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BL@CK Flag Vol 3 Fall 2012

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Published by the Free Association of Anarchists (F@@)

Vol. 3

Before we can examine the role

of police in society, we have to
examine what makes them an
institution that, according to
many, is necessary. We have this thing called the state, and it
makes laws, and needs something to enforce them. Whether
those laws were made by democratic means, or by undemocratic
means, is largely irrelevant. Remember, the majority and what is
popular are not always right. So, you have the state, but the state
isnt exactly out in the street enforcing the laws they have written
up. They have the police, and military as well. So it follows that
the police are the strong arm of the state, and make no mistake
about it, they will do their jobs. Whether it is right or wrong, a
paycheck is a paycheck. However, are cops personally bad

ACAB: A Brief

Police are police when they put on that uniform, gear up, and
punch in the clock. Outside of their uniform and job, they may
very well be loving and caring people. They may have families,
volunteer, donate to charities, you get the idea. Ive met police
who were very civil
and courteous to
me, but that is
rarely the case. Ive
been slammed to
the ground, pulled
over at gunpoint,
been called a
beaner, threatened
with having drugs
planted on me, and
so on. When police
put on that uniform, they become enforcers of the state, and the
state doesnt really like the poor people. The state has one tool
to enforce its way, and thats the police. Adam Smith said it best:
Laws and government may be considered in this, and indeed, in
every case, as a combination of the rich to oppress the poor, and
preserve to themselves the inequality of the goods which would
otherwise be soon destroyed by the attacks of the poor, who if
not hindered by the government would soon reduce the others
to an equality with themselves by open violence. Did you catch
the magic words there? if not hindered by the government
would soon reduce the others to an equality with themselves by
open violence. Oh yeah, the police, are the first thing that stand
in the way of equality. The state legislates it, the police enforce it.
So, our natural reaction would be, well, lets change the
legislature to benefit the poor! Great story. Thats all it is, a
story. That would fall under the bracket of reform, that is,
changing society through the means offered to us. Unfortunately,
what is offered is always a small, pitiful handout from the state to
placate us into submission. Moderates hail reform, while denying
the fact that without the radical elementthose who took to the
streets putting their life on the linesuch reforms would never
be possible. The thing is, the radical elements of society arent
putting their fucking lives on the line for handouts, theyre there
to take back what rightfully belongs to all of us. What is the FIRST
(Continued on page 4)

Fall 2012

Anarchists, Super Radicals, and Moral Lords:

A Meditation
Ive come a cross a lot of literature and people who have felt that my
thoughts, the ones that call for immediate actions, are unwise and
untimely. If I were to stop and answer all the criticism that Ive come
across I would be in a never ending argument, and soon cease in midmotion, but since I feel that there are people of genuine good will
who might not understand my position, I will attempt to articulate my
actions, the thoughts that they spawned from, and the emotions from
which they were birthed.
My Actions.
I am not advocating for any particular type of motion in any particular
place. For the foundation of my argument stems from the belief that,
Our world will not be saved by a few beings doing a few a great
things, but by many beings doing many humble little things.
So I seek, and partake, in practical steps to better my situation as well
as the situation of my neighbors. I use any and all tactics that will
yield results, and doing so pay no mind to two groups that deserve
special mention in regards to the topic. The super radicals and the
moral lords.
The super radicals feel that activism is a waste of time and that it
does not do enough, and so they do nothing or partake in actions that
are very limited in scope. The moral lords, on the other hand, feel
that resistance that is confrontational is damaging to the movement,
and so they play in the lines that the state has allowed beings to play
in, thereby helping the state promote the idea that we have to be
victims and hold the high ground by being beaten into the pavement
by the states fingers.
Both act and think as a vanguard that has some understanding that
the average Joe and Jane do not have. As if they have a passion, a
heart, that others dont, and that its all up to them. They will singlehandedly free the world of the oppression of capitalism and the state.
These individuals attempt to tell beings how to resist their
oppression. They insist that there is one road towards liberation and
that anyone or anything that does not follow their methods are silly
and harmful.
The Thoughts.
We the people are not defined by our society, we the people define
it. It truly is, each to their own needs; each with their own ability. We
are all individuals and as individuals we contribute differently to our
progression. No one can say that their actions are greater then the
next since all actions build off of one another until they become one
fluid motion. We are in an inescapable network called humanity.
What affects one directly, affects all indirectly. We must all resist, and
do it in our way, using our capacity.
From that, I add that there is nothing wrong with reforms, but they
are a tricky business. Some get lost in it, only seeking reforms as
though that in itself is whats needed. Thats when activism becomes
conformist. Those that use reforms to alleviate the pains of the
community while still seeking the overall liberation of all are using
these tools as they should be, just tools. Those that speak of radical
(Continued on page 2)

Page 2


(Anarchists, Super Radicals, and Moral Lords: A Mediation continued from page 1)

actions and alienate themselves from the common people are destructive to the overall
As the comrade from the Furious Five Collective, Ian Martin, wrote It is difficult for any human
being to pay attention to and fight against relatively nebulous concepts like militarism and the
State when they are forced to fight concretely for the very necessities of life everyday. (From
Reform To Revolution)
As for the moral lords, they help perpetuate a culture of victimization. For the being who has
been brutalized by the state, more brutalization may not be an option of resistance. And so
proclaiming that this is the only option leads some to defeatism or the turning away of possible
comrades. A fist to a cops face may not win the overall liberty but it plays its part by letting the
people know that cops arent untouchable and that the people can touch them.
The Emotions.
I do not wish to die, but as I look around at these same faces that organize and resist state
oppression, it becomes clear that we are to be singled out. None of us have ever lived as free
beings. We have always had that dagger that looms over us, whether it be economic threats,
gender discrimination, racism, or even parents, with their idea of children being property. There
has always been some obstacle that stood between us and the free breathing that is innate in human beings, and with that I say, I fear that
we will suffer a horrible torturous death, with our names being forgotten through the mist of the mis-information. No, there will be no glory
for beings as us. We will die as we lived. Lost in a laborious toil that is downplayed, belittled, and repulsive.
To say that I fear no death, although true, leaves a lot unsaid. I speak of my death not due to illusions of grandness (for you will never know
my name), but because it is the sad truth. There are groups of beings everywhere united for real revolutionary goals. These beings have
organized against and resisted state power, and in doing so have been photographed and videotaped. Why else but to be pulled away into
one of Creedies black bags? To be put in a manmade purgatory, where our guards will pound on our flesh and mutilate our very essences?
Or to catch a bullet with our skulls?
How can anyone see this as romantic? Ive spent years in purgatory fighting against the rats for the little food I could attain in the cold, dark,
solitary cells of the isolation units. I have been a slave since birth, but my freedom is nothing compared to the joy of dying for you? Yeah,
sure, because Im Christ! If you yourself wont do this for yourself, then why would I? They pat us on the back and smile at our actions, or
slander us and work to hasten our deaths. They paint us as the villain or hero, but we ascribe to neither. We are anarchists, excuse me,
revolutionary anarchists. Never for a moment have our actions been selfless. We seek our liberty. A liberty that can only exist through the
liberty of all. Til Victory or Death! Bl@ck Flag Staff Writer

Why Im Not Voting for Mr. Obam-ney (or anyone else for that matter):
Omars Down-and-Dirty Anarchist 2012 Voting Guide
(WARNING: Explicit Language, NSFW and all that shit)
Recently, noted anarchist Noam Chomsky said that hes probably
voting Green Party this election, but that if he lived in a swing
state, hed likely vote Obama. He went on to explain that voting
will never lead to real social change, and that no serious activist
should spend more than 10 minutes on it. However, he said, if
youre faced with a choice between two complete assholes, and
the only difference is that one of the assholes is dedicated to doing
even one extra evil fucked up thingban abortion, for example
that the other asshole has not pledged to do, then it might make
sense to vote for the lesser-of-two-assholes.
I feel brother Noams argument. I dont think his statement makes
him a nutjob, a class traitor, or a fascist-in-anarchists-blackclothing (as some have said). But, at the same time, I completely
disagree with him.
First off, whenever you vote for any kind of professional party
leader to represent you, youre implicitly legitimizing our fucked
up, plutocratic, sexist, homophobic, neo-imperialist, ravenous
capitalist socio-economic-political system. Youre implying that its
ok to choose some millionaire asshole to make decisions for you
decisions that you and your community should be making

yourselves. Youre tacitly giving that millionaire asshole and his

millionaire asshole buddies in Congress and on Wall Street the
power to tell you what to do and how to live, and the right to
enforce that power with violence. Youre conceding that direct
democracy, consensus, popular referenda, horizontal organizing,
general assemblies, free voluntary association, mutual aid, peaceful
coexistence, live-and-let-live and love-thy-neighbor (as long as thy
neighbor consents!) are touchie-feelie Utopian concepts that look
great on paper but will never work in practice. Youre voting for
your own prison guard, slave-driver, and executioner. Sorry Noam,
but fuck that.
And speaking of millionaire assholes, make no mistake: about 50 %
percent of your elected representatives are millionaires, and the
rest arent far behind. If you want to look it up, check out the work
done by the nonprofit Center for Responsive Politics. According to
them, the median net worth of a member of the House is around
$750,000. For a Senator, its around $2.5 million. MEDIAN. For the
mathematically-inclined homies, that means its not skewed by
outliers. Look it up if you dont believe me. Even the crypto-fascist
Big Business media outlets like the Capitalist Broadcasting Service
(CBS) and National Petroleum Radio (NPR) were all over that story.
So, all that being said, the only thing it really makes sense to vote
(Continued on page 3...)

Page 3

Volume 3, Fall 2012

(Omars Down-and-Dirty Anarchist 2012 Voting Guide continued from page 2...)

on are the Propositions or Measures

whatever the fuck they call them in your
areathe popular referenda on new
laws. Not that those arent also a
steaming morass of rotten shit being
served up to us by the 0.01% Billionaire
Assholes Club. But at least your vote
actually has the effect of chiming in Yes
or No on the
actual legislation,
and you just
might win a
genuine reform
or two (once
every forty years),
or prevent some
Rightwing NeoCon Religious fuck
from making it
harder to buy
weed or easier to
fuck over women (or queer, black,
brown, or poor peoplewhatever hes
in the mood for this cycle).

order unilateral cuts during hard economic

times (read: all the time). Total bullshit, if you
give a fuck about state services like schools or
fire departments.

So here goes. My personal voting


Prop 33: Car Insurance Increases based on

Prior HistoryVote NO

President: Fuck that! Why would I want

to choose my oppressor? If you wanna
be a real smartass, write-in Big Bird.

Here we see the insurance industry trying to

raise premiums for people who havent had
continuous coverage for five consecutive years.
So poor people, minorities, immigrants,

Every other elected official: Fuck that,

see above. Or do what Brother Noam
suggests, but dont blame me and my
comrades when the brown shirts come
marching to town.
Prop 30: Temporary Tax Increases for
Education and other NeedsVote Yes
This watered-down butchery of the
Millionaires Tax includes a regressive
sales tax increase for 4 years coupled
with a 7-year modest income tax
increase for people making $250,000
and above. This is a real tough call. If it
doesnt pass, there will automatically be
$6 billion dollar budget gap, leading to
dramatic cuts to public education, laying
off thousands, decimating programs, etc.
On the other hand, I cant in good
conscience support regressive taxation.
However, its either this or Prop 38 (see
below)the one with the most votes
wins. So, IMHO, plug your nose, and vote
a begrudging Yes on 30.
Prop 31: State Budget Restrictions
Vote NO
This ones really complicated, but
involves tying any new state
expenditures to budget cuts, and gives
the governor emergency powers to

Prop 32: Limits Political Contributions by

Payroll DeductionVote NO
As a class-struggle anarchist, Im a big fan of
labor unions
(especially radical
ones), but I have my
serious reservations
about the big union
bureaucracies whose
sell-out leaders just
funnel money to the
Dems. That being
said, this law is a
bullshit attempt to
prevent labor unions
from being involved in politics while leaving the
Super PACs and the Monsantos of the world
alone. Fuck that, and fuck the Koch Brothers

limit the life sentence in certain very

specific cases. Not great, but a tiny step
Prop 37: Labeling Genetically Engineered
FoodVote YES
Very simple. People should be told what
theyre consuming. No serious problems
Prop 38: Income Tax Increase to Fund
EducationVote NO
Similar to Prop 30, but even more
regressive (income tax increases on
everybody), and includes other shady
provisions like funneling money directly to
private charter school corporations.
Prop 39: Multi-state Business TaxesVote
This one closes a tax loophole for
companies that take their business out of
the state. Sounds good to me.
Those are just my recommendations. As
always, keep struggling, and make up your
own damn mind. Special thanks to FSP,
whose voting guide was very helpful in
creating this one. And remember, as Emma
Goldman famously joked, If voting
changed anything, theyd make it illegal.
Omar Hussein, Bl@ck Flag Editorial Staff

Prop 34: Replace the Death Penalty with Life

Without ParoleVote YES
Ends the Death Penalty in California. Nuff said.
Actually, this particular piece of legislation has
problems, including mandatory life without
parole plus forced labor for anyone convicted
of murder. But until we abolish all prisons, we
cant lose this opportunity to end legallysanctioned murder by the state.
Prop 35: Increases the Penalties for Human
TraffickingVote NO
Human trafficking is, of course,
totally fucked up. The problem with
this law is that it would make it
easier for the state to screw over
any sex worker, trafficked or not. It
also basically just reinforces existing
laws without offering much help to
Prop 36: Revises the Three Strikes
LawVote YES
Like Prop 34, this one has some problems.
Instead of just repealing the whole sordid
disaster that is Three Strikes (which mandates
life in prison for anyone convicted of 3
felonies), it offers some leeway for judges to

Copwatch: Purpose and Goals

(excerpted from the Berkeley Copwatch
Copwatch Handbook

I. To Reduce Police Violence Through

1. Directly observe the
police on the street
a. Watch and document
b. Maintain principles of
non-violence while
asserting the rights of the
detained person.
c. Be a witness for the detained person
d. Demonstrate citizen monitoring for
those observing an incident
e. Educate the public about police conduct
(Continued on page 4...)

(ACAB: A Brief Explanation continued from page 1...)

thing standing in the way? The police, the people who are paid by the
state, and, horrendously ironically, ultimately paidvia taxationby
the people they oppress. What stops the hungry man from robbing the
rich man so he can eat? The police, of course. What stops the
desperate mother from stealing to put a roof over her
childrens heads? The police, obviously. In other words,
who is the front line in the fight against the very thing
that keeps us in shackles? The police, you should know
this by now. You dont? Not to worry, I know what you
are implying when you say, not all people of a certain
group (in this case, police) are always alike. I
understand that feeling, and Ill respond to it.
Its a cliche to say that small town cops are more civil
than inner city cops. It must be noted that small town
cops are more likely to live in the town they police, so
they are part of the community. Whereas, inner city cops tend to live
outside the community and thus have little to no understanding of the
problems of the community they patrol. It should also be noted that
small town crime is understandably linked to inner city crime (which is
explained quite well here https://www.ncjrs.gov/txtfiles/
crimepol.txt). Now, if we are to take into account the narrative of
liberal vs. conservative, the only difference is, conservatives hate inner
city criminals, and liberals hate rural criminals. The narrative is obvious
if you really pay attention. Conservatives have their enemy, the poor
person of color stealing to eat. The liberals have their enemy, the poor
rural bumpkin cooking meth to eat. Either side is just a different shade
of elitist theories. Both sides have one weapon in common against
their preferred poverty victimthe police. Always, the police.

them, to persuade them to drop their weapons and join us. I also
understand those who have lost all patience with state violence, and
have turned to self defense. It isnt your place, nor mine, to tell people
how to deal with repression. Some of you have had nice interactions
with police, I mean, I wont forget what happened in
Wisconsin, when police joined the occupation of the
capitol in Madison. One cannot forget, however, what
they do elsewhere. So please, Ill accept your opinions
on the police, please respect mine, as well as those of
the countless victims of beating, intimidation, invasion
of privacy, sexual assault, torture, and murderall
carried out by police keeping us in line so we never
threaten their State masters. Dick Whiskey
(Copwatch Handbook Excerpt continued from page 3...)

2. Follow up with public pressure in legal proceedings

a. Support brutality victims in defense of false charges
b. Encourage and assist people in filing complaints or even suing police
c. Lobby to stop discriminatory legislation and policies that increase
police powers over peoples civil and human rights.
II. To Empower and Unite The Community By Looking Out For Each
1. Educate the community about their rights
a. Distribute literature and publish findings
b. Do Know Your Rights training and any other classes, forums,

Here is the very core of the argument against police. Its

blunt, but as honest as it can be. It is not the man behind
the uniform, but rather, what the uniform stands for.
From Omali Yeshitela, this is about the state and the
police, an intertwined institute:

demonstrations that can help the public understand the real


You have the emergence in human society

Of this thing thats called the state.
What is the state? The state is this organized
It is the po-lice department. It is the army, the navy.
It is the prison system, the courts, and what have you.
This is the state it is a repressive organization
But the state and gee, well, you know,
Youve got to have the police, cause..
If there were no police, look at what youd be doing to yourselves!
Youd be killing each other if there were no police!
But the reality is
The police become necessary in human society
Only at that junction in human society
Where it is split between those who have and those who aint got.

3. Encourage people to solve problems WITHOUT police


So maybe I can be blamed for hating the symptom and not the cause. I
hate police, but police are the symptom of the state. But because I
despise the state, I hate the police. Therefore, I hate the symptoms
and the cause. I dont hate the person who goes home to his/her kids. I
hate the person who deprives other people of the right to eat at the
expense of the rich person. That person, who is on the clock, serving
the state is a disservice, even an enemy, to the populace. I dont hate
the individual, I hate the institution. All cops are bastards, because
they put on that hideous state uniform, and perform hideous crimes in
the name of the state. I hate that they are fellow human beings, on the
wrong side of humanity. I appreciate those who try to reason with

2. Expand community support for victims of police crime and

community based efforts to organize against brutality.

Explore alternatives to calling the police.

4. Encourage people to exercise their right to observe the police and to
advocate for one another. Copwatch Handbook

F@@s third annual Skid Row Clothing Giveaway

The F@@ is soliciting donations. If you have new or used clothing, socks, hats,
accessories or children's toys, please email [email protected] or leave a
message with Breino at 323-470-2504. All donations welcomed and appreciated.
Call to Anarchist Federation
The F@@ is reaching out to all Anarchist groups interested in building a Federated
body that could coordinate events, share information, issue joint statements, and
generally build the Anarchist movement locally, nationally, and globally. If you or
your group/collective is interested, please contact us at faacollective @gmail.com.
If youd like to subscribe to the Bl@ck Flag, please email the Free Association of
Anarchists (F@@) at faacollective @ gmail.com

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