HAZEL - MP3 Transcript

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Automatically transcribed by Speechnotes on: 11:52:30 11/3/2024
Total recording length: 00:30:12

{ 0:00 }
Hello, can you introduce yourself? Hi. Hello, my name is Hazel and I am a sophomore at Mankind University
and I'm majoring in I am a major which is Innovative Media Productions and I'm really glad to become your
guest in your interview today. Thank you for coming my interview today. So firstly Hazel, can I ask you some
questions about perceptions or illusions marketing, Yes. So what kinds of illusions do you follow and where do
you follow them? Firstly the Kaiser influencers I mostly follow this some someone who relating to
entertainment such as music and other ones in maybe about fashion and otherwise.

{ 0:52 }
I also follow to someone who mostly possible they they they live they they believe things and because like the
reason why I do forward them because I want to reach out to some life I I haven't have experience for. And
furthermore I am so I because like when I do and when I find to influencer on Instagram I do want to find
entertaining. So like that is the reason why most of my content I usually watch things about entertaining such as
like fashion or music and all of it is daily life of the universe or influencers. Oh thank you for so do you
actually seek out illusion reviews or recommendations before making fiction purchase online? Why or why not?

{ 1:50 }
Mostly yes because like when do you want to buy something and mostly seek out from their reviews or
recommendation Because like I don't have any much knowledge about these fields so I want to have more
knowledge and it's maybe it's like that that things can make me affordable for and I can also like my money isn't
work for it. I don't want to. The first thing is I don't want to lose my money and the second thing is I want is can
helpful the thing I buy is helpful for me. So I this is the the reason why I do seek out influencer review or
commendation before I buy any things. Also like do you easily follow the international influencers or like your
nosmetic international mostly I don't I do follow them. I do follow both of them.

{ 2:49 }
For international influencers, I do follow like someone who relating to more like study abroad or something like
I do follow those content like it. And for domestic I also follow them. But like mostly like in just in my country
content like it's dependent content I want to watch. And yeah, absolutely I follow more of no kinds of
influencers, OK. So have you ever portrayed fashions, products recommended by illusions? If so can you
describe that experience firstly I have purchased fast and products recommended by influencer. For me I think
like for the experience I think like it's kind of good because like maybe like maybe it's it's depend on their half
my sponsor or not.

{ 3:48 }
But in otherwise I think like they they still say they own thought they say they own mindset and they think and
they share about it in the two ways in the first thing and the second thing I I think like for me it's not that bad
experience and I I still believe in what I already like watch like I reveal and I already believe in what they
recommend for me. So have you ever portrayed fishing project do you think sorry do you think illusion
magneting is just squatty? Why or why Not for me as a influencer side of their kind but I think like furthermore
I I believe in their trustworthy more. I think like there's so many influencers getting outside there. They still like
believe on their products, believe on their what they want to say to their followers.

{ 4:57 }
And furthermore like I think like if they want to become and they want to make their to make their income like
long prolonged. So they need to be like be struck they might they need to make the follower to believe in them
believe in their making they are already making. And furthermore like because like I do follow to someone I
feel believed too. So for me like because it is insurance with me and furthermore like I I don't believe in
someone like I haven't have any I haven't have any bad experience for also like I don't have experience about
that feel. But for me like until now the influential magazines still have something like make me believe and
make me want to hear to their reviews and I want to still following them. OK, thank you.

{ 5:55 }
So next we're going to ask you about the perception on fashion choice. So can you describe your personal style
and fiction reference? OK so about my personal style and fashion preference. The first things in my about
personal style like I think my personal is like is kind of simple. Like I don't really usually wear something like
complexities or something like so much layout. I like because I I'm really simple and I I want to make myself
like comfortable as much as I can. So I usually wear something like film bring the sporting vibes for me. It's like
when I usually going out I just choose the T-shirt and short hand that is usually things I really usually to wear in
my daily life.

{ 6:51 }
But like in furthermore in my life if I need to go to some somewhere and have a formal format I need to wear, I
kind of wear something like more girly like wear dream dress or skirt something like that. It can compare and
this can depend on the situation or the way I need to go. So how do you decide what you want to wear on a
typical day? Are there specific considerations on illusions that's come into play for the design what to wear on
my typical day And saying like it's need to depend on the purpose and it needs to repair like so many conditions
like comfort, weather or occasion or depend on my mood on soul. So like I need to find something relating to all
of these conditions and like I type and the specific conditions.

{ 7:57 }
So I need to consider about those condition I already said to you and influence. Maybe I can find some
preference. I can search for on the Internet and like I can find some preference I want to and I can like learn or I
can roof from them. Yes. Oh, so how do you feel about experiencing, experimenting with different fashion style
or trend? Are you open to trying new looks or do you refer to speak to what you know for experimenting with
different fashion style or trend.

{ 8:40 }
Like I kind of say yes because I I do want to try something different and like if I have a chance I will try
something like making more make me like different compare with the order days and I cater open to with a new
look and before like for stick with I for stick with my style like I feel maybe some sometimes I can feel it's kind
of bore but like make some trying something new look and bring me like some new vibes on like can make me
like feel more refreshing or something like that. But if I want to try new look I need to have like advice or I need
to find some preference I can make a can make sure for my decision so I can like more confident to wear a new
look. Also have you like you mentioned about like you have a simple style. So have you ever tried to like follow
the new trend like Y2K nowaday uh like for for new trend like mostly I'm objecting news right?

{ 9:51 }
But like for photography not like more fashion but I sometimes like when it comes or I go with my friends I will
try some new look and because like we are friends so we are going by a crook and we are like going together
and we are making it together. So it's more confident and more comfortable for me to try new group with other
people and the one is close to me so it's can make me like feel more easier. Thank you. So next the questions
about illusions making illusions on fishing choice. So can you describe how influential marketing contained on
social media platform illusions your fashions choice.

{ 10:43 }
So actually for me because like I I kind of say like I have my own style already but like in other ways
influencers can inspire me can inspire me with my new outfits ideas iterate for things or they can introduce me
into the unknown brands I have never risked to And and they also can show me this eye or specific pieces of this
aisle like making me like more easier to find those items. And furthermore they can also like update the trends
seem more approachable for me then I can like more easier to find them and I can like having their advice or
like having their recommendation for me. Like maybe they can have their specific thought about the no trends.
So like I can hear from that and I can notice that or recommendation or as a review for me to listening to or I can
have I can have a preference for me to new to to know and like to like I I can question make myself like suit and
suitable for that trends or not and can and suit and try that or not.

{ 11:58 }
So like they either example for me, like I cannot say say that oh, so you still have your own opinions, your
choice about your fictions not in lose too much on like illusion right? Yes. So in your experience, do you feel
that illusions marketing has a radius in part on certain types of fashion products or caviaries like clothing,
accessories, footwear compared to others? If So what do you think that is the case. I think like influencer
magazine often work well for the visual like visual visually appealing items like clothing or accessory.
{ 12:46 }
It's easier to so change the through the photos or videos and for the more makeup or hair size and can also bring
the the heavily influenced because like we we are know that like in this decayed or indeed or indeed hands
Weasley and social media is something really play an important role in our life and this is really impact strongly
in our life on so and people use it too much in everyday life or in this can become like a part of their life already.
So like searching on social and social media and working at our influencer marketing is also a shop for them and
so like they mostly purse their content and they also purse their what they did on social media is like.
Furthermore, we can come, we can easily to know that like the influencers are getting inside, they already have
their own trend and when they compare with orders they already like.

{ 13:54 }
I can say like I can feel like they stronger to ours too much because like they they they resolve and also like
they're making ways they really good on social media. Oh OK, so have you ever experienced assist in your
fictions, preferences or style as a result of following certain illusions or trends on social media? If so, can you
explain it? I have every experience except in my fashion preference as a result of followings. Some
influencers on social media like maybe I want to try something new. I want to purchase something like for
example like for example like in the past.

{ 14:49 }
I'm not I'm not a person who usually wearing accessory, but like after seeing so many videos on Tiktok or
Instagram for example like I can hear their reviews and I can hear their recommendation about accessory and I
can feel like it's can mission much for my outfit and it's really really suitable for me. And it's also have me to
look like more more beautiful. So I I usually like want to want to be chased and I want to buy them and
furthermore like about about like about clothing I want to wear on so like I do searching for them and I like
maybe because like the first thing I want to approach I see their photos on social media and that's the reason
why I want to find cheaper on that clothes. So I maybe that impact on many season to buy a lot.

{ 15:54 }
So it's your opinion what makes Illusion make getting make curtly effective in Illusion fashion choice compared
to other forms of advertising or marketing. First of all I think like influencers feel relatable and they can sell
fashion in more personal way compared to traditional advertising because like the influencer they have their
own channel and in their own channel they are they wedding on on what doing on on P or she channel his or her
channel. So like they are they doing and they want to show the real the real of themselves. So like I think that's
the reason why people feel more wishable to them and furthermore because like the traditional advertising for
example I think like or like just order forms of or advertising.

{ 16:55 }
I I feel like it's a not more personal so like it is just like the it's not so people cannot reach to that so much And
furthermore influencer they can interact with their audience and their follower directly creating a sense of
communities and trust And yeah that's what I feel about and I say that here I say here effective ways of making
influencer effective on a fashion choice. So like as I understand that you mean like if like in in the in social
media like the illusions easy like you can easy to find the illusions like mask with your vibe so that's easy for
you to follow them and like it's suitable with your style right. Not really like that. Like I want to specifically
the influencer magazines.

{ 17:59 }
How they can affect on social media compared with the other form of advertising is because it's more personal
and they can and the first thing is much more personal in their own channel and what they're doing they're
showing the real Ji and furthermore in the second, the second factors in they can interact to the followers. So
that's only two two of those factors. Wish me wish me to think like how they can effective on social media
platform compared to the order from of advertising or marketing. OK, Thank you. So Hazel, can you tell me
more about the social media consumptions? Like what is your favorite social media?

{ 18:54 }
Last film, my favorite social media platform? I can say like Instagram because like I'm not really use it in my
everyday life. And I other friends, I follow my influencer on Instagram the most, the most compare with order
platform. OK, so can you tell me why is this Instagram? Because like most of young people nowadays, they
usually use Facebook and Tiktok more. For me and my personal opinion, I think like Instagram, it's more
private compared to Facebook or Tiktok. And like I don't want, I am not a type of people who serving so much
public content about myself on social media. So that is the reason why that is the reason why I choose to I
choose to use Instagram the most. But for me, Facebook or Tiktok have their own benefit, have their own

{ 20:00 }
Facebook either way for me to come to if I want to press some, if I want to spread out the information I want to
share for me and TikTok easily. It is the platform easiest to update trends and knowing like what is the world
doing right now. So how often do you access social media during a day? Actually and honestly I cannot
count like how much time I use social media app because like in my free time like I just check I just hold my
phone and check it maybe like around 5 * 5 times and above. Like I mostly use it like kind of too much every
days. OK, So what types of content do you usually consume on social media?

{ 20:58 }
My type of content I usually watch on social media it tied too much because I I'm not a tired people like who
watch the specific content every day. Like I want to wish out as much as I can related to those content I pay
attention for. Maybe about like the first thing now is about about what I'm learning right now and furthermore
say about fashion or strength or furthermore I can I also watch about kind grammars or films on social media
and so I can check my friend's life. I check message like so many content I can do on social media but smartly
something like that. Also you watch K Framar on so media, not on the like last one of like Netflix not like not
really watch.

{ 21:59 }
But I can watch some like cut or I can hear some reviews on about the film I want to watch or like I can hear
about like the comment on. So I really want to, I really like to watch the cut before I the cut, the shortcut before
I'm watching any films. Oh, it's interesting. So do you believe that social media has a positive or negative
impact on your like daily life? And why we cannot say like social media have specific, have like specific,
positive or negative because like it depends on the way you use maybe social media? Social media is just a tool
but you are the one who can control your toes.

{ 22:52 }
So it's positive or negative it it depend on you so but for me I think like it's helpful of the positive or negative
size and impact on the people. The negative impact of social media is like it can make the young generation can
be addictive we cannot consume that but I think like maybe it can make people being addict to the social media.

{ 23:20 }
But like as I say like we are the we are the one who can control our behavior our action So we need to think and
we need to like stop our like some some negative action and but for the positive things is we can we can also say
like it can brings information and if we don't think social media exists us just where we can watch and attending
but we can learn from them because like influencer they also can say about their their life their knowledge and
so so we can learn and furthermore they have considering knowledge and positive things and so we can have the
relaxing time And there's furthermore about positively I think like we can like engage with our friends So I
think like positive or negative it's just like depend on depend on the way how you use your social media and like
you can control it or not it's a nice opinion So what's the main reasons that lead you to use social media.
Tragically the main reason I need to use social media regularly because like my friend like we are updating we
are updating our information our our information like our life our daily life together on social media so much
like every day.

{ 24:58 }
So that is the reason why I mostly use social media like for messaging with my friends. But otherwise it's like if
I need to find some information like not a not something like really specific about I listen or something like I
can find social media and I can engage the first thing I can engage with my friends. The second thing that I can
search for information, I can check for trends and and so can update to I can update to meet my friend also. And
furthermore, in my relaxing time, I can use social media, the tools for me to entertaining like watching some
funny videos, the thing I like to watch. OK, so thank you. So Hazel, can you tell me about the perceptions of
social media? You say, like do you think social media is a good place to find out about new fishing trains? Why
or why not?

{ 25:59 }
Absolutely. I say yes because like UH people believe social media is a good place to find out about new fashion
trends. And because like social media is a very visual platforms and the user can easily to see photos and videos
on related fashion trends. And furthermore, because like influencer, you can using social media to spread out
their fashion or their items they usually wear. So like their followers and also people they can come and they can
share and they can find reference into it. So which social media platform do you probably use for following
illusions in the fashion space? Mostly about my fastest page, their platform and usually using Instagram. But
furthermore it's also like Tiktok because like don't social media they they provide it recently and they provide
like for for especially for Tiktok it also about videos and like they can say about their their recommendations. So
like I'm mostly you still content to affecting them, affecting and following them. So can you describe more
about the role of social media platform in setting your patients preferences and by tracing diseases. For in my
opinion I think the role of social media platform in it can stripping my boyfriend because like maybe like before
before like using social media.

{ 27:52 }
I don't know like about some specific space about my my my fashion or about my body. So I I need to know
some like about setting things. I need to know some the kinds of items insertable for about like my bodies. So
like using social media help me to reach out to the film and furthermore I can like feel like this can help me to
find the the fast and preference thing like me and I can find the new trends or I can discover or sport new things
I want to wear or like I can updating to nice. So what do you think about the fiction content you see on social
media shows, the fashion content. I usually on social media I think like it's variety and it's a variety complexity.

{ 28:58 }
Like the variety is, I say like in its popularity on South and the first thing varieties in like so many people, so
many influencers, so many people using social media today. And like in the fashion film, like there are so like
there are so many influencers and they can share about their knowledge. They can share about what they
wearing and for complexities in like too many people, too many opinions. So like, maybe we cannot choose
between so many opinions like that And the last one in their popular release. I think like, yeah, it's become like
social media become like really popular today. Like we can see like in our friends, in our families that most of
them using social media.

{ 29:53 }
So like, it's really popular and it's have like some, like some some impact on our lives. Oh, so thank you for
your interesting interview today. Till night days. Thank you.

--- End of transcript ---

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