Jordan - English Aprons and Insignia
Jordan - English Aprons and Insignia
Jordan - English Aprons and Insignia
1. Aprons. When you first join Freemasonry you are invested with a plain
white lambskin apron, to show that you are newly admitted and as a
mark of innocence. This is the basis of all Masonic aprons. The apron
was originally worn with the flap up: indicating that divine wisdom has
not yet penetrated the gross matter of our bodies. Unfortunately, this
custom has nearly died out.
2. In the second degree you have two pale blue rosettes, to mark the
progress you have made. The flap is worn down to indicate that some
wisdom has begun to enter. The 2 rosettes represent the 2 great pillars
and they indicate that the triangle is incomplete, showing that a
Fellowcraft is not yet a complete Mason and corresponds with the
position of the compasses when taking the obligation in the 2nd degree.
3. As a Master Mason, you have three rosettes and a pale blue border, the
pale blue is the colour associated with the Virgin Mary. In olden times
the aprons were fastened with string like the E.A’s and F.C’s. In the
course of time tassels were added to the strings and then they were
separated from the fastenings and added in the form of a ribbon with
seven chains. The number 7 was chosen deliberately and has a symbolic
meaning: it consists of 3 representing spirit and 4 representing matter:
because all matter, God and man consist of spirit and matter.
4. Some say that the 7 chains represent the 7 years that Solomon took in
building the temple and some that the 2 ribbons had pictures and names
of the 2 great pillars painted on them. The hook and eye “the snake” is
one of the oldest and most venerated symbols: it is perhaps the most
feared of all the enemies of primitive man, and so stands for evil: yet it
is the wisest of all creatures and thus it represents the Divine Wisdom.
The serpent biting its tail forming a circle, is regarded as emblem of
eternity and therefore the eternal wisdom of God. This present form of
apron was adopted soon after the union of the Antients and Moderns in
5. Lodge Officers.
All lodge officers (except the Master) wear pale blue collars with the
insignia of their office appended to it. These do not have the central
silver stripe, as this is restricted to Past Masters, and the I.P.M
6. The Master.
The Master generally wears a fairly ornate collar some of which carry
stars and shields bearing the names of previous Masters. At the point it
carries the plain square insignia. This is usually only worn in the Masters
own lodge and therefore, it’s easy to spot a visiting Master as he will
wear a masters apron with the “Tee Bars” but no collar.
7. The I.P.M.
This is a Lodge Office. He is entitled to the rank of “Immediate Past
Master” of the Lodge, because that is what he is. He wears a pale blue
collar with the central silver stripe with a square appended at the point.
From this square hangs a silver plate with a simile of Euclid’s 47th
proposition within it.
8. The Senior Warden.
The Senior Warden wears a plain pale blue collar, with a representation
of an old fashioned level, which, in olden times would have incorporated
a lead weight on a string line.
9. The Junior Warden.
Wears a similar collar with a Plumb Rule (or Plumb Bob) attached to it.
10. The Chaplain.
The Chaplains collar has the symbol of the V.O.S.L. attached to it. The
Volume of the Sacred Law must always be open whilst the Lodge is in
session. (This need not be the Bible, in some countries it will be the
Koran or other Holy Book .) The Chaplains collar jewel is mounted on a
triangle surmounting a “Glory”,( the Sun.).
11. The Treasurer.
The Treasurer has a key (to the cash box) appended to his collar.
12. The Secretary.
The Secretary has 2 crossed (in saltire) quill pens (not biros) these are
tied together with a ribbon.
13. The Director of Ceremonies.
The D.C.’s collar carries two crossed rods ( Marshal’s batons) tied with
14. The two Deacons.
Both Deacons collars carry the emblem of a Dove bearing olive branch.
15. The Almoner.
The Almoners collar has a representation of a purse with a heart
implanted on it.
16. The Charity Steward.
The Charity Stewards collar has a trowel for cementing the bond of
perfection and social union.
17. The Organist.
The Organists jewel depicts the Lyre, which was an ancient Greek
musical instrument which was originally made from a turtle shell with
strings stretched across it, probably the forerunner of the harp.+
18. The Assistant Secretary.
His collar jewel is similar to the Secretary, with the word “assistant”
19. Inner Guard.
His jewel has two swords in saltire (crossed) pointed downwards.
20. Stewards.
All Stewards have the cornucopia (horn of plenty) symbol between the
extended legs of the compasses.
21. Tyler.
The Tyler or Outer Guard has a single sword pointing down appended to
his collar.
22. Provincial Honours.
This appears to be a complicated subject for the younger Masons, with
“Past Ranks and Active Ranks and Red Aprons. So I will attempt to
simplify the whole subject. Firstly, let me point out that Provincial
Honours are not given automatically after a Brother has occupied the
Masters Chair. Generally some 6-9 years after being a Master (varies in
different Provinces) you could be considered for promotion to Provincial
Rank by the Provincial Grand Master, and him alone.
He takes into consideration the annual report of the various Lodge
Secretaries and the Masters comments as these will show the interest the
Brother has taken in Lodge affairs and his attendance at Lodge. All
promotions to Provincial Rank, whether Active or Past have equal merit.
It is also an incentive for future service to the Lodge.
As there are some 136 Lodges in this Province and about 40 officers that
are changed annually, it is obvious that some 96 Brethren are not going
to get an “Active” rank but, they will receive the same level of office but
in “Past” ranking.
The previous years Acting Junior Warden is usually promoted to Past
Senior Grand Warden.
The eight originally (now 14) acting Provincial Grand Stewards are
appointed for 1 year as Acting Stewards and the second year as Past
Stewards, but to avoid the extra cost of buying the additional regalia, the
Provincial Grand Master allows them to wear the Acting regalia for 2
years, giving rise to the erroneous belief that they have a 2 year
appointment. They wear the distinctive Red aprons and collars, which
date back to 1731 when Grand Lodge decreed that the Grand Master, his
Deputy and Wardens should line their aprons with blue silk, and officers
of private lodges with white silk and Stewards for the year in Red silk.
As they have to be on duty at the Provincial meeting following their
appointment it necessarily follows that they must hold the office for a
longer period and they generally receive a promotion the following year
whereas other Provincial officers usually have to wait a further 7 years.
23. Provincial Grand Officers.
Provincial Officers can wear two types of dress, i.e. Full Dress or
Undress. Undress has a 4 inch Garter Blue collar, trimmed with a narrow
gold cord and a Garter Blue apron and badge with an ornamental gold
cord surround . The badge usually contains the name of the holders
home Province, (this could also be London Grand Rank). This mode of
dress is usually worn at regular lodge meetings.
The Full Dress collar and apron is decorated with gold frill and lace and
used to be reserved for Grand Lodge, Provincial Grand Lodge and
Installations. However, due to the present costs of this regalia, some
Brethren choose to purchase Full Dress and wear it at all meetings.
You may on occasion, see a Brother wearing a dark blue apron and
collar without the gold or blue levels, but instead, with dark blue
rosettes. This Provincial award is given to brethren who have not
occupied the “Chair” but have served their Lodge with distinction as in
the case of an Organist, Treasurer or Secretary.
There are some additional collar jewels for Provincial Grand Lodge
Officers that are not seen on private Lodge collars i.e. Provincial Grand
Registrar, who wears a scroll with a seal appended. Provincial Grand
Sword Bearer who wears two upright crossed swords with a ribbon
across the centre. The Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works has a
semi-circular protractor. The Provincial Grand Standard Bearer has two
crossed banners bearing the coat of arms of Grand Lodge and the Grand
Master tied with ribbon. And the Provincial Grand Pursuivant (Inner
Guard) has the arms of Grand Lodge with a crossed sword and rod.
24. Grand Lodge Collars and Jewels.
Grand Lodge Officers can also wear either “undress or full dress”
regalia. The undress collar is 4 inches wide in Garter Blue without any
gold cord. The apron has a wider border and belt than Provincial aprons
and does not have any gold embellishment but on the white central panel
it bears the rank of the wearer surrounded by a wreath of Acacia and
The Full Dress collar is a 4-inch wide Garter Blue edged with gold lace
and embroidered with an ear of corn and a sprig of Acacia. The apron is
fully embroidered with gold lace and frills with the badge of rank and
the Acacia and Ear of Corn wreath.
25. Chains of Office.
The chains of office worn by The Most Worshipful Grand Master,
Pro Grand Master etc. and down to the Provincial Executive are all taken
from the same basic design. They have a series of stars within circular
disks connected with a combination of scrollwork and rectangular plates.
The rectangular plates contain the initials of the rank of the wearer. The
number of stars designate the rank (and I believe correspond to the
number of salutes that the holder is entitled to)
The Grand Master and Pro.Grand Master. *********** 11
The Deputy and Assistant Grand Master. ********* 9
The Provincial, District Grand Masters and Grand Wardens ******* 7
The Grand Chaplain, President of the Board of General Purposes, Grand
Registrar, Grand secretary, President of the Grand Charity, President of
the Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys, President of the R.M.B.I.,
President of the Masonic Samaritan Fund, Grand Director of
Ceremonies, Grand Sword Bearer and Grand Inspectors***** 5
and all other Grand Officers *** 3.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Masters collar is a series of interwoven
links with stars on a circular plate and circular disks bearing the letters –
D.P.G.M. (Deputy District G.M. has D.D.G.M.).
The Assistant Provincial (and district) Grand Masters collar has a series
of interlinked chains supporting circular discs with the letters A.P.G.M
and does not have any stars.
26. Grand Collar Jewels.
The Grand Masters’ collar supports a pair of compasses extended over
an ark of 45° with a segment of a circle at its points and a gold plate
included, on which is an eye within a triangle this is on an irradiated
glory. The Pro.Grand Master is the same. Past Grand Masters and Past
Pro.Grand Masters are similar but without the central gold plate. The
Deputy Grand Master has a united square and compasses with a five
pointed star in the centre. The Assistant Grand Master only has the
extended square and compasses. The Provincial (and District) Grand
Masters have the compasses and square with a five-pointed star in the
centre surrounded by a double circle with the name of the Province or
District engraved thereon. I trust that these few notes and the items that
have been displayed, will give you all a little better insight into our
regalia. July 2005.