Iso 50006-2023
Iso 50006-2023
Iso 50006-2023
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 50006:2023(E)
© ISO 2023
ISO 50006:2023(E)
Contents Page
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... vi
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms............................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Terms and definitions....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3.2 Abbreviated terms............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4 Overview of EnPIs, EnBs and energy performance.......................................................................................................... 4
5 Obtaining relevant energy performance information................................................................................................. 5
5.1 Initial-energy-performance-related information..................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Determining users of energy performance indicators........................................................................................ 6
5.3 Defining the energy performance indicator boundaries................................................................................... 6
5.4 Defining and quantifying energy flows............................................................................................................................. 7
5.5 Defining and quantifying variables related to energy performance...................................................... 8
5.6 Collecting data......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.6.1 Data collection....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.6.2 Data quality.............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.6.3 Measurement....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.6.4 Data collection frequency......................................................................................................................................... 10
5.6.5 Identifying and analysing outliers................................................................................................................... 10
6 Determining energy performance indicators.................................................................................................................... 11
6.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Expressing energy performance indicators............................................................................................................... 11
6.2.1 Statistical model............................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2.2 Aggregated models......................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.2.3 Engineering model.......................................................................................................................................................... 13
7 Establishing energy baselines............................................................................................................................................................. 14
7.1 Concept of EnB...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Determining baseline period................................................................................................................................................... 14
8 Normalization....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
8.1 Concept of normalization............................................................................................................................................................ 15
8.2 Uncertainty of model...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
9 Maintaining energy performance indicators and energy baselines.......................................................... 15
9.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
9.2 Static factor changes....................................................................................................................................................................... 16
10 Monitoring and reporting of energy performance and demonstrating energy
performance improvement.................................................................................................................................................................... 17
10.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
10.2 Monitoring and reporting........................................................................................................................................................... 17
10.3 Demonstrating energy performance improvement............................................................................................ 17
Annex A (informative) EnPI and EnB planning process............................................................................................................... 19
Annex B (informative) Examples of EnPI boundaries.................................................................................................................... 21
Annex C (informative) Examples of energy performance indicators............................................................................ 22
Annex D (informative) Example of normalization stepwise process............................................................................ 25
Annex E (informative) Example of normalization............................................................................................................................. 27
Annex F (informative) Example of normalization — Multivariate–analysis........................................................ 31
Annex G (informative) Reporting aggregated information..................................................................................................... 35
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to
the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 301, Energy management and energy
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 50006:2014), which has been technically
The main changes are as follows:
— concepts and technical aspects have been harmonized with the latest edition of ISO 50001:2018;
— definitions in Clause 3 have been updated in accordance with the latest edition of ISO 50001:2018
and considering a new approach for general harmonization under ISO/TC 301;
— upgrades have been made related to the normalization of energy performance indicators (EnPIs)
and corresponding energy baselines (EnBs);
— upgrades and new considerations have been made related to the new definition and requirement to
demonstrate energy performance improvement.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
0.1 Background
Energy performance evaluation is a tool which applies to all types of organizations and can be used
to evaluate the results of its efforts in energy management. Relevant variables affect the energy
consumption and energy efficiency of organizations. To effectively evaluate energy performance under
equivalent conditions, the effects of relevant variables should be taken into account by using the process
of normalization.
Measuring and monitoring of energy performance and demonstration of energy performance
improvement can be challenging because of the complexity of determining energy performance
indicators (EnPIs) and corresponding energy baselines (EnBs) which are appropriate for an organization
to better understand the energy consumed within the facilities, equipment, systems or energy-using
Improving energy performance helps organizations to become more competitive by reducing their
energy costs. In addition, improving energy performance can help organizations to reduce their energy-
related greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change and the need for decarbonization are major global
concerns. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy consumption is a significant
tool in tackling climate change. Methods for monitoring and measuring energy performance to ensure
appropriate results are key aspects of this activity.
In those activities or processes in which no energy performance improvement has been planned,
benefits can also be obtained by using EnPIs and EnBs to manage operational control, identify
maintenance needs or identify significant deviations in energy performance.
Communicating the energy performance of the organization and its processes to appropriate person(s)
in the organization is a key element for success. It is also a key to building ongoing commitment and
engagement of top management to allocate resources for energy management including the effective
establishment of EnPIs and EnBs.
The technical information in this document enables an organization to meet the requirements of
ISO 50001 including using normalization in measuring, monitoring, analysing and evaluating its
energy performance and energy performance improvement. In this way, it can demonstrate continual
improvement in energy performance using EnPIs and corresponding EnBs.
0.2 Overview of contents
This document provides an organization with practical guidance related to managing energy
performance, including its evaluation, control and continual improvement through the establishment,
use and maintenance of EnPIs and the corresponding EnBs.
This document gives guidance on the selection of appropriate EnPIs according to the objectives of the
organizations which can achieve significant benefits by implementing them.
This document is intended to guide an organization in establishing, using and maintaining EnPIs and
EnBs in accordance with the requirements in ISO 50001.
The process described in this document can provide benefits to any organization, including those that
do not have an EnMS. Nevertheless, additional benefits can be obtained if this process is embedded
within an EnMS in accordance with ISO 50001.
1 Scope
This document gives guidance on how to establish, use and maintain energy performance indicators
(EnPIs) and energy baselines (EnBs) to evaluate energy performance in any organization including those
using ISO 50001. Additional guidance is given on how to measure and monitor energy performance and
demonstrate energy performance improvement.
This document is applicable to any organization, regardless of its type, size, complexity, geographical
location, organizational culture, the products and services it provides or its level of maturity in the field
of energy management.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
physical, virtual and/or organizational limits as defined by the entity for a stated purpose
Note 1 to entry: The entity may be an organization (3.1.14), group of organizations, region(s), subset of an
organization or other depending on the application.
Note 2 to entry: Physical can be equipment, systems, a building, a process, a group of processes, a site, or multiple
sites, under the control of an organization.
electricity, fuels, steam, heat, compressed air and other similar media
Note 1 to entry: For the purposes of this document, energy refers to the various types of energy, including
renewable, which can be purchased, stored, treated, used in equipment or in a process, or recovered.
Note 2 to entry: If the process for determination of the EnB uses relevant variables (3.1.15) for normalization
(3.1.13) or if the EnB is adjusted for changes in static factors (3.1.18), the information shall be retained as
documented information.
energy consumption
quantity of energy (3.1.3) applied
Note 1 to entry: Energy consumption can be represented in volume (e.g. litres of fuel), mass, weight units or
energy units (e.g. GJ, kWh).
Note 2 to entry: Both input and output should be clearly specified in terms of quantity and quality, and should be
energy use
energy end-use
application of energy (3.1.3)
EXAMPLE Ventilation, lighting, heating, cooling, transportation, processes, data storage.
Note 1 to entry: Energy use is based on “what the energy is used for” as compared to energy consumption (3.1.5)
which is based on “how much energy is used”.
Note 2 to entry: This application can be from any energy type including renewables.
energy model
mathematical representation based on a data set describing the relationship between relevant variables
(3.1.15) and energy consumption (3.1.5) or energy efficiency (3.1.6) over a specified period of time
Note 1 to entry: The specified period of time can represent different perspectives of time such as baseline period
(3.1.1), reporting period (3.1.16), or period that reflects standard conditions.
energy performance
measurable result(s) related to energy efficiency (3.1.6), energy use (3.1.7) and energy consumption
energy performance indicator
measure used to quantify energy performance (3.1.9)
Note 1 to entry: If the EnPI is used for the demonstration of energy performance improvement (3.1.11) it refers to
energy efficiency (3.1.6) or energy consumption (3.1.5).
energy performance improvement
improvement in measurable results of energy efficiency (3.1.6) or energy consumption (3.1.5) related to
energy use (3.1.7), compared to the energy baseline (3.1.4)
energy target
quantifiable objective of energy performance improvement (3.1.11)
Note 1 to entry: An energy target can be included within an objective.
person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships
to achieve its objectives
Note 1 to entry: The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to, sole-trader, company, corporation, firm,
enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated
or not, public or private.
relevant variable
quantifiable factor that significantly impacts energy performance (3.1.9) and routinely changes
Note 1 to entry: Significance criteria are determined by the organization (3.1.14).
Note 2 to entry: In a statistical approach, relevant variables are identified from independent variables by using
significance criteria.
EXAMPLE Weather conditions, operating conditions (indoor temperature, light level), working hours,
production output.
reporting period
defined period of time selected for evaluating energy performance (3.1.9) and energy performance
improvement (3.1.11)
Note 1 to entry: In this document, the concept of reporting period includes the concept of monitoring period.
significant energy use
energy use (3.1.7) accounting for substantial energy consumption (3.1.5) and/or offering considerable
potential for energy performance improvement (3.1.11)
Note 1 to entry: Significance criteria are determined by the organization (3.1.14).
EXAMPLE Facility size, design of installed equipment, number of weekly shifts, range of products.
Energy targets are set by the organization and may be based on identified and planned energy
performance improvement opportunities.
Figure 1 illustrates an example of the relationship between energy performance improvement, EnPIs,
EnBs, EnPI values and energy targets. Figure 1 also illustrates how energy performance improvement
is achieved when an EnPI value improves compared with the EnB, whether or not energy targets are
The process to develop, use and update EnPIs and EnBs is described in detail in Clauses 5 to 10. This
process helps the organization to monitor and evaluate energy performance and demonstrate energy
performance improvement. The processes within the EnPI and EnB planning are presented in Annex A.
X time
Y energy consumption
NOTE The trend of changing energy consumption indicates that there is (are) relevant variable(s) and
normalization is required.
Figure 1 — Example of conceptual relationship between energy performance, EnPIs, EnBs, EnPI
values and energy targets
— the SEUs;
— facilities, equipment, systems or energy-using processes that the organization wishes to isolate and
— the ease of isolating the EnPI boundary by measuring energy consumption and relevant variables;
— the EnMS boundary;
— available data for energy consumption and relevant variables.
The three primary EnPI boundary levels are individual, system and organizational as described in
Table 2.
Additional information on EnPI boundaries can be found in Annex B.
M measurement
The variables may be directly measured or derived from measurements (e.g. production is directly
measured whereas heating degree days is derived from measurements of outside environment
temperature and base temperature).
Analysis of data collected by the organization can indicate relevant variables. A methodology to
determine which variables are relevant is described in Annex D.
If the determination of relevant variables within a selected boundary is difficult, the boundary can be
adjusted (e.g. subdivided).
The organization should specify and collect the data related to energy consumption and relevant
variables for each EnPI. It should plan the access to the collected data, the timing of collection, the
process of collection and storage, and any pre-analysis cleaning or manipulation of the data.
It is possible that an organization will find that some of the EnPIs which were previously identified
are not measurable due to data limitations or other barriers. In such cases, the organization should
assess and consequently revise the EnPIs or introduce additional meters, measurement, or modelling
If the expenditure towards installation of new meters, sub-meters and/or sensors to collect data on the
required variables is justified by the improvement in its energy performance, the organization should
specify such metering in its data collection plans.
In cases where more detailed energy consumption data are not available, energy bills can be used.
Consideration should be given to variation in the billing period between bills.
Table 4 describes examples of challenges in gathering data.
The quality, precision and accuracy of the data collected to calculate EnPIs needs to be considered if
the calculated results are to be meaningful. Prior to calculating EnPIs and their corresponding EnBs,
the organization should review the set of measured energy consumption and relevant variables to
determine the data quality.
Ensuring that data used are of appropriate quality and completeness can help increase the robustness
of the determined EnPI value and ensure that they meet the needs of the organization. Factors to
consider in determining the appropriate quality of data may include the following:
— the method of collection, i.e. manual or automatic;
— the source of data, e.g. third-party weather station data;
— the frequency of data collection, i.e. covering all shifts, hourly, daily, monthly, working hours and
5.6.3 Measurement
Measurements can be taken continuously (e.g. using data from a supervisory control and data
acquisition system or a data acquisition and handling system), on a temporary basis (e.g. using data
loggers) or on a spot basis (e.g. using mobile/portable meters). If continuous measurement is not
possible, the organization should ensure that spot or temporary measurements are made during
periods that are representative of typical operating conditions (see 5.6.2).
Energy consumption may be measured by using permanent or temporary, meters or sub-meters, or
may be estimated by other means such as engineering calculations or modelling. Wherever possible,
permanent meters should be installed for measurement. Temporary meters may be used during energy
audit or where continuous measurements are not required. The organization should be aware of the
accuracy and repeatability of the measuring equipment and should consider the relative importance of
the decisions being made as a result of the data collected from these measurement instruments.
In many cases, the quantity of energy consumed can only be measured indirectly. This can require
measuring a flow, volume or mass of fuel supplied, and can vary with factors such as composition,
outdoor temperature, pressure and other factors. Multipliers or factors are commonly applied to the
actual measured flow of gas or liquid fuel to calculate the quantity of energy contained in the fuel.
These should be based on verifiable sources.
The data collection period and frequency should be sufficient to capture a range of operating
conditions and provide an adequate number of data points for analysis. The organization should select
an appropriate data collection frequency (e.g. hourly, daily, weekly) for the energy consumption and
relevant variables included in each EnPI and the corresponding EnB.
NOTE Data collection frequency is typically based on available data (e.g. monthly energy bills).
The data collection frequency may be much higher than the frequency of reporting in order to measure
and understand the impact of relevant variables on energy performance. For example, hourly, daily or
weekly data collection can be needed at the operational level to address significant deviations. Such
energy consumption and relevant variables should be aggregated for periodic review (e.g. monthly
reviews at the organizational level).
For statistical analysis, it is necessary that energy consumption and associated relevant variable data
have the same time intervals.
Even if the data collection period is the same (e.g. monthly), the data periods for energy and the relevant
variables can be different. In such cases, the data periods should be adjusted so that the data period for
energy and relevant variable data are aligned.
EXAMPLE Energy consumption is metered on the 20th day of each month and provided as an energy bill.
The relevant variable (production) is measured at the end of each month. The organization decides to unify the
timing of metering to the 20th day of every month and to estimate the data of production.
Faulty metering, faulty data capture or unusual operating conditions can produce significant outliers.
Before excluding an outlier, investigations should be carried out to determine if there is a legitimate
reason for the outlier. If some outliers are excluded, care should be taken to ensure that this does not
introduce bias into the EnPI value or its corresponding EnB.
EXAMPLE An annual plant shutdown can result in a significant variation in energy consumption.
Outliers may be identified by appropriate methods (e.g. scatter diagram, trend line). Data points more
than a pre-determined number of standard deviations from the expected value of the trend line or
function may be outliers.
6.1 General
While selecting appropriate EnPIs, the effects of relevant variables and the needs of users of the
information are key factors to be considered.
If appropriate, organizations should determine EnPIs including at least one EnPI for each SEU.
There are many other types of indicators that are used to monitor other parts of the EnMS as defined
by the organization (e.g. control of SEUs, increase employee awareness of energy, benchmarking
equipment or processes). Care should be taken in using these indicators as EnPIs as they do not always
appropriately monitor energy performance or appropriately represent measures of energy performance
While choosing EnPIs, the organization should consider its existing measurement and monitoring
capabilities, related to energy consumption and relevant variables.
Annex C provides additional information on the selection of EnPIs.
When the organization’s objectives include reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, it should consider
using additional indicators with CO2 emission factors. See Annex G for additional information.
EnPIs can be used for a variety of purposes such as:
— understanding the energy performance of facilities, equipment, systems or energy-using processes;
— communicating information and engaging the organization in issues related to energy performance;
— tracking progress towards energy targets;
— managing and controlling SEUs;
— monitoring and measurement of energy performance;
— evaluating and demonstrating continual energy performance improvement.
EnPI values may be available from measurements or calculations. General
The organization should normalize (see Clause 8) its energy consumption or energy efficiency using an
appropriate energy model. An energy model can be used to calculate the expected energy consumption
or the expected energy efficiency. General
In cases where there is only one relevant variable, a simple linear regression or a nonlinear regression
energy model for energy consumption or energy efficiency can be used.
A simple linear regression energy model for energy consumption can be expressed by Formula (1):
Y = mx + C (1)
C is the base load energy consumption, not related to the relevant variable.
Special cases of the linear regression energy model are described in and
In the specific case where m = 0, the energy model can be expressed by Formula (2):
Y = cE (2)
where Ratio
In the specific case where c = 0, the energy model can be expressed by Formula (3):
Y = mx (3)
In this specific case where the base load is zero, ratio of energy consumption per unit of the relevant
variable (m) gives an appropriate energy model. This is usually known as specific energy consumption
A ratio can be used as an EnPI when there is one relevant variable affecting energy consumption and
there is no base load energy consumption.
In cases where there is more than one relevant variable, a multiple linear regression or a multivariable
regression energy model can be used. A multiple linear regression energy model for energy consumption
can be expressed by Formula (4):
Y = m1x1 + m2x2 + … + mn xn + c (4)
m1, m2, … mn are the energy consumption per unit of relevant variables;
f is the energy model considering the relevant variables, when the relevant variable
xi is above the threshold value (N);
g is the energy model considering the relevant variables, when the relevant variable
xi is below or at the threshold value (N);
Engineering models are often described by physical or empirical laws (e.g. equation relating fluid
resistance and flow velocity to pump power consumption).
Engineering models can be used for calibrated simulation to assess the energy performance of simple
and complex facilities, equipment, systems or energy-using processes.
NOTE Calibrated simulation is a simulation that adjusts parameters of the energy model so that the actual
energy consumption and the simulation result (expected energy consumption) are equivalent.
The organization can use existing engineering models (e.g. for buildings). However, creating an
engineering model can require particular expertise.
8 Normalization
9.1 General
When changes to facilities, equipment, systems or energy-using processes occur, energy efficiency,
energy consumption and associated relevant variables can be impacted. The organization should ensure
that the current EnPIs, the corresponding boundaries and EnBs are still appropriate and effective in
measuring energy performance. If they are no longer appropriate, the organization should review or
develop new EnPIs and corresponding EnBs.
There are several tests for determining whether the EnPI and EnB are still appropriate or valid
a) the relevant variables used to determine the expected energy consumption from the energy model
should fall within one of the following:
1) within the range of relevant variables used in the model;
2) not exceeding a pre-determined number of standard deviations from the mean of the relevant
variable data;
b) identifying major changes in static factors which can invalidate the determination of energy
performance under equivalent conditions.
The baseline period can be revised (e.g. shifted to a different time period), or energy performance can
be calculated without changing the baseline period.
Table 6 illustrates circumstances that can require organizations to revise EnPIs and corresponding
Table 6 — Examples of circumstances that may require revision of EnBs and EnPIs
Common changes Description and examples
Static factors If a static factor (see 9.2) changes, the related EnB may be revised. In some cases,
it can be necessary to develop a new EnPI and EnB. Statistical tests may establish
whether an organization should develop a new EnB or EnPI. For example, these
can include major production processes added or stopped and or changes to the
number of production shifts or substantial modifications to the building structure
and building equipment.
Relevant variables When the relevant variable significantly changes and operates significantly outside
of the range upon which the baseline was established, a new EnB and associated
EnPI should be established.
Energy type When an organization changes the types of energy it is using, it may need to
modify what is tracked (EnPIs) and how those factors are weighted in its EnB.
Data availability Improvements to the facility’s metering and data collection system can result in
better quality data becoming available or new relevant variables coming to light. It
can be necessary to revise EnPIs and EnBs.
Data frequency If data are collected at more regular intervals or at a higher frequency, this can
enable more effective management with a new EnPI and EnB.
Baseline period Organizations may wish to update the baseline period to lock in accomplishments
to date and focus on improving against the current energy performance instead of
a past period. A strategic decision of such a nature can necessitate the updating of
the baseline period to a more recent period (such as the last year) to serve as the
new reference point.
According to a predeter- The organization can find it useful to identify conditions in advance that can
mined method require a revision of EnPIs and corresponding EnBs. For example, many
organizations update their EnBs annually.
10.1 General
Energy performance can be monitored using EnBs and EnPIs for the following purposes:
— to ensure that operational control of processes is effective;
— to demonstrate energy performance improvement;
— to monitor progress towards achievement of energy targets.
Energy performance should be presented to users based on their needs and roles.
This can be done at facility level, SEU level, process level, etc.
Table 8 illustrates some common approaches to monitor and report on energy performance
Annex A
Annex B
During the process of measuring, monitoring, analysing and evaluating energy performance, and
demonstrating energy performance improvement, it is important to find the most inefficient part of
the production system. An EnPI boundary can be used effectively to focus on this part by narrowing
the boundary. As a first step, the EnPI boundary is the entire organization. In such cases, the target
boundary should be divided into several EnPI boundaries. As next steps, the EnPI boundaries should be
narrowed down to the SEU level for identifying areas in which energy performance can be improved.
Figure B.1 shows the EnPI boundary division process.
Annex C
Table C.1 provides descriptions about the expression of EnPIs, as well as examples of their applications.
It outlines the various EnPI calculation methods as well as when an organization should choose each
method. All methods should be regularly maintained to ensure valid results.
— GJ/quantity of product;
— Monitoring the energy efficiency of systems — Metrics of energy performance improvement
that have only one relevant variable and no — l/100 km. SEC type EnPI value calculations should
base load. be avoided unless otherwise required for
legal requirements or other requirements.
— Meeting regulatory requirements based on Where SECs are required, it is good practice
energy efficiency. to include the underlying assumptions when
reporting these values.
ISO 50006:2023(E)
Table C.1 (continued)
Categories Typical uses Examples of EnPIs and applications Observations
Statistical model — System with one or more relevant EnPIs: — Linear regression models with one or more
variables and significant base load energy relevant variables are commonly used and
— modelled energy-based unit.
consumption. held as a best practice by many practitioners
Applications: when monitoring energy performance
— At the system and organizational level. and determining energy performance
ISO 50006:2023(E)
and in some cases used to effectively infer engineering models can capture the energy
— Building modelling, including calibrated
or calculate energy flows from relevant performance of simple or complex systems
simulation, is another example of calculating
variables. and facilities.
an EnPI value from engineering models.
— At a design phase to conceptually optimize — Engineering models can encapsulate a large
— Model of a petroleum refinery.
energy performance or estimate energy number of relevant variables and provide
performance improvement for a specific — Engineering models can be used even if insights regarding process and/or system
energy performance improvement action relevant variables are not independent of transient operation when properly calibrated
(EPIA) before investments are made. each other (e.g. temperature and pressure). to measured performance.
— Model of an electric arc furnace: in addition to — If well calibrated, engineering models can
the measured electrical and gas flows, carbon provide a normalized basis by which to
powder is added to the batch to adjust the determine energy performance improvement.
chemistry of the steel. This carbon also adds
— Engineering-based modelling can also be
combustion energy to the batch, and although
used to directly calculate energy losses or
the number of bags is typically tracked, the
gains, e.g. additional waste heat recovery.
process model is often used to calculate the
energy contribution.
— Engineering modelling accounts for changes
in boundaries and static factors over time.
Annex D
— An F-test is used to evaluate the overall statistical significance of a regression model. The regression
model is considered statistically significant when the F-test value is less than 0,1, indicating that at
least one of the potentially relevant variables used in the model has a “significant” effect on energy
— The P-value criterion is typically used to determine if a variable significantly affects energy
consumption. A P-value less than, for example, 0,1 or 0,05 is often used as the significance criterion.
These figures indicate that there is a 90 % or 95 % chance that the variable has a systematic impact
and is thus significant.
If more than one variable does not meet the P-value criterion, the one with the highest P-value is
eliminated and the regression analysis is repeated with the remaining variables. There needs to be a
technical understanding of why a variable is being eliminated. It can be due to inaccurate data or poor
operational control. This process continues until all variables have a P-value of less than 0,1. This is the
resultant energy model and the coefficients of each relevant variable, and the intercept are used as the
baseline model.
After checking the significance of the coefficients, collinearity, which can lead to distorted results of the
analysis, can be checked using various tests and indicators such as the variance inflation factor (VIF).
Annex E
Example of normalization
E.1 General
The following example is for a heating system of a building. It outlines the basic steps taken to develop
an energy model that can be used to determine and monitor energy performance and demonstrate
energy performance improvement.
NOTE Gas consumption is normally measured in m3 but also can be expressed in kWh. The conversion is
made using the formula: gas consumption (kWh) = gas consumption (m3) × calorific value × volume correction
factor / unit conversion factor.
X month (January to December)
Y gas consumption, in kWh
measured gas consumption, in kWh
Figure E.1 — Gas consumption versus corresponding dates of the baseline period 2020
The consumption in the summer, where the heating unit is turned off, shows that there is a demand
for heating energy (here for hot water, for washing hands, etc.) that is not dependent on the season
(temperature) but can be seen as a base load throughout the year. These observations indicate
that a simple metric and ratio are not suitable to use when determining energy performance and
demonstrating energy performance improvement for the building. Accordingly, normalization is
Given that the natural gas consumed within the EnPI boundary is used by a heating system, heating
degree days (HDD) data in kelvin days (Kd) were collected as a potentially relevant variable (see
Table E.2). If the HDD are statistically significant, then it is chosen as a relevant variable.
The HDD data was entered into the spreadsheet and a scatter diagram of HDD data against natural gas
consumption data was developed. Visual analysis confirms a linear relationship between natural gas
consumption and HDD exists (see Figure E.2).
X heating degree days, in Kd
Y gas consumption, in kWh
Figure E.2 — Scatter diagram of monthly gas consumption versus heating degree days in 2020
A cumulative sum total of the difference between each month’s actual and expected energy consumption
is developed to create a cumulative sum of differences (CUSUM). A downward trend in the CUSUM
indicates sustained energy performance improvement (see Table E.3 and Figure E.3).
X month (December to June)
Y CUSUM energy performance improvement, in kWh
Over the six months of 2021, the reporting period, the CUSUM indicates an energy performance
improvement of 164 kWh.
Furthermore, a trend of the actual energy consumption (including the baseline period) with the
expected energy consumption based on the energy model highlights the model fit and can be used to
identify irregularities in the reporting period.
Annex F
the electricity consumption of this production process is CDD5 with a coefficient of determination of
There is also a correlation between product 3 and products 1 and 2 of 0,51 and 0,65, respectively. This
is possibly because product 3 is a further processed version of products 1 and 2.
In cases where variables are strongly correlated with each other, there is a possibility of collinearity
which can distort the results of regression analysis although a variable can be relevant. If this occurs, it
will become apparent during the regression analysis steps.
NOTE If other energy data are available, such as gas consumption for the same period, they can also be
included in this test to show the correlation of the variables with gas consumption.
Product 3 has the highest P-value which is greater than 0,10, and this indicates that it is not a relevant
variable and should be eliminated from the regression analysis and a further regression analysis
carried out without product 3.
If a potentially relevant variable is to be eliminated from the regression analysis, there should be a
technical understanding of the reason for this elimination. In this case, the technical reason is indicated
by the correlation of product 3 to both products 1 and 2. The cause of this correlation is that product 3
is a downstream process whose raw material includes some of both product 1 and product 2. Thus,
product 3 is collinear with both products 1 and 2 which can lead to distortion of regression results. The
potentially relevant variable product 3 is eliminated and the share of electricity consumption related to
product 3 is included in products 1 and 2.
(Multi) collinearity can be checked by using various tests and indicators such as the variance inflation
factor (VIF) and should be based on technical knowledge.
The results of completing the regression analysis a second time without product 3 is shown in Table F.4.
Based on this second test, product 2 has P-value greater than 0,1 and needs to be eliminated from the
regression analysis.
The cause of the high P-value has technical or operational considerations. After investigation, it was
found that operational control in the product 2 department was not adequate. Electricity was being
consumed even when no production was occurring. This is a very common cause of high P-value of low
R 2 in single variate analysis. The cause of this low P-value needs to be corrected.
The results of completing the regression analysis a third time without products 2 and 3 is shown in
Table F.5.
In this case, the P-values of both variables are below 0,1, indicating that there is more than a 90 %
chance that both variables are relevant to electricity consumption. R2 is the highest of the three tests.
This gives a high level of confidence in the baseline formula for the expected energy consumption.
The resulting energy model is expressed as discussed in Formula (1) (see
The expected electricity consumption is a function of two relevant variables, namely the cooling degree
days and product 1.
Based on this, the baseline model in this case is the expected electricity consumption (kWh/month) =
1 595 (kWh/tonne of product 1) + 2 326 965 (kWh/month) + 1 035 (kWh/CDD5).
This formula is then used in the reporting period to compare expected electricity consumption with
actual electricity consumption each month.
The trends in Figure F.1 show a comparison of the actual and the expected electricity consumption
during the baseline period. This trend can give confidence about the accuracy of the baseline formula.
X month (January to December)
Y electricity consumption, in kWh
actual electricity consumption
expected electricity consumption
Figure F.1 — Actual versus expected electricity consumption in the baseline period 2020
NOTE 1 In the case illustrated above, operational control was improved in the product 2 department during
2021 and the baseline regression analysis was repeated in early 2022. The product 2 P-value had decreased, and
it became a relevant variable in the 2021 baseline model used as the baseline for monitoring performance each
month in 2022.
NOTE 2 The steps above can be used to develop a statistical model at the whole facility level as demonstrated
in this annex as well as at SEU, building or process levels. The regression analysis is the same.
Annex G
Using statistical or engineering models for calculating EnBs and corresponding energy targets in order
to compare those with the measured energy consumption has the advantage that all changes in energy
performance have the same units (e.g. kWh) and can therefore be summed up over different types of
processes and systems, resulting in a total change in energy performance over all SEUs.
In addition, changes in energy costs and CO2 emissions can be calculated and aggregated. An example is
given in Table G.1.
Regardless of the form of the mathematical function linking energy consumption to relevant variables,
the results need to be in energy consumption units such as kWh or GJ. These resultant energy
consumption figures can be added together to give overall results. For example, the energy performance
change of several SEUs in energy consumption terms can be added together to give the total change in
energy performance.
[1] ISO 50001:2018, Energy management systems — Requirements with guidance for use