION MAPPER
(page 63) and allow you to customise how the ar- When the articulations overrun the screen, a slid-
ticulation is activated. er is provided underneath to access the non-visi-
- Holding ALT and clicking on the articulation icon ble articulations.
will toggle an existing ARTICULATION MAPPER
setting on and off. 8 . PAGE BU T TON
4 . PATC H / ART I CULATION LA BEL This allows you to toggle the page view between
the Controllers and the Ostinatum. This Page but-
Displays the name of the loaded patch and the ton will only appear on articulations that support
currently selected articulation. the Ostinatum (shorts).
1 2 . UAC C / K S MA N AG EMEN T
The mics are a stereo mix and this menu allows
you to refine how the stereo image is handled. All
our musicians are recorded in situ, i.e. where they
would be seated on a standard scoring session,
giving you a fantastic spectral spread when putting
A - MIXER PRESETS all the elements together. This panning tool helps
you to manage and tweak this to your own tastes/
Pick from 5 different velocity curves to suit your Toggle between signal and easy mixer mode.
Long Flutter Long
Long Overblown Long Flutter
Short Marcato Long Overblown
Short Staccato Short Marcato
Short Tenuto Short Staccato
Short Tenuto
Long Flutter Long
Multitongue Long Flutter
Short Marcato Long Harmonics
5. 6.
The following controls are included in this patch to Attack & Interval - Performance Legato patches
allow you to control and automate various param- react to your playing without having to switch ar-
eters: ticulations. Refer to this guide for information on
how to trigger each playing style included in each
Dynamics - probably the most important controller patch. Attacks and Intervals can also be ‘locked’ by
you have. This crossfades between the different hovering the mouse over an articulation and click-
dynamic layers recorded. ing the padlock. This restricts the playable velocity
of an attack or interval to the range locked.
4. PATC H / ART I CULATION LA BEL RESET FROM C0 - This enables you to control
the round robin cycle (so it sounds identical every
5. S I D E BA R time you play) toggle on & play the key selected
(default C0) to reset.
The side bar is where you select and change mic
mix/signals views(as described in previous sec- RESET ON TRANSPORT - As above but resets
tions). every time you press play in the DAW.
b. c.
3. d.
e. 2.
8. 9.
This section has controls for selecting how the These musical note icons are the available artic-
Ostinatum handles incoming notes and for ena- ulations in your patch. These icons also corre-
bling and disabling keyswitches. The mode op- spond to the red keys in the Kontakt keyboard.
tions are as follows:
- Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking on the purge
OFF - in this default position the Ostinatum re- button for an articulation will SOLO LOAD that ar-
mains dormant. ticulation.
ORDER PRESSED: This will number the notes in - Holding SHIFT and clicking an articulation icon
the order you pressed them. will allow multiple articulations to be activated si-
ASCENDING: This will number the notes from the multaneously. Mileage may vary depending on
lowest to the highest. articulations picked.
DESCENDING: This will number the notes from - Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking on the articula-
the highest to the lowest. tion icon will pop up the ARTICULATION MAPPER
(page 63) and allow you to customise how the ar-
The other options are: ticulation is activated.
- Holding ALT and clicking on the articulation icon
CONTROL KEYSWITCHES: Allows you to set up a will toggle an existing ARTICULATION MAPPER
section of the keyboard that controls the state of setting on and off.
the Ostinatum.
SOLO KEYSWITCHES: Allows you to dedicate a 8. SID E BAR
section of the keyboard to keyswitches that solo
each ostinatum pattern. The side bar is where you select and change mic
CHORD MODE: This ignores any note order and mix/signals views(as described in previous sec-
simply plays everything polyphonically, great for tions).
measured trem style effects.
At the bottom of this section, is the KEY DISPLAY.
This displays the currently held notes number
1-10 arranged from left to right, this will display PURGE UNUSED - This control keeps unload-
changes based on the Mode setting. ing any samples you are not using to keep your
memory usage as low as possible.
TRANSPOSE - Toggle this on and adjust the num-
This allows you to toggle the page view between ber to the right to transpose your instrument. Note
the Controllers and the Ostinatum. This Page but- this is not the same as tuning, the instrument will
ton will only appear on articulations that support actually offset the samples to the selected pitch.
the Ostinatum (shorts).
KEYSWITCHES - Change, if needed, where the
keyswitches begin on your keyboard.
5. 6.
All of the libraries that we track at AIR Studios are ASSIGNING CONTROLS IN KONTAKT.
recorded via priceless ribbon and valve mics via
Neve Montserrat pre-amps, the largest 88R Neve All GUI controls can be assigned a unique control-
console in the world and onto pristine 2” tape be- ler number so you can automate or adjust via an
fore being converted with the top-of-their-class external controller (vital when playing in virtual Or-
Prism AD converters at 96k. The orchestra is pre- chestral parts). To un-assign, assign or just to see
sented in carefully orchestrated sections, some- what CC number is assigned to any control RIGHT
times in unison across the entire orchestral range or CTRL CLICK.
sometimes in high low and middle sections. Along-
side many ‘work horse’ long and short articulations You can then alter the controller parameters in the
are expertly prepared legato patches; a menu of “Automation pane” want your mod wheel to go all
effects and a huge selection of string runs. There the way from top to bottom but the control to have
are three mic positions (Close, Tree and Ambient), restricted bandwidth change default of 0-127 to
to load and mix to suit the type of music you’re 20-100 say. Or if you want the controller to make
writing and the scale you want to achieve. the GUI control in the reverse direction change
from default 0-127 to 127-0.
When you first load up a Symphonic Percussion
Kickstart preset you’ll be greeted with this GUI.
The mics are a stereo mix and this collapser allows
you to refine how the stereo image is handled. All
our musicians are recorded in situ, i.e. where they
would be seated on a standard scoring session,
A - MIXER PRESETS giving you a fantastic spectral spread when putting
all the elements together. This panning tool helps
you to manage and tweak this to your own tastes/
This menu is a way to transfer mixer settings be- STEREO PAN - Then allows you to control where
tween patches, or save and load presets to or from in the pan field the centre of this image is placed.
The Per-Instrument mixer button allows you to
toggle between global mixing ( )and per-instru-
ment mixing ( ).
11. 4.
5. 6.
All of the libraries that we track at AIR Studios are ASSIGNING CONTROLS IN KONTAKT.
recorded via priceless ribbon and valve mics via
Neve Montserrat pre-amps, the largest 88R Neve All GUI controls can be assigned a unique control-
console in the world and onto pristine 2” tape be- ler number so you can automate or adjust via an
fore being converted with the top-of-their-class external controller (vital when playing in virtual Or-
Prism AD converters at 96k. The orchestra is pre- chestral parts). To un-assign, assign or just to see
sented in carefully orchestrated sections, some- what CC number is assigned to any control RIGHT
times in unison across the entire orchestral range or CTRL CLICK.
sometimes in high low and middle sections. Along-
side many ‘work horse’ long and short articulations You can then alter the controller parameters in the
are expertly prepared legato patches; a menu of “Automation pane” want your mod wheel to go all
effects and a huge selection of string runs. There the way from top to bottom but the control to have
are three mic positions (Close, Tree and Ambient), restricted bandwidth change default of 0-127 to
to load and mix to suit the type of music you’re 20-100 say. Or if you want the controller to make
writing and the scale you want to achieve. the GUI control in the reverse direction change
from default 0-127 to 127-0.
When you first load up a Symphonic Percussion -
Harp preset you’ll be greeted with this GUI.
This area at the top of each instrument is where These musical note icons are the available artic-
to set your audio and MIDI routing as well as see ulations in your patch. These icons also corre-
whether the patch is loaded, loading or purged. spond to the red keys in the Kontakt keyboard
On the right you can solo, mute, pan, tune and (see point 5.)
adjust volume.
- Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking on the purge
2. C ON T R O LLE R S button for an articulation will SOLO LOAD that ar-
The following controls are included in this library - Holding SHIFT and clicking an articulation icon
to allow you to control and automate various pa- will allow multiple articulations to be activated si-
rameters: multaneously. Mileage may vary depending on
articulations picked.
Dynamics - probably the most important control- - Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking on the articula-
ler you have. This crossfades between the differ- tion icon will pop up the ARTICULATION MAPPER
ent dynamic layers recorded. (page 63) and allow you to customise how the ar-
ticulation is activated.
Releases - allows you to change the amount of - Holding ALT and clicking on the articulation icon
release trigger you and your listener hears. will toggle an existing ARTICULATION MAPPER
setting on and off.
Expression - ostensibly instrument trim (CC11), so
this adjusts the volume within the instrument vol- 5. SID E BAR
ume (CC7).
The side bar is where you select and change mic
3. H A R P P EDALI NG mix/signals views (as described on page 53).
Right-click on each pedal to MIDI CC Learn. The - Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking on the purge
pedals are also mapped to CC40-46 (and can be button for a mic will SOLO LOAD that Mic.
controlled through DAW/NKS automation). - Holding ALT/MENU and dragging the sliders
will move them WITHOUT toggling the mic purge
- Holding SHIFT + ALT/MENU and dragging the
sliders will drag all mic sliders up and down to
match that setting.
• “Layer 2x Round Robins With No Skip” - As 11. PATCH/ART ICULAT ION LABE L
above but this plays a pair but doesn’t move
ahead by 2 so that RR isn’t halved. So if you press Displays the name of the loaded patch and the
a note it would play RR1/RR2, then RR2/RR3, then currently selected articulation.
The mics are a stereo mix and this menu allows
you to refine how the stereo image is handled. All
E. our musicians are recorded in situ, i.e. where they
would be seated on a standard scoring session,
giving you a fantastic spectral spread when putting
A - MIXER PRESETS all the elements together. This panning tool helps
you to manage and tweak this to your own tastes/
Pick from 5 different velocity curves to suit your Toggle between signal and easy mixer mode.
There are many ways to get a sound out of the harp and we have sampled a very comprehensive list
in this library. Let us look at the Main Techniques first, and then at the Glissandi patch.
5. 6.
All of the libraries that we track at AIR Studios are ASSIGNING CONTROLS IN KONTAKT.
recorded via priceless ribbon and valve mics via
Neve Montserrat pre-amps, the largest 88R Neve All GUI controls can be assigned a unique control-
console in the world and onto pristine 2” tape be- ler number so you can automate or adjust via an
fore being converted with the top-of-their-class external controller (vital when playing in virtual Or-
Prism AD converters at 96k. The orchestra is pre- chestral parts). To un-assign, assign or just to see
sented in carefully orchestrated sections, some- what CC number is assigned to any control RIGHT
times in unison across the entire orchestral range or CTRL CLICK.
sometimes in high low and middle sections. Along-
side many ‘work horse’ long and short articulations You can then alter the controller parameters in the
are expertly prepared legato patches; a menu of “Automation pane” want your mod wheel to go all
effects and a huge selection of string runs. There the way from top to bottom but the control to have
are three mic positions (Close, Tree and Ambient), restricted bandwidth change default of 0-127 to
to load and mix to suit the type of music you’re 20-100 say. Or if you want the controller to make
writing and the scale you want to achieve. the GUI control in the reverse direction change
from default 0-127 to 127-0.
When you load up the Symphonic Percussion - Pi-
ano preset you’ll be greeted with this GUI.
This area at the top of each instrument is where These sound source icons are the available ar-
to set your audio and MIDI routing as well as see ticulations in your patch. These icons also corre-
whether the patch is loaded, loading or purged. spond to the red keys in the Kontakt keyboard
On the right you can solo, mute, pan, tune and (see point 5.)
adjust volume.
- Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking on the purge
2. C ON T R O LLE R S button for an articulation will SOLO LOAD that ar-
The following controls are included in this library - Holding SHIFT and clicking an articulation icon
to allow you to control and automate various pa- will allow multiple articulations to be activated si-
rameters: multaneously. Mileage may vary depending on
articulations picked.
Dynamics - probably the most important control- - Holding CTRL/CMD and clicking on the articula-
ler you have. This crossfades between the differ- tion icon will pop up the ARTICULATION MAPPER
ent dynamic layers recorded. (page 63) and allow you to customise how the ar-
ticulation is activated.
Pedal Volume - adjusts pedal volume within the - Holding ALT and clicking on the articulation icon
instrument volume will toggle an existing ARTICULATION MAPPER
setting on and off.
Pedal Dyn - allows you to change the pedal dy-
namics, from soft, medium and hard. 5. SID E BAR
Expression - ostensibly instrument trim (CC11), so The side bar is where you select and change mic
this adjusts the volume within the instrument vol- mix/signals views (as described on page 59).
ume (CC7).
6. M IC M IX
This is a more advanced mixer than the Easy Mix
This allows you to toggle the page view between (page.... ), with individual faders for each mic. Like
the Controllers and the Ostinatum. This Page but- the Articulation Switcher the toggles beneath the
ton will only appear on articulations that support faders load and unload different microphones
the Ostinatum (shorts). and the faders above to tweak the balance of
them. Turning a fader all the way down will also
unload the mics and turning the fader back up
will reload.
TRANSPOSE - Toggle this on and adjust the num- ROUND ROBINS - This refers to the number of
ber to the right to transpose your instrument. Note round robins (multiple recordings of the same
this is not the same as tuning, the instrument will notes that cycle around as you repeatedly play
actually offset the samples to the selected pitch. a note) your instrument uses, the number can be
dragged up and down (1-8) to save you memory.
KEYSWITCHES - Change, if needed, where the
keyswitches begin on your keyboard. RESET FROM C-1 - This enables you to control
the round robin cycle (so it sounds identical every
CC MAPPED VEL(OCITY) - Click this to control time you play) toggle on & play the key selected
note velocity with the Dynamics slider. If you have (default C-1) to reset.
re-assigned the dynamics slider, that same CC
will control velocity now. RESET ON TRANSPORT - As above but resets
every time you press play in the DAW.
AUTO PEDAL VOL - Will automatically set the
pedal volume (linked to CC17) based on how TIMED SHORT ARTIC RTS - This option allows
hard the last key was played. This can be tog- you to toggle whether staccato/tenuto/marcato
gled on or off here in the Options. notes have a release trigger that plays on release.
This lets you tighten up staccatos or end marca-
8 . R OU N D R O BI NS tos/tenutos earlier than they were recorded.
The mics are a stereo mix and this menu allows
you to refine how the stereo image is handled. All
E. our musicians are recorded in situ, i.e. where they
would be seated on a standard scoring session,
giving you a fantastic spectral spread when putting
A - MIXER PRESETS all the elements together. This panning tool helps
you to manage and tweak this to your own tastes/
Pick from 5 different velocity curves to suit your Toggle between signal and easy mixer mode.
It works with libraries that the developer has paid a license fee for. Essentially, you’ve bought this play-
back engine along with your library.
The Kontakt player gives you full access to all the sounds and all the editable parameters on the front
panel. Also, unlike non-Player libraries, these libraries will also have a banner that appears on the Kon-
takt Libraries pane.
If you want to go deeper into editing you’ll need a full version. As you will already own the free Kontakt
player and have bought one of our ‘player’ libraries you will be eligible for a discount upgrade to Kontakt
via the NI website. See here for more details:
If the library you want to use is NOT a ‘Player’ library then you need to buy the full retail version of Kon-
Then you can also load ‘non-Player’ libraries like some of our other ranges, Harp, Piano, Harpsichord,
Please note that non-Player library instruments will not appear on the Kontakt libraries pane and so can’t
be added as a library as Player libraries need to be. Instead, these libraries will simply need to be loaded
via the Kontakt files browser or you can add the library as a favourite to the Kontakt Quick Load window.
Windows 10 or 11 (latest Service Pack), Intel
Core i5 or equivalent CPU. PRODUCT?
4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended for large
KONTAKT Instruments). This can easily be done via your Spitfire
Audio App. To reset both your entire library
64 bit DAW required (32 bit DAWs not download or the latest update;
• Open up the Spitfire Audio App and log in
Min Kontakt version 7.5.2 with your account email and password.
Q: I HAVE FAST INTERNET, WHY IS The more information we have, the quicker
MY DOWNLOAD SLOW? we can get you back up and running!
With the development of Spitfire’s Kontakt libraries, it was proving quite difficult to standardise how to access the ever-grow-
ing number of articulations contained within instruments and libraries. While they worked adequately, Keyswitches and CC32
were inconsistent between sections and instruments and it could prove a pain to do something as simple as substituting a
Viola for a Violin section.
To address the problem, Spitfire developed UACC, a specification that hopes to standardise articulation control between
instruments and libraries. UACC is turned on via the Keyswitch locking option ( ) and utilises the same CC as above (and
can be customised identically). When UACC is activated you can change articulation by setting CC32 to specific values that
correlative with different articulations. Here’s the latest (v2) spec:
Long (sustain) 34 Detache 80 Synced - 120bpm (trem/trill)
1 Generic 35 Higher 81 Synced - 150bpm (trem/trill)
2 Alternative 36 Lower 82 Synced - 180bpm (trem/trill)
3 Octave
4 Octave muted Short Phrases & Dynamics
5 Small (1/2) 40 Generic 90 FX 1
6 Small muted 41 Alternative 91 FX 2
7 Muted 42 Very short (spicc) 92 FX 3
8 Soft (flaut/hollow) 43 Very short (soft) 93 FX 4
9 Hard (cuivre/overb) 44 Leisurely (stacc) 94 FX 5
10 Harmonic 45 Octave 95 FX 6
11 Tremolo/flutter 46 Octave muted 96 FX 7
12 Tremolo muted 47 Muted 97 FX 8
13 Tremolo soft/low 48 Soft (brush/feather) 98 FX 9
14 Tremolo hard/high 49 Hard (dig) 99 FX 10
15 Tremolo muted low 50 Tenuto 100 Up (rips/runs)
16 Vibrato (molto vib) 51 Tenuto Soft 101 Downs (falls/runs)
17 Higher (sultasto/bells up) 52 Marcato 102 Crescendo
18 Lower (sul pont) 53 Marcato Soft 103 Decrescendo
19 Lower muted 54 Marcato Hard 104 Arc
55 Marcato Long 105 Slides
Legato 56 Plucked (pizz)
20 Generic 57 Plucked hard (bartok) Various
21 Alternative 58 Struck (col leg) 110 Disco up (rips)
22 Octave 59 Higher 111 Disco down (falls)
23 Octave muted 60 Lower 112 Single string (Sul C/G/etc.)
24 Small 61 Harmonic
25 Small muted
26 Muted Decorative
27 Soft 70 Trill (minor2nd)
28 Hard 71 Trill (major 2nd)
29 Harmonic 72 Trill (minor 3rd)
30 Tremolo 73 Trill (major 3rd)
31 Slow (port/gliss) 74 Trill (perfect 4th)
32 Fast 75 Multitongue
33 Run 76 Multitongue muted
For example, turning on UACC and changing CC32 to 26 will change the current articulation to Legato - Muted. Setting it to
52 would change to Short - Marcato. You can set these manually in your DAW but it’s much easier to utilise DAW functionality
such as VST Note Expression, or a dedicate tablet app such as Lemur, TouchOSC, LiveControl, etc.
The advantages of UACC are that it’s consistent between all supported libraries (i.e.. setting CC32 to 52 will change to Marca-
to regardless of the library or patch) and easily configurable on tablet apps such as Lemur. It remains consistent between up-
dates (any product using v2 will have the articulations mapped to the above spec). It also takes up no space on the keyboard.
The disadvantages are that it’s difficult to control for live playing (unless using a tablet) and it does not support articulation
UACC keyswitching is a new feature in Spitfire products and updates. It is a mixture of keyswitching and UACC to provide the
advantages of both methods. When UACC Keyswitch is activated via the lock panel menu ( ) a single keyswitch is available.
Using the UACC spec outlined above, this keyswitches velocity is used to switch articulation.
For example pressing the keyswitch at velocity 70 would switch to the Trill (minor 2nd) articulation while pressing at velocity
56 would switch to Short Pizzicato. As with UACC, you can manually input these velocity values but it’s easier to use your
DAW or tablet app’s functionality.
The main advantage of UACC KS over UACC is that you can layer articulations by overlaying the keyswitch notes on the
piano roll.
Double click the zip file to install these legacy nkis to your Instruments folder, these will then appear in
the list of Instruments when open in Kontakt: