Newsletter 2-8-24 Compressed

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February 8, 2024

Shepherd of the Hills

Middle School Newsletter
Happy Thursday! We hope that everyone is ready to enjoy an extra long weekend! This week the
middle school was busy getting back into the swing of things after a great Catholic Schools Week.
If there are any questions, concerns, or you just want to talk, feel free to reach out to us. Our
emails are listed below. Have a fantastic weekend!!

Server Training
Students in grades 3 - 8, interested in learning to serve at Mass, or needing
additional training, should please sign up at the link below. Training will be
scheduled with Fr. Mark based on responses. Server Training Sign Up

Important Dates
Feb 9- No school
Feb 12- Wellness day/no school
Feb 13- Family life begins
- 2:40 Lock up the alleluia
Feb 14- Ash Wednesday
- Classroom V-day parties
Feb 15- Dinner auction set up
Feb 17- Dinner Auction Gala @ 5

Reminders Contact Info

● Birthday treats= can be homemade but should be pre-portioned Miss Carter: [email protected]
Ms. Schaalma: [email protected]
● Take home and wash gym clothes every week
Mrs. Schreiner: [email protected]
● Take home and bring back water bottles every day
Mrs. Mueller: [email protected]
● Out of dress code days are for tops
Mrs. Mueller
4th: We are learning how to multiply 2
digit numbers. We are also looking at
word problems for multiplication
5th: We are learning about decimals.
The students are learning how to round
and add decimals.

Social Studies
4th: Blessed Are We Books.
Whole Class: States &
Learning about the ten
commandments and
4th- Wisconsin history
completing the chapter review
5th- US History. Early
5th: Religion with Mrs.
Reading/ English Science
4th: Book club. Reading Whole class: We are
the book Holes with learning about physical
answering Holes packet change. Learning about
questions. matter, forces, and
5th: Book club. Reading unbalanced and balanced
the book Hatchet with forces.
answering Hatchet packet
Miss Carter
Social Studies
6- The sixth graders are learning about ancient 7 and 8th grade homeroom will
Greece! They are learning about how democracy be having a small Valentine’s Day party
was created, Greek mythology and literature. in class, Wednesday, February 14.
Please bring a note, treat, snack, or
7/8- The Seventh and eighth graders are
drink to share.
learning about the 1920s. They are showing their
understanding by creating a slideshow to teach
the class about a topic from the 1920s.

6- The sixth graders learned about about comparative anatomy through dissecting an owl pellet
and chicken wing. They also learned about multicellular organisms and how different systems of
the body work together.

6- The sixth graders are learning about ratios,
rates, ratio tables, and solving percent problems.
7- The seventh graders are learning about
percents and how to solve markups and discounts
in real world problems.
8- The eighth graders are learning about
properties of square roots, exponents, functions,
and the growth/decay formula.
Ms. Schaalma…
6th grade reading/ELA- In reading, we are
comparing and contrasting presentations of
events through articles and excerpts. The
first set will be on Frederick Douglass and
the second set on Chocolate. In ELA, we
writing an argumentative essay on whether
the movie or the book was better.

7th Reading-We are reading informational

texts for the next few weeks, this week, an
article about Snake Island, and next week,
germs in bathrooms

8th grade reading- In reading we will read

a few short stories, such as “The
Landlady” and “Harrison Bergeron”, and
write literary analysis.

7th/8th ELA- We are going to continue to

work on literary analysis/evidence based

7th/8th Science- We are working on

chemical and physical reactions

● Following the Feast of the Epiphany students participated in the blessings of the school and
their rooms with Fr. Mark. The prayer used in found above and each student has a copy in
their prayer journals.
● We continue to Honor the Name of Jesus for the month of January and are encouraged to say
a little prayer every time His Holy Name is used improperly.
● 5th-8th grade continue to progress through the Blessed are We series. We have also started
singing/praying the Salve Regina acapella. They are all doing a very good job with this.
● Monday 5th grade will begin their Unit 3 Review in the Blessed are We Series and prepare to
test on Tuesday or Wednesday. They just completed their introduction to the Our Father in
Ecclesiastical Latin.
● This week 6th has finished Unit 3 assessments.
● 7 & 8th grade have also finished Unit 3. They were also introduced to the Catechism of the
Catholic Church and are learning how to look up church teachings.
○ Catechism of the Catholic Church - CCC (on the shelf)
○ youtube overview of the CCC
○ how to cite CCC
%20the%20Catholic%20Church.pdf how to use CCC
Upcoming Events
Meetings on Thursdays!

Student council is currently working

on preparing for Lemonade Day
again and a bake sale on February
23, during the basketball games!

Hi! I’m Lauren, a student council representative.

I am in the seventh grade. My goal for student
council is to make the school even more fun. My
favorite sport is soccer. Outside of school I like
draw and do art. A few more fun facts about me
are my favorite color is lavender, I like red
panda, and I like watching KC Undercover! Also
my favorite food is steak.
Academic theme “Don’t Bug Me I’m Reading!”:
Students will be working on improving their
skills in reading throughout the school
year.Here are the all school reading goals for the
● the school has read 6,000 books, we get an
ice cream party.
● reach 10,000 books read, we will have a picnic
with dirt cups.

Catholic Identity Theme Be the ‘i’

in Kind: Ephesians 4:32
Students will participate in assemblies,
classroom, or buddy activities throughout
the year to learn more about being kind and
showing kindness.

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