PKID 2 Journal - Kelompok 10
PKID 2 Journal - Kelompok 10
PKID 2 Journal - Kelompok 10
Case study: Architecture Student 2016 Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Abstract— In this modern age, social media has never stopped in endorse a product by wearing it and then tagging the picture
human life, including in the life of architecture. As time goes on, with the name of the brand (Izea, 2017). On a video forum
people use social media in almost various aspects. for example, such as YouTube, influencers have the liberty and the time to
architectural students who use social media as a source of properly explain the features of a product as well as express
inspiration. in this journal, the author will discuss the use of
their opinions of the same (Media Kix, 2016).
Youtube and Instagram, the most popular social media and widely
used as a source of inspiration in the realm of university
This research paper looks into the work of the influencer
architecture students atma jaya yogyakarta generation 2016. In this on these two visually appealing platforms both Instagram and
paper we will discuss how architecture students use Youtube and YouTube. This paper sees to answer the following research
Instagram, how often use it, the advantages and disadvantages of paper: How often are social media users exposed to influencer
the two social media itself. marketing? If the content is more preferable to
advertisements? Should the product endorsed be in sync with
the influencer’s job/ profile to impact an audience? What
Keywords-component; architecture; youtube; instagram brands are more likely to impact the audience? Are followers
I. INTRODUCTION willing to try or purchase the products showcased by the
A. Issue The theory that has been adopted in this research paper, is
On popular social media platforms, many users often Framing theory by Goffman. Framing theory suggests that the
follow popular social media accounts, these accounts are media presents audience a particular information in a frame,
called social media influencers. Due to their popularity, many thus making the audience think and influence their choices
brands approach these influencers and use influencers to based on how they shall process the information. The frames
endorse or review their products. On a visually appealing are abstract ways in which the media communicate their
platform such as Instagram and YouTube, the work of the message (Davie, 2014).
influencers are more commonly observed. The work of the By this, we can imply that the work of the influencer
influencers is to endorse or review products of several brands. through product reviews, and product endorsements, are
Influencers are there on almost all social media platforms, and presented in a frame to their followers. The frame (endorsing a
different types of types such as fitness, fashion, beauty, books, product) is analysed to see how well the idea (being a
Do It Yourself (DIYs) and many more (Belagatti, 2017). desirable product) is presented by the social media influencer.
Many times, the influencers are often unnoticed for the This is then also observed to see if it has the desired effect on
work they do. Although with the rise of social media, there is the audience (motivated enough to purchase the product).
a growth in the influencer as a profession, many companies B. Literature
are now realising the potential they possess. The brands
approach the influencers and are in a contact with them so that The earliest research in this topic was conducted in New
the influencer endorses their brands. On a photography Jersey, USA in the year 2010. The research mainly focused on
platform such as Instagram, the fashion influencers mostly creating an algorithm, which helps identify the most suitable
influencer for the company. Based on the results from the influencer than the number of followers as this is more
algorithm, the influencers can be divided into 3 tiers. Tier A is important (Veirman, Cauberghe, & Hudders, 2016).
group of influencers with the most number of followers, and The following research was conducted in Texas,
they are more current news oriented. Tier B is the group that America in November 2016. This research paper looks into
has reasonable followers however, they have a team which how the brand is choosing upcoming social media celebrities
helps them create their content. Tier C is has least number of as their brand endorses in the field of fashion. It was found
followers and are very influential as they dig deep into their that the collaborations with the brand was inquired by the
topics. Most brands preferred Tier C. The main purpose of this influencers themselves. There was a spike on engagement rate
paper was to identify the groups of influencers and help the when the products were endorsed close to New York Fashion
brands choose influencers wisely (Booth & Matic, 2010). Week (Thornton, 2016).
The next research was conducted in United States, in The next research was conducted in Sweden, May
the year 2011. This research focused upon what were the main 2017. The paper’s main focus was on how the audience
characteristics of the influencers. The method used was a perceives the fitness sponsored video on YouTube. The
California Q-sort. This was given to 32 college students to method was done by analysing data from popular videos and
attribute the characters of the influencers. The results showed the YouTube channel. The results found that the product is
that the influencers were perceived to be smart, ambitious, usually marketed through discount coupons or giveaways,
productive, poised and social. The same characteristics were however, the success rate of people actually buying it is very
attributed to that of a CEO (Freberg, Graham, McGaughey, & rare. If the audience is aware that the brand is shown with a
Freberg., 2011). motive the vlogger is most likely to receive a negative
The following research was conducted in Australia, feedback. However, if they show it subtly and naturally as if it
in the year 2015. This paper focused on how influencers were a part of a conversation, then, the audience is more likely
manage to create content without it seeming to be an to perceive it naturally and positively (Kauppinen & Pavlova,
advertisement. The researcher conducted interviews with 120 2017).
personal interviews with 25 influencers. The personal The next research was conducted in Virginia,
interviews also included their family, friends, advertisers, America in May 2017. The paper mainly focused how the
brand and many more. The results found that there is a brands are turning towards social media influencers to endorse
responsibility towards the brand that an influencer is their products. The method used was a questionnaire. The
endorsing and must showcase the most authentic behaviour. results indicated that perception of the product was in relation
They should also be very flexible to the needs of the brands to what the influencer says about the product (Burke, 2017).
(Abidin & Ots, 2015). The next research was conducted in Netherlands, in May
The following research was conducted in Sweden, 2017. This research explores the impacts of message sidedness
May 2016. The paper mainly focuses on the work of and item delineation in limited time posts on Instagram on
Instagram influencers on the gymming and fitness industry. customer reactions. The method, was done with 266 college
The method was a process of interviews and an experiment. students and was an online study. The results found that when
The results suggested that the attitude of consumer’s ca be the influencer uses a message which conveys the features as
classified into 3. The positive attitude included genuinely, well as the reasons to use the product, the followers believed
interests, reginal, and positive content. The negative content that more than just features of the product. The attention was
included the content being too forceful, selfish. The last form given more to the product endorsements of the influencers
of content included maybe this meant them either felt positive who had effective reviews, although the endorsement may
or let down (Jargalsaikhan & Korotina, 2016). seem that their aim is to sell (Braatz, 2017).
The following research was conducted in North
C. Backgrounds
Carolina, America in 2016. This research paper studies the
brand Maybelline and sees how Maybelline's communication Instagram is a social media that focuses on photography,
strategies through social influencers and social media are used short videos, and stories stories and recently the term IG TV
to get to the audience. The results found that the content was has appeared. While Youtube is social media based on video,
relatable, transparency amongst brand and purchaser, and whether it's only a few minutes or can take hours. The author
decided to discuss the two social media because many users
lastly forms a connection between the shopper and brand that
use both applications. In this paper, we will discuss how often
eases the worry of applying items (Forbes, 2016). the community, especially the 2016 architecture students at
The following research was conducted in Belgium, in Atma Jaya University, uses Youtube and Instagram, the
August 2016. The paper focuses on if the number of followers advantages and disadvantages of both applications, and the
determines the popularity of the person and based on this if comparison of the two applications.
they agree to actually choose to believe their opinion from the
marketer’s point of view. The results found that with high A. The Problem
number of followers, the idea is triggered that the product may 1. How often are architecture students 2016 at Atma
not be exclusive after all, as many are interested in it. Hence Jaya Yogyakarta University using social media?
marketers must choose the quality of content presented by the 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Instagram is widely used compared to other social
Youtube? media.
4. What social media do architecture students 2016 at Instagram can follow without limits.
Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University often use to look Very easy promotion.
for inspiration and architectural design data? Easy to use. Even school grade children can have an
5. Among these two social media, do architecture Instagram account.
student 2016 at Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University If we want to open a business, many people use
follow accounts related to architectural design? And Instagram.
how big the percentage is? We can easily see photos of people and artists.
B. Research Purposes Can connect with other social media.
1. To find out how often architecture students Atma Disadvantages Instagram
Jaya Yogyakarta uses social media. Instagram only has 2 contests, photos and videos.
2. Describes the advantages and disadvantages of The maximum video duration is only 1 minute.
Instagram. Photos that are shared are small, so the photos look
3. Describes the advantages and disadvantages of less clear.
Instagram doesn't display a cover picture, only
4. Conclude what social media that is often used by displays a profile picture.
architecture student 2016 at Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Competition is very tight, because many use this
5. Explain how influential social media is towards
If we make a transaction it is less practical.
architectural or design figures.
Instagram must be updated regularly.
Then the second discussion is youtube, the following
First in this paper will discuss a brief explanation of explanation below:
Instagram and Youtube. starting from the beginning the
company was formed, its subsidiaries, and institutions or B. Youtube
companies that work together with the two or one of the YouTube is a video sharing website created by three
largest and most favorite application companies. Which will former PayPal employees in February 2005. This site allows
be discussed first is Instagram, the following explanation users to upload, watch and share videos. The company is
below: headquartered in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash
Video and HTML5 technology to display various kinds of
A. Instagram
user-made video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and
Initially the Instagram application which was still music videos. In addition there are also amateur content such
called Burbn was founded by a company called Burbn Inc. as video blogs, short original videos, and educational videos.
and pioneered by their two CEOs, Mike Krieger and Kevin On October 9, 2006, Google bought YouTube for US $ 1.65
Systrom in 2010. Instagram is a photo and video sharing billion. The purchase agreement between Google and
application that allows users to take photos, take videos, YouTube came after YouTube completed 3 agreements with
apply digital filters, and share them to various social media companies to escape copyright infringement claims.
networking services, including Instagram's own. One YouTube continues to operate freely with its founders and 67
unique feature on Instagram is cutting photos into square company employees. The agreement to obtain YouTube was
shapes, so that they look like the results of Kodak finalized on November 13, 2006, which was Google's biggest
Instamatic and polaroid cameras. This is different from the acquisition.
4: 3 aspect ratio commonly used by cameras on mobile
Advantages Youtube
Advantages Instagram
Can see and upload videos that we like
Instagram has a privacy, if we want other people to As a place for self promotion
not be able to see what our Instagram contents are or
Can download every video
don’t wanna stranger follow our account, then we can
Can learn to stream, many useful videos
lock the instagram.
The size is HD, it can be downloaded
Instagram has various features for editing our photos.
And most favourite filter are dog and beauty filter. Lots of videos
Instagram includes our Followers and Following. Long and infinite video duration
Can make money if you work with youtube
Disadvantages Youtube
Can be misused by users Sales
A lot of misleading information
Many countries block Youtube
Because it's too free to upload, there are lots of
useless videos or pornographic videos uploaded
The picture faltered
Many videos with poor quality
Not suitable for slow conection
Can not be downloaded directly
Instagram Youtube
To conduct research, we authors conducted several
surveys using the google drive application. We chose to use According to the survey results, 2016 architecture
Google Drive because in our opinion, Google Drive also students use Instagram to find inspiration and data in terms of
includes social media, and the majority of Atma Jaya architecture with a percentage of 68%. because using
Yogyakarta architecture students already use mobile phones, Instagram is easier to use and more instant to use. And
so filling forms online is easy and can also reduce paper usage Instagram has more content and more interesting pictures.
so that they can contribute to the sustainability of the earth . Meanwhile, YouTube has a percentage of 32%. They
Of all Atma Jaya Yogyakarta architectural students there were did not choose YouTube because YouTube was impractical,
100 respondents who had filled out surveys and entered the spent a lot of quota, and not many images.
system. After this we will describe some of the opinions that In the world of architecture, social media is very
come in.
Seldom (1-2 hour/day)
Midle (3-5hour/day)
Video Royal
Can't Society for Public Health Survey (2017)
be Download