Enlightened Relationship Worksheet
Enlightened Relationship Worksheet
Enlightened Relationship Worksheet
As each partner becomes more conscious, aware, and enlightened, he or she
becomes better able to operate within a relationship, of any kind, from a place of
emotional stability, empowered decision making and genuine love.
Below we have illustrated the difference between a typical romantic relationship
and what is possible in an enlightened relationship.
Typical Relationship: Enlightened Relationship:
Characteristics: Characteristics:
Shared living environment Shared interests and time together
Shared responsibility Mutual support for growth
Friendship Emotional intimacy
Physical intimacy True companionship
TR: Relationship based on need: Relationships are often clingy and
based on dependency. It is common for individuals to withdraw from
friends and family, base their identity within the relationship, and
experience drama.
ER: Relationship based on want: An experience of true union.
Partners genuinely want to spend time together as two separate people
sharing one path. This only works when neither person makes the
proximity unbearable: no clinginess, no nastiness, no controlling, and no
TR: Partners living out roles and patterns: Often people in
relationships are playing roles that they learn from childhood or society.
They are often unbalanced, causing competition, drama, and control.
Often the individuals are not truly their SELF and hold themselves back.
ER: Partners living individual wholeness: Both people must work
on themselves and be whole individuals. It’s not the relationship that’s
enlightened, it’s YOU! You cannot be playing a role or doing what others
think you “should” do. You must know your reactions, desires, and fears.
From this place you can work in cooperation and minimize conflict.
TR: Growth occurs through experience: The lessons within these
relationships help you grow and learn and become better individuals and
partners. Relationships help people become conscious of themselves by
mirroring back to each person their inner fears, unconscious role
expectations, and emotional and communication patterns. By working on
yourself within the relationship you benefit your relationship as well as
grow as an individual.
ER: Growth occurs consciously: You can achieve an enlightened
relationship by growing through experience within a relationship or by
growing as an individual and then coming together with another
“enlightened” person. Either way, an enlightened relationship serves as a
platform for both partners to reach self-actualization through mutual
support of each other’s dreams and talents.
Almost any two people can create a functional, satisfying relationship if they put
the effort into the relationship. This is why arranged marriages often work.
Not everyone is prepared for an enlightened relationship.
However, anyone can enlighten their relationship if they are willing to look
deeply into their own self, release limiting beliefs and patterns, and open themselves to
true love and partnership.
BOTH partners must want this form of relationship.
BOTH partners must know themselves well and have worked through many
of their patterns and triggers.
BOTH partners must have compatible life and relationship visions.
The wonderful thing about relationships is that you can always learn, grow and
improve from where you are at, whether you are currently in one or not. We all carry
baggage into our relationships. We have all been hurt and have wounds to heal. We all
have patterns we've learned and habits we'd like to break. We are all human.
Self-reflection is a good place to start:
Reflect on your parents' relationship(s) or other adults who you observed in
relationships when you were a child. What roles, expectations, and beliefs about
relationships did you learn from them?
Think back to your earliest adult years and ask yourself how you would have described a
typical romantic relationship. What were your expected male and female roles? Was
your view of relationships positive or negative?
What new thoughts and actions would you like to replace these released beliefs with?
How would you describe the enlightened relationship that you truly desire?
What are some specific things you can work on within yourself that would help you align
with this new reality?