Articulo 1 Deives
Articulo 1 Deives
Articulo 1 Deives
Keywords: Passivhaus is an energy performance standard for buildings that has been deeply analyzed in the
Nearly-zero energy building current scientific literature. However, the study of the Passivhaus standard for components and
Building component certification the use of certified components in the construction of new nearly-zero energy buildings have not
Liner tray system been thoroughly discussed. Additionally, hygrothermal performance evaluations of components
Passivhaus criteria in accordance with this standard have not been fully presented to the scientific community. This
Hygrothermal performance
paper addresses this topic and aims to evaluate the hygrothermal performance of a Spanish
modular construction system of extruded aluminum, in accordance with the criteria for Passiv
haus components, suitable for warm temperate climate. A three-part methodology was imple
mented, including hygrothermal performance simulations on fourteen connection details
comprising wall, roof, window, and floor solutions. The initial outcomes reveal that only four
connection details fully meet the Passivhaus criteria for components. Therefore, an optimization
of the connection details is proposed to validate the Passivhaus suitability of the construction
system. The connection details are redesigned to reduce thermal energy losses in the junctions
and to eliminate the risk of interstitial condensation. Several simulation processes are then
conducted and the new results are compared against the criteria for components, validating the
Passivhaus suitability. The evaluation presented in this paper provided valuable data that enabled
to later optimize and submit the construction system to the Passivhaus Institut to become the first
lightweight metallic construction system for walls and roofs manufactured in Spain with a Pas
sivhaus certification for warm temperate climate.
Passivhaus abbreviations
BC Basement Ceiling
BW Basement Wall
CE Ceiling
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Yakimchuk).
Received 20 April 2023; Received in revised form 25 June 2023; Accepted 30 June 2023
Available online 4 July 2023
2352-7102/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
T. Yakimchuk et al. Journal of Building Engineering 76 (2023) 107234
EW Exterior Wall
FS Floor Slab
IW Separating Internal Wall
OB Window Bottom (openable)
OH Window Top (openable)
OJ Window Side (openable)
RO Roof
RWB Roof Window Bottom
RWH Roof Window Top
RWJ Roof Window Side
ec exterior corner
ic internal corner
ve verge
A area [m2]
b width [mm]
fRsi temperature factor [− ]
L length [m]
Ma limit maximum accumulated moisture content [g/m2]
p pressure [Pa]
q heat flow density [W/m2]
R thermal resistance [m2K/W]
U thermal transmittance [W/m2K]
φ relative humidity [%]
θ temperature [◦ C]
Ψ linear thermal bridge [W/mK]
e external
f frame
g glass
i internal
min minimum
opaque exterior building component
si internal surface
se external surface
w installed window
1. Introduction
Accounting for about 40% of European Union’s (EU) final energy and 36% of CO2 emissions [1], buildings play a significant role in
the European strategy towards meeting its goal of net-zero greenhouse gases emissions by 2050 [2]. In this context, energy and climate
policies are progressively making the EU energy performance of buildings more efficient [3]. The Energy Performance of Buildings
Directive (2010/31/EU) [4] and its 2018 revision [5] comprise important provisions for a long-term improvement of the EU building
stock. In line with recent action plans such as the European Green Deal and the Renovation Wave [6,7], a new recast of the Directive
was proposed in 2021. It establishes that all new buildings should be zero-emission buildings, and that all existing buildings should be
transformed into zero-emission buildings by 2050 [8].
The Directive 2010/31/EU defines a nearly-zero energy building (nZEB) as a building that has a very high energy performance, in
which the nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable
sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby. The Member States are responsible to provide a
quantitative definition of "very high energy performance", as well as the meaning of "covered to a very significant extent by energy
from renewable sources", when incorporating this requirement into national law [4].
The nZEB concept is being translated into concrete examples. Almost 1.25 million buildings were built or renovated to nZEB (or
similar) levels from 2012 to 2016, mostly residential. The share of nZEB in the total construction market increased during the period
2012–2016 in Europe (from 14% in 2012 to 20% in 2016, in average) [9]. The adoption of passive energy-saving technologies in new
and renovated buildings has contributed to a consistent overall improvement in their energy performance [10]. Building envelopes, for
instance, have significantly reduced their thermal transmittance by incorporating thermal insulations and more efficient glazing
technologies, and airtight envelopes are being designed as infiltration and airtightness play a crucial role in the energy consumption of
T. Yakimchuk et al. Journal of Building Engineering 76 (2023) 107234
buildings [11].
Member States are allowed to adapt the regulations to their specific needs with a progressive tightening of minimum requirements
towards a nZEB model [12]. Several Member States have already provided a quantitative definition and chose the Passivhaus standard
as a reference to ensure that the energy demands of buildings in their territory align with those of a nZEB [13]. Passivhaus (PH) is a
widely known German energy performance standard, which requires minimized energy demand for space heating and therefore, thick
insulation, absence of thermal bridges, airtightness, efficient windows, and heat recovery ventilation [14]. A nZEB complies with the
PH standard for buildings if the following requirements are fulfilled [15].
• Peak heating load ≤ 10 W/m2.
• Annual heating demand (useful energy) ≤ 15 kWh/(m2 year).
• Indoor temperature does not exceed 25 ◦ C for more than 10% of the year.
• Maximum leakage of n50 = 0.6 air changes per hour.
• Primary energy renewable demand is limited to 60 kWh/(m2 year).
New buildings, as well as refurbishments of existing buildings, are likely to receive a PH certification. However, the certification is
not only available for buildings, but also for building components and professionals. PH component certification is an available option
to ensure that materials, products, and construction systems meet the insulation, airtightness, ventilation, and comfort requirements of
the standard. These requirements have been extensively analyzed in the current scientific literature [16–19]. However, the study of PH
components has primarily focused on their application in retrofit projects [20,21] and projects in earthquake-affected areas [22]. Their
role in the construction of new nZEB and their hygrothermal and energy performance have not been thoroughly evaluated or discussed
in the scientific community.
On the other hand, the hygrothermal and energy performance of modular systems and components in the construction of new nZEB
has been studied for lightweight steel frame systems [23–25], gypsum board with glass fiber reinforcement walls [26], and wooden
walls [27,28] with overall positive results. The use of modular systems for renovating the building stock has also been analyzed.
Studies have shown it to be a viable option to achieve nZEB levels in refurbishments [14,29]. However, these studies did not address
the comparison of the hygrothermal performance of the construction systems against PH criteria for components.
Since modular construction allows for most of the labor to be done in factory, it presents numerous economic and technological
advantages. These advantages include faster and safer construction processes, better predictions of completion dates, superior quality,
fewer on-site workers, reduced waste, and lower environmental impact [30,31]. Considering the integration between the imple
mentation of nZEB and the assessment of cost-optimality across climates represents one of the major challenges that Europe is facing
[32], highly efficient modular construction systems could serve as a cost-optimal solution towards decarbonization of the building
stock. Furthermore, the use of an internationally recognized standard such as Passivhaus to certify the hygrothermal performance of
modular construction systems would ensure that the energy demands of buildings built with those components align with those of a
Fig. 1. Climate zones indicated in the document ‘Criteria and Algorithms for Certified Passive House Components: Opaque construction systems’ [33].
T. Yakimchuk et al.
Table 1
Criteria for certified PH components [33].
Rsi = 0.25 m ≥ Uw ≤ Uopaque ≤ Purely opaque details f2K/W
Rsi = 0.25 m ≥ Ψ≤ Condensation Ma limit ≤
Artic 0.80 0.45 (0.35) 0.09 0.90 0.010 Condensation should be completely evaporated at the end of 12 months 200
Cold 0.75 0.65 (0.52) 0.12 0.88
Cool, temperate 0.70 0.85 (0.70) 0.15 0.86
Warm, 0.65 1.05 (0.90) 0.25 0.82
Warm 0.55 1.25 (1.10) 0.50 0.74
Hot None 1.25 (1.10) 0.50 0.74
Very hot None 1.05 (0.90) 0.25 0.82
construction system has been constantly improved since its initial development. Consequently, the evaluation includes an optimization
of its hygrothermal performance to ensure that the PH criteria are fully met and that the construction system can be submitted to the
Passivhaus Institut for certification. The novelty of this research lies not only in addressing a topic that has been insufficiently dis
cussed, but also in the fact that there is currently no lightweight metallic construction system for walls and roofs manufactured in Spain
with a PH certification for warm temperate climate. The following subsections provide a more detailed analysis of both the PH
standard for components and the modular construction system of extruded aluminum.
Fig. 2. Two-dimensional connection details indicated in the document ‘Criteria and Algorithms for Certified Passive House Components: Opaque construction sys
tems’ [33].
T. Yakimchuk et al. Journal of Building Engineering 76 (2023) 107234
exterior wall or the installation thermal bridge of the window frame, the thermal bridge coefficient may exceed the maximum Ψ-value.
Nonetheless, these exceptions will not affect compliance with other criteria listed in Table 1. Moisture criteria are based on the Glaser
Method, included in ISO 13788. This method assesses the likelihood of the occurrence of interstitial condensation during the winter.
The first criterion specifies that all condensation should be completely evaporated at the end of 12 months. In the second humidity
criterion, Ma limit (maximum accumulated moisture content) reflects the maximum amount of condensate to prevent run-off of liquid
water from watertight surfaces.
The PH standard for components requires heat flow and vapor diffusion simulations to be conducted on standard two-dimensional
connection details. Fig. 2 illustrates all the possible connection details that can be subject to evaluation in accordance with the
standard. Two-dimensional details form most of the calculations considered in construction system certification. However, if three-
dimensional or point thermal bridges exist, they must be considered in the U-value calculation.
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Fig. 4. Construction process applying the modular construction system of extruded aluminum, according to the Spanish patent of the system [36].
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Fig. 5. Tourist apartments built with the modular construction system of extruded aluminum in Galicia, Spain. Photograph taken by the authors in 2022.
components identified and labeled following the abbreviation method specified in the standard.
The nonstructural walls have a 20 mm layer of natural stone (element 11 in Fig. 6) on the outer side, supported by a wooden
structure (12), creating a ventilated air gap. A textile sheet for waterproofing and airtightness (2) separates them from a 15 mm thick
OSB, mineral wool insulation 140 mm thick (13), and an inner wooden board. On the interior side, there is a layer of mineral wool, a
vapor barrier, and a finishing board (5). These façades have their own substructure of 80 × 200 mm aluminum U-profiles (24). They
serve as both stiffeners and joint elements with the load-bearing walls, roof, and floor slab. These joints are sealed to contribute to the
overall waterproofing and airtightness of the entire envelope. Nonstructural walls can also include a solar protection.
Load-bearing walls and roofs consist of multilayer panels approximately 30 cm thick. On the outer side, the aluminum components
are omega-shaped elements 300 mm wide and 90 mm thick (1) that create a ventilated air gap. A textile sheet provides waterproofing
and airtightness (2) and is followed by 15 mm thick OSB (3), two layers of mineral wool (4), a vapor barrier, and an interior finishing
board (5).
For foundations, concrete slabs 30 cm thick over precast recycled polypropylene sections are typically used, forming a ventilated
chamber. A HDPE membrane separates the floor slab from a double layer of thermal insulation within a wooden structure (15). On top
of the thermal insulation, a 22 mm thick OSB is placed, which is separated from the wooden flooring by a vapor barrier and a 5 mm
thick polyethylene foam layer (14). As for the intermediate floor, it consists of timber I-joists with a 22 mm thick OSB on top (16) and a
15 mm thick OSB underneath. Timber I-joists are attached to the load-bearing walls using 80 × 200 mm aluminum U-profiles. The
ceiling includes a 50 mm thick layer of mineral wool attached to the lower OSB, and a finishing board (17). Finally, operable windows
as well as fixed windows can be used in both load-bearing and nonstructural walls. Typically, they have aluminum framing with
thermal bridge break and double low-e coating glazing or triple glazing with argon gas. Additionally, a 15 mm thick cement bonded
particle board is used as inner the sill (22), while a lacquered folded sheet 1.2 mm thick serves as the exterior window sill (23).
3. Calculation
As stated in subsection 1.3.1, fourteen two-dimensional connection details are required to evaluate the PH suitability of the
construction system. When establishing the simulation conditions for these connection details in HT-flux, several parameters are
considered. These include defining cut-off planes for each connection detail, determining external and internal boundary conditions
for heat flow and vapor diffusion simulation, specifying window data, selecting finishing materials for walls, roof, and floor, and
considering the hygrothermal properties of the materials used in the connections.
Firstly, cut-off planes are established to create two-dimensional geometric models of each connection detail in accordance with ISO
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Fig. 6. Nonstructural wall (A), load-bearing wall (B) and ground floor (C) details.
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10211 [43]. If the connection detail involves the ground, cut-off planes are defined based on ISO 13370 [44]. Secondly, regarding
internal surface resistances (Rsi), external surface resistances (Rse), temperatures (θ), and relative humidity (φ) values for heat flow
simulation, calculations are performed following the boundary conditions indicated in the PH standard for components for ventilated
walls, ventilated roofs, and floor slabs in contact with the ground. Details of these conditions are provided in Table 2. It should be noted
that the heat flow simulations in this study do not consider the possible effects of the emissivity of the extruded aluminum panels on the
external surface resistance Rse. The temperature factor fRsi is calculated using a Rsi-value of 0,25 m2K/W.
As for the external boundary conditions in the vapor diffusion simulation, ISO 13788 states that the average monthly values ob
tained from methods described on ISO 15927–1 or those included in the national standards must be used [45]. In this study, the climate
files of the Spanish Technical Building Code are analyzed, and data corresponding to the climate zone E1, which has the most rigorous
climate conditions, is adopted [46]. In the absence of well-defined data on the internal boundary conditions, ISO 13788 suggests that
simplified approximations based on daily mean external air temperature can be used to determine daily mean internal air temperature
and humidity in dwellings and office buildings. Internal boundary conditions are obtained by referring to the graphs provided in ISO
13788, Annex A, using the daily mean external air temperature [45].
Once the simulation conditions are defined, the next step focuses on characterizing the elements and materials used in the
connection details. Window frame and glazing data are compatible with the XP-60 TH series window produced by the Spanish
company Extrugasa, as it is the model commonly used in building construction with this system. Based on the test results carried out in
accordance with ISO 10077–2 in a vertical window with a test size of 1.23 × 1.48 m, the thermal transmittance values are determined
as 1.1 W/m2K for the glazing and 1.94 W/m2K for the entire window [47]. These values do not comply with the U-value of the installed
window required by the PH standard in the comfort criterion. Therefore, it is assumed before starting the simulation process that the
comfort criterion is not met under the current conditions in which the construction system is being applied. However, the window-wall
junctions are still simulated to comprehend the necessity to modify not only the type of window, but also the junctions themselves. In
the simulation, the glazing is replaced by an insulation panel with a thermal conductivity of 0.035 W/mK, following the method
Table 2
Heat flow simulation conditions [33].
Rsi Rse θi θe φi φe
m2K/W m2K/W ◦
C ◦
C % %
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Fig. 8. Connection details between walls and floors simulated with HT-flux.
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• Editing of the original CAD drawing is performed to create a two-dimensional geometric model according to ISO 10211 and ISO
13370. The drawing is then converted into a set of closed polylines to ensure the simulation software can correctly recognize each
area of the detail in the assignment of materials. The drawing should also include closed polylines representing the indoor and
outdoor environment of the connection detail.
• The drawing file is converted to the DXF file (Drawing Exchange Format), which is compatible with HT-flux.
• The DXF file is uploaded to the simulation software. In case of a failed uploading process, the model must be corrected, converted,
and reuploaded.
• Materials are assigned to each area of the model. For thin materials like the vapor barrier, the polyline is drawn directly in the
software, and its material and thickness are then assigned.
Fig. 9. Connection details between the nonstructural wall and the window simulated with HT-flux.
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• Boundary conditions indicated in the PH standard for components are assigned to the areas representing the indoor and outdoor
environment. These conditions include internal temperature (θi), internal relative humidity (φi), internal surface resistance (Rsi),
external temperature (θe), external relative humidity (φe), and external surface resistance (Rse).
• An initial simulation is performed to verify the correct assignment of materials and boundary conditions. This step involves
defining a simulation region.
• If there are no failures in the initial simulation, the heat flow simulation is run, and the U-value and Ψ-value are calculated by the
software. This step is repeated to validate the initial result.
• Editing of the boundary conditions is conducted, specifically the value of Rsi.
• A new heat flow simulation is conducted to determine the minimum internal surface temperature θsi,min. The simulation is repeated
to validate the initial result.
• The temperature factor fRsi is calculated using the following equation:
θsi,min − θe
fRsi = (1)
θi − θe
• Boundary conditions in the areas representing the indoor and outdoor environment are assigned for the simulation of vapor
diffusion based on the Glaser Method. This step is performed twelve times, one for each month of the year.
• The vapor diffusion simulation is run for each month of the year to calculate the risk of interstitial condensation. This step is also
repeated to validate the initial result.
The aforementioned calculation process is performed fourteen times, corresponding to each connection detail. The simulated
Fig. 10. Connection details between the load-bearing wall and the window simulated with HT-flux.
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connection details are listed in Figs. 8–11, using PH abbreviations. The heat flow diagrams in these figures present the U and Ψ-values
calculated by the software, while the temperature diagrams illustrate the minimum internal surface temperature θsi,min required for
calculating the temperature factor fRsi. The relative humidity diagrams depict the risk of interstitial condensation for each connection
detail. By following this procedure, it is possible to recognize the hygrothermal performance of the entire construction system. The
following section aims to present and discuss the results, and to verify the PH suitability of the construction system by comparing its
hygrothermal performance against the PH criteria for components.
Fig. 11. Connection details between walls and roof simulated with HT-flux.
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Table 3
Hygrothermal performance of the construction system and comparison against the PH standard for components for warm temperate climate.
Rsi = 0.25 m ≥ Uw ≤ Uopaque Purely opaque details f2K/
Rsi = 0.25 m Ψ≤ Condensation Ma limit
≤ W ≥ ≤
• Comfort criterion: As mentioned in section 3, the window-wall junctions do not meet this criterion because the U-value of the
window model used in the calculation process exceeds the maximum U-value of the installed window accepted by the Passivhaus
standard for components.
• Efficiency criteria: The U-value of the exterior building component in all connection details complies with the first efficiency
criterion, with an average of 0.18 W/m2K. There are no significant differences observed between the thermal performance of the
nonstructural wall and the load-bearing wall. Six out of eight purely opaque details meet the second efficiency criterion. With an
internal temperature of 20 ◦ C, an external temperature of − 10 ◦ C, and a temperature factor fRsi greater than or equal to 0.82, the
minimum internal surface temperature must be greater than or equal to 14.6 ◦ C. However, the connection between the
nonstructural wall and the roof (EW1_RO1-ve1), and the ridge (RO1_RO1), have calculated minimum internal surface temperatures
of 14.1 ◦ C and 13.8 ◦ C, respectively. In addition, five out of eight purely opaque details have a Ψ-value below 0.10 W/mK. The third
efficiency criterion is not met in the intermediate floor junctions (EW1_EW1_CE1 and EW2_EW2_CE2) and the ridge (RO1_RO1).
• Moisture criteria: Interstitial condensation is detected in only one of the simulated connection details, specifically the connection
between the nonstructural wall and the intermediate floor (EW1_EW1_CE1). Condensation occurs in five months, from November
to March, and no evaporation of condensation is observed during the rest of the year.
The following subsections aim to analyze the outcomes of the connections details that fail to meet one or more of the PH criteria for
components. Subsequently, an optimization proposal is outlined for all ten connection details that do not meet the PH criteria.
Fig. 12. Heat flow diagrams of the connection between the nonstructural wall and the window bottom (EW1_OB1), and the connection between the load-bearing and
the window bottom (EW2_OB1).
T. Yakimchuk et al. Journal of Building Engineering 76 (2023) 107234
nonstructural wall and the window bottom, and the connection between the load-bearing wall and the window bottom. These two
junctions exhibit the highest linear thermal bridges coefficient (Ψ-values) among all six window-wall junctions.
In the case of the connection with the nonstructural wall (EW1_OB1) depicted in Fig. 12, the presence of the aluminum U-profile
and the metallic substructure of the plastered boards used as internal finishing significantly influence heat transfer. These profiles,
made of materials with high thermal conductivity, contribute to the thermal bridge that allows the heat to escape to the outside.
Similarly, the window frame, also made of aluminum, despite having a thermal bridge break made of polyamide, does not possess
sufficient thermal resistance to meet the requirements of the PH standard. In the connection with the load-bearing wall (EW2_OB1)
illustrated in Fig. 12, the influence of the extruded aluminum panel is ignored in the calculations, as mentioned in section 3. In this
case, the metallic substructure of the plastered boards is not in contact with the window frame, resulting in a slightly different heat flow
pattern compared to the connection with the nonstructural wall. The highest levels of heat transfer are detected at the points of contact
of the window frame with the external OSB and the internal cement bonded particle board. These contact points do not have sufficient
thermal insulation to prevent heat loss to the outside.
Based on the analysis of both connection details, reducing thermal energy losses at the window-wall junctions requires separating
the window frame from the metallic elements, and insulating the window frame from the external and internal finishing boards. The U-
value of the installed window is determined by the following equation:
Ag × Ug + Af × Uf + Lg × Ψ g + Lw × Ψ w
Uw = ≤ 1.05 W m2 K (2)
Fig. 13. Heat flow (A), relative humidity (B) and vapor pressure (C) diagrams of the connection between the nonstructural wall and the intermediate
floor (EW1_EW1_CE1).
T. Yakimchuk et al. Journal of Building Engineering 76 (2023) 107234
simulate a window with overall very high thermal quality to achieve optimal results.
Fig. 14. Heat flow diagram of the connection between the load-bearing wall and the intermediate floor (EW2_EW2_CE1).
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Fig. 15. Temperature diagram of the connection between the nonstructural wall and the roof (EW1_RO1-ve1).
Fig. 16. Heat flow (A) and temperature (B) diagrams of the ridge (RO1_RO1).
• Modification of the connection between the nonstructural wall and the intermediate floor to prevent the production of interstitial
• Increase in the minimum internal surface temperature in the connection between the nonstructural wall and the roof.
• Reduction of the thermal energy losses and increase in the minimum internal surface temperature of the ridge.
Table 4
Hygrothermal characteristics of the A84 Passivahus HI window frame from the Spanish manufacturer Aluminios Cortizo S.A.U, according to PH certificate [51].
Frame values Frame width U-value frame Ψ-glazing edge Temp. factor
bf Uf Ψg f2K/W
Rsi = 0.25m
T. Yakimchuk et al. Journal of Building Engineering 76 (2023) 107234
Fig. 17. Original connection detail (A) and optimization proposal (B). Heat flow (C), temperature (D), relative humidity (E) and vapor pressure (F) diagrams of the
optimization proposal.
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Regarding the first target, one effective approach to ensure high thermal quality of windows is to use a PH certified window in the
simulation process. The PH component database provides specific components suitable for transparent building envelopes, including
window frames, glazing, and glazing edge bonds. Today there are more than three hundred window frames with a PH certificate
available. In order to optimize the hygrothermal performance of the window-wall junctions, the A84 Passivhaus HI window frame
from the Spanish company Aluminios Cortizo S.A.U. is adopted. This window frame is manufactured in the same region as the con
struction system [51]. This window frame has been certified for cold temperate climate, so it can be used in climate zones with less
stringent requirements such as the warm temperate climate zone. Table 4 presents the main hygrothermal characteristics of this
window frame.
Regarding the second target, the solutions for the connection details between the walls and the intermediate floor are centered
around increasing thermal insulation in the junction and minimizing contact between components with low insulating capabilities.
Fig. 17 provides a comparison between the original solution (A) and the proposed optimization (B). The modifications can be sum
marized as follows.
• Reduction of the sections of aluminum U-profiles, particularly the length of the flanges that penetrate the thermal insulation.
• Increased thermal insulation in the area of the intermediate floor closest to the wall.
• Introduction of materials with low thermal conductivity within the cavities formed between the aluminum profiles and the wooden
• Relocation of the metallic substructure of the internal finishing board to avoid contact between metallic components of the hot face
and the cold face of the wall.
• Reduction of contact between elements with low insulating capability, such as the contact between the internal finishing board of
the wall and the ceiling.
On the other hand, the proposal for the third target implies introducing a vapor barrier on the hot side of the thermal insulation of
the ceiling. This solution affects not only the connection between the nonstructural wall and the intermediate floor, but also the
connection with the load-bearing wall. However, this modification does not compromise the reduction of thermal energy losses.
To address the fourth target, which involves the connection between the nonstructural wall and the roof, the contact surface
between the finishing board of the roof and the metallic substructure of the double plasterboard of the wall is eliminated. Fig. 18
provides a comparison between the original connection detail (A) and the proposed optimization (B). This modification ensures that
the thermal bridge coefficient remains below 0.10 W/mK. Lastly, concerning the fifth target, the glued laminated timber beam and L-
profiles that serve as structural reinforcement for the ridge are eliminated.
Once the optimization proposal is defined, calculations are conducted for the newly improved connection details. Connection
details that already comply with the PH standard for components are not included. The calculations follow the procedure specified in
section 3. Several versions of each connection detail are created and simulated to identify the one that demonstrates the optimal
hygrothermal performance of the construction system. It is an iterative process where the impact of each modification on the
hygrothermal performance of the construction system is assessed until the best possible solution is achieved. In some cases, modifi
cations may affect other aspects of the construction system, such as its structural performance or cost. Even so, the objective of this
research is to evaluate the impact of the modifications solely in terms of hygrothermal performance. Figs. 17 and 18 illustrate the
outcomes for the connection between the nonstructural wall and the intermediate floor, and the connection between the nonstructural
wall and the roof, respectively.
4.5. Validation
The results of the final simulation process are presented in Table 5, indicating that all connection details fully meet the criteria of
the PH standard for components, suitable for warm temperate climate. The analysis of each criterion individually can be summarized
as follows.
• Hygiene criterion: All connection details meet this criterion. The utilization of a PH window contributes to an increased minimum
internal surface temperature, which is necessary to prevent condensation formation at normal outdoor temperatures, indoor
temperatures, and indoor air humidity levels. The average θsi,min detected in these details is now 14.6 ◦ C, surpassing the required
minimum of 9.5 ◦ C for achieving a fRsi below 0.65.
• Comfort criterion: All window-wall junctions fulfill this criterion. The average thermal transmittance of the six connection details is
below 1.05 W/m2K, which is the maximum U-value of the installed window accepted by the PH standard for components for a
warm temperate climate.
• Efficiency criteria: The first criterion does not require any modification of the building component since the U-values are already
below 0.25 W/m2K. The optimization proposal does not alter these values. As for the second efficiency criterion, all purely opaque
details exhibit a temperature factor higher than 0.82. The connection between the nonstructural wall and the roof, as well as the
ridge, which did not meet this requirement in the original solution, now have a fRsi of 0.87 and 0.93, respectively. In addition, all
connection details achieve a Ψ-value below 0.10 W/mK. In the connection between the nonstructural wall and the intermediate
floor, and the connection between the load-bearing wall and the intermediate floor, the modifications enable a thermal bridge
coefficient of 0.009 and 0.008 W/mK, respectively. The elimination of the structural reinforcement in the ridge ensures that this
detail no longer has any thermal bridge. Nonetheless, it should be noted that this condition is only satisfied if the span to be covered
does not exceed 5 m, as discussed in section 4.3.
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Fig. 18. Original connection detail (A) and optimization proposal (B). Heat flow (C) and temperature (D) diagrams of the optimization proposal.
Table 5
Validation of the PH suitability of the construction system.
Rsi = 0.25 m ≥ Uw ≤ Uopaque Purely opaque details f2K/
Rsi = 0.25 m Ψ≤ Condensation Ma limit
≤ W ≥ ≤
• Moisture criteria: The adoption of a vapor barrier in the ceiling effectively eliminates the problem of condensation in the
connection between the nonstructural wall and the intermediate floor. This change is also simulated in the connection of the load-
bearing wall with the intermediate floor, although in this case there was no condensation formation in the initial simulations.
T. Yakimchuk et al. Journal of Building Engineering 76 (2023) 107234
5. Conclusions
The objective of this paper was fully achieved since it was possible to evaluate the hygrothermal performance of a modular
construction system of extruded aluminum, in accordance with the PH standard for components for warm temperate climate. This
evaluation followed a three-part methodology, which involved conducting hygrothermal simulations on fourteen connection details.
The initial simulations revealed that only four connection details fully met the criteria of the PH standard for components. Therefore,
an optimization proposal was developed, with the primary aim of reducing thermal energy losses in the junctions. The hygrothermal
simulations were then repeated iteratively until all connection details fully met the PH criteria. Based on the objective of this research,
the following conclusions can be made.
• Structural elements such as stiffeners, substructures, and reinforcements negatively influence the overall thermal performance of
the construction system. By relocating, resizing, or eliminating these elements, significant reductions in thermal energy losses were
achieved in the junctions.
• Purely opaque details exhibited varying hygric performances, with one detail presenting a risk of interstitial condensation, and two
having minimum internal surface temperatures below the requirement. Solving the interstitial condensation problem did not imply
significant redesign of the construction system, as only one additional vapor barrier was necessary.
• The selection of a window with very high thermal quality and the separation of the window frame from elements with high thermal
conductivity greatly reduced thermal energy losses in the window-wall junctions.
The research has made several significant contributions. It addressed the study of the PH standard for components, which has
received limited attention in the scientific literature. It also represents one of the first presentations to the scientific community of the
calculation and validation of the hygrothermal performance of a building component in accordance with the PH standard for com
ponents, promoting the replication of similar studies in other construction systems likely to receive a PH certificate. Moreover, it
emphasizes the potential role of modular standard components in the construction of new nZEB, as they could represent a cost-optimal
solution towards the decarbonization of the building stock in the European Union. Finally, the evaluation presented in this paper
provided valuable data that enabled the optimization and subsequent submission of the construction system to the Passivhaus Institut
in 2022, who certified its suitability for the construction of nZEB in warm temperate regions and regions with less stringent re
quirements. It is the first lightweight metallic construction system for walls and roofs manufactured in Spain to receive a PH certi
fication for warm temperate climate.
Data availability
This paper presents findings from a thesis completed by Tatiana Yakimchuk as part of the Master’s Degree in Sustainable Building at
the University of A Coruna. The author would like to thank Fundación Carolina and the University of A Coruna for the full scholarship
to study this Master’s program. The authors would also like to express gratitude to Passivhaus certifier Martín Amado Pousa and Soraya
López García from the Passivhaus Institut for their valuable comments and recommendations in the development of this research.
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