GMbrief EU4GenderHelpDesk Approved

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The EU4 Gender Equality Reform Helpdesk, funded by the
European Union, provides demand-driven assistance to
Gender mainstreaming is a globally accepted
governments1 and EU Delegations in Eastern Partnership
strategy to achieve gender equality and the empowerment
(EaP) countries2 on mainstreaming gender in policy-making
of women. It is the process of integrating both women’s and
and the implementation of reforms to ensure the delivery of
men’s interests and concerns into all policies, programmes and
effective results for women and men.
projects, so that gender equality is promoted in all policies at
all levels and at all stages, by the actors normally involved in
policy-making (Council of Europe, 1998). TARGET AUDIENCE
This brief may be of use to anyone who produces legal acts,
Gender mainstreaming involves integrating a gender policies, programmes and projects (staff of government
perspective into the content of different policies, as well as institutions, EU Delegations, civil society organisations and
addressing the issue of men’s and women’s representation in other international development partners) that aim to benefit
the relevant policy area. people in Eastern Partnership countries and beyond. It may
be also of use to researchers, representatives of academia and
A commitment to gender mainstreaming is one of the most the mass media in these countries who study and/or report
effective ways that governments can support and promote on legal frameworks, policy-making and project design.
gender equality. Gender mainstreaming aims to ensure that
In Belarus, the Reform Helpdesk only provides assistance to the EU Delegation.
both women and men have equal rights and opportunities to 2
The Eastern Partnership is a joint initiative involving the EU, its Member States
access resources and contribute to decision making. and six Eastern European partner countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,
Moldova and Ukraine.

Gender mainstreaming is an inclusive strategy that aims to
integrate the needs of all people – men and women, boys
and girls in all their diversity – into policies and programmes. Reform Helpdesk
Gender mainstreaming makes public interventions more Implemented by
effective by ensuring that inequalities are not perpetuated.

This publication was funded by the European Union. Its contents are
the sole responsibility of NIRAS and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the European Union.
Gender mainstreaming leads to higher quality, more relevant STEP 5: MONITORING AND EVALUATION
policy-making and legislative work because it enables policies
and programmes to effectively respond to the needs of all
5 Effective monitoring and evaluation allows us to
build the evidence base for strategic decisions
citizens. Better results lead to increased well-being for both related to gender equality, enable better
women and men, and the creation of a more socially just and development planning and hold institutions to
sustainable society. account for their commitments on gender equality
(UN Women, 2014).
This approach also enables the efficient allocation of resources;
by contrast, decisions which do not fully take into account the
needs and situations of all beneficiaries involve inappropriate
solutions and the inadequate allocation of public funds. ON GENDER MAINSTREAMING
Gender mainstreaming is recognised in the international legal
HOW DO WE MAINSTREAM framework, including international instruments on human
GENDER INTO THE POLICY/ rights and gender equality that Eastern Partnership countries
have committed to, such as:
1. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
At a programmatic level, gender mainstreaming may be applied
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), 1979.
throughout the programme cycle following a sequence of steps:
2. The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 1995.
3. United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325
on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) and nine additional
1 The goal of gender analysis is to collect evidence for
gender-sensitive legal and policy development and
UN Security Council WPS resolutions.
4. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17
programming. Gender analysis is the critical starting
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
point for gender mainstreaming. It is an integral
part of the context analysis which identifies if, how
Gender mainstreaming has increasingly become an important
and why issues affect women and men differently
issue within the European Union’s (EU) political agenda.
and unequally in a particular context or
Through various documents, the EU has demonstrated its
development sector, and what options exist to
commitment to implementing gender mainstreaming. At the
address these challenges. For more information on
EU level, EU institutions are in charge of implementing gender
this stage, see the EU4Gender Equality Reform
mainstreaming, whereas at the national level, mainstreaming
Helpdesk’s information brief on gender analysis.
gender is up to EU Member States’ governments.


The EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025 presents policy
2 This stage involves using the findings of the gender
analysis to inform the programme’s design.
objectives and actions to make significant progress by 2025
towards a gender-equal Europe. The goal is a Union where
Programme design includes the selection of priority
women and men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, are free
issues, target groups and coverage, and their
to pursue their chosen path in life, have equal opportunities
integration in terms of programme results,
to thrive, and can equally participate in and lead our European
indicators and intervention modalities.


The strategy’s key objectives are ending gender-based
3 In the process of gender mainstreaming, it is crucial
to ensure the allocation of adequate resources to
violence; challenging gender stereotypes; closing gender gaps
in the labour market; achieving equal participation across
effectively address gender equality considerations in
different sectors of the economy; addressing the gender pay
the programme cycle.
and pension gaps; closing the gender care gap and achieving
gender balance in decision-making and in politics. The Strategy
pursues a dual approach of gender mainstreaming combined
4 This step involves fostering multi-sectoral and
multi-disciplinary partnerships to implement a
with targeted actions, and intersectionality is a horizontal
principle for its implementation.
programme, engaging a range of stakeholders,
including women’s organisations.

While the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025 focuses Azerbaijan: The Reform Helpdesk supported gender
on actions within the EU, it is coherent with the EU’s external mainstreaming in justice sector reforms by training
policy on gender equality and women’s empowerment. staff at the Ministry of Justice and Penitentiary
Services and the Justice Academy of the Republic of
The EU’s Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women’s Azerbaijan on gender-sensitive prison management
Empowerment in External Action 2021–2025 (GAP III) aims to and the re-integration of women prisoners into
accelerate progress on empowering women and girls. GAP society.
III promotes a transformative and intersectional approach,
and mainstream gender in all policies and actions. The EU Georgia: The Reform Helpdesk conducted a Gender
has committed to ensuring that at least 85% of its external Impact Assessment (GIA) of Georgia’s draft law
actions should have gender equality as a principal or significant on “Food Loss and Waste Reduction, and Food
objective. Through the renewed Eastern Partnership agenda of Donation” to support gender mainstreaming in new
recovery, resilience and reform, the EU is committed to support legislation.
the Eastern partner countries in their efforts to promote
gender equality and women’s empowerment in all policy areas Moldova: The Reform Helpdesk is currently
and support equal access to resources through systematic providing assistance to Moldova’s Ministry of
gender mainstreaming and gender-responsive budgeting. Defense to develop a new Action Plan based on
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325.

GOOD PRACTICES Ukraine: The Reform Helpdesk assisted the

creation of a group of 40 experts on gender
Although gender equality is formally enshrined in the
mainstreaming in the Ukraine Recovery Plan
constitutions and legal systems of Eastern Partnership
2022–2032. The group worked to integrate
countries, a lack of gender mainstreaming prevents substantive
gender across the 24 sectoral working groups
gender equality. Therefore, the EU4Gender Equality Reform
set up under Ukraine’s National Council. A gender
Helpdesk has been supporting gender mainstreaming in
mainstreamed approach was integrated into five
programmes and reforms in Eastern Partnership countries
policy briefs and analytical materials prepared for
since its inception. Examples of good practices include:
the Ukraine Recovery Conference (Lugano, July
2022) on key topics: economic recovery, social
Armenia: The Reform Helpdesk supported the
recovery, infrastructure recovery, smart recovery
mainstreaming of gender in the Economic
architecture, and environmental recovery.
Response Programme and the Action Plan of the
Republic of Armenia, the Multi-Annual Indicative
Programme 2021–2027 for Armenia, and EU
Delegation to Armenia’s Action Fiche on Education.


• EU4Gender Equality Reform

Helpdesk project page
• Gender Equality Library
• EU Neighbours East website

© European Union 2023

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