Ny Manual 1 0
Ny Manual 1 0
Ny Manual 1 0
Polyphonic Ensemble
Version 1.0
Table of Contents
The Lambda Lies Down In Software..............4
It All Sounds Greek To Me..........................4
What’s In The Box?...................................4
Three Banks To Rule Them All....................5
The Ny – An Overview................................6
The Ensemble Section...............................6
The Percussive Section..............................7
Modifier Sections......................................7
Chorus Phase...........................................8
More Tweak Sections.................................8
Plugin Handling.........................................9
Control Section........................................9
Options Menu...........................................9
The ny.ini Configuration File.....................10
MIDI Control Change Messages................10
MIDI Learn............................................10
Modifier Sections....................................11
Percussive Section..................................11
Ensemble Section...................................12
Chorus Phase Section..............................12
Tweak Sections.......................................13
Frequently Asked Questions.......................14
Ny Manual Page 3
The Ny is a software instrument plug-in for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and
Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP) simulating the classic KORG® Lambda ES-50
Polyphonic Ensemble from 1979. It is written in native C++ code for high performance
even on “lighter” systems. The main features are:
The Ny is based on the iPlug2 framework maintained by Oli Larkin and the iPlug2
team. Big thanks, guys!!! Without your work it would not have been possible to
create a resizable Ny user interface.
To resize the plug-in you just grab the yellow triangle at the bottom right of the
window and drag it. You can save the current window size using the menu entry
“Save Window Size” in the Options Menu.
If you have trouble with the standard version of the Ny, please grab the (sound-wise
identical) “N” version of the plug-in which is based on the original iPlug framework.
Oli Larkin and the iPlug2 team.
Nathan Ramsden aka SynthNerd (https://synthnerd.wordpress.com) helped me
out with some invaluable information about the Lambda – thank you so much!
kraftraum (https://soundcloud.com/kraftraum) has designed many the default
patches 41 to 62 and did the Beta testing.
All the folks that nagged me to do a Lambda simulation!
No, I am not affiliated with KORG in what relation ever except that I find myself
entangled with their instruments.
Ny Manual Page 4
1 Yes, I know, all my plug-ins sound the identical and not analogish at all...
2 Yes, I know, there was also the PE-1000...
3 Yes, I know, the PE-1000 was able to do percussive sounds as well...
Ny Manual Page 5
The Ny – An Overview
The Ny basically consists of two sections: Percussive and Ensemble. There is also a
Chorus effect and some options to tweak the sound – some of them not available at
the original Lambda hardware. The instrument itself is fully polyphonic… ah, not quite,
only 64-voice polyphonic.
Strings II is very similar to Strings I but one octave higher, while Chorus is technically
similar to Strings I but fed through a fixed peaking bandpass filter to give it an “A”
vowel-like sound. Brass is a classic synth brass patch, and Organ sounds more like a
pipe organ than a “rock” organ.
The “VIB. OFF” switch deactivates the Vibrato effect applied to the Chorus and Strings
presets. Note that the Vibrato speed is the same for all three oscillator banks but the
frequency shift is out of phase. This means that when bank 1 is shifted positively,
bank 2 is not shifted at all while bank 3 is shifted negatively and so on. This allows for
a rich Ensemble effect without actually using an Ensemble effect.
“ATT. REL. VAR” (“Variable Attack/Release”) activates the two knobs on the right to set
custom Attack and Release times. In theory these should apply for the Chorus and
Strings presets only, but due to the nature of the oscillator banks and their envelopes
(see section Three Banks To Rule Them All) they will also affect the Brass and Organ
presets when at least one preset of both of these groups is activated simultaneously
(for example Brass+Strings I or Organ+Chorus). The same is true for the Vibrato
The five knobs below the preset switches control the individual level of each preset.
The Lambda originally does not have such an option and uses fixed levels. Personally,
I think this tweak is quite useful.
4 The rocker switches in the UI read “String I” and “String II”. This is to provide better
readability at of lower graphic resolutions.
Ny Manual Page 7
The Percussive section also features a Tremolo effect that can be (de)activated using
the “TREM.” switch. The speed of the effect can be set as well.
As in the Ensemble section the four knobs below the preset switches (which are not
available on the Lambda) control the individual level of each preset.
Modifier Sections
To some degree the sound of the Ny can be tweaked further using the (what I call)
regular modifier sections – “regular” in the sense that they are available on the
original hardware, too.
The Tune section controls the overall tuning (“Total Tune”) and the individual tuning of
oscillator bank 2 (here called “Tune A”) and oscillator bank 3 (“Tune B”). The LEDs on
top of the A/B Tune knobs visualize the amount of “beating” of the detuning.
The Accent section sports two knobs: One for adjusting the cutoff frequency of the
Brass VCF (see section More Tweak Sections) and one for controlling the level of “key-
click” of (and only of) the Electric Piano preset. To my taste the latter sounds pretty
awkward, but who am I to judge…
Ny Manual Page 8
The Tone section consists of two simple lowpass filters – one for the Percussive and
one for the Ensemble section. The frequency of these filters can be controlled
As the name suggest you can set the volume in the Volume section. Here you find a
minor difference to the original hardware: It is possible to set the panorama position
of the Percussive and the Ensemble section, too. The Lambda has three outputs: Mix
Out (a simple mono mix) and Stereo L + R. The latter two (L and R) are the dry
Ensemble section output plus the Chorus Phase output of the Percussive section and
the dry Percussive section output plus the Chorus Phase output of the Ensemble
section. I think it is useful to have dedicated panorama knobs here (especially given
the tweak parameter X-Stereo of the Chorus Phase section).
Finally you can pitch up the whole instrument by one octave using the “OCT. UP”
switch in the Octave section.
Chorus Phase
Well, this is “just” a Chorus effect (not sure where the term “Phase”
comes from). On the Lambda you can only switch it off per preset
section and control its speed using the classic KORG joystick control.
The Ny offers some more tweaks: You can set the minimum Chorus
speed and its modulation depth (the maximum speed is controlled via
the Modulation Wheel – see section More Tweak Sections). Finally, you
can select if the individual Chorus signals of the preset sections should
be put to the opposite panorama position of the dry signals (X-Stereo is
on) or not (X-Stereo is off).
Modulation features the amount of Pitch Bend (± notes) and the Modulation Wheel
controlling the (maximum) speed of the Chorus Phase. In contrary to the Lambda, the
Ny also accepts Velocity information.
While the parameters of the Lambda’s Brass VCF cannot be modified (with the
exception of the Brass fc control in the Tone section), Ny offers some more control
here: Peak (the resonance of the VCF), envelope intensity and Attack/Release times.
The speed of the Vibrato effect can be set in the Vibrato section. It is also possible to
set the depth of the effect for the Chorus and the Strings separately. However, since
the three oscillator banks are used for all presets together, the final Vibrato depth
depends on the preset selection: If Chorus is selected, the Chorus Vibrato depth is
used – else the Strings depth applies.
The tweak parameter for the Chorus Phase have already been dicussed above.
Ny Manual Page 9
Plugin Handling
Control Section
The Lambda is a preset machine, but it is not possible to store the selected presets
along with all the tweaked parameters. Being a software plug-in, the Ny can do this,
and you even can give a name to such a Program.
Options Menu
When clicking the Menu button in the Control section, a context menu opens with the
following options:
MIDI Learn
The easiest way to assign MIDI controllers to Ny parameters is to use the MIDI Learn
function. To activate MIDI Learn, click on the LEARN button and wiggle both the MIDI
controller and the Ny's parameter that you want to link. If you want to unlearn the
assignment, right-click the LEARN button (the label now reads “UNLEARN”) and
activate it. Now wiggle the MIDI controller or the parameter that you want to unlearn.
Ny Manual Page 11
Modifier Sections
parameter id description
Volume Percussive 0 Volume of the Percussive section
Volume Ensemble 1 Volume of the Ensemble section
Pan Percussive 2 Panorama of the Percussive section
Pan Ensemble 3 Panorama of the Ensemble section
Total Tune 4 Total (master) tune
Tune A 5 Tune of oscillator bank 2
Tune B 6 Tune of oscillator bank 3
Octave Up 7 Pitch one octave up (off/on)
Brass fc 8 Cutoff frequency of Brass VCF
Electric Piano Key-Click 9 Key-click level for Electric Piano preset
Tone Percussive 10 Tone control for the Percussive section
Tone Ens 11 Tone control for the Ensemble section
Percussive Section
parameter id description
Perc: Sustain 12 Sustain (off/on)
Perc: Electric Piano 13 Preset Electric Piano (off/on)
Perc: Clavi 14 Preset Clavi (off/on)
Perc: Piano 15 Preset Piano (off/on)
Perc: Harmonics 16 Preset Harmonics (off/on)
Prec: Tremolo 17 Tremolo (off/on)
Prec: Tremolo Speed 18 Tremolo speed
Perc: Decay 19 Decay time
Volume Electric Piano 31 Volume of Electric Piano preset
Volume Clavi 32 Volume of Clavi preset
Volume Piano 33 Volume of Piano preset
Volume Harmonics 34 Volume of Harmonics preset
Ny Manual Page 12
Ensemble Section
parameter id description
Ens: Brass 20 Preset Brass (off/on)
Ens: Organ 21 Preset Organ (off/on)
Ens: Vibrato Off 22 Vibrato (on/off)
Ens: Chorus 23 Preset Chorus (off/on)
Ens: Strings I 24 Preset Strings I (off/on)
Ens: Strings II 25 Preset Strings II (off/on)
Ens: A/R Variable 26 Attack/Relase variable (off/on)
Ens: Attack 27 Attack time
Ens: Release 28 Release time
Volume Brass 35 Volume of Brass preset
Volume Organ 36 Volume of Organ preset
Volume Chorus 37 Volume of Chorus preset
Volume Strings I 38 Volume of Strings I preset
Volume Strings II 39 Volume of Strings II preset
Tweak Sections
parameter id description
Pitch Bend 40 Pitch Bend amout (± notes)
Mod. Wheel 41 Modulation Wheel amount
Velocity 42 Velocity intensity
Brass Peak 43 Brass VCF resonance
Brass EG Intensity 44 Brass VCF envelope intensity
Brass Attack 45 Brass VCF envelope Attack time
Brass Release 46 Brass VCF envelope Release time
Vibrato Speed 47 Vibrato speed
Vibrato Chorus Depth 48 Vibrato intensity for Chorus preset
Vibrato Strings Depth 49 Vibrato intensity for Strings presets
Ny Manual Page 14
[intentionally left blank to answer your own questions]