ROP (Rules of Procedures) - AYIMUN 12th Edition
ROP (Rules of Procedures) - AYIMUN 12th Edition
ROP (Rules of Procedures) - AYIMUN 12th Edition
The Asia Youth International MUN 2023 Offline Conference does not allow pre-written
draft resolutions, working papers, or amendments. The secretariat will investigate any
reports of this issue, and the perpetrators will be subjected to disciplinary action. As for
plagiarism, all submitted documents will be checked for plagiarism. Failure to meet the
following will have an impact on document decisions:
Debate, collaboration, and compromise generate the best solutions and documents. As
such, all papers presented before a committee should reflect cooperation among member
states that occurred within that committee. All writings are expected to take place after the
start of the second committee session (except for the position paper) and comprise the work
of more than one delegation. Members of the committee staff have been instructed not to
accept documents that do not seem as though they could have been feasibly written during
the conference period based on the document's content and the time at which it is
Any delegates or any report received regarding who, for whatever reason, are suspected of
submitting pre-written work will be subject to an investigation that may result in disciplinary
action that can include reduced consideration for individual or delegation awards, expulsion
from the conference, and disqualification from future attendance at Asia Youth International
Model United Nations Offline Conference. Any suspicion regarding an infraction of the
prewriting policy should be brought to the immediate attention of the committee Director.
All documents produced for this conference, starting from Position Papers, Working Papers,
Draft Resolutions, etc., will be checked through Turnitin (a plagiarism checker). The Asia
Youth International MUN Academics Team tolerates the maximum similarity index of 20%.
Each Member State will be represented by one delegate in each council with only one vote.
Before the sessions start, delegates will receive placards and identification cards. Delegates
must always refer to themselves in the third person, or the first-person plural, by the name
of the state or country they are representing. These include statements like “We agree,”
“Cambodia agrees,” and “The Delegate of Cambodia agrees,” for example, but not “I agree.”
Delegates must constantly be reminded that they are there to represent and convey the
interest of their allocated country; hence they should restrain from personal opinions or
Any delegates attending the Asia Youth International Model United Nations Offline
Conference will need this guide. Except for rules provided by the board of dais, which will
always take precedence in the event of a conflict, no other rules of procedure apply.
The session’s official working language will be English. Speeches, statements,
motions, and points must all be delivered in English; no other language will be permitted
during the meetings.
Delegates should show courtesy and respect to the Board of Dais, the secretariat,
and fellow delegates.
Dress Code
The official dress code for all sessions is formal attire. A formal shirt, blazer, neatly
buttoned shirt, and trousers are examples of formal attire for men. A formal dress or a neat
shirt and skirt are examples of formal clothing for women.
Participation in all consecutive committee sessions is required of all delegates.
Delegates who do not adhere to the entire agenda during the conference will not be
acknowledged and will be ineligible for the award.
The Secretariat and the Secretary-General will direct all of the committees’ staff. The
Secretariat can make written or oral statements to the committee anytime.
At any formal meeting, the Chair (any reference to the "Chair" hereafter includes both staff
members) will have complete control over the proceedings and ensure these rules are
followed. The Chair will, in particular, announce the meeting's start and end times, direct
discussion, grant the right to speak, allow questions, inform decisions, and rule on points of
order. The Chair may also propose any procedural motion with no significant objections.
The Chair reserves the right to take appropriate action if any delegates engage in disruptive
or dilatory behavior. The Chair may direct discussion to a limited extent at their discretion,
but it is expected that the delegates, not the Chair, will lead the debate. If these rules do not
cover a procedural issue, the Chair will make a decision consistent with the rules' spirit. In
this case, the chair will inform the council that this rule will be used. The Chair’s decisions
under this rule are subject to appeal.
Asia Youth International MUN 2023 Offline Conference hosts individual-level awards.
The categories for individual-level awards are as follows:
1. Best Delegate
2. Most Outstanding Delegate
3. Honorable Mention
4. Verbal Commendation
5. Best Position Paper
A Certificate will also be given to all delegates that fulfil all Asia Youth International MUN
2023 attendance criteria.
When at least one-quarter of the council members are present, the Director may
declare a committee session open. A registered representative in the council is referred to
as a member of the council.
Procedural Voting
● Delegates can only vote for/yes or against/no to all procedural motions. No
abstentions allowed.
● All voting is considered procedural except for the vote on draft resolutions and
● The delegates must vote on all procedural motions regardless of status, and
no abstentions are permitted.
● There must be more affirmative votes than negative votes to pass a motion
that requires a simple majority.
● A motion requiring a two-thirds majority vote to pass must receive affirmative
votes from at least two-thirds of the delegates. The motion will automatically pass or
fail if the required number of speakers for or against it is not reached.
Substantive Voting
● When voting on draft resolutions and amendments, substantive voting is used.
● Delegates can vote for/ against/ abstain from a substantive matter. No
abstentions are allowed for those delegates who are “present and voting.”
● After the motion to close the debate has passed, a substantive vote on
amendments and Draft Resolution will take part subsequently. The council will secure
the chamber during substantive voting, and no one is allowed to enter or leave the
room during the vote.
The Chair will conduct a roll call alphabetically at the start of each committee session.
Delegates must establish their presence in one of the two ways listed below:
Present and voting: they can vote “in favor/yes” or “against/no” in substantive
matters without any possibility of passing or abstaining.
Present: they can vote “in favor/yes,” “against/no,” abstain and pass on substantive
Following the roll call, the Chair will announce the simple and two-thirds majority
requirements, as well as the minimum number of signatories required to submit and amend
a Draft Resolution. Delegates who arrive during or after the roll call must notify the Chair by
sending notes indicating whether they are “present” or “present and voting.”
The council will proceed directly to the general speakers’ list because there is only
one topic set for each committee. Delegates should speak broadly about the subject matter
under consideration. The Chair will invite those delegates who want to be added to the list.
Each speaker’s default speaking time is one minute.
Delegates can use their remaining time in one of three ways if there is time left:
● Yield to another delegate: The remaining time will be yielded to the delegate
designated by the Speaker, who can accept or decline the yield. The time is automatically
returned to the Chair if the delegate does not receive it. This yield is only applicable if at
least 15 seconds are left on the clock.
● Yield to questions: The remaining time will be yielded to questions from other
delegates. When speaking, delegate opens themselves to inquiries, other delegates may
raise their placards, and the Chair can recognize delegates who get to ask the questions.
The speaker is not obliged to answer the questions directed at them. This yield is only
applicable if at least 15 seconds are left on the clock.
● Yielding to the chair: The remaining time will elapse, and the committee will move
to the next speaker on the list. This yield will be automatically applied if there are less than
15 seconds left on the clock.
Once the Chair has deemed the GSL sufficient for the time being, the Chair will open
the floor to points and motions. Delegates who wish to propose any points or motions shall
raise their placards and wait to be recognized by the Chair before stating them. The Chair
may recognize three motions at once, but only one can pass each time.
Delegates propose motions to guide the debate, such as proposing specific topics for
the council to discuss. A simple majority is required to pass the motion. There are a few
different motions that are used:
● Motion for a moderated caucus (MC)
The moderated caucus begins with delegates raising a motion specifying the topic to be
discussed, the total time allotted for discussion, and the speaking time allotted to each
speaker. The proposer can choose whether they want to speak first or last on the list.
Afterward, the Chair will invite other delegates to talk about the motion. Moving around the
room, cross-talking, or conversing with other delegates during a moderated caucus is strictly
prohibited. Communication with other delegates or the Chair can be done through
note-passing. This motion requires a simple majority to pass and has a maximum total time
of 20 minutes and a speaking time of 2 minutes.
● Motion to introduce an amendment
A delegate may raise a motion to introduce an amendment once it has received the
required number of sponsors and signatories and has been recognized by the Chair.
Delegates can submit multiple amendments simultaneously if the required number of
signatories is met. At any given time, only one amendment proposal may be proposed. This
motion requires a simple majority to pass.
The following points are in order while the floor is open and when it is not open.
● Point of personal privilege
This point is used when a delegate cannot participate in the conference due to
personal discomfort, distractions/noise during committee sessions, etc. Only if a
speaker is inaudible may a point of personal privilege be used to interrupt them—and
delegates should exercise this with extreme caution.
● Point of a parliamentary inquiry
This point is used when a delegate has a question about a rule of procedure or a topic
needed to be clearly understood during the committee session.
● Point of order
This point is used when a delegate believes the Chair has made a mistake regarding
the RoP.
Theoretically, the motion with the most significant impact will be voted on first (i.e., the
unmoderated caucus will precede moderated caucus). When two or more motions are
similar, the durations will determine the order of disruptiveness. Additionally, the minimum
number of speakers who may speak during the caucus determines the moderated caucus.
Changes to a DR require the Chair's approval and the signature of at least 20% of the
delegates in each committee. Before voting on the draft resolutions, the amendments will be
voted on first. There are two types of amendments, friendly and unfriendly amendments.
When all of the DR sponsors agree on an amendment, it is referred to as a friendly
amendment and is automatically adopted. Otherwise, it will be regarded as unfriendly, need
to be debated, and must be voted upon by the committee.
What is a Position Paper?
3. Proposed solutions
Outline plausible solutions that your nation would like to see adopted during the
Model UN exercises. You can commit to one strong Call to Action, a few
alternative policies, or two extreme red lines that you declare your aim to work
between in this part.
doesn’t rely on the lack of guidelines or international agreements, but rather on the conduct
and compliance of state members on the accession of these agreements into their national
policies, as well as the lack of cooperation and fragmented actions in managing the
To truly tackle this issue, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan proposes two solutions
that cater to the needs and challenges faced by refugees in developed states, with emphasis
on collaboration and cooperation between related stakeholders through an integrated
framework to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the solutions proposed.
Aguilera, J. (2019, July 24). Trump’s New Restrictions on Asylum Seekers Violate U.S. and
International law, Experts Say. TIME. Retrieved from
Dearden, L. (2017, February 11). 'Get out of France': Paris police tear gassing refugees and
stealing blankets in freezing conditions, report reveals. The Independent. Retrieved
Doherty, B. (2018, July 7). UN body condemns Australia for illegal detention of asylum
seekers and refugees. The Guardian. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. (2016, December 8). EU met only 5% of target for relocating refugees from
Greece and Italy. The Guardian. Retrieved from
UNHCR. (2015). Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees. Progress Report 2014. Retrieved
UNHCR. (2020, July 6). High-level event seeks sustained support for Afghans,
refugee-hosting countries [Press release]. Retrieved from
The title should be centered, in capital letters, above the body of the draft resolution.
The following two lines should list the committee's name and the topic's title,
left-aligned. Draft resolutions require the approval of the Director and first Sponsors.
Then Signatories should be listed alphabetically with their official names at the top of
the first page of the draft resolution. All delegates participating in the resolutions will be
considered “signatories.”
The body of a resolution is written in the format of a long sentence, with the following
rules: a. All other committees should use their names in the introductory line. The rest
of the resolution is composed of two sets of clauses;
● The first set consists of preambulatory clauses, which describe the problem being
addressed, recall past actions taken, explain the purpose of the resolution, and offer
support for the operative clauses that follow. Each clause in the preamble begins with an
italicized word or phrase and ends with a comma.
● The second set consists of operative clauses, numbered and stating the action(s)
to be taken by the body. These clauses begin with present tense, active verbs, generally
stronger words than those used to start perambulatory clauses. These verbs are
underlined. All operative clauses, except the last, which ends with a period, are followed
by semicolons.
Preambulatory Words/Phrases
Operative Words/Phrases
Bearing in mind with WHO mandates that enhances the integration of public health and
medical care system in underdeveloped countries,
Taking into consideration to enhance the integration of public health and medical care system
in underdeveloped countries,
Recognizing the lack of a proper medical care system for populations in underdeveloped
Deeply concerned that healthcare is a fundamental human right and all persons must have
access to quality of healthcare,
Noting that public health and medical care systems are as critical human aspects,
Expressing its appreciation to all the member states for supporting WHO and ensuring
working policies that are increasing the standard of healthcare worldwide,
1. Calls upon each member state to collaborate for funding and infrastructure;
2. Allocates the required funding for healthcare systems to address resource limitations;
3. Invests in healthcare facilities, equipment, and technology to enhance service delivery
and improve patient outcomes;
4. Supports safeguard from health risks and dangers, provide access to cost-effective,
high-quality, and easily accessible healthcare through the expansion of universal
health coverage;
5. Provides a program related to financing, such as innovative financing models,
strengthening health insurance schemes, and engaging public-private partnerships;
6. Acknowledges the agreement of financial investment from each member state;
1. Collaborates with undeveloped countries in the field of education and training of the
health workforce to increase the efficiency of the healthcare system;
2. Calls upon member state to send professional healthcare workforce to developing
countries, especially during global emergencies;
3. Promotes partnerships and knowledge sharing between public health officers and
medical professionals;
4. Gives financial and non-financial incentives to health workers in rural areas during
5. Recommends member states to invest in multiple aspects;
a. Encourages the member states to pursue improving healthcare worker
education and training.
b. Expanding medical and nursing schools, providing scholarships and
incentives, and creating supportive working environments that promote
professional growth and job satisfaction;
c. Further recommends mandatory medical education for students on basic
medical knowledge;
6. Strengthens the expansion of healthcare training programs, including medical and
nursing schools to increase the number of qualified health workforce;
6. Implements the standardized international health guidelines to prevent the spread of
7. Strongly suggests the developing and implementing comprehensive national health
policies emphasizing integration, coordination, and collaboration between the public
health and medical care sectors:
a. Implementing technological advancements to solve the issues of spreading the
reach of healthcare workers through virtual assistants;
8. Strengthens governance and accountability involving transparency in
a. Generates systems for the collective responsibility of health providers and
health system managers through aligning management;
b. Increases the responsibility of the healthcare sector;
c. Incentivizes transparency through a reward system;
9. Implements the programs to promote collaborative decision-making in the health
10. Implements the strict alignment of regulations and protocols that facilitates
collaboration between multiple sectors;
11. Contributes towards reducing diseases by prioritizing education for the masses by
utilizing digital platforms to encourage public participation in healthcare information.