Soundiron - Alpha Organ - User Manual - v1.0
Soundiron - Alpha Organ - User Manual - v1.0
Soundiron - Alpha Organ - User Manual - v1.0
Alpha Organ is a beautifully deep-sampled pipe organ recorded at St. Paul's Church in San Francisco, CA. The library was recorded in
the same location as our acclaimed Requiem Light Symphonic Choir and Symphony Series Brass. The design of St. Paul's Church mixed
with the exquisite sound of this unique organ is the perfect blend, creating a tonal combination that can't be recreated anywhere else.
This library is Powered By the Native Instruments Kontakt 6 Player engine (VST, AU & AAX Plugin formats) and supports all Komplete
Kontrol so�ware and hardware.
St Paul's Church has a unique history that called to us and guided our approach to this instrument. It's original
construction was interrupted by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and stone rubble from the destroyed downtown
was used to complete the final structure. The space has extraordinary acoustic properties bordering on the mystical,
it's long reverberant tail carrying an airy ghostly quality. Each time we've recorded there, we've experienced waves
of strange synchronicities. The entire hall sings as one massive living instrument. To honor the high strangeness that
the space seems to evoke, we've enriched the library with a wider selection of our signature sound designed
ambiences that delve deeply into psychoacous�c and metaphysical aesthe�cs.
In the advanced settings, you’ll also find an adaptable per-layer LFO system, with selectable LFO shape, modulation
target parameter, speed, intensity, tempo-syncing and fade-in time. You can also apply your choice of 13 lowpass,
high-pass and FX filters, with assignable modulation targets such as velocity, mod-wheel, expression, after-touch, key
posi�on and step-sequencer table control.
A customizable per-layer arpeggiator, with a built-in velocity sequencer table and control over arp direction, note
timing, swing, randomization and duration is also included in the advanced settings. We’ve included a key and scale
lock system that allows you to constrain your notes to a wide variety of common scales and keys for easy melodic
composi�on and live performance.
The built-in modular FX rack window offers 18 different DSP effect modules that you can assign in any of 10 available
slots, in any order that you wish. You’ll find classic phase, flanger, delay, distortion, amp and cab simulators,
compressors, EQ, rotator and so much more. The Reverb effect includes 99 of our own convolution reverb impulse
presets. We’ve captured a huge variety of different rooms, halls, chambers and outdoor environments, along with
40 unique, strange and creative special effect impulses to completely transform the sound and open up whole new
worlds of musical possibility.
Alpha Organ has been licensed for use in the free Kontakt Player, virtual instrument engine. It
can be used in Kontakt Player or the full retail version of Kontakt (version 6.1 or later) for VST,
AU or AAX instrument plugin formats. You can add this product to the Kontakt “Libraries”
browser. It requires online serial number registration through Native Instruments’ Native
Access app. This library is fully compatible with Komplete Kontrol and all S-Series Keyboards by
Native Instruments. Buying Alpha Organ automatically qualifies you for a great cross-grade
discount toward the full unlocked version of Kontakt through Na�ve Instruments!
INTRODUCTION...................................... 1
OVERVIEW............................................. 3
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS........................... 4
MAIN USER INTERFACE......................... 6
ADVANCED CONTROLS.......................... 7
LAYERED USER INTERFACE..................... 9
FX RACK PANEL..................................... 12
LICENSING AGREEMENT........................ 17
ABOUT US & CREDITS............................ 18
All programming, scripting, samples, images and text © Soundiron 2020.
All Rights Reserved. Soundiron is a Registered Trademark of Soundiron LLC.
This library requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player version 6.1 or later, or the full retail version of Kontakt
version 6.1 or later. The sample files are compressed to lossless 48kHz and 24 bit NCW audio format. Please read all
instrument specs and software requirements before purchasing this or any other Soundiron products. You must
have at least Windows version 7 or later, or macOS 10.12 or later.
Many instrument presets in this library are extremely system resource intensive. We highly recommend that you
have a 64-bit operating system (Windows or macOS) with at least 3GB of system ram, a multi-core cpu and a 7200
rpm SATA or SSD hard disk before purchasing this particular Soundiron library. Large sample sets like those found in
this library may load slowly and may cause system instability on some older machines and audio devices.
Natural sonic impurities from body and clothing movement by the performer sounds may be present in some
samples. These performance sounds are natural and unavoidable. Therefore, please keep in mind that this library
isn’t designed to provide perfectly sterile results. Our goal is to preserve and accentuate the natural live qualities in
our instruments without sucking all of the life out of them for the sake of clinical perfec�on.
1 20 19 18 17 16 15 14
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
4 5 7
6. Scale Lock
Click the lock icon next to the SCALE LOCK label to turn They Key drop-down menu selects the key that you wish
on the key/scale locking system. This allows you to easily to constrain all incoming midi notes to.
play within a desired key and scale. When active, the
midi keys that are excluded from the current scale will The Scale drop-down menu lets you select from a variety
trigger the same note as the key below them, so go of scales, in the key that you have selected.
ahead and be sloppy if you like!
The “ARP” sec�on lets you create, save and load your own arpeggios, rhythmic pa�erns and step sequences. To
turn it on, click the radio bu�on next to the ARP label.
The Kontakt presets display colored keys in Kontakt’s keyboard view panel. To show the keyboard view, press F3 or
click the window menu at the top of Kontakt. This key coloring is also shown in Native Instruments’ Komplete Kontrol
so�ware and all S-Series Keyboards and other NKS Standard compa�ble so�ware and hardware.
The FX Rack tab gives you direct access to 18 of Kontakt’s built-in special effects and dynamic processors. This panel
is accessible in all presets by clicking on the FX Rack tab bu�on at the bo�om of the instrument UI. Signal flows
from le� to right in each row and goes down from there. The last two sockets are Post Send effects, mixed in at the
final stage before signal output. To change the effect loaded into any specific rack module socket, click on the down
arrow menu in its top le� corner.
Select Preset menu Delete button
This menu lets you select from any of our stock presets Use this to delete the currently selected custom preset.
and any custom presets you create. Factory presets can’t be deleted.
Save button Reset button
Once you’ve customized your FX chain, you can save it This unloads all effects and resets the entire FX rack to
for later use in this rack by pressing this. its default state.
Fade knob
Use this to fade in the oscilla�on a�er the note starts.
Descriptions and control definitions for all effect modules are on the next 4 pages...
Power Bu�on
Toggles the effect on/off.
Boost Bu�on
This boosts the incoming signal strength.
Drive Knob Low, Mid & High knobs
This controls the amount of gain added. These control the low, mid and high frequency gain.
Tone Knob Vol Knob
This shapes tone brightness. This sets the overall output volume.
Power Switch
Toggles the effect on/off.
Drive Knob
This knob controls the amount of gain added.
Damping Knob Output Knob
This shapes tone brightness. This sets the overall output volume.
Power Switch
Toggles the delay on and off.
Sync Bu�on
This syncs the rate to your BPM.
Rate Knob Pan Knob
Controls the echo rate. In sync-mode, it changes by This controls the le�-right ping pong effect.
note divisions.
Damping Knob Mix Knob
This controls high frequency roll-off. This adjusts the wet/dry output mix.
Power Bu�on
Toggles the effect on/off.
Type Menu Lopass Knob
This menu selects the environment category. This controls high-frequency roll-off.
Impulse Menu Hipass Knob
This menu selects the impulse response. There are 139 This controls low frequency cut-off
unique reverb and FX spaces to choose from.
Size Knob Mix Knob
This controls the reflec�on decay �me. This adjusts the wet/dry output mix.
Power Bu�on
Toggles the effect on/off.
Drive Knob
This controls the amount of gain added.
Bass, Mid, & Treble Knobs Volume Knob
13 Controls the low, mid and high frequency gain. This sets the overall output volume.
Power Bu�on
Toggles the effect on/off.
A�ack Knob
Controls amount of signal boost/cut from a�ack
Sustain Knob Gain Knob
Controls sustain volume following a transient. This controls the amount of gain added.
Tone Knob
Shapes the brightness of the tone.
Power Bu�on
Toggles the effect on/off.
Model Menu
Selects the model of speaker to simulate.
Damping Knob Output Knob
This shapes tone brightness. This sets the overall output volume.
Power Bu�on
Toggles the effect on/off.
Type Bu�on
This menu lets you select from dozens of low pass, high
pass, band pass, notch, ladder and other filter types.
Cutoff/Talk Knob Gain/Size Knob
This controls the filter cutoff and/or peak frequency. This controls signal pass-through level.
Resonance/Sharpness Knob
This controls the amount of resonance added at the
cutoff or peak node.
Power Bu�on
Toggles the effect on/off.
Sync Bu�on
This synchronizes the rate to your BPM.
Rate Knob Phase Knob
Controls the mod rate in ms or by note if Sync is on. This controls the phase.
Feedback Knob Depth Knob
This adjusts the amount of feedback. This controls the depth of the sweep.
Power Bu�on
Toggles the effect on/off.
Threshold Knob
This adjusts the signal threshold needed before
compression is applied.
Ra�o Knob A�ack Knob
This controls the ra�o of gain added or removed based Controls compressor a�ack speed once signal exceeds
14 on incoming signal level above the threshold. threshold.
Power Switch
Toggles the effect on/off.
Bits Knob
This sets the level of bit depth reduc�on.
Sample Rate Knob Color Knob
This sets the level of sample rate quality reduc�on. This knob adjusts tone brightness and apparent fidelity.
Noise Knob Vol Knob
This knob adds noise to the signal. This sets the overall output volume.
Power Switch
Toggles the effect on/off.
Sync Bu�on Phase Knob
This synchronizes the rate to your BPM. This knob controls the phase center.
Rate Knob Depth Knob
Controls the mod-rate, in ms or note values if Sync is This controls the depth of the phase sweep.
Feedback Knob Mix Knob
This adjusts the amount of feedback This adjusts the wet/dry output mix.
Power Switch
Toggles the effect on/off.
This bu�on toggles between cabinet rota�on speeds.
Size Knob Air Knob
Use this knob to adjust the simulated size of the Adjusts the simulated distance between the speaker and
speaker cabinet.signature by note divisions. microphone.
Output Knob
This sets the overall output volume.
Power Switch
Toggles the effect on/off.
Drive Knob
This knob controls the amount of gain added.
Tone Knob Clean Knob
This sets the overall signal tone. This sets the amount of clean signal pass-through.
Bass & Bright Knobs Output Knob
These control low & high frequency gain. This sets the overall output volume.
Power Switch
Toggles the effect on/off.
Power Switch
Toggles the effect on/off.
Sync Bu�on
This synchronizes the rate to your BPM.
Rate Knob Depth Knob
Controls the mod-rate, in ms or note values if Sync is on. This controls the depth of the chorus sweep.
Phase Knob Mix Knob
This controls the phase. This adjusts the wet/dry output mix.
Power Switch
Toggles the effect on/off.
Gain Knob
This controls the amount of gain added.
Warmth Knob Volume Knob
This allows you to add tonal warmth This knob controls the overall output level.
Rolloff Knob
Controls high frequency a�enua�on.
Soundiron is a virtual instrument and sound library developer founded in 2011 by sound artists and instrument
designers Mike Peaslee, Gregg Stephens and Chris Marshall. We are based in the San Francisco Bay area, in California.
We are driven every day to capture all of the sonic flavors that this world has to offer. Our mission is to record them
in deep detail and carefully craft them into living- breathing virtual instruments that inspire you to play and create
the music and sound you hear in your heart. Each library is crafted to deliver the greatest possible realism,
outstanding acoustic quality, natural real-time playability, and intuitive and flexible controls and unique sound-
shaping options. We hope these tolls make composition and sound design a breeze, so you can spend more time
creating. If you enjoy this instrument, we hope you’ll check out some of our other awesome sound libraries. If you
have any questions or need anything at all, just let us know. We’re always happy to hear from you at
[email protected]!
Documenta�on Sound Design Edi�ng & Mapping
Gregg Stephens Nathan Boler Nathan Boler
Nathan Boler Craig Peters Mike Peaslee
Mike Peaslee Chris Marshall
Produc�on & Recording Artwork & GUI Design Scrip�ng & Systems Design
Mike Peaslee Spencer Nunamaker Chris Marshall
Gregg Stephens