coc coc report ngành bánh kẹo

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An Usage & Attitude Report by
Coc Coc Ad Platform
With an aim to provide the latest insight on the Vietnam Confectionery
Market, we carried out survey with total 1021 respondents through our
own online panel.

This report would shed light on valuable insight ranging from category
overview to the details on consumer usage & attitude.

Overall Insight
Data collection
time: 09.2023 1021
Confectionery consumers aged 13+

Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

Report made by ● Mai Linh Châu: B2B & Research Manager

Team Cốc Cốc Research ● Lê Thu Anh: Senior Researcher
● Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Anh: Researcher
Consumer Profile

6 big cities*
51% North


Central 19% Other provinces/cities
South 25% 49%

No income 37%
13 - 14 19%

15 - 17 29% Under 6.5M 27%


18 - 19 16%

6.5 - under 15M 21%

20 - 22 11%
15 - under 30M 9%
23 - 25 6%
30M or above 6%
26+ 19%

Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

(*) 6 big cities: Hanoi, City. Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang, Nha Trang, Can Tho, Hai Phong.
Consumer behavior Purchasing behavior

01 02

03 04
Media habits Tet consumption


01 Snacks 65%
02 Cream 44%
Chocolate 43%
04 Cake 37%
Hard candy 31%

Gummy candy 30%
Gum 28%
08 Cookies 26%
09 Other 2%

Teenage consumers (13 - 19) love to

Snacks is the most favorite kinds of consume snacks more than 20+ years old
confectionery of consumers. With the remaining confectionery products,
there is not much difference between these
two groups of age.
Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021
6 Q: What kind of confectionery do you often choose to eat?
In general, women tend to consume
confectionery products more than men
Product North Central South (except for gum)
Snacks 68% 62% 62%
Cream 46% 47% 39%
Chocolate 44% 41% 42%

Cake 38% 35% 36%

Hard candy 31% 31% 33%

Gummy candy 30% 26% 33%

Gum 30% 24% 27%
Cookies 27% 24% 26%
Other 1% 3% 3%

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

7 Q: What kind of confectionery do you often choose to eat?


01 Oishi 55%

02 Orion 43% 11 Hải Hà 15%

Oishi, Orion, and
03 Kinh Đô 37%
Bibica 13% Kinh Do, and Lay’s

Lay’s 37%
04 13 Snickers 11% are the top 4
Poca 28% popular brands for
14 Meiji 11%
Nestlé 28% Vietnamese.
06 15 Hershey's 8%
Mondelez International 25%
07 (Oreo, Cadbury Dairy Milk, Toblerone, vv.) 16 Kinder 7%
08 Lotte 21% 17 Mars 6%
Swing 21%
18 Ferrero Rocher 6%
Perfetti Van Melle 21%
10 (Chupa Chups, Mentos, Alpenliebe vv.) 19 Other 4%

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

8 Q: What are your favorite confectionery brands?
Time to eat
The percentage of women who do not determine the specific time for
confectionery consumption is higher than that of men
Unfixed 53%

Breakfast 8%

Lunch 10%

Afternoon 19%
Male Female
Night 9%

Consumers do not have a specific time

for eating confectionery, the time
they consume is usually not fixed

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

9 Q: When do you usually eat confectionery?
Healthy products
Do you pay attention to healthy products when buying confectionery products?

13 - 19 20+

Yes, always 38% 49%

Sometimes, depends on
40% 33%

Rarely, the healthy factor is not

11% 8%
so important

No, taste is more important than

11% 10%

4/5 consumers pay attention to

healthy confectionery products.
1/2 users aged 20 and over answered:
“Yes, always”.

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

10 Q: Do you pay attention to healthy products when buying confectionery products?
Taste Price

Consumers care most

about the taste of
71.0% 55.1% confectionery
products, followed by
Origin Nutrition Calories

price and origin.

43.1% 35.2% 15.9%

Promotional gifts Packaging

71.0% 55.1%

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

11 Q: What are the most important criteria when you choose confectionery products?

Among the factors considered the most

important when buying confectionery,
only nutritional factors are more

concerned by the group over 20 years

old. With the remaining factors,
teenagers are more interested.

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

12 Q: What are the most important criteria when you choose confectionery products?
Try a new or premium/limited edition
Male Female

New Product 39% 45% Women are more willing to try

new products, while men are
more willing to try limited
2 out of 3 people are willing to try new confectionery Premium edition 30% 30% editions.
products or premium/limited editions.
Limited edition 31% 25%

Specifically among those users:


New Product 42%

Premium edition
The premium version attracts
teenagers more than the elders,
Limited edition while the new and limited
28% versions are the opposite.

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

13 Q: Are you willing to try a new or premium/limited edition confectionery product?
Executive summary

01. 02. 03.

Snacks is the most favorite Oishi, Orion, and Kinh Do, and Consumers do not have a
kinds of confectionery of Lay’s are the top 4 popular specific time for eating
consumers. brands for Vietnamese. confectionery, the time they
consume is usually not fixed

04. 05. 06.

4 out of 5 consumers pay Consumers care most about 2 out of 3 people are willing to
attention to healthy the taste of confectionery try new confectionery products
products, followed by price
confectionery products or premium/limited editions.
and origin.


Purchasing Frequency

is an indispensable
part of Vietnamese

Rarely Once a week 2-3 times/week

11% 41% 28%

4-5 times/week Daily

10% 10%
There is not much difference
between these two groups of age in
41% of respondents purchase confectionery
products once a week. the frequency of purchasing
More than ⅕ ones consume 2-3 times a week confectionery products.

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

16 Q: How often do you usually buy confectionery products?
Purchasing Channel

There is a clear difference between the two age

Some places where people in Vietnam usually buy groups in choosing to buy confectionery in Canteen.
confectionery products:

Convenience stores

of people in the 13-19

Canteen Markets Online platforms age group choose to

purchase confectionery
in “Canteen”
23% 23% 19%
while 20+ age group,
that ratio is only
Grocery/Convenience stores are the
most common place to buy
confectionery, followed by supermarkets. 9%
Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021
17 Q: Where do you usually buy confectionery products?
Purchasing Channel

North Central South

Grocery/Convenience store 79% 74% 67%

Supermarkets 55% 46% 62%

Canteen 20% 24% 29%

Markets 21% 19% 28%


Online platforms 19% 15% 20%

● There is no difference in order.

● But it can be seen that the gap in the percentage between
Grocery/Convenience stores and Supermarkets in the North
and Central regions is up to nearly 30%, while in the South it is The percentage of women buying confectionery
only 5%. in all channels is higher than men.
● The Southern people tend to buy confectionery at markets
more than others.

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

18 Q: Where do you usually buy confectionery products?
Motivation for larger purchases
Consumers will decide to buy more confectionery products for several reasons, namely:

20% 20%

When there are When my When I find the When invited to When I see an
attractive favorite brand product try at the selling attractive
promotions launches a new packaging points advertisement
product attractive

Promotions are the most effective motivation for larger purchases of consumers.

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

19 Q: You will buy more confectionery when
Motivation for larger purchases
Consumers will buy more confectionery when:

Factors Male Female

When there are attractive
32% 37%

When my favorite brand launches

27% 29%
a new product

When I find the product packaging

21% 32%

When invited to try at the selling

20% 21%

When I see an attractive

20% 20%

Promotions and attractive product

The factors that stimulate consumers to buy more
packaging are two factors that can
confectionery are more effective for Teenagers
influence women more than men.
(13-19 years old).
Other factors do not differ by gender.

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

20 Q: You will buy more confectionery when
Subjects purchasing
For the purchase of confectionery products, most of the respondents There is not much difference between these two groups of gender.
buy themselves. However, the rate of choosing “I often buy myself”
in the 20+ group is higher than in the teenage group.

Others buy for me


29% 31%
34% I often buy myself

71% 69%
Others buy for me I often buy myself

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

21 Q: Do you often buy confectionery yourself or be bought by others?
Budget for 1 product

Unknown 15%

Under 20,000 VND 22%

20,000 - under 50,000 VND 28%

50,000 - under 100,000 VND 17%


100,000 VND - under 200,000 VND 9%

200,000 VND or above 9%

On average, for each confectionery product, Compared to the 20+ group, the 13-19 age group
consumers usually spend about 20,000 - often spends less budget for buying a
under 50,000 VND to buy. confectionery product.

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

22 Q: How much money do you usually spend on a confectionery product?
Executive summary

01. 02. 03.

● 41% of respondents consume Grocery/Convenience stores are Promotions are the most
confectionery products once a week. the most common place to buy effective motivation for
● More than ⅕ ones consume 2-3 times confectionery, followed by larger purchases of
a week supermarkets. consumers.

04. 05.
On average, for each confectionery For the purchase of confectionery products,
product, consumers usually spend about most of the respondents buy themselves. In
addition, there is still a part of consumers that
20,000 - under 50,000 VND to buy.
often receives from others.

Media habits

Media Touchpoints

Point-of-sale displays (market, Word-of-mouth (recommendations

55% supermarket, grocery store ...) 35% from family, friends, etc.)

Online advertising (web, social media, Outdoor/indoor advertising

50% search engines, video platforms) 23% (billboards, signs, elevator ads, etc.)

Traditional advertising media (TV,

45% newspaper, radio, cinema) 19% Advertising on vehicles

Advertising Channels

The top 3 media touchpoints of consumers are point-of-sale displays, online advertising, and traditional advertising media.

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

25 Q: Which of the following channels have you ever seen about confectionery brands?
Online Channels

48% 30%
Social media Images/videos advertising on
(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Zalo,...) websites/browsers

36% 28%
Online video websites
Brand websites

(Youtube, Zing TV,...)

33% 19%
Search engines Icons advertising on
(Google, Cốc Cốc) websites/browsers

Online advertising channels play an important role in influencing consumers' choices of confectionery.

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

26 Q: Which online information channels play an important role when you research and make decisions about buying confectionery?
Media Factors

Attractive and creative Advertising with

Review from other
advertising promotions/gifts/draws ...
For consumers, reviews from
others strongly influence their
shopping decisions.
52% 38% 31%

The appearance of cultural The appearance of Regular advertising In addition, advertising factors
KOL/celebrities in
factors, festivals, ... in also contribute to promoting
advertising advertising
consumer shopping intent.
25% 22% 20%

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

27 Q: Among the media factors, which factors influence your choice the most?
Executive summary

01. 02.
The top 3 media touchpoints of Online advertising channels play an important
consumers are point-of-sale displays, role in influencing consumers' choices of
online advertising, and traditional confectionery, such as: social media, online
advertising media. video websites, search engines,...

03. 04.
For consumers, reviews from others In addition, advertising factors also contribute
strongly influence their shopping to promoting consumer shopping intent.


Consumption compared to normal days

of the respondents answered that they consume more
confectionery during the Tet holiday.

Compared to the South & Central consumers, the North

ones have larger consumption of confectionery on
Tet holiday, with 64% of users agreeing that they
consume confectionery at Tet more than usual.

Overall, the choice rate of "eat less than usual" in

teenagers is lower than that in the group 20+ years old.

65% of women have an "eat more than usual" answer,

which is 8% higher than that of men.

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

30 Q: During Tet, do you eat more confectionery than usual?
It can be seen that the need to consume confectionery on the Tet holiday is very different from the normal days.

On Tet holiday On normal days

(1) - (2)
(1) (2)

Consumers tend to chocolate, cakes, Chocolate 51% 43% 8%

increase consuming cookies, and candies

Cake 46% 37% 9%

AND Cookies 44% 37% 7%

Hard candy 42% 31% 11%

decrease consuming snacks, cream, and gum
Gummy candy 42% 31% 11%

Snacks 41% 65% 24%

Cream 20% 44% 24%

Gum 14% 28% 14%

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

31 Q: What kind of confectionery do you usually eat during Tet?
Finding new products

72% of consumers explore new confectionery products for Tet

Especially in women, this number is up to 76%

Surprisingly, there is no difference in the age in the decision to seek

new confectionery products for the Tet.

of users in the North and Central have the habit of discovering new
confectionery products for Tet. In the South, this rate is lower, with
only 66%.

3 out of 4 consumers in the rural said “yes” when they were asked if
they looked for new products. Hai Phong & Nha Trang are 2 of 6 big
cities that have the rate of users who said “no” quite high (up to 50%).

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

32 Q: Do you often look for new confectionery for Tet holiday?
The role of confectionery
In Vietnam, confectionery plays an important role in the Tet Overall, teenagers promote the role of
holiday. Some roles of confectionery can be mentioned as:
confectionery more than other ages
Serving guests using when entertainment
(watching movies, listening to music,
playing games)

71.0% 55.1%

creating a fun gifting young children’s

atmosphere food

43.1% 35.2% 15.9%

connecting solution for

people hunger

71.0% 55.1%

Source: Coc Coc Confectionery Survey September.2023, n = 1021

33 Q: what role does confectionery play on Tet?
Executive summary

01. 02.
61% of the respondents answered that 72% of consumers explore new confectionery
they consume more confectionery during products for Tet.
the Tet holiday.

03. 04.
It can be seen that the need to consume In Vietnam, confectionery plays an important role
confectionery on the Tet holiday is very in the Tet holiday. Some roles of confectionery can
be mentioned as serving guests, using it when
different from the normal days. Chocolate
entertainment, creating a fun atmosphere,...
is #3 ranking on normal days but #1
ranking on Tet holiday.

Disclaimer Coc Coc used the best efforts in preparing this report,
with an aim to provide an overview of Vietnam
Confectionery Market for reference use only. Hence
Coc Coc made no representations or warranties with
respect to the accuracy or completeness of the
contents of this report and specifically disclaimed any
implied warranties which extend beyond the
descriptions contained in the report.

The accuracy and completeness of the information


provided herein and the opinions stated herein are not

guaranteed or warranted to produce any particular
02 results, and the advice and implications contained
herein may not be suitable for every partner. We do
not encourage business or investment decisions be
made solely based on the information provided herein.

Partners are advised to consult an appropriate

professional instead. Coc Coc shall not be liable for any
03 loss of profit or any other commercial damages if such
decisions are made.

[email protected] coccoc_qc

(024) 38 838 838

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