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A Survey On Intelligent Transportation Systems: January 2013

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A Survey on Intelligent Transportation Systems

Article · January 2013

DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.15.5.11215

242 30,861

2 authors:

Kashif Naseer Qureshi Hanan Abdullah

University of Limerick Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 15 (5): 629-642, 2013
ISSN 1990-9233
© IDOSI Publications, 2013
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.15.5.11215

A Survey on Intelligent Transportation Systems

Kashif Naseer Qureshi and Abdul Hanan Abdullah

Department of Communication, Faculty of Computing,

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia

Abstract: Transportation or transport sector is a legal source to take or carry things from one place to another.
With the passage of time, transportation faces many issues like high accidents rate, traffic congestion, traffic
& carbon emissions air pollution, etc. In some cases, transportation sector faced alleviating the brutality of
crash related injuries in accident. Due to such complexity, researchers integrate virtual technologies with
transportation which known as Intelligent Transport System. The idea of virtual technologies integration is a
novel in transportation field and it plays a vital part to overcome the issues in global world. This paper tackles
the great variety of Intelligent Transport System applications, technologies and its different areas. The objective
of this literature review is to integrate and synthesize some areas and applications, technologies discuss with
all prospects. Furthermore, this research focuses on a wide field named Intelligent Transport Systems,
discussed its wide applications, used technologies and its usage in different areas respectively.

Key words: Intelligent transportation system Transportation Technologies Applications Transport


INTRODUCTION provides solutions for cooperation and reliable platform

for transport. Major areas of ITS in Metropolitan
Intelligent Transportation system (ITS) takes a vital deployments are Arterial and Freeway Management,
part in global world. Intelligent Transportation System Freight Management, Transit Management Systems
(ITS) is the conventional of the development of (TMS), Incident and Emergency Management Systems,
next-generation technologies. It is a novel field that Regional Multimodal and Traveler Information Systems,
interoperates in different fields of transportation system, Information Management (IM) Systems. Many
such as transportation management, control, applications in ITS sector are plays a significant role some
infrastructure, operations, policies and control methods, of them are Electronic Toll Collection (ETC), Highway
etc. There is a wide range of reimbursement that obtained Data Collection (HDC) ,Traffic Management Systems
from ITS deployments. Intelligent Transportation System (TMS), Vehicle Data Collection (VDC),Transit Signal
(ITS) can play a major role in reducing risks, high Priority (TSP) ,Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP) etc.
accidents rate, traffic congestion, carbon emissions, air In these applications, different type of transmission works
pollution and on the other hand increasing safety and some applications works on long-distance transmission
reliability, travel speeds, traffic flow and satisfied travelers and some are works with short-distance communication
for all modes. and some systems works on Radio modem transmission
A glance at the state of transportation system is for collection of computerized information for analyzing
totally change because of development in various areas and reporting.
and adopted the new technologies like computing ITS is not limited for highway traffic, it is also provide
hardware, positioning system, sensor technologies, services and implement in navigation system, air transport
telecommunication, data processing, Virtual operation and system, water transport system and rail systems. Day to
planning techniques. Intelligent Transportation System day popularity of Intelligent Transportation System and

Corresponding Author: Kashif Naseer Qureshi, Department of Communication,

Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, 81310,
Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia.
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15 (5): 629-642, 2013

Table 1: Generations of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)[1]

Generation Period Technology
1 First Generation (ITS1.0) 2000 One way infrastructure based
2 Second Generation (ITS2.0) 2000-2003 Two way communication technology
3 Third Generation (ITS3.0) 2004-2005 Automated vehicle operations and automated, interactive system operations and system management
4 ITS (ITS 4.0) 2006-2011 Multi-modal Incorporating personal mobile devices, vehicles, infrastructure and information networks
for system operations as well as personal contextual mobility solutions

increasing the demands and development in the comparison of mobile-based sensors with GPS based
transportation systems intelligent transportation system sensor. The mobile-based sensors are more efficient due
divided into generations. Table 1 shows the generation of to ready-to-use infrastructure and the wide coverage [4].
Intelligent Transportation System with period. Bluetooth traffic monitoring system suggested with the
replacement of loop detectors and measures their
Areas of Its: This literature review also includes a brief accuracies [5]. Development in the field of arterial incident
discussion of the following areas of ITS Metropolitan detection problem [6].
Freight Management Systems: Freight Management
Arterial and Freeway Management Systems system is using for logistic and cargo shipments and
Freight Management Systems delivery through transportation that includes sea, land,
Transit Management Systems (TMS) air, tug and barge and rail services. Freight Management
Incident Management Systems System is significant factor towards the commencement
Emergency Management Systems and exploitation in policies of urban freight management.
Regional Multimodal and Traveler Information The development of Intelligent Transportation System the
Systems/ Information Management (IM) freight management system takes a turn with the help of
technologies. Freight system raises the mobility and
Arterial and Freeway Management Systems: Traffic enhances customer value. The significant role of freight
jamming becoming is more serious problem throughout system is reducing congestion, pollution and noise,
the world. Many causes behind it like population, poor energy concerns. According to the research
infrastructure and worse traffic system. To solve this transportation sector is accountable of a significant
problem, Arterial and freeway Management System used amount of greenhouse gas emissions: 13% and 23%
in many developed countries. The system install and use emissions of world and responsible of CO2 emissions
in South Nevada (RTS) for controlling and monitoring the from fossil fuel combustion (ITF 2007). The growth of
Las Vegas transport [2]. Another example of this system Internet-based electronic business is also powerfully
is California freeway management system. In this system contributing to the transformation of the freight
2 Gb/day data processes in real time [3]. In these systems, transportation industry, decision technologies, two-way
millions of unprocessed data collect and store, the data communication, tracking devices, higher planning and
have speed record, traffic flow, etc. The system works operation decision-support systems and transportation
with the help of different emerging technologies and cost, distribution cost and delivery time etc [7].
hardware like Variable message Sign (VMS), ramp meter, The Freight Management System classified into two
circuit television (CCTV) and traffic signal control system. wide classes Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) and
Table 2 shows some new research and proposed solution advanced fleet management System (AFMS) [7].
in the field of Arterial and Freeway Management System. Advanced systems designed for simplifying and
Various studies have attempted the arterial and automating freight transportation operations. Commercial
freeway system. Some of studies we discuss here. Vehicle Operations are for safety information exchanges,
Freeway system provides the navigation services, electronic certificate management and wayside electronic
traditionally freeway system use fixed sensor such as loop screening. Advanced systems designed for simplifying
detectors and television cameras but there are many and computerized freight and fleet management
problems in these systems such as high cost, operations at the carrier or business-to-business level.
maintenance and limited coverage. In the recent years, Present transportation system is to reach a more timely
mobile sensors and GPS (Global Positioning System), operation, competent provision and consumption of the
mobile phones are increasingly applied. The studies show fleet.

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15 (5): 629-642, 2013

Table 2: Summarized literature of Arterial and Freeway Management System

Author (s) Title Problem Solution
GAO2013 Estimating freeway traffic measures High cost in Installation, Maintenance, Proposed a relatively simplistic clustering technique
from mobile phone location data. Limited coverage problems in GPS in mobile phone for vehicle count, density, speed
based sensors.
Hussein Dia,2011 Development and evaluation of Performance of various data fusion neural Automatic incident detection on arterial roads
arterial incident detection models network architectures and probe vehicle
using fusion of simulated probe penetration rates and loop detector
vehicle and loop detector data configurations
Bachman 2012 Fusing a Bluetooth Traffic Comparison loop detector data and compared Improve the accuracy of traffic
Monitoring System with Loop against GPS collected probe vehicle data with speed estimation
Detector Data for Improved Bluetooth Monitoring system
Freeway Traffic Speed Estimation
Bachman 2013 A comparative assessment of Real-time traffic speed estimation Seven multi-sensor data fusion-based estimation
multi-sensor data fusion techniques techniques are investigated
for freeway traffic speed estimation
using micro simulation modeling

Table 3: Summarized literature of Freight Management System, Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) and advanced fleet management
Author(s) Title Problem Solution
Poon, A RFID case-based logistics resource Difficult and lengthy process of Collecting RFID technology for order-picking operations
T.C.May 2009 management system for managing the real time data with bar-code-based
order-picking operations in or manual-based
Crainic, Intelligent freight-transportation Worse performance in Logistics and Research-based decision-support software suggest
December 2009 systems: Assessment and the electronic business for operation and for ultimate performance of Freight ITS.
contribution of operations research fleet management
John Zumerchik Automated Transfer Management High embedded costs in Automated transfer management system (ATMS)
Systems and the Intermodal freight transportation at terminals and distribution centers
Performance of North American
Freight Distribution
Jeffrey SMay 2011 Use of a video monitoring approach Risk for a vehicle crash Onboard safety monitoring (OBSM) system
to reduce at-risk driving behaviors in and/or serious injuries
commercial vehicle operations
K. Bouvard Condition-based dynamic Deficiency in Maintenance Static or Dynamic methods are used for efficiency
June 2011 maintenance operations planning planning in commercial
& grouping. Application to heavy vehicle
commercial heavy vehicles
Miguel Andres The impacts of congestion Increased travel times and the uncertainty Tour model
Figliozzi, on commercial vehicle tour brought about by congestion impacts the
July 2010 characteristics and costs efficiency of logistics operations.
Lee, J.B.May 2013 Commercial vehicle pre-clearance Inefficient weigh stations Vehicle pre-clearance programs
programs: Current issues and
recommendations for potential

Research examining the new technologies adds in the field Transit Management Systems (TMS): Transit
of Freight Management System for its applications and Management System is providing accurate information
operations. A new technology RFID (Radio Frequency about position and satisfaction safety and security of
Identity Chip) is use for order-picking operations and for traveler. Transit Management System increases ridership,
tracking the logistics [8]. Different types of software use enhances operating efficiency, service reliability,
for betterment in Freight and commercial vehicle response to service disruptions. The passenger or user
operations, several studies have shown many types of may right to use the information at home, work, a
software such as Decision support software, automated transportation center, wayside stops, on board the
transfer system, onboard safety monitoring and vehicle vehicle, or through various technologies while traveling.
clearance program [7, 9-11]. This information has General information, maps,

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15 (5): 629-642, 2013

Table 4: Summarized literature of Transit Management System,

Author (s) Title Problem Solution
Yan, Y.March Bus transit travel time reliability Deficiency and instability of bus operations Evaluation index system
2012 evaluation based on automatic
vehicle location data
Diab, Understanding the impacts of Decreasing the regular route running time Automatic vehicle location (AVL) and Automatic
E.I,March 2012 a combination of service passenger count (APC) systems
improvement strategies on bus
running time and passenger's
Wu, H,2013 Evaluation methodology of bus Infrastructure, transport capacity, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
rapid transit (BRT) operation service level, economic results,
safety and emergency management,
and energy saving & emission
Barbeau, Travel assistance device: Required improvement in real-time Travel assistance device (TAD)
S.JMarch 2012 utilizing global positioning location-based services
system-enabled mobile phones to
aid transit riders with special needs

Schedule Information, Operational Information. In the

case of a transit agency, the customers may obtain
information about arrival/departure times. An example of
Transit Management system is an Automatic Vehicle
Location (AVL) technology gives the foundation for
vehicle tracking. AVL provides information concerning
the real-time position of a vehicle that used to check
schedule devotion and provide travelers with information
relating to the location of transit vehicles. In the US
transit, ridership has been rising as tax-supported funds
to cover its operating expense have been declining [6].
At the operational level, several studies have shown
deficiency and instability in different operation of transit
management system and proposed suggested programs. Fig 1: Information and Action flow of the CIMS System
In Transit management sector various software like AVL (KIM 2007)
(Automatic vehicle location), BRT (Bus Rapid Transit),
TAD (Travel assistant device) works for betterment in become the fifth foremost reason of death by 2030. [15].
location and transit time and for safety operations Technological expansion in Incident management areas
[12-14]. such as data gathering, storage, calculation and prototype
recognition have enabled more efficient for incident
Incident Management Systems: Incident Management information collection, processing and exploration
System is a very significant area in intelligent [16].Incident management system have many sub systems
transportation system. It is constructive when different such as roadway incident management, emergency
types of incidents happen, such as SARS epidemic, 2008 response management, incident detection, traffic
Sichuan earthquake, September 11 attack, these management.
emergencies and in road accidents transportation play a Studies show the different models and systems
major role. Fire vehicles and ambulances are track the safe proposed and evaluate for incident management system.
passage to reach our destination is a main objective in The systems are CIMS (critical incident management
these situations. According to World Health Organization system), CPs (cyber physical system), decision support
data, injuries and accidents are a major public health issue systems and many programs for real time data collection
in Europe and death rate is about 31 thousand per year 4. and traffic management in incidents. Fig 1 shows the flow
Over 1.2 million citizens die on the world roads, further chart of CIMS system how its works and related with each
WHO forecast the transportation injuries will go up to other [17-20].

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15 (5): 629-642, 2013

Table 5: Summarized literature of Incident Management System

Author (s) Title Problem Solution
Jin Ki Kim Efficiency of critical incident A poor assessment of CIMS efficiency CIMS efficiency model
November 2007 management systems: Instrument
development and validation
Yaodong Wang Perceptual control architecture for Problem of unified modeling for Perceptual Control Architecture of CPSs
November 2012 cyber-physical systems in traffic incompatible approaches of
incident management Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs)
S. Akhtar Ali System architecture of a decision Inefficient freeway network in the FIAS - Freeway Incident Analysis System
ShahJune 2008 support system for freeway post-incident scenario
incident management in Republic
of Korea
Choi, E.H.C. Multimodal user interface for Collection of critical data Advanced MMUI systems for
March 2007 traffic incident management emergency management
in control room

Table 6: Summarized literature of Emergency Management System,

Author (s) Title Problem Solution
James H. Lamberta Understanding and managing disaster Harmful performance of the region's Analyze transportation system demand and system
January 2013 evacuation on a transportation network transportation system and its performance for emergency management
Eren Erman A secure and efficient inventory Inefficient usage and distribution Multi-commodity stochastic
Ozguven management system for of emergency supplies humanitarian inventory management model
April 2013 disasters (MC-SHIC)
S.W. Yoona, Transportation security decision Challenging Task of decision The emergency training prototype
December 2008 support system for emergency making in emergencies
response: A training prototype
Deng Chunlin 2012 Sample Average Approximation Problem of the chance constrained Optimal model for the transportation
Method for Chance Constrained stochastic programming of emergency resource
Stochastic Programming in
Transportation Model of
Emergency Management

Emergency Management Systems: The simple definition (Multi-commodity stochastic humanitarian inventory
of Emergency Management System is "a discipline that management model), prototypes and optimal models etc
deals with risk and risk avoidance" [21]. This system use for security, decision support and for efficiency
contract with natural hazards are those that be in the [22-25].
natural surroundings as a result of hydrological,
meteorological, seismic, geological, volcanic, Regional Multimodal and Traveler Information
mass-movement or other natural processes and that Systems/ Information Management (IM): Regional
pretense a danger to human populations and Multimodal and Traveler Information System is the central
communities. The emergency management information focal point for data collection of road and transit data.
systems (EMIS) provide the environment to monitor and This system consist all types of freeways and arterials,
computation the information and decision-support road, transit and covering all areas like neighboring cities
systems that make possible for decision making in crises and countries. The system is improving the overall quality
for transportation system. In the emergencies, it is of real time data collection and information and
imperative to monitor the transportation system and accessibility for travelers. It is also use in trip planning,
services, supply, or transfer the human for safe real time transit, schedules of transits and traffic, parking.
destination is a priority. In Regional Multimodal and Traveler Information System
Research shows the different models and analyzing makes easy and beneficiary for travelers to get the
techniques changed with the passage of time in information from single platform in real time mode [26].
emergency management system. Many inventory Regional Multimodal and Traveler Information
management systems were proposed such as MC-SHIC System work with the integration of wireless and web

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15 (5): 629-642, 2013

Table 7: Summarized literature of Regional Multimodal and Traveler Information Systems/ Information Management system
Author (s) Title Problem Solution
Natvig, M.K. Flexible organization of multimodal Inefficient and flexible establishment Generic and multimodal ITS framework
December 2010 travel information services and provision of new and improved
travel information services
Jianwei Zhang 2011 A multimodal transport network Delay time for data reading and Generic multimodal transport network
model for advanced traveler compiling model for ATIS applications
information systems
Zhong-Ren Peng A methodology for design of a Inefficient system of trip GIS)-based automatic transit traveler
September 1997 GIS-based automatic transit traveler planning for transit customers information system (ATTIS)
information system
Gerhard Use of ITS Technologies for Deficiency in transport planning Next generation of multimodal transport
Schilka 2012 Multimodal Transport and management processes management and information systems
Operations - River Information
Services (RIS) Transport
Logistics Services

Table 8: Vehicular Communication application and characteristics [35].

No Application Name Communication Messaging Type Message period Latency Other Requirements
1 Emergency Electronic Break Lights Ad hoc V2V Event-triggered, time-limited broadcast 100 ms 100 ms Range:300 m, high priority
2 Intersection Collision Warning Ad hoc, infrastructure V2V,V2I Periodic permanent broadcast 100 ms 100 ms Accurate positioning on a digital
map, high priority
3 Intersection Collision warning Ad hoc, infrastructure V2V,V2I Event-Triggered time-limited Geo Cast 100 ms 100 ms High priority
4 Hazardous Location warning Ad hoc, infrastructure I2V.V2V Event-Triggered time-limited Geo Cast 100 ms 100 ms High priority
5 Traffic Signal Violation warning Ad hoc, infrastructure I2V Event-Triggered time-limited broadcast 100 ms 100 ms Range:250 m, High priority
6 Pre-Crash Sensing Ad hoc V2V Periodic broadcast, unicast 100 ms 50 ms Range: 50 m, high/mid priority
for beaconing/unicast
7 Lane Change Warning Ad hoc V2V Periodic broadcast 100 ms 100 ms Relative positioning accuracy: <
2 m; range :150 m
8 Cooperative forward collision warning Ad Hoc V2V Periodic, event-triggered 100 ms 100 ms Relativepositioningaccuracy: <1m;
broadcast, unicast range:150 m
9 Intersection Management Infrastructure, ad hoc V2I,V2V Periodic broadcast, unicast 1000 ms 500 ms Positioning accuracy: < 5 m
10 Limited Access and Detour Warning Infrastructure,I2V,other
broadcast network Periodic Broadcast 100 ms 500 ms Mid/Low priority
11 Cooperative Adaptive cruise control Ad hoc V2V Unicast Broadcast 500 ms 100 m Mid priority
12 Electronic Toll Collect Infrastructure, Periodic broadcast,unicast 1000 ms 200 ms CEN DSRC
ad hoc V2I, Cellular
13 Remote Diagnosis/ JIT Repair Warning Infrastructure, ad hoc
V2I,V2V, Cellular Unicast, broadcast, event-triggered N/A 500 ms Internet access Service availability
14 Media Download Infrastructure; cellular, Unicast, broadcast, on -demand N/A 500 ms Internet access
other broadcast network Digital rights management
15 Map Download/update Infrastructure, ad hoc V2I,V2V, Unicast, broadcast, on -demand 1000 ms 500 ms Internet access Digital rights
cellular, other broadcast network management Services availability
16 Ecological Drive assistance Infrastructure, ad hoc
V2I,V2V, cellular Unicast, broadcast, on-demand 1000 ms 500 ms Internet access service availability

technologies. The examples of this system is ENOSIS projected information related to internal operations and
(Greek: Èv , meaning "union") in Greece, it is a pilot external intelligence. It supports the planning, control and
project and the results and performance of this system is operation functions of an organization by furnishing
cost effective [27]. uniform information in the proper time frame to assist the
Information Management or Management information decision makers" [29]. Information Management System
system (MIS) in intelligent transportation system plays a provides efficiency in transportation planning and design,
vital role in the world [28]. The system works on current modeling, analysis, management and prevents the delays
and previous information in appropriate period to assist problems. The example of the system is container freight
the decision makers. It is also use for operational and transshipment at container centers, the system collect
strategic purposes. The definition of MIS is "an significant related data and process it for transshipment
organizational method of providing past, present and work of multimodal freight [30].

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15 (5): 629-642, 2013

Development of regional multimodal and information

management system is possible for adoption with
different model for information systems. Different
Technologies are working in travel information service
and logistics, such as GIS (Geographical information
system), sensors, etc [31-34].

Applications of ITS: Applications of Intelligent

Transportation System use for transportation safety,
efficiency and user services.
In table, we provide a list of applications used in Fig. 2: Electronic toll collection at Costanera Norte
different projects. Freeway [18]
Intelligent Transportation have many applications but
we discuss here some of them which studied over the
period of 1999 and 2007.

Electronic Toll Collection (ETC)

Highway Data Collection (HDC)
Traffic Management Systems (TMS)
Vehicle Data Collection (VDC)
Transit Signal Priority (TSP)
Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP)
Fig. 3: Traffic Management System
Electronic Toll Collection (ETC): Electronic toll collection
is a one of the most popular application of intelligent calculating, analyzing and identifying traffic
transportation system, which eliminates the delay and congestion, travel time [38]. Another major role of
enhances the mechanism of collecting toll electronically Highway Data Collection applications are collection of
in transportation sector. Electronic Toll Collection wind velocity data, inclement weather, complex terrain,
concept such as safety of travelers, increasing the from weather stations for reliable safety of vehicles
performance of toll stations, safe time of travelers and also [39].
help in environmental problems and fuel consumption.
ETS system classified as DSRC Traffic Management Systems (TMS): Traffic
(dedicated short-range communication), in this system on Management System plays a central role in
board unit (OBU) in places in the vehicle and on other Transportation System, It increases the overall
side, RSU (Roadside unit) installs on the road and they transportation efficiency such as flow, Improve safety,
communicate with each other in the range of 30 meter. better mobility, economic productivity and crucial in
The systems works in ETC technology like MLFF environment for an ITS market. Traffic Management
(Multilane free flow), VPS (Vehicle positioning system) System collects the real-time information from different
technology, based on positioning and mobile hardware components like cameras, speed sensors etc and
communication technologies [36].Electronic toll flows into Transportation Management Center (TMC)
Collections applications move to standardize ETC where it is processed and analyzed. Traffic Management
protocols by the Intelligent Transportation Society of system is use in railway traffic, road traffic, air traffic
America, ERTICO and ITS Japan [37]. Management [40].

Highway Data Collection (HDC): Highway Data Many systems exists in TMS:
Collection technology provides acquisition of road traffic
data in intelligent transportation system. Positioning and Event Management System (EMS)
communication systems (GPS, GSM and GPRS) work with Traffic Control System (TCS) brochure
the help of sensors on the road network provide basic Traveler Information System (TIS)
data to the traffic control center for the purpose of Video Control System (VCS)

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15 (5): 629-642, 2013

Vehicle Data Collection: Vehicle Data Collection Systems

collects the data of vehicles related to the performance
and quality of vehicles for analyzing, processing and
remote monitoring. The system bases on vehicle gateway,
server software framework, databases and web based
interfaces. Application of the system provides support to
the Military, Engineering, Ground durability testing,
vehicle tracking and predictive maintenance. The example
of this system is Georgia Tech Trip Data Collector Fig. 4: GT trip data collector and wires [22]
(GT-TDC) in DRIVE Atlanta Laboratory (DriveLab) in
Geogia.The system works on the second-by second
vehicle record, position and speed through GPS [41].

Transit Signal Priority (TSP): Transit Signal Priority

system makes transit services faster, reliable, cost
effective and inexpensive. Main objective of the system
includes efficient schedule adherence, travel time and
traffic movement through controlling traffic signal
intersections. The measured benefits records in different
countries below in table
Fig. 5: TSP System in Boston, MA: Huntington Avenue
Emergency Vehicle Preemption: Emergency Vehicle
Preemption System designed for emergency
transportation movement for safe passage for lifesavings
and scene stabilization. Emergency transportation like
ambulances and fire fighters are required to reach in time
and avoid congested traffic conditions [43].Emergency
Vehicle Preemption reduces the crash rate, promote
mutual aid strategies, minimizing response time and
maximizing safety. This system works with the help of GPS
technologies, infrared systems and radio communication
to deliver safe, proficient results. Fig. 6: Monrovia, California fire trucks equipped with
emergency vehicle preemption and visual warning
Technologies in Its: Firstly we look the summary of system.
enabling technologies in Intelligent Transportation
System after that we discuss the enabling technologies Table 9: Measure benefit record [42].
areas in ITS. S/No Country/City Benefits
1 USA, Washington Decrease transit signal delay
Intelligent Transportation System integrates
2 TriMet, Portland, Oregon 10 % improvement in travel time 19%
current and growing communication technologies. Due to
reduction in travel time
emergence of many technologies, the transportation variabilityReduce scheduled recovery time
system is able to improve transportation conditions, 3 Chicago 15% reduction Efficient run cutting
safety and services. 4 Los Angeles 25% reduction travel time

Wireless communications Wireless communications: The wireless communication

Computational technologies has become an immense area. Wireless networks connect
Floating car data/floating cellular data the devices, transmit the data through signals and use
Sensing technologies medium (radio wave, microwave) for transferring and
Inductive loop detection sharing the data between nodes. Wireless communication
Video vehicle detection have a various sub domains such as ad hoc networks,
Bluetooth detection sensor networks, mesh networks, cellular networks,

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15 (5): 629-642, 2013

Table 10: Enabling Technologies in ITS

No Technologies Systems
1 Communication Wireless (Cellular or Wide Area)Wire line (Coaxial or Fiber Optic)
2 Data Storage and Processing Compact Disc, Magnetic storage, Media Magnetic stripe cards, hard disks and data cartridges, smart cards.
3 Database Management Systems Data Warehousing, Expert Systems,
4 Information Display Cathode ray Tubes (CRTS), LCDs, Variable message sign.
5 Location Dead reckoning, Map matching, GPS, Beacon based Vehicle Location
6 Sensors Inductive Loops, Infrared Beams, Microwave (RADAR), LIDAR,
Vision-based Sensors, Acoustic scanning Laser
7 Actuator Gates and Displays

which are different in nature in terms of packet types,

resources and infrastructure. We discuss some
technologies of wireless communication.

Radio Modem Communications: Radio Modem

Communication and modems are use to send data
between two locations, typically the distance of
modems 10-40 mile range. The frequencies of Radio
modems are UHF (Ultra High Frequency) and VHF
(Very High Frequency) frequencies. In this type of
communication the information broadcast in traffic
congestion and in emergencies via FM radio band,
through the system warn drivers about weather changing
etc [35].

Typically Radio Modem Communication Users Are:

Fleet Management Fig. 7: Layered Architecture for DSRC Communication in

Automated Meter Reading (AMR) USA [45]
Telemetry Applications
SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) environment), IEEE 802.11 is Wi-Fi standard, 1609.4 for
Applications channel Switching, 1609.3 for Network Services, 1609.2 for
Land Survey security, Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), UDP and TCP,
WAVE short message protocol VWSMP etc [45].
Short Range Communications: Intelligent Dedicated Short Range Communication features are fast
Transportation Society of America and the US network acquisition, Low latency, high reliability, priority,
Department of Transportation promoted the standards of interoperability, security and for privacy in transportation
short-range communication, specifically WAVE system [46]. Fig below illustrates the protocol stack in
(Wireless Access for Vehicular Environment) or the DSRC communication.
DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication) using
IEEE 802.11 protocols, the range of IEEE 802.11 protocols Long Range Communications: Long Range
extended using Mesh and ad-hoc networks. Dedicated Communication using different networks like WiMAX
Short Range Communication allocated 75MHz of spectrum (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) (IEEE
at 5.9 GHz to be use entirely for Vehicle-to-Vehicle and 802.16), 3 G, GSM (Global System for Mobile
infrastructure-to -vehicle communication. The goal of Communication) meant at providing wireless access over
Dedicated Short Range Communication improves traffic long distance [47]. The WiMAX (IEEE 802.16) comprises
flow and save lives [44]. DSRC communication protocol two sets of standards; 802.16-2004 (802.16d) fixed
stack have many protocols and standard which are use in WiMAX and 802.16-2005 (802.16e) for mobile WiMAX.
different layers, IEEE 802.11p work on PHY and MAC The WiMAX range up to 30 miles (50 kms) and data rate
layer in WAVE (Wireless access for vehicular of up to 70 Mbps [48]. GSM (Global System for Mobile

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15 (5): 629-642, 2013

Communication) and 3G (Third Generation) on real time; therefore, end-to-end delay and
telecommunication networks use for long-range synchronization is critical for such systems [53]. In WSN
communication in transportation sector. the sensors or nodes, which are deployed for data
gathering and one or more sink nodes connected through
Computational Technologies: With the development of different long range connections i.e. satellite , WiFi,
technologies, computational science is use in different WiMAX, etc [54].
fields. In intelligent transportation system the Sensor networks may exist in variant types such as
computational technologies provides a platform and seismic, thermal, infrared, acoustic, low sampling rate
development in architecture and software for real-time magnetic. These sensors are capable to monitor the
applications. This type of platform includes model-based different conditions like monitor the temperature,
process control, ubiquities computing and artificial humidity, movement of vehicle, pressure, noise, speed,
intelligence [37]. Application of ITS has many real time direction etc. A sensor node is consist main four
operating systems, rich microprocessors, memories and components, Power Unit, transceiver, Sensing and
hardware installed in vehicles. processing unit. Sensor node has a additional unit for
Computation technology is making up with four application called location finding system and a power
parts, Quantitative, Operational, Languages, tools for generator, mobilizer. Further sensing unit is dividing into
automatic running [49]. Many algorithms and sensors and analog to digital converters (ADCs).
computational programs resolve different problems in The sensors are very small like a matchbox. Below table
transportation sector. With the help of computational shows the functions of all components of sensor [55] .
technology, we have obtained the chance to understand
and control difficult systems. Example of this system is Inductive Loop Detection: An inductive loop vehicle
Advance driver assistance System (ADAS) solve the detector is a detection system, which uses the magnet to
safety problem in transportation [50]. induce an electrical current in a wire. Inductive loops are
use for communication and reception of signals like
Floating Car Data/Floating Cellular Data: Floating car vehicle detector, vehicle passage, presence, count and
data (FCD) in transportation system determines the occupancy. Inductive loop vehicle detection is still
transportation speed on the track. FCD works on various the most consistent and cost-effective technique of
data types for instants speed, travel direction, time and vehicle detection in today's traffic and parking
localization data from mobile phones and the mobile acts applications.
as a sensor. Floating data or cellular data works on
different networks like (CDMA, GPRS, UMTS, GSM). The System Are Consist with Three Components:
Flatting card data is an embedded system and data being
collected through position of vehicles at constant time A loop
intervals [38]. The predicted data come from loop detector Loop Extension Cable
and automatic vehicle recognition further in some Detector
conditions data come from vehicle-based measurement
[51]. VSN240 vehicle sensor node is one example of
inductive loop detection, the node measuring the earth's
Sensing Technologies: Sensing Technology in magnetic field [57].
transportation system is an unprecedented technology.
In a technology the embedded sensors works, Video Vehicle Detection: Video vehicle detection is a
wireless sensor nodes are normally low-cost and low dominant form of detection in intelligent transportation
power, data processing and wireless communication system.
capabilities examples are microchip, RFID etc. The WSNs VVD system is popular method and changes the
(Wireless sensor networks) have a large number of sensor traditional loop detector system. The system components
nodes represent a significant efficiency over traditional are video image acquisition, appropriate cabling, video
sensors [52]. Sensor technologies designs for dissimilar image processing unit, vision-processing software. The
scenarios in intelligent transportation systems features of this system are reduce costs for the data
applications for instants car communication with each collection, better analysis, accuracy, useful information,
other traffic condition monitoring. These applications run enhance the driver ability, safety etc [58].

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15 (5): 629-642, 2013

Table 11: Sensor components with functions

No Components Functions
1 Power Unit It has a solar cells for power
2 ADC( Analog to Digital Converters) It converts the analog signal into digital signal and fed into the processing unit
3 Processing Unit It is a small storage unit, manage the procedures for collaborate with nodes
4 Transceiver For Networking
5 Other sub units Application dependent

VSN240 vehicle sensor node is one example of

inductive loop detection, the node measuring the earth's
magnetic field [57].

Video Vehicle Detection: Video vehicle detection is a

dominant form of detection in intelligent transportation
VVD system is popular method and changes the
Fig. 8: Sensor Node with Components traditional loop detector system. The system components
are video image acquisition, appropriate cabling, video
image processing unit, vision-processing software. The
features of this system are reduce costs for the data
collection, better analysis, accuracy, useful information,
enhance the driver ability, safety etc [58].

Fig. 9: (MARSH 2010)[56] Bluetooth Detection: Bluetooth developed by Special

Interests Group (SIG) for a short-range communication.
Now a day's most electronic gadgets use Bluetooth
protocol for instant laptops, computers, headsets, cell
phones etc. The Bluetooth technology in intelligent
transportation system is use for capturing travel time,
license plate recognition (ALPR) systems and different
methods of data collection. The Bluetooth protocol itself
broadcasting a 48-bit Media Access Control (MAC)
address to gadgets within range [59].

Conclusion and Summary: The results of this literature

Fig. 10: Vehicle Detection through Video
review have shown that Intelligent Transportation System
is a broad field which covers many technologies and they
Inductive Loop Detection: An inductive loop vehicle
plays a significant role in the technology era. ITS
detector is a detection system, which uses the magnet to
deployments have the possible to offer the following
induce an electrical current in a wire. Inductive loops
benefits: improved safety, efficiency, mobility,
are use for communication and reception of signals
accessibility, intermodal connections.
like vehicle detector, vehicle passage, presence, count Through the Intelligent transportation system, many
and occupancy. Inductive loop vehicle detection is still areas take advantages. The beneficiaries' areas are arterial,
the most consistent and cost-effective technique of freeway, freight, transit, incident, emergency, data
vehicle detection in today's traffic and parking collection, toll collection, environmental issue, traveler
applications. information and archived information management. This
paper presents a wide-ranging area of intelligent
The System Are Consist with Three Components: transportation system and its applications and range of
technologies. This paper enables researchers to
A loop understanding of Intelligent Transportation system
Loop Extension Cable overview and provides researchers with information on
Detector ITS areas in which further study may be needed.

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15 (5): 629-642, 2013

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