Scalar and Vector: Day Three
Scalar and Vector: Day Three
Scalar and Vector: Day Three
and Vector
Learning & Revision for the Day
u Scalar and Vector Quantities u Multiplication or Division of a u Relative velocity
u Laws of Vector Addition Vector by a Scalar u Motion in a Plane
u Substraction of Vectors u Product of Vects u Projectile Motion
u Resolution of vector
Orthogonal Unit Vectors The unit vectors along X -axis,s, Y-axis Y
and Z-axis are denoted by $i, $j and k$ . These are the orthogonal unit j
vectors. i
$i = x , $j = y , k$ = z
x y z Z
Parallel Vector Two vectors are said to be parallel, if they Thus, vector subtraction is
have same direction but their magnitudes may or may not really a special case of vector A B
be equal. addition. The geometric
Antiparallel Vector Two vectors are said to be anti-parallel construction for subtracting
two vectors is shown in the A – B –B
(i) both have opposite direction above figure.
(ii) one vectors is scalar non zero negative multiple of If θ be the angle between A
another vector. and B,
Collinear Vector Collinear vector are those which act along then | A − B| = A2 + B2 − 2 AB cos θ
same line.
Coplanar Vector Vector which lies on the same plane are If the vectors form a closed n sided polygon with all the sides
called coplanar vector. in the same order, then the resultant is zero.
Equal Vectors Two vectors A and B are equal, if they have
the same magnitude and the same direction. Multiplication or Division of a
Laws of Vector Addition Vector by a Scalar
The multiplication or division of a vector by a scalar gives a
1. Triangle Law vector. For example, if vector A is multiplied by the scalar
If two non-zero vectors are represented by the two sides of a number 3, the result, written as 3A, is a vector with a magnitude
triangle taken in same order than the resultant is given by the three times that of A, pointing in the same direction as A. If we
closing side of triangle in opposite order, i.e. multiply vector A by the scalar − 3, the result is − 3 A , a vector
R=A+B with a magnitude three times that of A, pointing in the direction
The resultant R can be calculated as opposite to A (because of the negative sign).
| A + B| = R = A2 + B2 + 2 AB cos θ
Product of Vectors
A +B The two types of products of vectors are given below
B sin θ
R= B
α θ
A B cos θ
Scalar or Dot Product
If resultant R makes an angle α with vector A, then The scalar product of two vectors A and B is defined as the
B sin θ product of magnitudes of A and B multiplied by the cosine of
tan α = smaller angle between them. i.e. A ⋅ B = AB cos θ
A + B cos θ
u sin 2θ
= g cos α
Horizontal range, R = OB = ux T , R = α A
g A
(b) 10 2 (c) 5 2 (d) 5 (a) 0 (b) 5 $i m/s 2 (c) −4 $i m/s 2 (d) −8 $i m/s 2
16 A particle has initial velocity ( 3i$ + 4$j ) and has
6 A and B are two vectors and θ is the angle between acceleration ( 0.4 i$ + 0.3 $j ) . Its speed after 10 s is
them, if | A × B | = 3 ( A ⋅ B ), the value of θ is j
(a) 60° (b) 45° (c) 30° (d) 90°
(a) 7 unit (b) 7 2 unit (c) 8.5 unit (d) 10 unit
7 Given A = 4$i + 6$j and B = 2$i + 3$j. Which of the following
17 A particle is moving such that its position coordinates
is correct?
( x , y ) are (2 m, 3 m) at time t = 0, (6 m, 7 m) at time
(a) A × B = 0 (b) A ⋅ B = 24
| A| 1 t = 2 s and (13 m, 14 m) at time t = 5 s. Average velocity
(c) = (d) A and B are anti-parallel vector ( vav ) from t = 0 to t = 5 s is
|B| 2
1 7 11 $ $
(a) (13 $i + 14 $j ) (b) ($i + $j ) (c) 2 ($i + $j ) (d) (i + j )
8 If A = 4$i + 4$j + 4k$ and B = 3$i + $j + 4k,
$ then angle between 5 3 5
vectors A and B is 18 The horizontal range and maximum height attained by a
(a) 180° (b) 90° (c) 45° (d) 0° projectile are R and H, respectively. If a constant
9 If two vectors 2 $i + 3$j + k$ and −4$i − 6$j − λk$ are parallel to horizontal acceleration a = g /4 is imparted to the
projectile due to wind, then its horizontal range and
each other, then value of λ is
maximum height will be
(a) zero (b) −2 (c) 3 (d) 4
(b) R + , 2H
(a) (R + H ),
10 If A ⋅ B = A × B, then the angle between A and B is 2 2
(a) 45° (b) 30° (c) 60° (d) 90° (c)(R + 2H ), H (d) (R + H ), H
19 A projectile is thrown in the upward direction making an 22 The horizontal range and maximum height of a projectile
angle of 60° with the horizontal direction with a velocity of are equal. The angle of projection is j CBSE AIPMT 2012
147 m/s. Then, the time after which its inclination with the
(a) θ = tan
1 −1
(b) θ = tan (4)
horizontal is 45°, is 4
(a) 15 s (b) 10.98 s (c) 5.49 s (d) 2.745 s (c) θ = tan−1 (2) (d) θ = 45 °
20 The velocity of a particle is v = v 0 + gt + at . If its position is
23 A missile is fired for maximum range with an initial
x = 0 at t = 0, then its displacement after unit time (t = 1) is
velocity of 20 m/s. If g = 10 m/s 2, the range of missile is
(a)v 0 = +a (b) v 0 = 2g + 3a j CBSE AIPMT 2011
g a (a) 50 m (b) 60 m
(c)v 0 + + (d) v 0 + g + a
2 3 (c) 20 m (d) 40 m
21 A projectile is fired from the surface of the earth with a 24 A particle of mass m is projected with a velocity v making
velocity of 5 m/s and angle θ with the horizontal. Another an angle of 45° with the horizontal. The magnitude of
projectile fired from another planet with a velocity of 3 angular momentum of projectile about the point of
m/s at the same angle follows a trajectory which is projection when the particle is at its maximum height h is
identical with the trajectory of the projectile fired from the mvh
(a)zero (b)
earth. The value of the acceleration due to gravity on the 2
planet is (in m/s 2) (given, g = 9.8 m/s 2) j CBSE AIPMT 2014 mvh 2
(c) (d) None of these
(a) 3.5 (b) 5.9 (c) 16.3 (d) 110.8 2
4 A projectile is given an initial velocity of (i + 2j ) m/s, when 8 A particle starting from the origin (0, 0) moves in a
i is along the ground and j is along the vetical. straight line in the XY -plane. Its coordinates at a later
If g = 10 m/s 2, the equation of its trajectory is time are ( 3, 3). The path of the particle makes with the
(a) y = x − 5 x 2 (b) y = 2 x − 5 x 2 X -axis an angle of
(c) 4 y = 2 x − 5 x 2 (d) 4 y = 2 x − 25 x 2 (a) 30° (b) 45° (c) 60° (d) 0°
5 A police jeep is chasing a culprit going on a motorbike. 9 A ball is rolled off along the edge of the table with
The motorbike crosses a turning at a speed of 72 km/h. horizontal with velocity 4 m/s. It hits the ground after time
The jeep follows it at a speed of 90 km/h, crossing the 0.4 s. Which of the following statement is wrong.
turning 10 s later than the bike. Assuming that they travel (g = 10 m/s 2)
at constant speeds, how far from the turning will the jeep
(a) The height of table is 0.8 m.
catch up with the bike? (in km)
(b) It hits the ground of an angle of 60° with the vertical.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (c) It covers a horizontal distance 1.6 m from the table.
(d) It hits the ground with vertical velocity 4 m/s.
10 A ship A is moving Westwards with a speed of 10 km/h 12 The position vector of a particle R as a function of time is
and ship B 100 km South of A, is moving Northwards with given by R = 4 sin ( 2πt ) i$ + 4 cos ( 2πt ) $j
a speed of 10 km/h. The time after which the distance
between them becomes shortest, is j CBSE AIPMT 2015 where R is in metre, t is in seconds and $i and $j denote
(a) 0 h (b) 5 h (c) 5 2 h (d) 10 2 h unit vectors along x and y-directions, respectively. Which
one of the following statements is wrong for the motion of
11 Two particles A and B, move with constant velocities v1
particle? j CBSE AIPMT 2015
and v 2. At the initial moment, their position vectors are r1
and r2 respectively. The condition for particles A and B (a) Acceleration is along − R
for their collision is j CBSE AIPMT 2015 v2
(b) Magnitude of acceleration vector is , where v is the
r1 − r2 v − v1 R
(a) = 2 (b) r1 ⋅ v1 = r2 ⋅ v 2 velocity of particle
| r1 − r2 | | v 2 − v1 |
(c) Magnitude of the velocity of particle is 8 m/s
(c) r1 × v1 = r2 × v 2 (d) r1 − r2 = v1 − v 2
(d) Path of the particle is a circle of radius 4 m
SESSION 1 1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (d) 4 (d) 5 (a) 6 (a) 7 (a) 8 (b) 9 (b) 10 (a)
11 (c) 12 (a) 13 (c) 14 (c) 15 (c) 16 (b) 17 (d) 18 (d) 19 (c) 20 (c)
21 (a) 22 (b) 23 (d) 24 (b)
SESSION 2 1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (a) 4 (b) 5 (a) 6 (b) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (b) 10 (b)
11 (a) 12 (c)