Optimization of Urban Road Traffic in Intelligent Transport Systems
Optimization of Urban Road Traffic in Intelligent Transport Systems
Optimization of Urban Road Traffic in Intelligent Transport Systems
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Elena Alina Stanciu*, Ilona Madalina Moise* and Lacramioara Mihaela Nemtoi*
* University Politehnica ,Bucharest, Roumania,
Abstract – The urban traffic congestions represent a major in order to analyze and study it. This decomposition can
problem in the vast majority of world metropolis and the be performed based on the main directions on which the
Intelligent Transport Systems are created to provide real persons and merchandise actually move. The appar-
time control and route guidance for the traffic participants, ently chaotic nature of road traffic is given by the fact that
and to optimize the performance of traffic networks. The it is performed by large numbers of moving entities (road
updated control and the adaptive control strategies are vehicles and pedestrians) which are driven by very diverse
more and more frequently used due to their potential to reasons, like scope, destination, distance, urgency, impor-
reduce the delay in the intersections. New opportunities to tance and route.
control the traffic on street networks have been created due
to the fast evolution of communications and computerized The objective of urban traffic optimization is to in-
processing methods in the last decade. The role of urban crease the efficiency of transportation services and thus
traffic optimization is to both increase the efficiency of their capacity to satisfy user requirements. Urban traffic
transport services and their capacity to respond to user re- optimization systems include but are not limited to infor-
quirements. This category of systems include information mation systems that disseminate public urban transporta-
systems that disseminate information concerning the public tion schedules, prices and routes, systems that automati-
transport schedule and the exact time-of-arrival of public cally collect the transportation fees, automatic vehicle
transport assets, prices, routes, automatic trip tax collection location and vehicle fleet management systems, safety
systems, vehicle location systems for fleet management and systems etc.
safety systems. The paper herein provides an analysis of a
group of intersections, starting from the Vasile Milea Boule-
vard, up to its intersection with the 13 Septembrie Road, II. INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS
while trying to determine the optimal maximum green time
for each and every intersection, in order to reduce the wait-
ing time at the semaphores, to improve the level of service The Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) can be de-
and to avoid semaphore waiting queues. fined as an aggregate of advanced systems in the field of
electronics, telecommunications and information technol-
ogies, integrated with the overall objective to increase the
efficiency and the safety of transportation[1]. The basic
I. INTRODUCTION ITS technology is oriented on three main directions:
communications, information, integration. Information
The road traffic is defined as the general move- acquisition (collection), processing, integration and sort-
ment of vehicles and persons, concentrated on terrain sur- ing are the basic activities of ITS. The ITS solutions create
faces specially designed for such purpose, i.e. the roads. individual travelers, drivers, carriers and authorities that
The phenomenon of road traffic or road circulation takes are all better informed, capable to make “smart” decisions.
place on large distances and large territories, as well as in The intelligent transport systems and services refer to any
restrained areas. Following the continuous evolution of system or service that makes the movement of persons and
vehicles, the rhythm and the pace of road traffic increased goods more efficient and economical. Intelligent Trans-
accordingly. The vehicle pool has reached impressive fig- port Systems include a wide range of new instruments,
ures, both at national and international levels. More than designed for the administration of transportation networks
700 million vehicles are registered worldwide, of all types and travel services. The information acquisition,
and designations, more and more vehicles and road trans- processing, integration and delivery to the transportation
portation means being produced each year. Such increase actors are centric for Intelligent Transport Systems, pro-
led to the reach of motor saturation limit on many roads, viding online real time information concerning the current
especially in the economically developed countries. traffic conditions of a transportation network, information
that can be exploited for daily planning. The instruments
In our country, due to the fast increase of the motor ve- included in the Intelligent Transport Systems provide for
hicles number, a development of the road infrastructure, better informed authorities, transport operators and travel-
as well as the upgrade of existing road infrastructure is ers, increasing their capability to coordinate whatever de-
certainly needed. Worldwide, the traffic road phenomenon cisions they make. A new approach concerning the trans-
is more and more difficult to control, coordinate or man- port problems is needed, in order to achieve a national
age. In reality, this stochastic process can be decomposed, transport system that is efficient both from the economical
and environmental protection points of view. Depending time information concerning alternative transport services,
on their development objectives, ITS can be defined and so that the travel can be carried out with minimal interrup-
categorized in several ways, as briefly presented below. tions and inconveniences. The ITS which have a positive
impact on travel comfort are: real time traffic information,
real time public transports information, dynamic route
According to ISO, the ITS can be classified on the guidance, vehicle tracking, intelligent card payment of
functions they fulfil, as follows: transportation fees[1][5].
Fig. 2 Reference data for the Vasile Milea – Timisoara Blvd intersection
Following the input of traffic volume on each circula- Fig. 3. Reference data for Drumul Sarii intersection
tion direction and lane, and the lengths of the actual sema-
phore cycles for the aforementioned intersection, it can be
noticed that the intersection’s capacity is 75.5%, the de- The pre-optimization status for this intersection can be
lays are 15.1 seconds per vehicle per intersection, and the resumed as follows: for a 40 seconds semaphore cycle, the
level of service for this intersection is B, characterized by level of service is A (with delays < 10 seconds), characte-
stable flows, with a high degree of freedom of choice con- rized by an unrestrained traffic flow, with individual users
cerning the speed and the operation conditions, with a virtually unaffected by the presence of other vehicles in
little influence on other traffic participants. the same space.
Fig. 4. Reference data for the 13 Septembrie – Antiaeriana intersection Fig.5 Situation of the 13 Septembrie intersection following optimization
– separation of the traffic flows