Scientist Sheet
Scientist Sheet
Scientist Sheet
CLASS 11th Scientist name
Contribution/Awards NCERT page no.
1) Ernst Mayr a) called as Darwin of20 NCERT page 2 Class 11th bio
b) awarded with
of biology
2) Carolus Linnaeus a) gave the system of NCERT page 6 Class 11th bio
nomenclature NCERT page 16 Class 11th bio
b) gave the system of two eok uwas basi)
NCERT page 29 Class 11th bio
kingdom classification
c) gave artificial system of
a) earliest to attempt a more
3) Aristotlee NCERT page 16 Class,11" bjio
scientific basis of u, unuspe Mub
L0 classification
opoua P4al gave kingdom duunsah-RLeOLdBloed
4) R.H Whittaker a) gave 5 kingdom system of, NCERT page 17 Class 11th bio
Y eua
classiticationbody aauaatnr, mwon
in 1969
L l ot
uupeo pu NCERTuuute u!huenp
5) Carl Woese a) gave 6 kingdom Nofin (r911) 0TBb JNA
classification achae actua kukasya 4He
6) D.J.Iveanoskady
a) ecognized
recognized certain
microbes as causal
organisms of tobacco
NCERT page 26 Class 11tbio
structures of proteins
a) saw first live cell NCERT page 125 Class 11th
14) Leeuwenhoek bio
a) discovered nucleus NCERT page 125 Class 11th
15) Robert Brown bio
16) Matthias Schielden a) observed that ali plants are NCERT page 125 Class 11th
composed of different bio
(1838) wast) kinds of cells
b) gave cell theory with
17) Thedore Schwann a) animal cells have plasma NCERT page 126 Class 11th
membrane bio
(1839 Ugun) b) presence of cell wallis a
unique character to plane
c) gave cell theory along with
a) explained the concept of NCERT page 126 Class 11th
18) Rudolf Virchow bio
omnis cellula-e-cellula and
mcdified cell theory
19) Singer and Nicolson a) fluid mosaic model of cell NCERT page 132 Class 11th
membrane bio
a) discovered golgi comple
20) Camillo golgi NCERT page 133 Class 11"h
21) George Palade a) discovered ribosomes NCERT page 136 Class 11th
(palade particles) bio
CNR Ra8 aAanndnm
Cuum, Amwuatl pua 143
22) Flemming MydnAhac
a) coined the term NCERT page 138 Class 11th
23 Melvin Calvin chromatin bio
a) put radioactivity to NCERT page 174 Class 11th
beneficial use
24) Julius Von Sachs b) proposed Calvin Cycle F. ndu
a) discovered hydroponics NCERT page 194.Clasb 11th -Cl
(1860) Lcki)
MO bio
oLgous ac
%)provided evidence for by
production of glucos NCERT page 208 Class 11th
growingplants (151
c) found that chlorophyf is
located in chloroplasts
d) glucose is formed in green
parts of the plant and is
25) Joseph Priestley a) revealed essential roleof NCERT page 207 class 11th
eul 4 p mANt air in growth of plants(l770bio
b) discovered oxygen in 1774
c) said that plants restore
Oxygen in air
26) Jan Ingenhousz a) showed that sunlightis NCERT page 207 Class 11th
essential for photosynthesis
bi Auma 4uotuG4
AUMUaL to b) green parts of plants ,
release oxygen during|. hydLLa),
photosynthesis unilql udaik
271 T.W.Engelmaupdf photosynthesis
a) gave first action spectrum NCERT page 208 Class 11th
Ld CLadapluota L f photgsynthesis bio
Class 12th
Scientist name Contribution/Awards NCERT page no.
NCERT page 2 Class 12th bio
1) Panchanan a) popularised use of
embryological aspects in
2) Watson and Crick a) double helical model of
B NCERT page 63 Class 12th bio
3) Gregor Mendel a) perfornmed experiments on NCERT page 70 Class 12th bio
garden peas and gave
(1856-1863) various laws
4) Reginald.c.Punnett a) british geneticist who NCERT page 71 Class 12th bio
developed punnett square
5). De Vries, Correns,. a) rediscovered mendel>'s NCERT page 81 Class 12th bio
6) Sutton and Boveri a) noted that behaviour of NCERT page 81 Class 12th bio
chromosomes is similar to
that of genes
b) gave chromosomal theory NCERT page 83 Class 12th bio
of inheritance
7) Thomas Morgan a) proved chromosomal NCERT page 83 Class 12th bio
theory of inheritance
mkngu |b) called as Father of
Experimental Genetics
8) Alfred Sturtevant a created the genetic map of NCERT page 83 Class 12th bio
9) Henking a) gave the name X-Body NCERT page 85 Class 12th bio
10) Fredrich Meischer a) gave the name of acidic NCERT page 97 Class 12th bio
l66 substance found in the
14) Fredrick(195)
Grifith lua t NA m uuomAp
d) gave the
(1928) tr¡nsformation NCERT page
e 0 0 Class
100 12 aM
15 A Cutin principlePMOuMOCmeu
Ahuptoto~u AuwiiaL
puncihl material
proved for the first time
that DNA is
NCERT page 101 Class 12th
the genetic bio
genetic material
17) Meselson &Stahl a) proved that DNA NCERT page 101 Class 12th
y spontaneousgeneration bio
a) proposed that lifee NCERT page 127 Class 12th
24)KOparin & Háldane a originated from non-living
organic molecules
a) proved the theory given by NCERT page 127 Class 12th
25) S.L.Miller s 3 Oparin &Haldane (in 1953) bio
a) Natural Selection NCERT page 134 Class 12th
26) Charles Darwin b) Branching Descent bio
a) came to similar NCERT page 129 Class 12th
27) Alfred Wallace
conclusions as Charles bio
MAuualins Darwin while working in
Malay Archipelagoislands
a) gavethe theory of use and NCERT page 135 Class 12th
| 28) Lamarck
AMNchw Mdtnalot disuse of organs
a) published his work on NCERT page 135 Class 12th
29) Thomas Malthus
population studies which bio
inspired Darwin
a) gave the concept of NCERT page 135 Class 12th
30) Hugo De Vries Saltation which played role bio
uduiok Jaugu lmuu tu a t
AMLMAOo_dAulApIA L_him
a) gave a principle according
NCERT page 136 Class 12
31) Hardy-Weinberg 'twhichgene frequency bio
ir a population remains
sarreacross generations
M.S.Swaminathan a)Fatherof Green Revolution
NCERT page 144 Ciass 12th
32) in Ir:dia
45) Edward Wilsppn a) popularised the term NCERT page 258 Class 12th
Biodiversity bio
46) Robert May a) gave an estimate of about NCERT page 259 Class 12th
7 million species bio
on Earth
47) Alexander Von 4umda) gave species area NCERT page 262.Class 12th