GAD Audit Guide - Clean Copy v2
GAD Audit Guide - Clean Copy v2
GAD Audit Guide - Clean Copy v2
Table of Contents
Overview............................................................................................................................................ 1
Strong GAD Partner through the years ....................................................................................... 4
COA strives to become a gender responsive organization ..................................................... 10
What is an audit of GAD funds? .............................................................................................. 21
What is Gender Mainstreaming? ............................................................................................ 22
GAD Agenda Policy Framework............................................................................................... 23
How to conduct audit of GAD funds ...................................................................................... 28
Start by checking if the auditee has created a GFPS .............................................................. 33
Request for a copy of the GAD Agenda and determine if compliant with requirements ... 34
Look for the issues that the agency aims to address and evaluate if the corresponding
programs, activities, and projects are responsive ................................................................... 38
Request for a copy of the Annual GPB and review its contents ............................................ 41
Check if the budget allocated for GAD constitutes 5% of the total budget of the agency43
If the subject is an ODA-funded project, check if the GAD budget constitutes 5%-30% of
the total budget of the project ................................................................................................... 45
Check if the programs, activities, and projects are correctly attributed to GAD................. 48
Request for a copy of the GAD AR and the corresponding attachments and review
reported accomplishments .......................................................................................................... 51
Look for sex-disaggregated data on file and determine analysis done ................................ 52
Determine to what extent did the programs, activities, and projects achieve the GAD
goals, objectives, targets, and performance indicators .......................................................... 54
If the agency was not able to meet the targets, ask for the challenges they encountered
in implementing the program and formulate a recommendation based on the same....... 58
If the agency was able to meet the targets, document the strategies adopted and report
on the best practices .................................................................................................................... 59
Request for a copy of the GAD Agenda Progress & End Term reports ................................ 59
How to determine the 3Es of GAD-related PAPs .............................................................. 62
Conducting a performance audit on the implementation of GAD ......................................... 62
Audit of programs Implementing SDGs..................................................................................... 64
Incorporating a gender perspective in the conduct of performance audit of government
programs, project, and activities ................................................................................................ 71
References ...................................................................................................................................... 82
Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................... 86
PAO Performance Audit Office
PCW Philippine Commission on Women
PAPs Programs, Activities and Projects
PPGD Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development
RA Republic Act
RC Responsibility Center
RMC Risk Management Committee
SAIs Supreme Audit Institutions
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SL Subsidiary Ledger
SONA State of the Nation Address
SUCs State Universities and Colleges
UN United Nations
UNSCR United Nations Security Council Resolution
The Commission on Audit as an oversight agency needs to
strengthen its Gender and Development (GAD) audit process and
capacity building efforts in compliance with the implementation
and monitoring of the Gender Equality and Women Empowerment
(GEWE) Plan 2019-2025.1
transparent, accountable, and gender-responsive governance, in
partnership with stakeholders, for the benefit of the Filipino
Lastly, the GAD Audit Guide also serves as COA’s response to the
call of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
(INTOSAI) for its members to apply a gender lens in their
organizations and in their audit work.
INTOSAI explained that SDG 5 cuts across all areas of sustainable
development because gender inequalities still persist around the
world. They are shaped by different aspects of people’s identities.
Gender inequality intersects with other factors such as class, race,
income, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, age and
disability. 4
5IDI Gender Policy available at
policy-2021/file, last accessed: September 17, 2021.
Strong GAD Through the years, COA has been a strong and indispensable
strategic partner of the government in advocating gender-
Partner through responsive governance. Even before the passage of the MCW on
the years 14 August 2009, COA is already a partner of government in
implementing gender responsiveness in PAPs. To highlight, below
is a list of COA issuances related to the audit of GAD funds and
gender mainstreaming.
List of COA issuances related to the audit of GAD funds and gender mainstreaming
COA Issuances Title Notes
Audit of GAD Funds and Activities
1. COA GAD Plan FYs 2006-2007 In 2006, COA introduced the concept of “gender audit”
and Budget GAD Plan and in its operations through its FY 2006-2007 GPB. At that
prepared in Budget (GPB) time, there is no policy nor guidelines on the conduct of
compliance gender audits. To address this, then Chairperson
with BP 600 Guillermo N. Carague ordered the following:
Lastly, COA also participated in the
deliberation/workshop on the preparation of the
implementing rules and regulations of the Magna Carta
of Women in 2009.
2. COA Guidelines in the In 2009, COA released its first guidelines on the conduct
Memorandum conduct of the of audit of GAD funds and activities in government
No. 2009-020 audit of GAD funds agencies.
dated 15 May and activities in
2009 government Under this Memorandum, COA defined “gender audit” as
agencies a comprehensive audit of a government agency’s
policies, funds, programs, projects, and activities
focusing on the areas of gender and development for
the purpose of determining the economy, efficiency, and
effectiveness of interventions in addressing the gender
issues and in contributing to the attainment of the
objectives of this country’s commitments, plans and
3. COA Circular Revised Guidelines This is the latest Circular setting the guidelines in the
No. 2014-001 in the audit of audit of GAD funds and activities.
dated 18 GAD Funds and
March 2014 Activities in This Circular mandated the following:
agencies a. Integration of GAD in the regular audit of an
agency using the Integrated Risk and Results Based
Audit Approach (IRRBA);
4. COA GAD in the audit In furtherance of the gender mainstreaming efforts of
Memorandum of programs, COA, the Chairperson ordered that all audit reports of
No. 2017-001 projects, and audit teams engaged in the Citizen Participatory Audit
dated 3 activities of audit (CPA) and ODA-funded projects must include a portion
January 2017 teams engaged in pertaining to GAD.
CPA, and those of
ODA-funded Link to access the document:
5. COA Checklist of In 2018, the COA Gender and Development Focal Point
Memorandum Common Audit System (GFPS) took notice on the different
No. 2018-009 Observations in presentations of GAD audit observations in the AARs of
dated 14 the Audit of GAD NGAs, Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations
August 2018 Funds; and (GOCCs), and LGUs. To address this matter, this
Determination of Memorandum was issued to provide a checklist of
Gender Issues and common audit observations to be used by Auditors as
Mandates of all reference in the audits of GAD funds and guide in the
Government presentation of audit observations and
Agencies recommendations in the AARs.
6. COA issued Assignment of This Circular requires government entities to establish
COA Circular Responsibility Responsibility Centers (RC) and RC Codes for their
No. 2021-008 Center for the respective GFPS and integrate the same in the enhanced
dated 6 GFPS to Account, electronic National Government Accounting System
September Monitor and (eNGAS), electronic Budget System (eBudget), or in any
2021 Report GAD computerized accounting system that they use.
Expenses and
Other GAD- Using the assigned RC and RC Code for GFPS, the
Related Financial government entity concerned shall generate GAD-
Transactions related financial reports from the eNGAS, eBudget, or
their computerized accounting system.
Gender Mainstreaming
7. COA Guidelines in the Apart from auditing GAD funds and activities, COA is
Resolution Mainstreaming also mandated to mainstream GAD in its organization.
No. 2010-005 and This Resolution is the first issuance released by COA
dated 5 Institutionalization related to gender mainstreaming in the Commission.
August 2010 of Gender and
Development in This Resolution formally created the COA GFPS in the
the Commission central and regional offices. It contains details on the
on Audit composition of the COA GFPS, its functions, and the
various GAD committees.
8. COA Revised Guidelines The same with the previous guidelines, it contains
Resolution on Mainstreaming details on the structure, composition, and functions of
No. 2015-039 GAD and the the COA GFPS.
dated 1 Adoption and
December Institutionalization This Resolution introduced the COA GAD Vision and
2015 of the GADSF in Mission and the GAD Strategic Framework (GADSF).
the Commission
It also contains templates, which can be used as
reference in preparing the annual COA GPB and GAD
9. COA Adoption of the This Resolution contains the latest version of the COA
Resolution COA GAD Agenda GADSF and the COA GAD Strategic Plan (GADSP). This
No. 2020-005 2020-2025 Resolution will cover GAD PAPs of COA within FYs 2020-
dated 30 2025.
January 2020
The COA GADSF contains the following details:
a. Mandate;
b. GAD Vision;
c. GAD Mission; and
d. GAD Goals.
Link to access the document:
10. COA Dissemination and Through this Memorandum, the Chairperson ordered the
Memorandum Use of Gender dissemination and use of the GEWE Plan 2019-2024 in
No. 2021-020 Equality and the planning and budgeting of the COA GFPS.
dated 2 Women
September Empowerment This Memorandum also cited the call of the PCW to
2021 (GEWE) Plan enhance and strengthen the GAD audit process and
2019-2024 in GAD capacity building efforts of COA.
Planning and
Budgeting of the As a result, COA will develop the following:
a. Updated guidelines on the audit of GAD funds
and activities (for the auditors)
b. Updated Circular for the submission GAD-related
documents (for the audited agencies)
c. Updated course design to reflect the
aforementioned updates.
To do this, IDI identified two (2) strategic priorities: 1) to ensure
that SAI are conducting audits that contribute to gender equality;
and 2) to ensure that SAIs lead by example by becoming gender-
responsive organizations.
Source: IDI
The IDI’s vision is consistent with the call of PCW to COA for
improvements in its GAD audits and capacity building efforts. To
determine to what extent COA has become a gender-responsive
organization, the PCW prescribes the use of the Gender
Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF).
The GMEF has four entry points of gender mainstreaming, namely
Policies, People, Enabling Mechanisms and Programs / Activities /
4. PROGRAMS, ACTIVITIES, & PROJECTS refer to flagship
programs or activities and projects that serve as a strategic
entry point to mainstream GAD in an organization. PAPs is the
most practical entry point since it involves the actual
implementation of the mandate of an organization. Examples
of PAPs are the review and issuance of revised GAD policies,
application of gender analysis tools, and conduct of GAD
advocacy and regular updating of GAD mechanisms such as
the GAD database.
At the Foundation Formation level, organizations issue policies
supporting the elements of GAD Planning and Budgeting, review
existing policies to ensure consistency with new GAD issuances,
and issue documents to support attendance to PCW-led
GAD-related events.
3. Reissued/updated policy reflecting compliance
to new GAD issuances such as the
reconstitution of GFPS system of the
1.2 Existing policies 1. Revised or reissued policy/plan as cited in 1.1; √
reviewed for
consistency with 2. Documentation of the review conducted if the
emerging GAD issues policy/plan reviewed does not need updating;
and issued accordingly and
2.2 Policies addressing the 1. Approved GAD Plan and Budget with client- √
gender needs of the focused and organization-focused PAPs;
clients (internal and
external) of the 2. Sectoral or organization plans identifying
organization issued programs to address gender issues of
employees and external clients;
3.2 Organizational/national 1. National policies or national plans issued by √
and sectoral plans oversight organizations such as the Bottoms Up
integrated with GAD Budgeting (BUB) or DBM or Philippine
perspective Development Plan (PDP) of NEDA highlighting
where GAD has been mainstreamed;
3. Policies issued indicating revision of documents
such as other policies, plans, reports, etc. to
mainstream gender perspective or use of
gender-fair language and images;
4.3 Vision, mission and Words and phrases indicating gender equality are √
goals of the reflected in the VMG of the organization as related
organization integrated to its mandates, such as:
with GAD perspective
a. Inclusive growth;
b. Equal development/Equal/Equitable;
c. Affirmative Action;
d. Men and Women;
e. Universal Access;
f. Gender-Sensitive/Gender-Responsive/Gender
g. Gender-Fair;
h. Needs-Based;
i. Rights-Based;
j. Prioritization of vulnerable/marginalized
groups; or
k. Other terms that connotes emphasis on
equal enjoyment of men and women on the
services and programs provided by the
organization as well as giving emphasis on
those who are more vulnerable.
Level 5: Model GAD Policy
Descriptor Possible Means of Verification (MOV) Met /
Not Met
5.1 Organization’s GAD GAD policies and plans of the organizations have X
policy/ies used as been used as a model or standard by other
model/standard by organizations (other NGAs/LGUs, attached agencies
other organizations or bureaus) such as:
Figure 3: COA GAD Timeline*
Level 4.2:
developed and /
or enhanced
based on the
results of
gender analysis
*This is not an exhaustive list of COA’s GAD-related policies. For more information, visit the
What is an audit Section 7(B) of the (IRR) of RA No. 9710, the MCW, defines
“Audit of GAD Funds” as a comprehensive audit of a government
of GAD funds? agency’s policies, fund programs, activities and projects focusing
on the area of gender and development to determine the
economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of interventions in
addressing issues.
audit areas to be considered during the strategic planning of COA
as well as planning exercise to be conducted at the cluster and
regional levels.
What is Gender Section 4(i) of RA No. 9710 defines Gender Mainstreaming as “the
strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and
Mainstreaming? experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation of policies and programs in all political,
economic, and societal spheres so that women and men benefit
equally and inequality is not perpetuated. It is the process of
assessing the implications for women and men of any planned
action, including legislation, policies, or programs in all areas and
at all levels.”
For FY 2021, Section 32 of the General Provisions of the GAA
GAD Agenda To provide context and help state auditors in the conduct of audit
of GAD funds and activities, here is a quick run through of the
Policy Framework GAD Agenda Policy Framework. The latest version of the
framework is in Annex A of PCW MC No. 2018-04 dated 19
September 2018 or the Revised Guidelines for the Preparation of
the GAD Agenda for NGAs and GOCCs. We replicated the
framework below for reference.
Figure 4: GAD Agenda Policy Framework
a. International
iv. United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development
b. Local
The GAD Agenda is composed of two (2) parts, which are the
6 Philippine Commission on Women, Revised Guidelines for the Preparation of the Gender and
Development Agenda, PCW Memorandum Circular No. 2018-04, series of 2018, [PCW MC No. 2018-04],
Item 1 (19 September 2018).
ii. GAD outcomes, indicators, baseline data, and targets
per GAD Goal; and
iii. GAD PAPs designed to achieve the identified GAD
4. The GAD Agenda has a term of six (6) years for NGAs and
GOCCs; three (3) years for LGUs.
part of the compliance of an agency with the 5% budget
allocation for GAD.
10. After three (3) years, the GFPS shall conduct a review of the
GADSF and GADSP. The 3-year progress report shall reflect
the status of accomplishments based on the analysis of
desired results and outcomes, as well as variances. The report
shall be submitted to the PCW.
11. After the six (6) years, the GFPS shall conduct another review
of the GADSF and GADSP. The end-term report shall reflect
the overall assessment of the implementation of the GAD
Agenda based on the goals and desired results/outcomes. It
shall also reflect the variances, including unintended results,
and the reasons for such, as well as the recommendations and
lessons learned. Agencies shall submit together with the end-
term report, a narrative of its GAD accomplishments, which
may include success stories and good practices.
How to conduct This portion provides a step-by-step guide on how to conduct
financial and compliance audit of GAD funds and activities. For a
audit of GAD quick glance of the audit processes, we developed a summary at
funds the start of this chapter, entitled: audit of GAD funds and activities
in a nutshell. It contains pointers, list of audit procedures, and the
corresponding legal basis, which the auditors can cite when
preparing their respective Audit Observation Memoranda (AOM),
Notices of Suspension (NS), or Notices of Disallowance (ND). After
the summary, there is a more detailed explanation of the
procedures to provide more context to the GAD requirements.
GAD Pointers Audit Procedure
GAD Pointers Audit Procedure
proposal and they shall be approved GPB? (Basis: Item V of COA
reflected in the Annual Work and Reso. No. 2014-001; Item 5 and 6 of
Financial Plan (WFP) of Annex A of COA Memo No. 2018-009)
concerned offices or units within
the agency or department. Check if the gender issues or gender
mandates correspond to the issues
The GAD budget, which is the identified in the GAD Agenda. (Basis:
cost of implementing the GAD Item 6.3 of PCW MC No. 2018-04)
plan, shall form part of, and is
not in addition to the agencies’ Check if the total allotment for the GAD
approved budget. Hence, the activities constitutes at least 5% of the
GAD budget shall be drawn from total appropriation of the auditee. (Basis:
the agency’s maintenance and Item IV of COA Reso. No. 2014-001; Item
other operating expenses 16, 17 and 18 of Annex A of COA Memo
(MOOE), capital outlay (CO), and No. 2018-009)
personal services (PS).
If what is being audited is an ODA-funded
The way to include a PAP in the Project, check if the total allotment for
GPB is through attribution. the GAD activities constitutes 5%-30% of
the total budget of the project. (Basis:
If an agency intends to attribute Item IV of COA Reso. No. 2014-001)
a portion or the whole budget of
major programs during the GAD The PAPs in the GPB should be gender-
planning and budgeting phase, it responsive and supportive of gender
should subject the program to issues of the agency. (Basis: Item 22 of
gender analysis using the HGDG Annex A of COA Memo No. 2018-009)
tool to determine the extent of a
programs’ budget that will be The GPB should be based on the gender
attributed to GAD. statistics and sex-disaggregated data
established in the agency’s GAD Database
The Results of the HGDG should that helps the agency in gender-
be able to show the auditor what responsive planning, programming and
percentage of the budget of a policy formulation pursuant to PCW -
certain program should be DILG-DBM-NEDA JMC No. 2013-01.
attributed to GAD. It can range
from 0%-100%. The difference For LGUs:
can determine if the agency
complied with the 5% Check if the LGU has developed a GAD
requirement. (for details, see Code. (Basis: Item E of PCW-DILG-DBM-
page 47) NEDA Joint Circular No. 2013-01; Item 33
of Annex A of COA Memo No. 2018-009)
GAD Pointers Audit Procedure
For examples of expenses that
CAN or CANNOT be charged to Check if the LGU has established a VAW
the GAD budget, please see Desk. (Basis: Section 12-D of MCW-IRR;
pages 40-42 and 48-50. Item 34 of Annex A of COA Memo No.
4 GAD AR Attached agencies, bureaus, Check if the auditee prepared a GAD AR.
regional offices, constituent units (Basis: Item V of COA Reso. No. 2014-
and all others concerned shall 001; Item 7 and 10 of Annex A of COA
submit their GAD ARs to their Memo No. 2018-009)
central offices. The agency GFPS
shall prepare the annual GAD AR If yes, was it submitted to the PCW (if
based on the PCW-endorsed GPB NGA) or DILG (if LGU) for endorsement?
or the GPB adjusted to the (Basis: Item 8 of Annex A of COA Memo
approved GAA following the form No. 2018-009)
prescribed in Annex B. Activities
completed until the end of the If the agency submitted the GAD AR to
year may be included in the final PCW/DILG, was it endorsed by the latter
GAD AR of agency submitted to agencies? (Basis: Item 11 of Annex A of
PCW in January. COA Memo No. 2018-009)
GAD Pointers Audit Procedure
auditee does not have a Determine the extent in which the auditee
computerized accounting system, has achieved the GAD Goals, objectives,
the auditor can ask for the SL targets, and performance indicators. Do
where all GAD-related this by comparing the GPB and the GAD
expenditures are recorded. AR. (Basis: Item 19-21 of Annex A of COA
Memo No. 2018-009)
The auditor may include in the
AAR the data generated from the If the auditee was not able to achieve the
eNGAS. The auditors will be able GAD goals, objectives, targets, and
to present the utilization rate and performance indicators, ask the
breakdown of the GAD concerned members of the GFPS the
expenditures of the auditee. challenges they encountered, which
prevented them from achieving the same.
To determine if there are possible
GAD-related IIUEEU Then, ask the concerned members of the
Expenditures, please refer to COA GFPS the actions they took and to what
Circular No. 2012-003 dated 29 extent it addressed the issues.
October 2012 and COA Circular
No. 2012-001 dated 14 June If the auditee is able to achieve their GAD
2012, in relation to COA Circular goals, objectives, targets, and
No. 2009-006 dated 15 performance indicators, ask them about
September 2009, on the the strategies they adopted to ensure the
guidelines in the issuance of achievement of the same.
5 GAD The GFPS is responsible for If the agency already has completed the
Agenda preparing the GAD Agenda 3rd year of implementation of its GAD
Progress Progress Report. Agenda, the auditor may already request
Report a copy of the GAD Agenda Progress
Depending on the nature of the Report. (Basis: Item 7 of PCW MC No.
indicators presented, this report 2018-04)
could provide auditors data on
the short-term outcomes of the Determine if the agency achieved the
program. outcomes identified in the GAD Agenda.
6 GAD Depending on the nature of the If the agency has already completed the
Agenda indicators presented, this report 6th year implementation of its GAD
End- could provide auditors data on Agenda, the auditor may already request
Term the impact of the program. a copy of the End-Term Report. (Basis:
Report Item 7 of PCW MC No. 2018-04)
Start by checking if In conducting audit of the GAD funds, the auditors must first
check if the auditee has established its GFPS.
the auditee has
created a GFPS To illustrate, PCW MC No. 2011-01 dated 21 October 2011 has
defined the roles and responsibilities of the GFPS.7 Below are
some examples of the crucial roles of the GFPS, which serve as
guidance in conducting the audit of GAD funds:
7 Philippine Commission on Women, Guidelines for the Creation, Strengthening, And Institutionalization of
the Gender And Development (Gad) Focal Point System, PCW Memorandum Circular No. 2011-01,
series of 2011, [PCW MC no. 2011-01], § 5.2 (21 October 2011).
8 Id. at 5.2 (a).
9 Id. at 5.2 (c).
10 Id. at 5.2 (e).
11 Philippine Commission on Women. National Economic and Development Authority, and Department of
Budget and Management, Guidelines for the Preparation of Annual Gender and Development (GAD)
Plans and Budgets and Accomplishment Reports to Implement the Magna Carta of Women, PCW-NEDA-
DBM Joint Circular No. 2012-01, [PCW-NEDA-DBM JC No. 2012-01], § 10.1
The GFPS shall be composed of the agency head or local chief
executive, an executive committee with an Undersecretary (or its
equivalent), LGU official, or office in a strategic decision-making
position as Chair; and a technical working group or secretariat
which is composed of representatives from various divisions or
offices within the agency or local government unit.12
Request for a copy The next step is to request a copy of the six-year GAD Agenda
approved by the agency head (for NGAs and GOCCs) and three-
of the GAD Agenda year GAD Agenda approved by the LCE (for LGUs). The GAD
and determine if Agenda is the agency’s strategic framework and plan on gender
compliant with mainstreaming, and in achieving GEWE in government operations.
requirements It has the following characteristics:
to be pursued to achieve GAD goals over a period of time. The
timeframe of the GAD Agenda is six years. Accordingly, the
GADSP must be consistent with the agency’s Strategic Plan for the
same period. The head of agency shall approve the GAD Agenda
and issue a policy ensuring its implementation by the agency’s
Figure 5: GAD Strategic Framework Template
Figure 6: GAD Strategic Plan Template
Source: Philippine Commission on Women
Look for the issues At this stage, the GFPS is required to conduct gender analysis to
determine the gender issues or gender mandates that the agency
that the agency wishes to address. These issues or mandates shall serve as the
aims to address anchor in developing GAD PAPs of the agency.
and evaluate if the
The PCW explains that there are two (2) types of gender issues,
corresponding namely:
activities, and a. Client-focused gender issue refers to gaps arising from the
unequal status of women and men stakeholders (customers,
projects are clients, beneficiaries) of a particular agency including the
responsive extent of their disparity over access to benefits from and
contribution to a policy, program, projects and/or services of
the agency.13
List of References, which may help in
understanding gender analysis
Downloadable though:
Downloadable through:
The GEWE Plan 2019-2025 is the government’s guide and
key reference in formulating GPBs. It is the third time-slice
framework plan that government has formulated in support
of the long-term perspective plan, the PPGD 1995-2025.
The GEWE Plan also has a results matrix, which the auditors
can use as reference in evaluating the GADSP of a particular
agency. Below is a sample of an overall strategic outcome in
the GEWE Plan to show the sample information it provides.
Request for a copy Next step is to request a copy of the annual GPB. GAD planning
and budgeting shall be conducted annually as part of all
of the Annual GPB
programming and budgeting exercises of agencies. The PAPs in
and review its the GPB shall be included in the agency budget proposal and they
contents shall be reflected in the Annual Work and Financial Plan (WFP) of
concerned offices or units within the agency or department.
The annual GPB basically reflects the contents of GADSP for the
same period. According to PCW MC No. 2018-004, in the
formulation of the agency’s annual GAD Plan and Budget, the
entries in the GAD agenda such as the, gender issue, GAD
outcome, indicator, target, activities, and budget for the specified
year shall be reflected in the annual GPB. Figure 7 is the GPB
3. Personal Services such as salaries of agency personnel
assigned to plan, implement and monitor GAD PAPs on full
time or part basis or as an additional duty, following
government rules on hiring and creating positions, provided
further that in case of those rendering services on part time
basis or as an additional duty, only the salary or wage
proportionate to the time devoted to GAD shall be considered
in the computation of the cost of the particular GAD activity.
No additional allowances, benefits, bonuses and the like shall
be charged against GAD funds unless there is a specific law or
authority from the President of the Philippines authorizing the
b. The equipment can be operated by a corresponding
technical employee or staff; and
c. The prices are reasonable and quantity is not excessive.
Check if the budget Upon getting a copy of the GPB, check if the total amount
allocated for the implementation of the identified PAPs is at least
allocated for GAD
5% of the total budget of the agency in the annual GAAs for
constitutes 5% of NGAs, the annual Corporate Operating Budgets (COBs) for
the total budget of GOCCs, or budget ordinance for LGUs. The GAD budget
the agency constitutes personnel services (PS), maintenance and other
operating expenses (MOOE), and capital outlay (CO). It is
understood that the GAD budget does not constitute an additional
budget over an agency’s total budget appropriations.
Figure 7: GAD Plan and Budget Template
Source: Philippine Commission on Women
If the subject is an Government agencies that implement foreign-assisted projects
shall ensure that 5%-30% of the project cost support gender-
ODA-funded project,
responsive programs and projects. These agencies with ODA-
check if the GAD funded projects shall annually report the accomplishments to the
budget constitutes NEDA and the PCW.
5%-30% of the total
In relation to this, the Investment Coordination Committee (ICC),
budget of the project
the committee mandated to evaluate and approve ODAs15 has
released a Memorandum16 dated 30 September 2016 entitled: ICC
Policy on Integrating the Harmonized Gender and Development
Guidelines. This memorandum requires proponent agencies to
accomplish and submit the Gender-Responsiveness Checklist
(either the applicable Sectoral GAD Checklist of the Combined
Generic Checklist for the Project Identification and Design Stages)
as additional ICC Project Evaluation Form, together with the
project proposal for review.
15 Office of the President, Reorganizing the National Economic and Development Authority, Executive
Order No. 230, Series of 1987, [E.O. No. 230], § 6 (22 July 1987).
16 Investment Coordination Committee, ICC Policy on Integrating the Harmonized Gender and
Development Guidelines (HGDG) in the ICC Process, [Unnumbered Memorandum], (30 September 2016)
Figure 8: ICC Project Evaluation Form No. 8
Source: National Economic and Development Authority
Check if the In checking the agencies compliance with the GAD budget of at
least 5% or the 5%-30% requirement in ODA-funded projects, it
programs, activities,
is important to have an understanding of how attribution works.
and projects are
correctly attributed Attribution to the GAD budget of a portion or the whole of the
budget of an agency’s major programs is a means toward
to GAD gradually increasing the gender responsiveness of government
programs and budgets.17
Element Points
1. Participation of women and men in problem 2 pts
2. Generation / use of Sex Disaggregated Data 2 pts
3. Gender issues; Gender Analysis to identify 2 pts
gender issues
4. GAD in goals, objectives, outcomes or outputs 2 pts
5. Activities match identified gender issues 2 pts
6. Gender analysis of designed project 2pts
7. Gender sensitive monitoring and evaluation 2 pts
system that would capture GAD results
8. Requirement of sex-disaggregated database / 2 pts
Commitment of resources to address the
gender issues
9. Commitment of resources to address gender 2 pts
10. Congruence of GAD Agenda with the agency 2 pts
Hence, in computing the GAD funds, the auditor must also request
a copy of the results of the gender analysis using the HGDG tool
to be able to verify the accuracy of the amount attributed to GAD.
2. Capacity development on GAD;
1. PAPs that are not in the agency’s PCW-endorsed GAD plan;
Request for a Request a copy of the GAD AR in case the agency fails to submit
within five (5) working days of January of the ensuing year after
copy of the GAD the end of the calendar year (CY), pursuant to Item V of COA
AR and the Circular No. 2014-001. During the planning phase, the agencies
have to use the GAD AR of the previous year to determine which
corresponding of the targets have been met, partially met or not met; or those
attachments and recurring PAPs that need to be repeated in the current GAD
review reported planning and budgeting.
Every year, attached agencies, bureaus, regional offices,
constituent units and all others concerned are required to submit
their GAD ARs to their central offices for review or consolidation.
The agency GFPS shall prepare the annual GAD AR based on the
PCW-endorsed GPB or the GPB adjusted to the approved GAA
following the form prescribed. Activities completed until the end of
the year may be included in the final GAD AR of agency submitted
to PCW in January20 or at due date set by PCW.
Look for sex- Also, request for sex-disaggregated data from the agency.
disaggregated The MCW requires all departments, including their attached
data on file and agencies, offices, bureaus, state universities and colleges (SUCs),
determine LGUs, GOCCs, and other government instrumentalities to develop
and maintain a GAD database containing gender statistics and
analysis done sex-disaggregated data that have been systematically gathered,
regularly updated, and subjected to gender analysis for planning,
programming, and policy formulation.23
Figure 9: GAD Accomplishment Report Template
Source: Philippine Commission on Women
Determine to what With the GPB and the GAD AR on hand, the auditor can start
extent did the developing audit findings.
programs, Audit findings are the results of analyzing and assessing specific
activities, and evidence and its relation to audit criteria. Audit findings normally
projects achieve contain the following elements: criteria (‘what should be’)
evidence or condition (‘what is’), causes (‘why is there a deviation
the GAD goals,
from criteria’), and effects (‘what are the consequences’).24
objectives, targets,
and performance The analytical steps to reach audit conclusions can be illustrated
indicators in this way25:
Having the criteria and the condition, the auditor should be able
to determine the extent the PAPs have achieved the GAD goals,
objectives, targets, and performance indicators.
However, the auditor should not take the GAD AR on its “face”.
The audit finding must be supported with evidence. And the
24 ISSAI 3200/84.
25 ISSAI 3200/79.
evidence must be sufficient and appropriate. The international
auditing standards provide definitions for sufficiency and
26 ISSAI 3200/74.
27 Id.
i. using the evidence carries an unacceptably high
risk that it could lead the auditor to reach an
incorrect or improper conclusion;
28 ISSAI 3200/77.
29 ISSAI 3200/75
evidence obtained from the management of the
audited entity or others who have a direct interest in
the audited entity.
30 ISSAI 3200/76.
If the agency was After comparing the criteria and condition, the results will be
either the agency is able to meet their GAD goals, objectives,
not able to meet targets, and performance indicators or not. If the agency is not
the targets, ask for able to meet their targets, ask for the challenges they encounter
the challenges they in implementing the PAPs and formulate a recommendation based
on the same. Identifying the cause is crucial in developing audit
encountered in finding because it will be the basis of the audit recommendations.
implementing the
Causes must be presented with caution. It also has to be
program and supported by sufficient and appropriate audit evidence. It is
formulate a relevant to consider the audited entity’s views on reasons for
recommendation performance problems or weaknesses. If such views are not
based on sufficient and appropriate audit evidence, the auditor
based on the same cannot take for granted that they are relevant or correct. If the
views of the audited entity are not sufficiently supported by
evidence, but reasonable according to the auditor’s professional
judgment, the auditor may choose to present the view of the
audited entity in the report.31
31 ISSAI 3200/88.
32 ISSAI 3200/89.
33 ISSAI 3200/90.
If the agency was Meeting or exceeding the criteria may indicate “good practice”
leading to good performance. The auditor should also document
able to meet the this so that it can be replicated in other agencies. By documenting
targets, document this, the PCW will be able to build a pool of subject matter experts
the strategies who can help accelerate gender mainstreaming in the entire
adopted and report
on the best One example is the preparation of the GAD Agenda. PCW MC No.
practices 2018-04 mentioned that the agency may also seek the support of
external GAD practitioners or sectoral experts from women or
GAD-related civil society organizations, members of the PCW
Gender Resource Pool, representatives of Regional GAD Resource
Centers, to serve as resource persons or consultants for the
preparation of the GAD Agenda.
Once the auditor has established the findings, determined why the
criteria are not being met (causes), and possible consequences
(effects), the auditor is ready to draw conclusions. Conclusions are
statements inferred by the auditor from those findings.34
Request for a Lastly, if applicable, request a copy of the GAD Agenda Progress
or End-Term Reports. After the 3rd year of implementation of the
copy of the GAD GAD Agenda, the agencies are required to conduct a review of its
Agenda Progress progress and report it. The report is called GAD Agenda Progress.
& End Term After the 6th year of the implementation of the GAD Agenda, there
will be another review and report. The report is called the End-
reports term Report. For reference, the templates are incorporated in this
guide and labeled Figures 10 and 11, respectively.
34 ISSAI 3200/92.
35 ISSAI 3200/93.
Figure 10: GAD Agenda Progress Report Template
Source: Philippine Commission on Women
Figure 11: GAD Agenda End-Term Report Template
Source: Philippine Commission on Women
How to In 2018, COA formally adopted the International Standards of
determine the Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) 3000 or the International
Standards for Performance Auditing.36 As a result, COA
efficiency, established a number of new procedures in order to comply with
economy and its mandatory provisions. These newly established procedures
effectiveness of from ISSAI 3000 were embedded in the operations of COA
through the development and adoption of the Performance Audit
Manual (PAM).
Under the current set-up, there are two (2) ways to incorporate a
gender lens in the conduct of performance audits in the
Commission on Audit, Adoption of International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) on
Performance and Compliance Audits, COA Resolution No. 2018-012, Series of 2018, [COA Reso No. 2018-012] (01
February 2018)
The COA-Wide Audit Portfolio is the overall audit plan, which covers the priorities of the Commission in all of its
audit streams: financial, compliance, and performance audits.
Once the COA-Wide Audit Portfolio or the Performance Audit
Portfolio is issued, the PAO will create an audit team to do the
performance audit among the topics in the Portfolio, which may
include GAD PAPs or gender perspective in a given government
b. Whether GAD PAPs are aligned with the PPGD for 1995-2025
e. Economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation
of the project shall also be evaluated in the light of existing
standards on GAD.
SDG Indicator Baseline Target Data Source
Data Year Data Year Agency
5.2 Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public
and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of
exploitation. Proportion of ever-partnered 4.4 2017 2.4 2030 National
women and girls aged 15 years and Demographic
older subjected to physical violence and Health
by a current or former intimate Survey (NDHS),
partner in the previous 12 months PCW
Proportion of ever-partnered 2.2 2017 1.0 2030 NDHS, PCW
women and girls aged 15 years and
older subjected to sexual violence
by a current or former intimate
partner in the previous 12 months
Proportion of ever-partnered 12.9 2017 10.3 2030 NDHS, PCW
women and girls aged 15 years and
older subjected to psychological
violence by a current or former
intimate partner in the previous 12
5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities
for leadership at all levels of decisionmaking in political, economic and
public life. Proportion of seats held by women 28.7 2016 50.0 2030 Election
in national parliaments Records and
Proportion of seats held by women 31.0 2016 50.0 2030 ERSD,
in local governments COMELEC
Proportion of women in managerial 46.6 2016 50.0 2030 Labor Force
positions Survey (LFS),
SDG 5 cuts across all SDGs
After 12 years of implementing the MCW, it is important to assess
the impact of GAD policies of the government considering the
significance of the amount of public resources and government
personnel involved in its implementation. The results of the
assessment should be able to help the policy makers and program
implementers ensure greater gender-responsiveness in the
The audit should also look into the challenges encountered by the
implementers, such as the lack of organizational structure and
regular personnel to support gender mainstreaming in the agency.
Often agencies do not have personnel with the technical expertise
and administrative skills to manage and supervise the
implementation of the MCW. The enormity of the tasks,
responsibilities and accountabilities of the GFPS requires the
appointment of regular staff, solely dedicated for GAD. However,
despite this need, government officials and employees involved in
GAD mainstreaming all work in ad-hoc capacities.
38 Goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls, available at (Last accessed: 12 November 2021).
Incorporating a Due to the insufficiency of human resources in the PAO, there is
no assurance that the CP will include the audit of implementation
gender perspective of GAD in the COA-Wide Audit Portfolio or Performance Audit
in the conduct of Portfolio. The alternative approach is to include a gender lens in
performance audit the conduct of performance audit of other priority programs, as
applicable. In this option, the audit is not focused on the
of government attainment of GAD goals, per se, but on the economy, efficiency,
programs, project, and effectiveness of a program.
and activities
To do this, the audit team shall incorporate a few GAD-related
audit questions in the development of the design matrix such as:
Are there any GAD-related activities incorporated in the program?
What are the GAD goals, objectives, targets, and performance
indicators of these activities? To what extent have these been
achieved? For reference, below is the template used by the PAO in
preparing the design matrix.
As shown above, the Planning Phase (preparation of Design
Matrix) will set the types of methodologies that the audit team will
undertake to answer the GAD-related audit questions. Below is a
list of possible methodologies that the audit team may use during
the Audit Execution phase.
Case studies are an in-depth look at one or more complex
events, incidents, or locations. Multiple sources of information are
used to compare, contrast, and combine different perspectives of
the same process. They’re typically qualitative, based on
nonprobability sample, and used to answer complex “how” and
“why” questions.
For the reporting phase, the audit team will just have to reserve a
portion of the report for GAD-related findings.
Case Study
Currently, there are 1,488 municipalities and 122 cities. As of 30 June 2018, which is the
cut-off of the audit, there are still 308 municipalities with no fire station.
So, how did the findings of the audit team contributed to gender mainstreaming?
In preparing the audit design matrix, the audit team incorporated researchable questions
related to the extent BFP mainstreamed gender in the implementation of its programs,
specifically, its modernization program. This led the audit team to the following findings:
1. Out of the 82 fire stations validated, 24 fire stations or 29 percent have no separate
living quarters for women.
Catigbian Fire Station, Bohol
2. A number of separate living quarters in the newly constructed and
existing (old) fire stations validated were crowded due to the increase in
number of hired firefighters.
Further analysis revealed that there is significant rise in the number of
female officers from 2011 to 2018. The number of female officers increased
by 61 percent compared to a drop of 5 percent on male officers. As regards
the data on non-officers, female non-officers increased by 140 percent while
male non-officers increased by 32 percent.
Impact Analysis
At the very least, it would make an impact on the use of the P1.79B budget
for the construction of fire stations, which already constitutes roughly 8%
of BFP’s annual budget.
References 1. An Act Providing for the Magna Carta of Women [The Magna
Carta of Women], Republic Act No. 9710 (2009).
9. Commission on Audit, Performance Audit Report on the
Bureau of Fire Protection Program Modernization Program
entitled: BFP’s Capability of Safeguarding the Populace from
Destructive Fires Hampered by Scarce Resources, and Gaps in
Procurement, Construction of Fire Stations, and Maintenance
of Fire Tucks, Performance Audit Report PAO-2018-01, series
of 2018, [PAO-2018-01], (22 January 2019)
17. International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions,
Central Concepts for Performance Auditing, INTOSAI Guidance
3910 [GUID 3910]
25. Philippine Commission on Women, Preparation and Online
Submission of Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Gender and Development
(GAD) Plans and Budgets, PCW Memorandum Circular No.
2020-05, series of 2020, [PCW MC No. 2020-05] (11
September 2020)
Acknowledgement The members of the Committee on Audit and Gender Issue
Analysis of the COA GFPS who drafted this GAD Audit Guide: