Submitted By
Hrishikesh Shankar Bidgar
Aryan Felix Fernandes
Under The Guidance
Prof. Ashish Gandigude.
This is to certify that Mr. Aryan Felix Fernandes, has successfully
completed the Project Stage – I entitled “Defect Reduction In Qsk 23
Camshaft Model Using Zero Defect Tool” under my supervision, in
the partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
of University of Pune.
Date: / /
External Examiner
Zeal Education Society’s
This is to certify that Mr. Hrishikesh Shankar Bidgar , has
successfully completed the Project Stage – I entitled “Defect Reduction
In Qsk 23 Camshaft Model Using Zero Defect Tool” under my
supervision, in the partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Engineering -
Mechanical Engineering of University of Pune.
Date: / /
External Examiner
I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude towards the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, ZCOER, PUNE that gave me an opportunity for presentation of my Project Stage-
I in their esteemed organization.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to my Project guide Prof. Ashish Gandigude
and Head of the Department Prof. S. M. Godase without whose guidance and adequate
facilities. I would not have completed my Project Stage-I, his valuable advice made it easy for
me to proceed for this Project Stage-I.
I express my sincere thanks to Project Coordinator Prof A. V. Karande for his constant support
and experienced guidance and providing me precious help and advice without which the
successful completion of this Project Stage I would not have been possible. I am also thankful
to Dr A. M. Kate Principal, ZCOER, PUNE for giving me necessary resources and support to
complete my Project Stage-I.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Cummins India Ltd. For allotting us the
sponsored project and supporting us in our project.
Last but not the least, I thank all others, and especially my classmates and my family members
who in one way or another helped me in the successful completion of this work.
1 Introduction
1.1 Problem Statement
2 Problem Statement
2.1 Objectives
2.2 Methodology
3 Literature Review
3.1 Literature Summery
4 Data Collection 11
6 Machine Selection 30
9 Conclusion 36
10 Referance 38
2.1 methodology 5
“Defect Reduction In Qsk 23 Camshaft Model Using Zero Defect Tool”
Chapter 1
Camshafts are made from metal and are usually solid, although hollow camshafts are
sometimes used The materials used for a camshaft are usually either:
Cast iron: Commonly used in high volume production, chilled iron camshafts
have good wear resistance since the chilling process hardens them.
Billet steel: For high-performance engines or camshafts produced in small
quantities, steel billet is sometimes used. This is a much more time-consuming
process, and is generally more expensive than other methods.
Fig 1.1
Lobes: as the spins, the lobes rotate together with the piston motion. The functions of
the lobes are to open and close the valve for the intake and exhaust gases. The speed
of the cam lobes depends on the engines speeds.
Ends: the front end of the cam is designed to carry belt to connects with the
crankshaft. The rear end of the cam turns the distributor of the engine with a special
gear. The ignition timing in tune with the rest of the engine with this part.
Bearings: is a mounted in conjunction with the main journals. It helps to prevent the
camshaft from damaging the engine block when the engine becomes faulty. Bearings
help to keep the rotation of camshaft seamless.
“A defect in manufacturing is one that the manufacturer did not intend” It defines a
manufacturing defect as occurring when "the product departs from its intended design
even though all possible care was exercised in the preparation and marketing of the
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
3.1.5] Defect Reduction with the Use of Seven Quality Control Tools
for Productivity
Memon et al.:The goal of zero defects is pursued by many manufacturing and service
companies. In this regard, statistical tools are being used for defect reduction leading
to productivity improvement. In this work, seven traditional QC tools (flow chart,
check sheet, histogram, Pareto chart, cause, and effect diagram, scatter diagram and
control chart) have been developed and implemented in an automobile company to
assess and improve the defect reduction level in the assembly line. Chassis and trim
lined were selected for data collection to assess and improve the defect level for
productivity improvement. It was found from the results that after the successful
implementation of the QC tools, the defect level reduced by 90% (from132 to 13
defects) at the chassis line. Similarly, the defect level was reduced by 80% (from 157
to 28 defects) at the trim line. The automobile company implemented only a few of
the seven QC tools in their assembly line. It is suggested that the company may need
to manage a mechanism for the implementation of all seven QC tools in every section
of the company.
Literature Summery
From above research papers and case studies we understand about various processes
for camshaft manufacturing and defect reduction methods which can be implemented
to reduce the defect in camshaft manufacturing process like SIX SIGMA, PIVOT
CHARTS, FMEA (Failure mode effect analysis) SHEETS, DMAIC (Define, Measure,
Analysis, Improve, Control) which can help us achieve the target of defect reduction
in camshaft manufacturing process.
Chapter 4
Data collection
Following figure shows flow of all the processes used in manufacturing of camshaft,
while crack and burn tests are used to detect the defect caused during manufacturing
Keyway milling :
Keyway milling is the process of producing a keyway using the milling
machine. Key refers to a type of part used in mechanical transmission, mainly
for the circumferential fixation between the shaft and the parts on the shaft to
transfer torque. Some keys can also realize the axial fixation or axial movement
of the parts on the shaft. The groove or slot machined for installing the key is
called keyway, which is usually cut along the axis of the cylindrical surface of
a shaft. When you put a pulley on a shaft, the keyway can prevent the pulley
from rotating on the shaft. The keyway can be divided into open type, semi-
open type, and closed type.
Deburring is the process of removing the small imperfections known as burrs from
machined metal products. Machining processes shape a piece of metal in different
ways. Stamping, for instance, presses the workpiece in a die set, while milling uses a
rotating tool to shave metal off a workpiece.
Induction hardening:
Induction hardening is a type of surface hardening in which a metal part is induction-
heated and then quenched. The quenched metal undergoes a martensitic
transformation, increasing the hardness and brittleness of the part. Induction
hardening is used to selectively harden areas of a part or assembly without affecting
the properties of the part as a whole.
Tempering :
Tempering is a type of heat treatment used to increase the toughness of certain metals,
most commonly iron-based alloys like steel. The metal being treated, using this
process, is heated under its critical point temperature and then air-cooled.
In this process the part is kept in tempering furnace for 3 hours at 230 degrees.
Shot blasting:
Shot blasting is a method used to clean, strengthen (peen) or polish metal. Shot
blasting is used in almost every industry that uses metal, including aerospace,
automotive, construction, foundry, shipbuilding, rail, and many others. There are two
technologies used: wheel blasting or air blasting.
Cam grinding :
Cam grinding is a form of cylindrical grinding. Most cam grinding machines are
custom fitted to the part being ground. In generating cam shapes, some variation in
grain and grade can improve results. Cam grinding wheels are available for both steel
and cast.
Crack testing :
Crack testing is a process in which ultra violate black lights are used in conjunction
with fluorescent dye penetrants and magnetic particles for highlighting defects in is a non destructive technique of inspection.
This sheet contains the data of defects caused which gives us information about the
rejected camshafts and the cause of rejection. This data consists of information from
January 2018 to August 2022. The remaining data is attached in annexure.
4.3] Applying pivot chart to the rejection data for understanding the
amount of defects caused in each process
Following pivot chart shows of defects that are caused in manufacturing process on
various machines from 2018.
4.3] Camshaft expected and actual rejection data in parts per million.
Following graph shows that the actual defects produced are more the expected defects.
the expected defects in 2021 was 6488 but the defects caused were 22795 but after
implementation of defect reduction techniques the defect are reduced then the
expected defects ie. 14384 while the expected defect were 17096 parts per million.
Chapter 5
Benefits of poka-yoke:
1) Obtain or create a flowchart of the process. Review each step, thinking about
where and when human errors are likely to occur.
2) For each potential error, work back through the process to find its source.
3) For each error, think of potential ways to make it impossible for the error to occur.
4) Elimination: eliminating the step that causes the error.
5) Replacement: replacing the step with an error-proof one.
6) Facilitation: making the correct action far easier than the error.
7) If you cannot make it impossible for the error to occur, think of ways to detect the
error and minimize its effects. Consider inspection methods, setting functions,
and regulatory functions expanded on below.
8) Choose the best mistake-proofing method or device for each error. Test it, then
implement it. Three kinds of inspection methods provide rapid feedback:
9) Successive inspection is done at the next step of the process by the next worker.
10) Self-inspection means workers check their own work immediately after doing it.
11) Source inspection checks, before the process step takes place, that conditions are
correct. Often it’s automatic and keeps the process from proceeding until
conditions are right.
It consists of 5 stages:
Define: define the problem by developing problem statement.
Measure: collect the data about how the process currently performs.
Analyze: closely examine the process and identify the cause of problem
Improve: develop various solutions, select the best solution & implement it.
Control: ensure the process is being managed and monitored properly.
2.List or identify the cause of the issues or problems, noting that there could be
multiple causes
3.Score the problems by assigning a number to each one that prioritizes the problem
based on the level of negative impact on the company
4.Organize the problems into groups, such as customer service or system issues
Develop and implement an action plan, focusing on the higher scored problems first,
in order to solve the problems.
A system of reporting and follow-up that exposes problem areas and ensures
containment and corrections are put – and held – in place.
After forming a team, you need to identify the layers of the process being
Develop Audit Guidelines.
Carry Out the Layered Process Audit Program.
Analyze and Implement Corrective Action.
5.6] KAIZEN:
Kaizen focuses on eliminating waste, improving productivity, and achieving sustained
continual improvement in targeted activities and processes of an is an
improvement processes, often is considered to be the "building block" of all lean
production methods.
3 pillars of kaizen
Elimination of Waste. Eliminating waste is the second main pillar of Kaizen.
Standardization. Standardization is the process of developing standards to which
production is performed.
Chapter 6
6.1] Selecting the machine with maximum defect.
Pareto Chart of Camshaft rejection 2021
400 100
Defect Qty
68 20
44 35
30 20 19
15 13 11 10 8 8 Other
0 0
Defect Categoery
ng 1
EM 4
La A#2
G N s#3
Ju 5
t o Gr #2
t o Lan er
l M ce
ka E M e
M A#
M din
ua ur n
Ka ka dis
M ing
After applying pareto chart to the data collected from year 2022 we get to know that
maximum number of defects are produced in tempering furnace followed by manual
mistakes, therefore we select tempering furnace for implementing the poka-yoke.
Tempering is a heat treatment technique applied to ferrous alloys, such as steel or cast
iron, to achieve greater toughness by decreasing the hardness of the alloy. The
reduction in hardness is usually accompanied by an increase in ductility, thereby
decreasing the brittleness of the metal. Tempering is usually performed
after quenching, which is rapid cooling of the metal to put it in its hardest state.
Tempering is accomplished by controlled heating of the quenched work piece to a
temperature below its "lower critical temperature", the camshaft is kept in tempering
furnace at the temperature of 230° for three hours.
After analyzing we understood that the defect in tempering is caused due to the
improper heating of camshaft from all the sides which is leading to formation of
cracks on the surface of camshaft which lead to rejection.
Chapter 7
The previous layout of furnace included only one fan for the distribution of air to the
workplace, which lead to improper heating of camshaft from all the side which led to
the crack formation.
We increase the number of fans for the proper distribution of air to the
To reduce the defect, we provide interlocking between fans of furnace for the
proper distribution of air flow over the surface of camshaft. This leads to
proper distribution of heat in furnace which leads to proper heating of
camshaft and plays a major role in proper hardening of camshaft which
reduces the crack formation on the camshaft.
The fans run continuously until the machine is externally stopped.
Chapter 8
1 Tempering Furnace 0
2 Landis 4 39
3 Landis 3 38
4 Manual Mistakes 25
5 Katoka Milling 21
6 GH induction hardening 12
7 Kataoka Milling 1 11
8 Junker 5
9 Assembly Return 3
10 Other 5
Successfully reduced the defect in camshaft during tempering process from 104 to 0
by implementation of Poka-Yoke quality reduction technique.
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