Trabalho para Ingles
Trabalho para Ingles
Trabalho para Ingles
Hello, today we are going to talk about life in the future, that means, what
possible differences we are going to live in in the next years.
We're privileged to be living in a time where science and technology can
help us, make our lives easier and rethink the ways we go about our daily lives.
Our life in the future will be a lot more different from today in many aspects.
The environment, transportation, communication, and people’s lifestyles will
change in a way no one can predict. There are some reasons to be optimistic
about life in the future. Human lives will go through a lot of changes in the
future. Whether it is better or worse depends on how we will handle the
changes and how they will influence our lives. There is a path to a future filled
with amazing opportunities, with advanced technologies and extraordinary
facilities leading the way. Life is a balance of work, emotions, and relationships
and we should keep that in mind while preparing us for the future.
We can’t expect a good future as a member of society while there’s still a lot of
people with wrong mindsets, for example people who are homophobic,
xenophobic, racist, sexist, etc. We think that the first step to take to make a
better society is to unknowledge that we are all human, we have our differences
and our own ways to perceive life, but we’re all here living life and trying to
make it a good time while we’re here. In my opinion I feel that society hasn't
made the upgrades that it should have made because, for example, we still have
to fight for basic human rights, and in my opinion if we want society to develop
we must start by that.
First of all, we are going to talk about technology changes, the technology we're
already exposed and familiar with, has leaded us to innovate further, and this
examples of current and future changes certainly have the potential to
transform our lives even more. As we know there are already in the market self-
driving cars but what about possible flying cars, will it be possible one day to be
able to drive in the air, what about living in other planets or flying to space as a
tourist, drone delivery services or better internet, probably robots will be more
common than we think, maybe it will be possible to have a house underwater
and super fast planes, this kind of things will certainly change our daily actions.
The scientists will be able to find many cures for dangerous diseases, and that
may help our health because there will be innovated machines made to find and
treat those unwanted problems in our body. Hopefully there will be specific
medicines to get rid of it right away.
While getting ahead in technology, people are losing their personal touch with
each other, this means that relationships are being less usual. Today a large
number of people do not bother with other peoples feelings or problems and
only think about themselves. This will probably increase in the future, so we can
say clearly that along with lists of advancements in the future, a lot of negative
aspects will happen eventually.
Children will be more inclined towards the internet and less interested in
reading books and outdoor activities. The new generation in the future will
suffer from lots of health problems due to intense indoor activities and more
interested towards technologies, that will damage the way that people are used
to live.
The kids in our generation are being thought to spend time with technology,
which will change their personality, and will make them less sociable and it may
cause them some serious issues, like anxiety, socially anxiety, not being able to
talk about some certain problems or even worse, depression.
Unfortunately this is already happening in our generation, it’s still not that bad
as it will be in the future, but it’s a problem that people tend to not talk about,
but we should bring attention to it. We looked it up, and we found out that
people usually spend around 6 hours per-day online, that is a lot of time, which
we could be spending hanging out with our friends or family, doing outdoor
activities, reading, enjoying alone time or just taking care of ourselves.
Now, talking about other subject, there are already a lot of animals in extinction
and the planet is suffering tremendously with global warming and pollution so
this may be even more problematic in the future and in my opinion people are
not really interested in saving the planet until something really bad happens.
Nowadays we are going through some severe situations such as climate change.
We have experienced some effects of it, being dangerous thunderstorms, not
raining when it’s suppose to be raining like on winter leading to a severe
drought which will damage our ecosystem and harm those who live in it, we
have also come against some violent fires that have sadly burned houses and
habitats like forests, and as you probably know, in our country we went through
a dust storm in march that lead to a clay rain, during the dust storm people with
health problems such as asthma had some difficulties while being outside and
because of that, they had to stay at home until the storm passed.
This kind of matter will keep happening if we, as a society, don’t do anything
about it and just keep living our lives as usual. Sadly, not everyone is interested
on this matter, and because of that we won’t be able to bring awareness to
those who want to help and make our world a better world for our lives in the
future. There are some people who are trying hard to bring awareness to this
issue for example Greta Thunberg, a young inspiring girl with an amazing
mindset who wants to show us how our world is damaged and if we don’t do
anything about it, we won't be able to make it a habitable place again.
In conclusion, with this project we are able to understand the pros and cons of
our life in the future. How we think our lives will be, how different they’ll be and
what we have to do to make our world a habitable and sustainable place so we
don’t have to go through serious issues that will damage our lives so we can live
in harmony and at peace.