Iso 9073 3 1989

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First edition

Textiles - Test methods for nonwovens -

Part 3:
Determination of tensile strength and elongation
Tex tlJles - Mthodes d essai pour nontissk -
Par-tie 3 .=Dk termina tion de la rksistance ;i la traction et de l allongemen t
ISO 9073-3:1989

Reference number
IS0 9073-3 : 1989 (El
IS0 9073-3 : 1989 (El

IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by

least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.

the IS0 Council. They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at

International Standard
IS0 9073-3 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 38,
ISO 9073-3:1989
IS0 9073 consists of the
following parts, under the general title Textiles - Test
methods for nonwovens : fb77451b2640/iso-9073-3-1989
- Part 7: Determination of mass per unit area

- Part 2: Determination of thickness

- fart 3 : Determination of tensile strength and elongation

- Part 4: Determination of tear resistance

0 IS0 1989
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

IS0 9073-3 : 1989 (E)

Although nonwovens are classified within the textile industry, it should be recognized
that nonwovens technologically share characteristics not only with textile products but
also with paper and/or plastic products. There is an existing international textile test,
IS0 5081. However, in order to meet the specific needs of nonwovens, alternative
requirements to those listed in IS0 5081 are specified in this part of IS0 9073. These

a) a different sampling procedure;

b) a constant rate of extension, i.e. 100 mm/min.


ISO 9073-3:1989

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ISO 9073-3:1989

Textiles - Test methods for nonwovens -

Part 3:
Determination of tensile strength and elongation

1 Scope 5 Sampling

This part of IS0 9073 specifies a method for the determination Carry out sampling in accordance with IS0 186, where possible
of the tensile properties of nonwovens by the cut strip method. taking test specimens of an approximate length at 1 m from the
full width of the material. Ensure that the areas from which the
NOTE - Anomalies can occur when testing some spun-laid and glass specimens are taken have no visible flaws and are not creased.
fibre nonwovens. This may require modification of the test procedure.
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW NOTE - This method of sampling recognizes and makes provisions for

2 Normative references ( “anisotropy” (differences

pally machine and cross direction)
in properties along various directions,
in the final specimens.
these specimens are random representatives of the material and in
The following standards contain provisions which, through
some cases it may be desirable to investigate systematic variations of
reference in this text, constitute provisions of thisISO 9073-3:1989
part of properties (including anisotropy), for example across the width, or in
IS0 9073. At the time of
publication, the editions indicated certain positions along the length of a given reel. In all such cases, spe-
were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to
cial provisions should be agreed between purchaser and vendor and
agreements based on this part of IS0 9073 are encouraged to recorded in the test report. A procedure for more detailed examination
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of variability within a given batch of material is available in TAPPI T
of the standards listed below. Members of IEC and IS0 main- 11-05-74 and may be found helpful. This publication may be obtained
tain registers of currently valid International Standards. from : The Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industries, 1 Dun-
woody Park, Atlanta, Georgia 30338, USA.
IS0 139 : 1973, Textiles - Standard atmospheres for con-
ditioning and testing.
6 Preparation and conditioning of test pieces
IS0 186 : 1985, Paper and board - Sampling to determine
average quality.
6.1 Unless otherwise specified, cut five test pieces in the
IS0 5081 : 1977, Textiles - Woven fabrics - Determination of machine direction and five in the cross-machine direction,
breaking strength and elongation (Strip method). ensuring that they are all taken at least 100 mm from the edge
and are equally distributed across the width and length of the
3 Principle
Application of a force longitudinally to a test piece of a 6.2 Cut the test pieces 50 mm ?I 0,5 mm wide and of suf-
specified length and width at a constant rate of extension. ficient length to allow a jaw separation of 200 mm, thus
avoiding risks due to local heterogeneity of nonwovens or to
Determination of values for breaking strength and elongation undue cutting of long-fibre nonwovens.
from the recorded force-elongation curve.
NOTE - Wider test pieces and different forms of clamping, e.g.
C-form or piped form, may be used by agreement between the
4 Apparatus interested parties; a note of these special conditions should be included
in the test report.
4.1 Tensile testing machine, constant rate of extension
type, equipped with an autographic recorder to register applied
6.3 Condition the test pieces as specified in IS0 139.
force and clamp separation.

4.2 Clamps, with jaws capable of holding the test pieces 6.4 If wet tensile tests are required, soak the test pieces,
securely across their full width without damage. without conditioning, for at least 1 h in a solution containing

Is0 9073-3 : 1989 (El

1 g of a non-ionic wetting agent per litre of distilled water. the breaking strength occur during the test, take the highest
Remove a test piece, shake off excess water, and test im- value as the maximum breaking strength, and note this occur-
mediately. Repeat the operation for each of the other nine test rence in the test report.
8.2 Determine the elongation of the test piece at the maxi-
NOTE - A wetting time of less than 1 h may be used by agreement
mum breaking strength and express this as a percentage of the
between the interested parties; if so, it should be noted in the test
nominal gauge length, that is, the original jaw separation.

8.3 Discard the results from any test piece where the break
7 Procedure occurs in the clamp or where any break reaches the jaws at a
minimum of one point.
7.1 Carry out the testing in the standard atmosphere for
testing (see IS0 139).
8.4 Determine the means of the results, expressing the
machine average breaking strength, in newtons, to the nearest 0,l N,
7.2 Set the jaws of the tensile testing
and the average percentage elongation at break to the nearest
200 mm + 1 mm apart and clamp the test piece between them;
0,5 %. Calculate the coefficients of variation of the results.
straighten out the test piece until the force curve is on the zero
NOTE Rupture energy may also be calculated from the total area
NOTES under the curve.

1 Pretensioning may be applied as described in IS0 5081; if so, it

should be noted in the test report.
2 Where 200 mm is not available, a shorter test piece may be tested
9 Test report
by agreement ibetween the interested parties; if so, this should be
noted in the test report. The test report shall include the following information:

Apply a constant rate of extension of 100 mm/min and
a) a reference to this part of IS0 9073;
record the force-elongation
curve for each test piece.
b) all details necessary for the identification of the
NOTE - Other rates of extension may be desirable and should be material;
agreed between the interested parties; if so, they should be noted in
the test report.
ISO 9073-3:1989 the machine
c) the results of the test direction and
cross di rection (see 8.4);
8 Expression of results d) the conditioning atmosphere used;

81. Use the force-elongation curve to determine the maxi- e) an y unusua I features noted during the testing, or devi-
mum breaking strength in newtons. If severa I peak values for ations from the standard procedure.

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ISO 9073-3:1989
IS0 9073-3 : 1989 (E)


ISO 9073-3:1989

UDC 677.076.4 : 677.017.42 : 620.172

Descriptors : textiles, fabrics, nonwoven fabrics, tests, tension tests.

Price based on 2 pages

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