Four Kinds of Sentences (English)
Four Kinds of Sentences (English)
Four Kinds of Sentences (English)
I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:
1. State the four kinds of sentences, namely, the declarative, interrogative,
imperative and exclamatory sentences.
2. Familiarize the punctuation marks used in each type of sentences.
3. Classify sentences according to their uses.
4. Construct declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences.
II. Subject Matter
The four types of sentences
A. References: Joy in Learning English 5 Text Book
B. Materials: Visual Aids, Power Point, worksheet
C. Values: Develop a genuine love for reading, cooperation, cleanliness and friendship.
III. Learning Experiences
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
Okay, Let us pray first..... Amen.
Good Morning Class! Good Morning Ma’am
Say Present when your name is called. (Students raise their hands and say present
as the teacher calls their name)
So how was your day? It was great Ma’am
That’s great!
1. Drill
Okay say the words after me.
Future Pride Children
Possess Laughter Teach
2. Review
Does anyone remember what are the 4 Yes Ma’am, the 4 kinds of sentences are
kinds of sentences? declarative, interrogative, imperative and
exclamatory sentences.
Great Job!
3. Motivation
Let us sing The Greatest Love of All
(Students sing)
Okay Class, now what can you say about She Believes that the children are the future
the song? What does the composer believe that they should be taught the right way.
Very Good!
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
I have here four sentences and I need
four volunteers to read these with emotions
or feelings and tell us if what kind of
sentences are they.
1. The Boy goes to school. 1. Declarative
2. Why are you crying? 2. Interrogative
3. Kindly give me a piece of bread. 3. Imperative
4. Gosh, this is beautiful! 4. Exclamatory
2. Discussion
Sentences are classified according to
their uses They have 4 kinds or types.
A Declarative sentence tells something
about a person, thing, place or event. Take
note, it usually end with a period. Also, it
makes a statement:
For Example:
1. My mother bakes cookies.
2. Taal Volcano shows signs of
Interrogative sentences usually uses
wh- questions or Yes-No questions.
For Example:
1. Is your classmate absent?
2. Why are you happy?
Imperative sentences issues a
command or express a request.
For example:
1. Please pass your paper.
2. Do your homework now.
Exclamatory sentences expresses
strong feelings or emotions such as anger,
sorrow, grief, surprise or the like. It ends
with an exclamation point.
For Example:
1. We are here at last!
2. You are so gorgeous!
3. Application
(Group Activity)
Sentence Strip Resources
Teacher will write these sentences on
sentence strips for students to paste
it on the cartolina.
4. Generalization
Declarative Sentence tells something
about a person, thing, place or event. Take
note, it usually end with a period.
Interrogative sentences usually uses
wh- questions or Yes-No questions.
Imperative sentences issues a
command or express a request.
Exclamatory sentences expresses
strong feelings or emotions such as anger,
sorrow, grief, surprise or the like. It ends
with an exclamation point.
IV. Evaluation
Identify each of the following sentences
as declarative, imperative, interrogative or
exclamatory. Write your answer on the
blank before the number.
1. Our teacher is beautiful.
2. Please let them choose. Declarative
3. Do you need a paper? Imperative
4. How wonderful! Interrogative
5. I found your pencil. Exclamatory
V. Assignment Declarative
Write a story about your experience
either bad or good using sentences
according to use.
Prepared by:
Noted by:
Principal I