How To Take Over The System - High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

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How to Take Over the System

HP Hooded Cobra 666

December 02, 2018

I will write this post in a simple and concise manner. If anyone wants to ask for
clarifications go ahead.

The situation is, the world, is on the system that it is. It is moving where it does,
irrespective of what is ideals. It doesn't matter what one ideally believes countries
should be, they are what they are. And this is because those who have power in
their hands rally them to these directions. This is happening by players it's not
happening on its own.

People 'ideally' all perceive their own ideals on top of the world and this is
unavoidable. The horny envision a heaven of horny chicks or men, and where
sexuality is unbridled. The people who are of a peaceful disposition imagine a
world where peace will be the constant. The vegans imagine a heavenly world
where meat eaters do not exist. Everyone has their own heaven, and their own
idealistic perception about this should happen.

However the sum of the thoughts of 8 billion people (which are increasing) is
ultimately deciding how all these heavens and hells will juke it out, and where it is

The situation is with the current system of affairs, the only way to change this
system, there are two ways. One way is the removal or downfall of the system,
but this only succeeds in ONE condition. That there is a class or some other
people on the ascent or medium level to catch the system and restart it or make it
work somehow, and then reform it gradually. The system is not some sort of joke
either, it's like the Matrix, people are plugged into it, and if it goes down, it will be
cataclysmic, and it will overthrow all the forms of life we recognize to this day. If
you die in the Matrix, you die in reality. This is the only way this can go; the
system is rigged.

The 'system' is not based on some sort of imaginary shit either. It is attached in
the very living life of the people within this system. A systemic crash financially or
otherwise, takes down the people of this system. 8 Billion people are tied into this
system. If the plug is pulled, people are going to die. So people who just look at
the future and expect the biblical apocalypse as some sort of 'saving out of the
jewish system' are just again perpetuating the same prophecy of the jews of the
global holocaust.

The situation is in Hitler's simple statement, if you hate state (kike) authority that
abuses, you have to rise to the top and change it. It doesn't change from the
bottom sorry guys, and these are the words of the top man for the job here, not
failed theorists. Plato said the same thousands of years ago in discontent if the
good elements are not in leadership then the good elements will be led by the bad
elements, and that's it, enjoy your damnation. Hitler didn't spend his time whining
on the banks, or the evils of the power of government. He alerted and fought at
the same time, but most importantly materialized what valued. There was serious
backing from within the system for the National Socialist party they did not
descend with a spaceship. People are already aware of many of these "social
problems" and these are changing nothing.

Christians know too that the jews run the banks and control the wealth supply.
Nothing to see here it leads nowhere. The only thing that differentiated Hitler and
the Nazis was not their "utopian ideals" but that they actually materialized them by
practical means. The only thing the jews hate about Hitler is not his ideology it's
the fact he manifested. To win this world, not the next one.

Of course, this is way harder than just praying for the system to collapse, and
clothing yourself in being impeccably moral in that you only hope it goes down.
And blaming the elements in it. It's great to blame the GMO but I don't see many
scientists working or advocating strongly and trying and making it their lives’
purpose to remove the GMO from our diet. Cockblocked from the system or not,
it's clear that if someone fights for a good vision, other people are going to jump
ship with you. People don't want to eat shitty GMO. People want to listen to dr.
Mercola not to dr. Shekelstein and that is an existential fact.

Those in power have zero reason to listen to those who do not have any form of
power, the least of all reasons, compassion. The Gods are giving us spiritual
power to generate a situation where a higher spiritual power is formed, to keep
those in power in check. Appealing to the good emotions or even logic of the
system runners is as speaking to the wall.

This should be evident in itself as the situation is simple the world is going to the
cliffs with resources and the planet itself, and these coke-heads do not care. The
reality is they don't care how many people die or are consumed either. The only
way to appeal to these people is through some form of manifested power,
generated spiritually, or in some other form of influence. They don't care of
idealism, wrong or right, as many of them are simply psychopathic.

So, theorems at this time are important so we have a light to lead us, but we are
in a dark world which is bound by necessity, and billions hooked on the jewtrix. In
the spectrum of this situation, you have to amass all powers, positions, and
means of influence at your disposal, and make them yours.

The enemy halts people all the time from ascending by filling them with doubt,
telling them it's pointless, and that they shouldn't be going after thing X because
of X reason. Just don't do it goyim. Why write a book there are millions of bad
books. Why get a governmental position the system is rotten. Why get a couple
properties goyim it's all corrupted imagine how many you're going to abuse. Just
don't do it goyim, the jew whines.

These fears and worries opened and inspected do not exist. If you built a
property, workers would work on it anyway, if you or a jew did it. Chances are, the
jew would swindle them, too. You would not. You wouldn't make them suffer, or
rush them. If people worked for you, you wouldn't be hitting them with a whip
either. There are good employers and you could be one of these few good guys
that fuck the system in the ass and still do what they are supposed to be doing.

At this point all Satanists here being millionaires wouldn't change anything for the
current system and its corrosion, at least at first. However, the comfort and
empowerment, and potentiality of rising into positions that matters only increases
at this point. The same thing applies with going to the university. It can be as
jewed as it is, but you have to do it. You have to exist, you have to have positions
of influence and power, and with the RTR's, you will get to the top of your sector.

The situation is also that if you own a clinic for example, you could admit weak
and broken people in to be healed. You may not change the system, as this
requires a whole change in humanity itself, but you have done the proper thing to
people. As for the bullshit that power corrupts, power does not corrupt. It creates
a situation where everything you have will only become more amplified. If you're a
good person, you will be able to even wrongs way more easily, done to you, or to
other people.

If you were in the government, you could cut the flows of the migrants, and it's
that simple. Soros could tell you to do this, and if you had a position, you could
oust them, or at least silently deny this bullying, all in accordance to your power.
And this is the reality.

The jews are playing ball because nobody else is playing ball, in what is a rigged
game. They rig the game with their spells, others can also compete and rig it, too.

Anyone who has an understanding of economics understands that let's say we

have 40,000 members, if anyone had 1 million each, this wouldn't do jackshit to
change the global system, or cause a perversion or any problem. In fact, this
money, wealth, fields, and properties that would be under our control, would be
out of the enemy's control. If people had 10 million bucks, it wouldn't make much
of a difference either. However, if people somehow had 100,000,000 bucks each,
or a billion, we wouldn't be living in the world we live today. You cannot take down
the server, but if you're a strong and reputable player, you can change the minds
of other players more easily.

And anyway, nobody cares about the numbers the situation is simple people need
to be safe, you need to be secure, and you need to not have any hangups in
regards to your very survival. Get what you have to get, to go where you need to
be going, and do the right thing, and do not cuck. Nobody here wants 'wealth'
because they want to fap over the shiny gold coins like Smeagol. This is just the
kosher jewish lie the jews tell every person who ever envisions to have any sort of
financial or otherwise power. "Stay away from it goyim let me have it, you'll be
corrupted from it". People need things in order to live and escape what is proven
to be a rat wheel. Escapees of the rat wheel with a moral heart are those who
facilitate change in the world.

The enemy whines that Himmler had a farm of chickens that sustained him in
winter, because they wouldn't employ evil "National Socialists" in their job offers
even in Germany back then, oy vey, how jewish of them. The Nazis also did all
sorts of other evil things like owning newspapers, having useful companies, and
generally, if it were not for people who did have existence within the jewtrix, and
big balls and idealism to put their funding where their mouth was, nothing would
have happened.

The jews know this and in their panic, they are destroying the work market even
for conservatives. When you keep people out of work, you do not keep them out
of work, you put a bullet in their head, without a gun.

There are people of ours in such positions and they do the right thing. This is why
society still stands, because very few people are doing the right thing. If more
people had the power to do this, even a small minority could overturn the jewish
one. The jews run the world and they are only 1% of people. This is why places
like the JoS never made it to the news, as jews own all the outlets of news.

Alt-right and all sorts of other murderous hobos are in the news and they are
praised in reverse, aka, given coverage. If the jews took us to the news and
accused us, and millions joined to read our material, I guarantee you by next
week our views would be accepted by, in the VERY least, a quarter million

Those who do not understand that the current system is literally attached to the
heart and brains of people, and just expect the machine that has attached this to
fail, I do not personally see much thought into this. Personally, I have nothing to
fear or lose and if it collapsed, sure, fine, no problem at all. But the situation is 8
billion aren't gonna pull the plug on their own self. And this is why this situation
will just keep going. There are still people who wait for the economy to drop. Ok,
and if it drops, then we will just plunge into further poverty and chaos.

Existentially speaking it's not the guy in the alps with the chicken farm that is
going to die from this, it's the working people, and those who live in the towns,
fully attached to the system by the pay serfdom. Rothschild will be watching from
his villas in numerous countries and waiting where to go in and declare martial
laws, and what to buy in what essentially will be for free at this point. The jews
have attempted since our warfare to crash the economy like 5 times in the last
less than 10 years.

Also, those who are too broken, and do not have anything, they don't spend time
in the forums here getting enlightened on the bads of the financial system, or
googling obscurities. They are looking out for bread and salami in the streets to
eat, and work their asses off, only furthering the system. Any change that has
ever resulted from this system, which is rigged to kill and overwork those in the
bottom, did come from people who had at least in a reasonable way, had some
sort of employment, and some sort of intellectual education, which requires
money and time to do. This is why behind both good and bad guys you have
some people paying them in order to stand, or why people like Voltaire weren't
plebs but actually had something.

As for those who are still debating. Today in Amazon market there will be around
100 or 1000 books of trash and disinformation put up there. And some of these
people will generate enough revenue anyway, by promoting stuff like weed, and
all sorts of other socially destructive bizzarities. Good or bad guys this is what is
going to happen. This cannot be changed with a move of wand, life keeps going.
So, you lose nothing to write some positive material to wake up some dudes
gradually and teach them a couple of spiritual things, even in a plebeian manner,
that is hidden from the eyes of the global jew-borg. Have you never opened a
book from these places and you question if the author knows in reality more than
they let out? Because I certainly have.

The reason UBI and other such measures are not implemented is not because
those in power do not see its necessity. They sure as fuck do, but they are
psychopathic basically. The necessity for socially friendly measures has been
understood every-time you see someone suffering on the street, your own people
above all. The system is reinforced by the suffering of the bottom.

There are many examples here to show that the good of the future is the bad of
the present. Trump knows the world is going to go to shit because of
environmental issues, but reality constrains the USA at this point to not cut back
on emissions and other things.

The actual situation is the system is as it is like America not because of anything
we have done wrong. The Luciferian American Founding Fathers did just channel
the words of Lucifer/Satan in the constitution, and all the rights to free speech,
weapon ownership, a loose central government that does not step and squash on
the citizens, and so forth. They did so well that 300 years later almost we are still
able to stand as a Rome constantly attacked by the jews and those in alliance to
them. Actually, what they left behind is the only reason we are able to talk here,
as all other countries have totally relinquished the rights of free speech at this

But because people gave up on all sorts of power, spiritual, material, military,
government, and anything else, to the jews. It has reached a point where people
are so broken down, they are simply lamenting. This is because christianity, which
attacks the material, and tells people of perfect utopias of the next world.

If you were a cop, and you had some of these jew pedos going in front of you,
and you were in some position, you would bust them. If you were a judge, when
people who go to prison wrongly came in front of you, you would give a just
outcome. If you were a lawyer, you could pick your cases and defend honest
people, and send trash ones to prison while freeing innocents. Do not think what
the system does, think of doing the proper and good thing. If we had a Mayor in
London it wouldn't be Londonistan.

As for the system, as stated, all the little actions, the philosophical understanding,
and gradual advancement, will change this, but the elements in it have to change.

I get it from Christards to whine on the situation of the system and how they are
stuck, and how people need to be helped. Yea we get it, we have to pay them,
give them the saving shekel. This didn't teach the homeless how to meditate, it
didn't give them meaning, and it didn't teach them anything on how to work and
never have to be homeless again. It didn't build any future of idealism either.
Getting water to Africans doesn't show them in many cases to not go and throw
all their trash into the rivers and to not pee in Ganghes river. Reading to people
the universal chart of the human rights isn't making African dictators stop
amassing people in remote villages and having them as sex slaves.

Christian ways of helping and whiny crap, they have whined for centuries while
being the perfect cattle to always keep this system running. 20 centuries of
complaints, 20 centuries of the system just running per usual. Fedora off to the
jews. Jews like Karl Marx also whined on the 'system', but they didn't solve shit.
Crying at the system is not working, same as brainless violence is not working

Satanists have no reason to be black pilled or afraid, or subsidize their own

success, dreams and longings, because of the fall of whatever system. No guys
you should go to the university, even if it's a SJW shithole, and get your degree.
You should get a decent job, and don't think that money is 'nonexistent' because
at this point it is existent and you cannot even eat without it.

And you should get a high paying simple white-collar job I don't care if the system
is evil or if jews have these jobs either, if you had them, it would be better off for
yourself and your freedom. The game of life is going on anyway and it's a game
you cannot lose at. You're more effective that way rather than sitting like a dumbo
in the middle of nowhere in your 20's and doing nothing for your future
whatsoever. Take what tools are available and start thinking from now how to be
safe and successful. Collapse of the world or not, you can be at a more favorable

No future event good or bad, borrowed from the past or the future, justifies in the
present state of weakness and loose connection to life that many people have.

It's money today, it will be pebbles tomorrow, it will be looks or how many oxen
you own tomorrow, it doesn't matter. Means are means. Go out there, use the
means at your disposal, thrive, and get whatever you need for your growth and
sustenance. Use your talents too and do it in a good manner. At all points in that
think of being in a safe and advantageous position, so you can surpass over all
challenges thrown on you.

Nobody here is going to collect money just to fap on money dreams and chew
golden coins, it's pointless and unimportant to present the falsity of a morality to a
people in which it doesn't even exist. Everyone here obviously just wants to move
over to independence. And this is what you should do. As for the system, it gets
fucked from all sides, so you plucking one of the endless attacks on it by your
own ascent, done normally, isn't going to hurt anything that isn't going to shit.

For example if you don't become a doctor by state help, then some haji will
become the doctor, or some jew. It's literally that simple. And when shit hits the
fan, in any situation, people will be seeking the doctor, and it will be the jew or the
haji, and not you. It could have been you but you chose to 'have nothing'.

Another lie, is that those who have 'things to lose' are the ones who are fighting
off the most. The situation is this is half the fact. In reality, if you have children
behind, and a wife behind, and a world, and a country, this is where you will fight
to the end. You're in the front of the battlefield 'with nothing to lose' and you will
not get any surge to fight further. The slaves have nothing: zero having, zero
losing, why are they there anyway. They fight because they have nothing to lose.
Others fight because they have everything to lose, and these people fight the
hardest. Lions fight because they have something to defend. One must change
this mentality to fighting because yes, we have a lot of things to lose, and that is
our world literally. If you want to fight harder, align yourself with things that you
have, and you will have more reasons to fight. If you don't have anything this
becomes impossible. Ownership is a basic condition that our side has against to
the conception of the enemy which preaches universalism and ransacking people.

As per usual the weak christian types just appeal to those who have nothing to
lose. These people simply cannot do that much anyway, any more than a person
without spiritual power can cause a necessary miracle. If people are alerted that
anything in their possession, be it country, or personal, is going to just be liquefied
at some point by jews, this is when people start figuring out that this world is not
some idealistic war but something that is presently happening directly. Hitler
alerted them to this fact when the situation was literally ongoing.
Lastly there are those who take the totalitarian power of the jews more seriously
than presented. The jews may have created laws in order to not be criticized, but
they cannot enforce these laws. They require troops, they require judges, and
they require all sorts of other things. They are not being as effective as they
portray. If their jewtrix worked in full efficiency nobody would even be aware of
them. The world simply just hates them it's just they don't have anything to look
up to in order to disconnect from the jewtrix.

We are here to win this world over not the next one. Your advancement and
personal advancement are something necessary, and do not believe in any utopia
but the one we will create on our own. Personal advancement and spiritual
warfare are the two top, and only priorities for now. See to that you fulfill both if
there is to ever be any actual change for this world.

© Joy of Satan Ministries

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