WHLP October-5

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office - Marikina City



SY 2020- 2021

Mode of Delivery Remarks

W eek 1 Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Task
Online Modular Online/Modular Parent Teacher
ONLINE The teacher will discuss The parents will secure The teacher will discuss
1. Orientation. Meet and greet. Discuss netiquette via Google Meet and give the printed SLM and online and the learner
and class rules. all the instruction for the guide the student in may opt to choose their
11:30 am - 12:30 pm 2. Introduction to first health lesson: Human activities. accomplishing all the output submission either
Online 1. Discusses basic Sexuality The learner’s submission tasks at home. online or modular
terms in sexuality as an 3. Differentiate gender, sex and gender identity of outputs must be on the The learner’s submission depending on the
important component of 4. Answer the assessment that will be given. following portals: Google of output must be every available resources of the
MAPEH 8 5. Create infographics and answer assessment test
one's personality Classroom, Messenger Friday or on the schedule learner.
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm 2. Explains the and/or e-learning portal. set by the school.
Offline dimensions of human OFFLINE
sexuality 1. The student will access the google classroom .
HOUR 2. Accomplish the Activity Sheet that will be
FRIDAY uploaded in the Google Classroom.
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
BREAK 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM B R E A K
Monday 1. The learners will attend the online discussion about Laws The learners will upload
Learners will consolidate The learners may do ANY
October 5, of Inertia on google meet. (The link will be given by your their outputs in the their outputs in a folder of the following delivery
2020 science teacher.) google drive shared to to be submitted on Oct. 9, modes:
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
them by their science 2020 (Friday) at SEHS 1. upload their outputs in
Online The learners teacher on or before from 8am to 2pm. the google drive shared
demonstrate October 8, 2020. to them by their science
understanding of teacher on or before
Newton’s Three Laws of Answer the following: Note: Indicate your name, October 8, 2020.
Motion (S8FE-Ia-15) 1. Diagnostic test on google form (Please get the section, subject and name 2. consolidate their
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm 1. define inertia and link/copy from your teacher) of subject teacher on the outputs for in a folder to
Offline relate it to mass; and 2.Pretest on google form (Please get the link/copy front cover of the folder. be submitted on Oct. 9,
2. explain the law of from your science teacher) 2020 (Friday) at SEHS
inertia and its 3. Do the activities of Lesson 1: Newton’s First Law from 8am to 2pm.
applications in real- life of Motion: Inertia in page 4 of Science 8 Module 1 Note: Indicate your
CONSULTATION situations.
HOUR name, section, subject
FRIDAY and name of subject
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm teacher on the front
cover of the folder.

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