Atkins 2013
Atkins 2013
Atkins 2013
June 3-7, 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA
N. R. Atkins∗
Whittle Laboratory, Dept. of Engineering, University of Cambridge
flow is relatively insensitive to turbulence modelling. As such,
HYDRA predictions using the S-A model with wall functions
have been used in this work to help visualise the flow field.
Owen and Wilson [4] give a comprehensive review of the
0 field of rotating disc systems. Therefore, a only a brief overview
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Time [s] is given here. Important early reference works were published
by Hide [5], Wormley [6], and Owen et al. [7]. These ground-
FIGURE 2. Closure and clearance characteristic during a transient test
breaking works established the characteristics of the flow field.
bed cycle
Firouzian et al. [8, 9] presented flow and heat transfer measure-
ments in a large scale test rig with a Perspex outer shroud. Far-
thing [10] studied the use of de-swirl nozzles to reduce losses and
Idle MTO Test bed eq. cruise
pressure drops in cavities with radial inflow. Günther et al. [11]
Θidle 0.41 Θ MT O 0.42 Θcruise 0.2 studied steady state heat transfer with and without radial inflow
in a rig similar to that used for the study presented in this paper.
τdecel 350 s τaccel 74 s τaccel 149 s
TABLE 1. Fitted drum model parameters Visualisation - CFD setup The Rolls-Royce HYDRA
(Ver. 6) solver was used in steady mode. A grid dependence
study was used to set the cell count of the multi-block struc-
and MTO conditions is ∼ 0.4. This corresponds to within a few tured mesh topology. The Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model
percent of the measured data at a normalised radius of r/b = 0.8 was used with wall functions and y+ values where kept to ap-
(presented below). Both the idle and MTO test bed conditions proximately 30 on the surfaces. The prediction shown in Figure 3
are completely equivalent to those in flight as the aircraft/engine was run using the measured boundary conditions from the MTO
is in low level flight with sea level inlet temperature and pres- condition steady state test cases with a radial inflow of 4.4% of
sure. In contrast, the cruise condition shown here is a test-bed- bore flow (see Table 4 - Case 12). The CFD solution is used here
equivalent operating point where the the engine inlet pressure is to illustrate the flow field and is discussed in detail below.
about 3 times higher and the inlet temperature is approximately
100 K higher than those in-flight. Dimensionless scaling
The next sections discuss the cavity flow field with radial The pertinent geometry of the cavity is shown in Figure 4,
inflow. and the governing dimensionless parameters are given in Table 2.
The key dimensions are: r s = 0.070 m; a = 0.080 m; b = 0.230 m;
s = 0.048 m. The rotational Reynolds number (or the inverse of
CAVITY FLOW FIELD the Ekman number) represents the relative important of Coriolis
Instrumentation access is inherently limited in the study of forces over viscous forces within the cavity [12]. The Rossby
radial inflow within a rotating cavity. Testing has traditionally number at the cob radius a represents the degree to which the
required a trade off between the Reynolds number and the res- flow is driven by the cavity flow or the axial through flow, which
olution of the measurements. Similarly, the full annular nature, is characterised by the axial Reynolds number.
the rotational dominance on turbulence production and the often The baseline cavity flow, that of a rotating cavity with axial
Bore flow
100 100 fitted response is close to the raw data, particularly for the radial-
80 80 inflow deceleration (case 4). However, several of the traces show
60 60
evidence of both longer time constants, and time constants which
change with time. This represents the thermal signatures of the
40 40
various sections of the test facility, including the inlet pipework
20 20 and routing, as well as the thermal mass of the outer drum itself.
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 The effect of the thermal mass of the inlet ducting can also be
seen in the raw run plots of Figure 7 for example. The tran-
Dimensionless (see legend for scaling) [−]
0 0
Discussion The time constant data for the four cases
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 shown in Figures 8 & 9 are compared in Figure 10. At the radial-
Time [min] Time [min]
inflow levels shown here, there is a clear and significant reduc-
tion in the disc time constant. The concept of disc time con-
stant reduction through the introduction of radial inflow works
FIGURE 7. Transient run data for baseline (LHS - cases 1 & 2) and as expected.
radial inflow (RHS - cases 3 & 4). Top to bottom: disc temperatures; As seen in the steady state data presented in the following
dimensionless conditions sections, the heat transfer in the cob region of the disc is less
0.9 0.9
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
r/b [−]
r/b [−]
Θ [−]
Θ [−]
0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.5 0.5
0.3 0.3
r/b = 1
r/b = 1 0.4 0.4
r/b = 0.9
r/b = 0.9
0.2 0.2 r/b = 0.7
r/b = 0.7
r/b = 0.5
r/b = 0.5
0.3 r/b = 0.3 0.3
0.1 r/b = 0.3 0.1 Upstream face
Upstream face
Downstream face Downstream face
0 0.2 0 0.2
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 0 5 10 15 0 5 10
Time [minutes] Time [minutes] Time [minutes] Time [minutes]
Baseline: Decel. Temperatures Time constant − τ Radial inflow: Decel. minflow/m bore = 8% Time constant − τ
1 1 1 1
0.9 0.9
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
r/b [−]
r/b [−]
Θ [−]
Θ [−]
0.4 0.4
0.5 0.5
0.3 0.3
r/b = 1
0.4 r/b = 0.9 0.4
r/b = 1
0.2 r/b = 0.9 0.2 r/b = 0.7
r/b = 0.7 r/b = 0.5
r/b = 0.5 0.3 r/b = 0.3 0.3
0.1 0.1
r/b = 0.3 Upstream face
Upstream face
Downstream face
Downstream face
0 0.2 0 0.2
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 0 5 10 15 0 5 10
Time [minutes] Time [minutes] Time [minutes] Time [minutes]
FIGURE 8. Baseline transients (Upper) Accel. (Lower) Decel. LHS: FIGURE 9. Radial-inflow transients (Upper) Accel. (Lower) Decel.
Raw and fitted metal temperature time histories. RHS: Local time con- LHS: Raw and fitted metal temperature time histories. RHS: Local time
stant at each model point location (cases 1 & 2). constant eat each model point location (cases 3 & 4).
affected by the radial inflow than the diaphram region. There terms of time constant reduction. The absence of this effect at
is also less of an effect at MTO conditions than idle, where the MTO conditions suggests that it is simply due to the dominance
change in time constant is only ∼10 seconds. This is perhaps of the time constant of the thermal mass of the thick outer rim at
to be expected, as the wetted area of the cob region sees more lower power (i.e. lower heat transfer coefficients and lower heat
bore flow in comparison to the rest of the disc. This suggests that flux down the disc overall). The outer rim of the test section is
with increasing axial flow Reynolds number, Re x , the through- considerably thicker than an engine drive arm, and it is thought
flow dominates the cob region heat transfer, which is three times that this effect is undoubtedly test rig specific and unlikely to be
higher at MTO than idle conditions. a factor in the engine architecture (the disc diaphragm and cob
At idle conditions, the near-shroud region is less affected in are fully representative). This effect was seen and anticipated
r/b [−]
r/b [−]
0.5 0.4
0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Θ [-]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [minutes]
MTO conditions − steady state
FIGURE 10. Comparison of the local time constant values between
the baseline conditions (cases 1 & 2) and the radial-inflow testing (cases
3 & 4). Radial inflow - blue symbols, baseline - red symbols.
r/b [−]
during the rig design stages from the results of the 2D thermo-
mechanical modelling. However, a reduction in thermal mass of 0.6
the rim was rejected due to the increased complexity and risk to
the project. 0.5
Steady-state data and discussion Baseline − case 9
1.6% inflow − case 10
The steady state temperature data is shown in normalised 0.3
3% inflow − case 11
form in Figure 11 at idle (upper) and MTO (lower) conditions. 4.4% inflow − case 12
It can be clearly seen that radial inflow raises the average tem- 0.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
perature of the complete disc. It has a significant effect on the Θ [-]
radial temperature profile even at levels as low as 1.6% of bore
flow per cavity. As introduced earlier, this effect can be explained FIGURE 11. Comparison of radial temperature profiles for three lev-
through the dominance of Coriolis forces away from the viscous els of radial inflow as a percentage of bore flow at idle (cases 5, 6, 7 &
boundary layers at these levels of rotational Reynolds number. 8) and MTO scaled conditions (cases 9, 10, 11 & 12).
The rotational dominance keeps the radial inflow confined to thin
layers on the disc faces. With conservation of angular momen-
tum, the circumferential velocity of this radial inflow increases Increasing the level of radial inflow both increases the nor-
as it progresses down the disc. It is this relative velocity in the malised temperature of the disc and further reduces the temper-
circumferential direction that increases the heat transfer coeffi- ature gradient on the outer parts of the disc. This behaviour is
cient. most pronounced in the near shroud and diaphragm regions, but
Relative to the baseline case, the radial inflow reduces the reduces towards the cob region as the axial flow becomes domi-
normalised temperature gradient near the shroud and to a lesser nant.
extent on the diaphragm regions of the disc. Conversely, it in-
creases the radial temperature gradients in the cob region. It is
Bore flow pressure drop The bore flow pressure drop
noted that this may introduce additional thermal stress in a criti-
data from the steady state tests has been included in Table 7. The
cal area of the disc.
here of an inflow of 7.8% bore flow at idle and 4.4% of bore flow
at MTO conditions, the normalised temperature values increase
1.5 from the baseline level of about 0.4 up to 0.95 and 0.7 respec-
Θcruise = 0.5
tively. The time constant improvement is taken as a factor of 2
Θcruise = 0.6
1 for the MTO conditions and a factor of 1.4 for the idle conditions.
Θcruise = 0.7
These estimated model parameters are summarised in Table 8.
0.5 The prediction of the lumped model with the estimated
radial-inflow parameters is shown in Figure 12. The reduction
0 in the high power clearance is significant with an almost 50%
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Time [s] reduction from 2.15% to 1.25% of span. The hotter steady state
drum temperature also drives a beneficial reduction in the steady
FIGURE 12. Comparison of baseline and estimated radial-inflow state MTO clearance. The reduction in post deceleration over-
model shoot allows for a tighter CBC, but the actual cruise clearance
depends entirely on the steady state drum temperatures. The ex-
perimental testing shows that the radial inflow always increases
definition of pressure losses is complicated by the rotating flow. the steady state disc temperatures. As such, the predicted cruise
As a comparative reference, the inlet total pressure, p0,inlet , is cal- clearance is shown for three levels of normalised (test-bed equiv-
culated from the measured average static pressure in the cavity alent) cruise disc temperatures of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7. The reduction
upstream of the angled transfer holes (Figure 6l) and the mea- in cruise clearance increases almost linearly with increasing disc
sured mass flow rate. The exit static pressure, pexit , is measured temperature suggesting significant potential for improvement.
on the shaft just upstream of the exit transfer holes which can be However, this would need confirmation with full 2-D thermo-
seen in Figure 6. The data is expressed as the dynamic pressure mechanical testing. Also, this simple analysis does not take in
lost as a percentage of the inlet total pressure. At idle conditions account the effects of increased windage, the impact of the in-
the dynamic pressure lost from inlet to outlet increases by 0.5% creased pressure drop and parasitic heating on the downstream
of the inlet total pressure with the addition of 15% of bore flow components.
via the radial ports. The increase in pressure loss at MTO condi-
tions is 0.2% of the inlet total pressure for an addition of 4.4% of
bore flow through the radial ports. CONCLUSIONS
The proof-of-concept tests have demonstrated that the use of
radial inflow does indeed reduce the time constant of HPC discs.