Sheehan 06 PDF
Sheehan 06 PDF
Sheehan 06 PDF
The ASTM standardization process is well defined. Members are classified as producers,
users, or general interest (academia, government, etc): Membership on Technical
Committees is controlled so the producers of products cannot dominate them. In each
stage of balloting (Subcommittee, Committee, Society), all voters must be allowed to
have their say. All comments and negative votes must be considered. A negative ballot,
however, can be overridden by an appropriate Committee vote: non-persuasive, non-
germane, etc. The result of the strict and fair consensus process is a set of standards that
are highly respected throughout the world.
A summary of ASTM standards relating to pressure sensitive tape is attached. This list
does not include the standards for components of tapes that might be papers, films, foils,
adhesive components, etc. Neither does it include the end uses of PSA tapes. The list
includes the ASTM designation and the title. Note that the designation, such as ASTM
D3611-89 (2003), includes the year of the last revision (1989) and the year of the last re-
approval (2003). When using an ASTM standard, be sure to check that you are using the
current version: Go to the ASTM web site at and type in the designation to
determine the current version.
Most of the ASTM standards related to PSA tapes are under the jurisdiction of three
ASTM Technical Committees. ASTM D10.14 covers Tape and Labels (This is the group
I am most active in). The subcommittee consists of 55 members and handles 27 active
standards. These are mostly test methods (how to measure something), practices (how to
do something), and specifications (a set of requirements for purchasing). D14.50 on Hot
Melts, Pressure Sensitives, and Archival Adhesives has nine active standards, several
directly related to PSA tape. Committee D9 on Electrical and Electronic Insulating
Materials has test methods and specifications specifically for electrical grades of tape. It
is noteworthy that a member of one group can join or monitor the other groups without
additional dues.
ASTM and PSTC have cooperated on test method development for many years. This
continued with the harmonization process with our European counterparts at AFERA.
ASTM tape committees support international harmonization with other standards writing
bodies. ASTM also has an excellent working relationship with ANSI which represents
the USA at ISO.
Peel Adhesion
A couple of years ago, the harmonized peel adhesion tests were published: ASTM D3330
and PSTC 101. These and the AFERA counterpart are harmonized and are essentially
the same. The tests are conducted in the same way and equivalent results are obtained.
All use the new roll-down procedure of four passes of the rubber covered roller at 24
in/min. The test methods are not identical, however. One difference is that the AFERA
and PSTC documents are metric-only while ASTM members decided to have a dual unit
standard. When peel adhesion is conducted by AFERA and PSTC methods, a 24 mm
wide slitter is used to cut the tape sample: Users of ASTM D3330 can either use the 24
mm wide slitter or continue to use a one inch slitter. Some segments of our industry still
prefer to use the US customary units of inches and pounds for conducting the tests and
reporting the results. This minor difference in documents will not change the test
outcomes: test results are calculated and reported as a force per unit width. The tests are
harmonized, even with this minor difference.
Shear Adhesion
The shear test procedures are also harmonized: ASTM D3654-02 and PSTC 107. As
with peel adhesion, the harmonized shear test methods use the new roll-down procedure.
Again, PSTC and AFERA are metric-only, with some flexibility allowed. ASTM is a
dual unit standard that allows users to continue to test with a ½ inch x ½ inch (or 1 in x 1
in) tape contact area if they want. With shear, the specific choice of tape contact area
affects the test result, and not always in a fully predictable manner.
ASTM D3654 has recently been revised (to be published soon). One minor point is about
conditioning. D3654-02 testing conditions have required 23 +/- 1 deg C, as does PSTC
107 and AFERA. The revision changes conditioning to reference ASTM D4332 which is
equivalent to PSTC Appendix A. This allows for some short-term fluctuation in
temperature which should not affect the test results. Harmonization should be
Another minor revision to D3654 is in the Calculation section. This would allow the use
of right censored data that has a time-to-termination rather than a traditional time-to-
failure. As background, recall that shear testing of several replicates often produces one
or two which seem to hang on for much longer than the others: Data is skewed with a
longer right tail (see left of Figure 1). Conducting calculations based on a log-normal or
Weibull distribution handle this well.
Figure 1: All Failure Times vs A Censored Data Point
What should we do if we are testing five replicates and four have failed, but the testing
room swings out of calibration before the last sample fails? We cannot continue that
tainted test, we should not discard that sample, and we should not just repeat that sample.
Procedures, such as maximum likelihood estimation, are available to calculate the
average time to failure using all of our tests: This would use our four times-to-failure and
our one time-to-termination (see right of Figure 1). Good discussions are available in
reliability texts and in Chapter 8 of NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical
Methods: Special experimental designs are also
available which can reduce the total testing time by intentionally creating censored data.
This is a minor change or option to the calculation section of the test method that should
not affect the test outcome. Harmonization with PSTC and AFERA should be
maintained while improving the test method.
The breaking (tensile) strength test methods have also been harmonized. Past versions of
ASTM D3759 and PSTC 31 have had four procedures in the tensile test standard; but
AFERA only had two. Thus, the procedure for tapes with under 200% elongation and for
filament reinforced tapes are harmonized among ASTM, PSTC, and AFERA. This
increased the crosshead speed to 300 mm/min (12 in/min). PSTC put the remaining high
stretch method and the cross direction method in an Annex to PSTC 131 (most recent
PSTC draft of harmonized method). ASTM retained the four test method options in
D3759-05, clearly indicating that only two are harmonized.
Other minor differences in testing the break (tensile) strength test methods are also
present. Again, ASTM members wanted the option of testing either 24 mm wide samples
or one-inch wide samples. PSTC and AFERA are metric-only standards. Each test result
is calculated and reported as a force per unit width so the results should be the same for
testing either tape width. ASTM D10.14 also clarified some of the wording in the text of
other sections and retained some other testing options but I believe that the test method is
still in harmony with PSTC and AFERA.
Current work in ASTM Committee D10.14 includes efforts to write a new Specification
for PSA labels used for transport packages. D3611 on accelerated roll aging is being
revised to allow an environmental chamber rather than just a desiccator with a salt
solution. (PSTC Currently allows this in PSTC-9.) Other existing Specifications,
Practices, and Test Methods are being updated or corrected as necessary. New
standardization activities may be added, as the need develops.
ASTM will continue to cooperate with PSTC and other standards writing bodies. If you
are interested in participating in this or the other ASTM Committees, you would certainly
be welcome.
D1459-93(2003) Standard Specification for Silicone Varnished Glass Cloth and Tape for
Electrical Insulation
D1876-01 Standard Test Method for Peel Resistance of Adhesives (T-Peel Test)
D2148-02 Standard Test Methods for Bondable Silicone Rubber Tapes Used for
Electrical Insulation
D5570-94(2005) Standard Test Method for Water Resistance of Tape and Adhesives
Used as Box Closure
D6463-99 Standard Test Method for Time to Failure of Pressure Sensitive Articles Under
Sustained Shear Loading
D6551-00 Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes by
Xenon-Arc Exposure Apparatus