O Zion Haste
O Zion Haste
O Zion Haste
1. O Zi on, haste, thy mis sion high ful fill ing,
2. Be hold how man y thou sands still are ly ing,
3. Pro claim to ev ’ry peo ple, tongue, and na tion
4. Give of your sons to bear the mes sage glo rious;
To tell to all the world that
God is Light;
Bound in the dark some pris on house of sin,
That God in Whom they live and move is Love;
Give of your wealth to speed them on their way;
That He who made all na tions is not will ing
With none to tell them of the Sav ior’s dy ing,
Tell how He stooped to save His lost cre a tion,
Pour out your soul for them in prayer vic tor ious;
One soul should per ish, lost in shades of night.
Or of the death He died for them to win.
And died on earth that we might live a bove.
And all you spend the Sav ior will re pay.
Pub lish glad tid ings, tid ings of peace;
Tid ings of Je sus, re demp tion and re lease.
Public Domain