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Implementation of Grey Wolf, Multi-Verse and Ant Lion
Metaheuristic Algorithms for Optimizing Machinability of Dry
CNC Turning of Annealed and Hardened UNIMAX® Tool Steel
Nikolaos A. Fountas 1 , Ioannis Papantoniou 2 , Dimitrios E. Manolakos 2 and Nikolaos M. Vaxevanidis 1, *
Abstract: Advances in machining technology and materials science impose the identification of
optimal settings for process-related parameters to maintain high quality and process efficiency. Given
the available resources, manufacturers should determine an advantageous process parameter range
for their settings. In this work, the machinability of a special tool steel (UNIMAX® by Uddeholm,
Sweden) under dry CNC turning is investigated. The working material is examined under two states;
annealed and hardened. As major machinability indicators, main cutting force Fz (N) and mean
surface roughness Ra (µm) were selected and studied under different values for the cutting conditions
of cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut. A systematic experimental design was established as per
the response surface methodology (RSM). The experimental design involved twenty base runs with
eight cube points, four center points in the cube, six axial points, and two center points in the axial
direction. Corresponding statistical analysis was based on analysis of variance and normal probability
plots for residuals. Two regression models referring to main cutting force and surface roughness
Citation: Fountas, N.A.;
for both the annealed and hardened states of the material were developed and used as objective
Papantoniou, I.; Manolakos, D.E.;
functions for subsequent evaluations by three modern meta-heuristics under the goal of machinability
Vaxevanidis, N.M. Implementation of
optimization, namely multi-objective grey wolf algorithm, multi-objective multi-verse algorithm
Grey Wolf, Multi-Verse and Ant Lion
and multi-objective ant lion algorithm. All algorithms were found capable of providing beneficial
Metaheuristic Algorithms for
Optimizing Machinability of Dry Pareto-optimal solutions for both main cutting force and surface roughness simultaneously whilst
CNC Turning of Annealed and regression models achieved high correlation among input variables and optimization responses.
Hardened UNIMAX® Tool Steel.
Machines 2024, 12, 156. https:// Keywords: UNIMAX® tool steel; dry CNC turning; main cutting force; surface roughness; multi- objective optimization; grey wolf algorithm; multi-verse algorithm; ant lion algorithm
an electrode and slag is placed at the bottom of the furnace. Heat is produced when a high
AC current is passed from the electrode to the slag. Due to the high electrical resistivity
of the slag, it melts first. The electrode starts melting when it is submerged in the molten
bath of slag. The molten steel and the slag are contained in a copper mold which is cooled
by water. The droplets of molten steel are denser than the slag and hence pass through
it. They are collected in the pool of molten steel which solidifies with time. The highly
reactive slag used in the electro-slag remelting operation removes the oxide inclusions and
reduces the sulfur content [4]. In contrast to the “up-hill casting” technique [4,5] the higher
solidification rate achieved in electro-slag remelting reduces carbide banding, carbide size
and grain size. In most applications, special tool steels may be used after proper heat
treatment in controlled environments. The typical range for heat treatment is between 45 to
65 HRC [6]. Since most of these materials are difficult to machine, a significant number of
research contributions have been devoted for investigating the machinability indicators
and different manufacturing processes, i.e., cutting forces and surface roughness [7–11].
All special engineering alloys, including UNIMAX®, require the proper selection of cutting
tool materials, especially in the case of finish machining. Noticeable contributions in the
field have reported the usage of cubic boron nitride tools and polycrystalline diamond
tools in the form of cutting inserts. Such materials are mandatory for maintaining surface
finish and accuracy. The rationale behind their selection is the fact that ordinary cutting
materials do not sustain their chemical stability during the machining process; they exhibit
rapid tool wear owing to high temperatures and strong adhesion. Cutting tool selection
should also be based on proper geometry according to the machining stage. Normally,
hard-turning cutting inserts have an 0.8 mm tool tip radius whilst those used for finish-
turning have a smaller tool tip radius equal to 0.4 mm. Even though these conventional
geometries have been widely applicable, they may restrict productivity or deteriorate
quality owing to the narrow range for selecting feed rates. A cutting insert with large
tool tip radius will maintain surface quality, but it will lead to higher cutting forces and
chattering. On the contrary, cutting inserts with smaller radii will reduce cutting force, but
they dramatically restrict the applicable range of feed rate selection for maintaining a good
surface finish. To balance this trade-off between productivity and surface finish, wiper
geometries for cutting inserts have been developed to provide an alternative to high surface
finish [12–23]. Undoubtedly, every manufacturing process is affected by its corresponding
process parameters. To determine feasible or even advantageous settings for process
parameters, handbooks and cutting tool catalogues are available to practitioners to select
specific values from a constrained applicable range. However, such recommended ranges
for setting process parameters are far from being optimal to satisfy performance metrics. In
addition, with new developments and novel aspects concerning modern materials, such
recommendations are yet to be provided. Based on this context, artificial intelligence and
soft computing techniques [24–30] are continuously implemented to provide advantageous
solutions to almost any manufacturing process.
This work investigates the effect of rotational speed, feed rate, and depth of cut on
main cutting force and surface roughness during the dry CNC turning of UNIMAX® tool
steel (Uddeholm-Sweden) under two discrete states; one soft annealed to approximately
180 HB/10 HRC (delivery condition) and one hardened to approximately 513–534 HB/
53–54 HRC. Statistical outputs are further examined to create robust regression models and
utilize them as objective functions to optimize the dry CNC turning process for UNIMAX®
tool steel. As regards this particular material, research results have yet to be presented to
facilitate industrial applications. The work contributes to practical decision-making when
it comes to the selection of optimal cutting parameters for the CNC turning of UNIMAX®
tool steel in soft-annealed and hardened conditions with a predetermined hardness range.
The results come with the novel aspect of generally implementing several variants of
new intelligent algorithms for optimizing the CNC turning operations of difficult-to-cut
materials and alloys such as the one studied in the current work.
Machines 2024, 12, 156 3 of 13
UNIMAX® tool steel of the known Swedish manufacturer Uddeholm® was used in
its delivery condition, i.e., 180 HB (10 HRC) and in a hardened state with a hardness
equal to 513–534 HB (53–54 HRC). Two pre-machined rods, 30 mm in diameter, 300 mm
length, having ten discrete zones separated by 5 mm grooves were used for the main
experiments for ensuring chip removal (Figure 1). Figure 1a illustrates a pre-processed
and a finished rod whilst Figure 1b depicts the CBN wiper cutting insert that was used
(SECO® TNGA332S-00820-L1-C, CBN200) held on a PTJNR 2525M16 insert holder. The
surface roughness of the initial samples was found to be equal to 2.26 and 1.87 for the “as
received” and “hardened” material conditions, respectively.
The machining experiments were conducted using a HAAS® TL-1 CNC turning center
(Figure 2a). The CNC turning center was equipped with a three-component KISTLER® dy-
namometer accompanied with its corresponding data acquisition interface (Labview® mod-
ule) to collect online measurements for the three components of cutting forces (Figure 2b).
The TESA® Rugosurf 10-G portable roughness tester (Figure 2c) was used for collecting the
measurements for mean surface roughness Ra (µm).
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Machines2024, 12,156
x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 4ofof14
Figure 1. (a) Ø30 × 300 mm UNIMAX® bars for dry CNC turning experiments; (b) the SECO®
TNGA332S-00820-L1-C, CBN200 with the PTJNR 2525M16 insert holder.
The machining experiments were conducted using a HAAS® TL-1 CNC turning cen-
ter (Figure 2a). The CNC turning center was equipped with a three-component KISTLER®
dynamometer accompanied with its corresponding data acquisition interface (Labview®
module) to collect online measurements for the three components of cutting forces (Figure
(a) × ® bars for dry CNC turning experiments; (b) the SECO®®
2b). The (a) Ø30
1.1. TESAØ30 300 mm10-G
× 300
® Rugosurf UNIMAX
UNIMAX ® barsroughness
portable for dry CNC turning
tester experiments;
(Figure (b) the
2c) was used forSECO
ing the measurementsCBN200 CBN200 with
for mean the PTJNR
surface 2525M16Ra
roughness insert
The machining experiments were conducted using a HAAS® TL-1 CNC turning cen-
ter (Figure 2a). The CNC turning center was equipped with a three-component KISTLER®
dynamometer accompanied with its corresponding data acquisition interface (Labview®
module) to collect online measurements for the three components of cutting forces (Figure
2b). The TESA® Rugosurf 10-G portable roughness tester (Figure 2c) was used for collect-
ing the measurements for mean surface roughness Ra (µm).
Figure 2. Experimental
Figure Experimentalset-up.
® TL-1 CNC
CNCturning center
turning with
center KISTLER
with ® three-
® three-com-
ponent cutting force dynamometer; (b) Labview® environment
® to measure cutting force signals;
component cutting force dynamometer; (b) Labview environment to measure cutting force signals; (c)
TESA ® Rugosurf
® 10 G setup for roughness measurements.
(c) TESA Rugosurf 10 G setup for roughness measurements.
2.2. Experimental
Experimental Results
The actual measurementsof
actual measurements ofmain
maincutting forceFz,
cuttingforce Fz,were
the average
Figure values
2. Experimental from
values from raw
set-up. data.
(a)data. The average
The average
The HAAS ® values
TL-1 CNC from
turning the meaningful
center KISTLERregions
meaningful ®regions (i.e.,
where high
ponent high cutting
cutting force signals
force dynamometer;
cutting occurred)
force signals(b) were
Labview were
occurred) ® calculated
environment to establish
to measure
calculated the first
to establish response.
the firstsignals; To
examine surface10roughness,
TESA Rugosurf
® G setup foreach cutting
roughness zone was measured three times on the periphery
of the work piece at an angle of 120◦ and the mean value was kept to represent the final
2.2. Experimental
result. Results
To distinguish the two material conditions of the working material, the terms “AR”
and “HRD” were adopted.
The actual measurements The
of former term refers
main cutting to were
force Fz, the “as received”
further (annealed)
examined state
to compute
of UNIMAX ® , whereas the latter (HRD) corresponds to the hardened material condition.
the average values from raw data. The average values from the meaningful regions (i.e.,
whereasterisk “*” in the
high cutting experimental
force resultswere
signals occurred) denotes the corrected
calculated values
to establish theinfirst
Machines 2024, 12, 156 5 of 13
surface experiments based on the CCD design. The effect of the machining parameters as
well as the error estimation were studied using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results
for the two responses of Fz and Ra referring to both material conditions of the examined
UNIMAX® steel are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2. Experimental results for main cutting force (Fz) and surface roughness (Ra).
n/(Vc) a Fz Fz Ra Ra (µm)
No. f (mm/rev)
(rpm)/(m/min) (mm) (N) AR (N) HRD (µm) AR HRD
1 1500 (141) 0.050 0.50 140.760 120.644 4.499 1.291
2 2000 (188) 0.050 0.50 98.581 120.270 4.453 1.261
3 1500 (141) 0.200 0.50 170.008 280.139 6.778 4.279
4 2000 (188) 0.200 0.50 220.991 250.178 6.587 4.081
5 1500 (141) 0.050 1.50 220.166 320.886 4.931 1.753
6 2000 (188) 0.050 1.50 200.773 270.034 4.511 1.325
7 1500 (141) 0.200 1.50 430.855 580.945 6.863 4.362
8 2000 (188) 0.200 1.50 320.351 570.847 6.563 4.040
9 1750 (165) 0.125 1.00 340.837 410.206 5.134 2.349
10 1750 (165) 0.125 1.00 340.263 410.124 5.122 2.251
11 1750 (165) 0.125 1.00 340.936 410.553 4.996 1.969
12 1750 (165) 0.125 1.00 340.957 410.326 4.819 1.612
13 1342 * (126) 0.125 1.00 280.011 340.845 5.054 1.846
14 2158 * (203) 0.125 1.00 295.215 300.899 4.782 1.574
15 1750 (165) 0.025 * 1.00 180.069 210.112 4.468 1.260
16 1750 (165) 0.250 * 1.00 400.445 410.702 11.434 9.226
17 1750 (165) 0.125 0.18 * 80.407 90.524 5.205 1.997
18 1750 (165) 0.125 1.82 * 392.834 430.412 5.384 2.176
19 1750 (165) 0.125 1.00 340.529 410.353 5.358 2.150
20 1750 (165) 0.125 1.00 340.023 410.152 5.251 2.043
St.Dev. 102.768 135.341 1.575 1.863
Mean 273.751 337.958 5.610 2.642
Median 307.783 375.485 5.128 2.02
Range 350.448 490.421 6.981 7.966
* Experimental values with reference to “alpha” factor of CCD design.
MINITAB® R17 software was used to statistically analyze the experimental data. The
regression models generated as per the full quadratic response surface regression depiction
are shown in Equation (1) up to Equation (4) for Fz-AR (N), Fz-HRD (N), Ra-AR (µm) and
Ra-HRD (µm), respectively.
Fz-AR (N) = −1617 + 1.589 × n + 1811 × f + 687 × a − 0.000423 × n2 −6018 × f2 −180.3 × a2 + 0.014 × n × f − 0.1387 ×
n × a + 595 × f × a
Fz-HRD (N) = −1282 + 1.305 × n + 2025 × f + 538 × a − 0.000380 × n2 −7105 × f2 −184.3 × a2 + 0.074 × n × f − 0.0306 ×
n × a + 905 × f × a
Machines 2024, 12, 156 6 of 13
Ra-AR (µm) = −5.09 + 0.0116 × n − 26.3 × f + 1.65 × a − 3 × 10−5 × n2 + 186.1 × f2 − 0.251 × a2 − 0.0002 × n × f −
0.00048 × n × a − 1.43 × f × a
Ra-HRD (µm) = −9.18 + 0.01259 × n−29.5 × f + 1.88 × a − 4 × 10−5 × n2 + 218.0 × f2 −0.317 × a2 − 0.0004 × n × f −
0.00052 × n × a −1.61 × f × a
Tables 3–6 summarize the results obtained by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) with reference
to the experimental results. In the ANOVA, a result of less than 0.05 for the p-value suggests that
the corresponding independent variable is significant. When it comes to lack-of-fit, the p-value must
be greater than 0.05 to exhibit insignificance. An insignificant lack-of-fit is preferred, suggesting a
negligible error contribution to the model.
The Anderson–Darling normality test is used to validate the generated models’ suitability
referring to the Fz (N) and Ra (µm) responses. In the Anderson–Darling test, if p is lower than the
selected significance level (c.i. = 0.05), the data fails to follow a normal distribution. In this study,
the ANOVA results for the generated quadratic models, indicate that the models are suitable for
predicting Fz (N) and Ra (µm). The coefficient of determination (R2 ) indicates the percentage of total
variation in the response explained by the terms in the models. In the study, the ANOVA shows
that after examining the residuals for all four quadratic models referring to both material hardness
conditions of UNIMAX® , they are considered suitable for predicting Fz (N) and Ra (µm) with quite
high contributions, i.e., 93.97% for the main cutting force plot of the “AR” material condition, 95.10%
for the main cutting force plot of the “HRD” material condition, and 92.12% and 95.47% for surface
roughness in the “AR” and the “HRD” conditions, respectively. p-values for lack-of-fit are beyond
0.05 (Figure 3).
contributions, i.e., 93.97% for the main cutting force plot of the “AR” material condition,
95.10% for the main cutting force plot of the “HRD” material condition, and 92.12% and
Machines 2024,95.47%
12, 156 for surface roughness in the “AR” and the “HRD” conditions, respectively. p- 8 of 13
values for lack-of-fit are beyond 0.05 (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Probability plots for regression models: (a) Fz for the “AR” condition of UNIMAX; (b) Fz for
Figure 3. Probability plots for regression models: (a) Fz for the “AR” condition of UNIMAX; (b) Fz
the “HRD” condition of UNIMAX; (c) Ra for the “AR” condition of UNIMAX; (d) Ra for the “HRD”
for the “HRD” condition of UNIMAX; (c) Ra for the “AR” condition of UNIMAX; (d) Ra for the
condition of UNIMAX.
“HRD” condition of UNIMAX.
With reference to the p-value for parameter effects, it has been concluded that in both the
With reference to of
cases thethep-value
annealed for
the hardened effects,
UNIMAX it has® conditions,
been concluded that force
main cutting in both
Fz (N) is mainly
the cases of the annealed and the hardened UNIMAX conditions, main cutting force Fz Specifically,
influenced by the linear terms, followed by the
® square terms and the interaction terms.
for cutting force Fz, the linear terms in “AR” case of UNIMAX® are 68.59% significant, followed by
(N) is mainly influenced by the linear terms, followed by the square terms and the
the square terms with 22.48% and 2-way interactions with 3.19%. Lack-of-fit error contributes as
interaction terms.muchSpecifically, for cutting force Fz, the linear terms in “AR” case of
as 6.03%. Similarly, for cutting force Fz, the linear terms in the “HRD” case of UNIMAX® are
UNIMAX are 68.59%
80.59%significant, followed
significant, followed by square
by the the squareterms terms with and
with 14.15% 22.48%
2-wayand 2-way with 2.69%.
interactions withLack-of-fit
3.19%. Lack-of-fit
error contributeserror contributes
as much as much
In both as for
cases 6.03%. Similarly,
Fz, depth for affects Fz,
of cut primarily
followed by feed rate and spindle speed. When it
cutting force Fz, the linear terms in the “HRD” case of UNIMAX are 80.59% significant,comes ®to surface roughness, the linear terms in
the “AR” case of UNIMAX® are 65.55% significant, followed by the square terms with 26.46% and
followed by the square terms with 14.15% and 2-way interactions with 2.69%. Lack-of-fit
2-way interactions with 0.11%. Lack-of-fit error contributes as much as 7.50%. Similarly, the linear
error contributes terms
as muchin theas“HRD” In both cases ®for
of UNIMAX areFz, depth
69.62% of cut primarily
significant, followed by affects Fz, terms with
the square
followed by feed 25.76%
rate and spindle speed. When it comes to surface roughness, the
and 2-way interactions with 0.11%. Lack-of-fit error contributes as much as 4.01%. In both linear
terms in the “AR”cases
UNIMAX ® are 65.55%
feed rate primarily affectssignificant,
Ra, followed by followed by the
spindle speed and square
depth of terms
cut. By examining
with 26.46% and the individual
2-way effects of with
interactions each process
Lack-of-fit on the responses
error of main cutting
contributes as much forceasFz and surface
roughness Ra, the following results are observed. Referring to the main effects of the parameters
7.50%. Similarly, the linear terms in the “HRD” case of UNIMAX are 69.62% significant, ®
concerning main cutting force Fz, depth of cut a (mm) has the largest effect on main cutting force Fz
followed by the square termsbywith
(N), followed feed 25.76% and 2-way
rate f (mm/rev) interactions
and rotational speedwith 0.11%.
n (rpm) in bothLack-of-fit
hardness conditions of
error contributes UNIMAX
as much .as ® Main4.01%.
cases for Ra, feed
increases withrate primarily
the increase affects
in all Ra,
three parameters, with
followed by spindle speed
emphasis onand
of cut aof cut. Main
(mm). By examining
cutting force the individual
reaches high values effects
at middleof each
levels of rotational
process parameter speed,
on theand responses
high levels for of feed
main rate and depth
cutting forceof cut,
Fz while main cutting
and surface force is higher
roughness Ra, in the case
of the hardened condition of UNIMAX® . Figure 4a depicts the main effects of process parameters
the following results are observed. Referring to the main effects of the parameters
on the main cutting force in the “AR” case (material “as received”) and Figure 4b depicts the main
concerning main cutting
effects offorce
process Fz,parameters
depth ofon cutthe
a (mm) has the
main cutting largest
force in theeffect
“HRD”on main
case cutting
(material “hardened”).
force Fz (N), followed Asby feed
far as rate effects
the main f (mm/rev)
of process and rotational
parameters speedroughness
on surface n (rpm) Ra inareboth
concerned, feed
hardness conditions of UNIMAX
rate f (mm/rev) has the®. largest
Main effect
on theforce
of surfaceincreases
roughness Ra with
in both material
conditions of UNIMAX. The most advantageous values
increase in all three parameters, with emphasis on depth of cut a (mm). Main cutting force for roughness are exhibited at middle levels
of feed rate, i.e., 0.2 mm/rev. Surface roughness gradually increases with an increase in rotational
reaches high values at middle levels of rotational speed, and high levels for feed rate and
speed (1750 rpm) and then becomes lower for n = 2000 rpm. Depth of cut does not seem to affect
depth of cut, while main
surface cutting force
roughness. Figureis 5ahigher
depicts inthethe
main case of of
effects theprocess
hardened condition
parameters of roughness
on surface
Machines 2024, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Machines 2024, 12, 156 9 of 13
UNIMAX®. Figure 4a depicts the main effects of process parameters on the main c
in the “AR” case (material
force in the“as received”)
“AR” whereas “as
case (material Figure 5b depicts
received”) andtheFigure
main effects of process
4b depicts the main effe
parameters on surface
processroughness in theon
parameters “HRD” case cutting
the main (materialforce
in the “HRD” case (material “hardene
Figure 4. Main effects plots for: (a) Fz for the “AR” condition of UNIMAX®; (b) Fz for the
condition of UNIMAX®.
Figure 5. Main effects 5. Main
for: effects plots
(a) Ra for thefor:
“AR”(a) condition
Ra for the of
“AR” condition
® ; (b) UNIMAX ; (b) Ra for the
for the ®“HRD”
condition of UNIMAX . ® of UNIMAX ®.
Figure 6. Contour plots for: (a) Fz for the “AR” condition of UNIMAX; (b) Fz for the “HRD”
condition of UNIMAX; (c) Ra for the “AR” condition of UNIMAX; (d) Ra for the “HRD” condition
It is clear that f (mm/rev) and a (mm) yield the largest effect on Fz (N) referring to
both material conditions. Main cutting force is maintained at low levels if moderate feeds
are applied in combination with low-to-moderate depths of cut. Main cutting force
reaches its highest value close to the highest feed rate levels and depth of cut. Figure 7
depicts the resulting tool wear by using the cutting parameter values of the 7th
experimental run (Table 1; n = 1500 rpm, f = 0.2 mm/rev, a = 1.5 mm) for the HRD condition
of UNIMAX® tool steel. It is shown that severe abrasion and extensive tool wear are
exerted onContour
Figure 6. the insert’s tool(a)
plots for: nose owing
Fz for to high
the “AR” levelsofofUNIMAX;
condition feed and(b)linear
Fz forspeed where
the “HRD” more
Figure 6. Contour plots for: (a) Fz for the “AR” condition of UNIMAX; (b) Fz for the “
heat dissipates
of UNIMAX; (c) into
Ra the
for theworking
“AR” sample
condition ofduring
Ra turning.
for the “HRD” condition of UNIMAX.
condition of UNIMAX; (c) Ra for the “AR” condition of UNIMAX; (d) Ra for the “HRD” con
It is clear that f (mm/rev) and a (mm) yield the largest effect on Fz (N) referr
both material conditions. Main cutting force is maintained at low levels if moderate
are applied in combination with low-to-moderate depths of cut. Main cutting
reaches its highest value close to the highest feed rate levels and depth of cut. Fig
depicts the resulting tool wear by using the cutting parameter values of th
experimental run (Table 1; n = 1500 rpm, f = 0.2 mm/rev, a = 1.5 mm) for the HRD con
of UNIMAX® tool steel. It is shown that severe abrasion and extensive tool we
exerted on the insert’s tool nose owing to high levels of feed and linear speed where
heat dissipates into the working sample during CNC dry turning.
cutting insert
insert during
during the ®
Figure the dry
dry turning
3. Multi-Objective Optimization
For bothroughness ®
UNIMAX istool steel conditions, two bi-objective
Surface maintained at moderate to high optimization problems
spindle speeds, withhave been
formulated and solved using three modern meta-heuristics, namely the multi-objective grey wolf
moderate feeds, while higher values for spindle may be used only in combination to
algorithm, MOGWO [28], the multi-verse optimization algorithm MOMVO, [29] and the multi-
moderate feeds to avoid excessive tool wear, mainly referring to the hardened “HRD”
objective ant lion algorithm, MOALO [30]. Fz and Ra are the two optimization objectives with respect
to the threecondition.
cutting conditions of n (rpm), f (mm/rev), and a (mm). The solution domain has been
created by adhering to the same parameter low-high levels whilst each candidate solution is a vector
corresponding to the values of three machining parameters within their predefined ranges. The
two problems were examined with respect to the default settings for algorithm-specific parameters
by applying 20 individuals and 1000 generations as the maximum number for evaluations. The
simulations were run in MATLAB® 2014b. For all three algorithms, 50 results for the non-dominated
Figure 7.Figure
solutions were stored. Surface7 topography of cutting non-dominated
depicts the strongest insert during thesolutions
dry turning
set of hardened
observed by(HRD)
conducting a series
of independent runs to examine the variability in the optimal solutions. All
three algorithms managed to obtain a uniform set of non-dominated solutions that cover most of
the experimental region. roughness
Figure 8a depictsisthe
maintained at moderate
non-dominated to high spindle
optimal solutions obtainedspeeds,
by the with lo
algorithms in the case of thefeeds,
“AR” while
UNIMAX ® condition.
higher values MOGWO
for spindle may be
managed to used only inthe
cover almost combinat
entire Pareto space feeds all
by providing to types
avoidofexcessive tool others
solutions, with wear, favoring
mainly referring to the
either cutting hardened
force or “H
surface roughness. MOMVO
UNIMAX and MOALO provided denser solution sets with emphasis on the center
® condition.
of the Pareto fronts. This is the region where both objectives are facilitated, and their trade-off is
variability in the optimal solutions. All three algorithms managed to obtain a uniform set
of non-dominated solutions that cover most of the experimental region. Figure 8a depicts
the non-dominated optimal solutions obtained by the algorithms in the case of the “AR”
UNIMAX® condition. MOGWO managed to cover almost the entire Pareto space by
Machines 2024, 12, 156 providing all types of solutions, with others favoring either cutting force or11surface of 13
roughness. MOMVO and MOALO provided denser solution sets with emphasis on the
center of the Pareto fronts. This is the region where both objectives are facilitated, and
their trade-off
balanced. is depicts
Figure 8b balanced. Figure 8b depicts
the non-dominated the non-dominated
optimal solutions obtained by theoptimal
in the
obtained by the algorithms in the case
case of the “HRD” hardened UNIMAX condition.of the “HRD” hardened UNIMAX ® condition.
Figure 8. Pareto optimal (non-dominated) solutions for optimizing UNIMAX® CNC turning: (a) “AR”
Figure 8. Pareto
condition; optimal“HRD”
(b) hardened (non-dominated)
condition. solutions for optimizing UNIMAX CNC turning: (a)
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.A.F. and N.M.V.; methodology, N.A.F. and N.M.V.;
software, N.A.F. and I.P.; validation, N.A.F. and I.P.; formal analysis, N.A.F. and I.P.; investigation,
N.A.F. and I.P.; resources, N.M.V. and D.E.M.; data curation, N.A.F., I.P., and N.M.V.; writing—original
draft preparation, N.A.F.; writing—review and editing, N.A.F., I.P., and N.M.V.; visualization, N.M.V.;
supervision, N.M.V. and D.E.M.; project administration, D.E.M. and N.M.V. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: Data are contained within the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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