Modernizing The US Data System An Introduction To NERIS

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Modernizing the U.S.

Fire Data System:

An Introduction to the
National Emergency Response Information System
USFA Overview - DATA

The USFA was established by Public Law

93-498, the Federal Fire Prevention and
Control Act of 1974, which [in part] called
for the establishment of a national system
for the collection, analysis, and
dissemination of fire data needed to help
local fire services establish research and
action priorities.
15 USC 2208 – National Fire Data Center

• The Administrator shall operate, directly or

through contracts or grants, an integrated,
comprehensive National Fire Data Center for the
selection, analysis, publication, and
dissemination of information related to the…
• prevention
• occurrence
• control
• results …. of fires of all types
National Emergency Response Information System (NERIS)
▪ Research and development contract awarded
through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T) to the
Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI).

▪ FSRI is a part of UL Research Institutes, the nonprofit

safety science organization within the UL enterprise.

▪ In collaboration with USFA, DHS S&T and the

American fire service, FSRI will develop and provide
the new NERIS platform for use by fire and
emergency services departments nationwide.
National Emergency Response Information System

The goal of NERIS is to empower the local fire and

emergency services community by equipping them with
near real-time information and analytic tools that support
data informed decision-making for enhanced preparedness
and response to incidents involving all hazards.
National Emergency Response Information System

▪ Premier source of all-hazards information and innovative analytics

▪ Provide near real-time information on the overall scope of fire and
emergency incidents across the U.S.
▪ Provide capabilities for documenting and introducing community
risk reduction efforts
▪ Provide greater insights into vulnerability gaps where resources can
be used to harden communities and minimize future emergency
and disaster events.
NERIS - Guiding Requirements

▪ Mobile-friendly, cloud-based incident reporting

applications that minimize data entry requirements
▪ Provides access to secure, interoperable live data
▪ Integrates and fuses live data sources from across
the community
▪ Real-time, predictive, and self-service summary
data and analytics on the Nation’s fire problem
▪ Innovative analytics that provide actionable
intelligence to better inform decision-making

Graphics courtesy of CSS Tricks and Vector Stock

NERIS – Key Features
• Enhanced data integration capability and
computing power to minimize the burden
for data contributors.
• User-defined and actionable analytic
tools that support decision-making at the
local level.
• Supports rapid integration and analysis
of data via APIs.
• Flexible and adaptable to the changing
needs of the local fire service and first
responders nationwide.
New Fire Data Standards - In Development Today

Core Fire Data Specification

• Must have, essential elements of information (EEIs) for incident data, common
lexicon and definitions.
• Fire department/emergency service agency profile data.

Investigative Data
Incident Data Exposure Data
CAD Interface Standard
Standard Standard
Standard & API Guide
• Serves as base for
• Serves as base for • Serves as base for
• Primary data the NERIS
the NERIS Incident the NERIS Exposure
elements, standard Investigative Data
Data App. Data App.
data model. App.
• RMS and other • RMS and other
• API interface, • RMS and other
software providers software providers
standard formats software providers
may apply this may apply this
and configuration for may apply this
standard to interface standard to interface
feeding NERIS. standard to interface
with NERIS. with NERIS.
with NERIS.

Above are currently in development and will be released to the community upon completion.
One Fire Department, One Node, Interconnected – Example Model
Scenario A – Department does not Live data feeds as APIs provided out of NERIS.
have CAD or RMS. Reports through
NERIS data capture apps. Rose Hill API Data Feed to SLTT
FD’s NERIS Data Capture Apps Agencies for their own
NERIS analysis outside
Scenario B – Department has CAD, Fusion & Analytics Engine NERIS
but no RMS. Reports some
information through NERIS data National Firefighter
capture apps. Registry - Consuming
CAD Academic & Research
Lockwood Entities - Consuming
FD’s • Data capture apps for Incident, Investigation, NERIS API Data Feed
FD doesn’t have RMS, elects to
use NERIS-provided data app. NERIS and Exposure data collection
Node • Self-service analytic products for FDs and State Fire Marshal
state-level views Data Feeds via API
• Basic tools for FDs to customize analytic into and from NERIS
CAD products
• Advanced models and analysis methods for NEMSIS Live Data
Azalea use nationwide Feed
NERIS National Weather
Node Service Live Data Feed

RMS includes NERIS-compatible Early Wildfire

incident & investigation data app. Detection Sensor Live
Scenario C – Department has CAD Data Feed
NERIS Secure Cloud Boundary
and RMS. Local data is pushed to
NERIS from CAD & RMS via API.
Live data feeds as APIs pushed into NERIS.
NERIS – Development Timeline and Milestones

CY 2023 CY 2024 CY 2025

•USFA and DHS S&T •Complete •Complete NERIS
establish partnership development and development iterations
for the core data release of a full NERIS to include integration
standard and NERIS v1.0. with priority sensors,
development with the data and systems, and
Fire Safety Research •Develop and analytics for fire and
Institute (FSRI). implement nationwide emergency service
launch campaign on leaders.
•Complete NERIS and support
development of the transitioning local fire •Provide technical
updated fire data departments. assistance, user
standard. support, and
•Complete migration of education to facilitate
•Complete R&D on the historical NFIRS data onboarding fire and
open solutions into a cloud-based emergency service
architecture and library archive tool. agencies.
NERIS initial operating
capability. •Fully transition all
users onto NERIS, and
decommission NFIRS.
Thank you for attending today’s session

NERIS Development:


Contact us: [email protected]

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