PHD Regulations 2023
PHD Regulations 2023
PHD Regulations 2023
submitted by
GITAM (Deemed to be University)
2.10. Parent Department: the department where a Candidate has registered for
Ph.D. Program.
2.11. Plagiarism: means the practice of taking someone else’s work or idea and
passing them as one’s own;
2.12. Programme: The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).
2.13. Research Centre: external Institution / Industry / Research laboratory,
engaged in research activities, having at least two persons qualified to
supervise research and duly recognized by the University.
2.14. Research Proposal: means a brief write-up giving an outline of the proposed
research work which the Ph.D. scholar shall submit along with the application
for registration for Ph.D. programme;
2.15. Research Supervisor: means an academician/researcher recognized by the
University to supervise the Ph.D. scholar for his/her research;
Co-Supervisor means a recognized Research Supervisor within the parent
department or other than the parent department.
2.16. Research Committees:
(a) Board of Research Studies (BRS): the Board constituted by the University
to monitor research activities in the University.
(b) Board of Studies (BoS): the Board constituted by the University to monitor
the curricular aspects of the concerned department.
(c) Common Board of Studies: the school level Board constituted by the
University to monitor the curricular aspects related to common courses
offered by different departments.
(d) Departmental Research Committee (DRC): the Committee constituted by
the Institute to monitor the research activities in an academic department.
(e) Institution Research Committee (IRC): the Committee constituted by the
University to monitor research activities in an Institute.
(f) Doctoral Advisory Committee (DAC): the Committee constituted by the
DRC to monitor the progress of the scholars.
2.17. Synopsis: means the summary of the research work to be submitted as a pre-
requisite for submission of the Ph.D. thesis.
3. Eligibility Criteria
3.1. Categories:
(a) Full time
(b) Extramural
(c) International
Candidates seeking admission into Ph.D. programme can pursue research
under Full-Time or Extramural categories, subject to eligibility criteria
stipulated below.
3.2. Educational Qualification:
(a) A 1-year/2-semester master's degree programme after a 4-year/8-
semester bachelor’s degree programme OR a 2-year/4-semester master’s
degree programme after a 3-year bachelor’s degree programme OR
qualifications declared equivalent to the master’s degree by the
corresponding statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in
aggregate or its equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system
is followed.
(b) OR an equivalent qualification from a foreign educational institution
accredited by an assessment and accreditation agency which is approved,
recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated
under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that
country to assess, accredit or assure quality and standards of the
educational institution.
(c) A candidate seeking admission after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s
degree programme should have a minimum of 75% marks in aggregate or
its equivalent grade on a point scale wherever the grading system is
(d) Candidates who have completed the M.Phil. programme with at least 55%
marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade in a point scale wherever
grading system is followed or equivalent qualification from a foreign
educational institution accredited by an assessment and accreditation
agency which is approved, recognized or authorized by an authority,
established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other
statutory authority in that country to assess, accredit or assure quality and
standards of educational institutions, shall be eligible for admission to the
Ph.D. programme.
3.3. Service requirement for Extramural Research candidates
3.3.1 Scientists working in research institutions recognized by the University
with a minimum two years of experience.
3.3.2 Research Fellows attached to institutions recognized by the University.
6. Research Supervisor
6.1. Eligibility: The criteria to be recognized as a Research Supervisor is as per the
following table:
Number of Publications in peer
Cadre Qualification
reviewed indexed journals
Professor Ph.D. 5
Associate Professor Ph.D. 5
Assistant Professor Ph.D. 3
Each supervisor can guide up to two international Ph.D. scholars on a
supernumerary basis over and above the permitted number of Ph.D. scholars
as specified in clause above.
6.5. For Ph.D. scholars working in Central government/ State government research
institutions who are registered for Ph.D. at the university, the scientists in such
research institutions who are equivalent to Professor/Associate
Professor/Assistant Professor can be recognized as supervisors if they fulfill the
above requirements.
6.6. Adjunct Faculty members shall not act as Research Supervisors and can only
act as co-supervisors.
6.7. i. All eligible Research Supervisors of the Department with vacancies are
required to follow the below process for allotment of Ph.D. scholars before
each admissions cycle.
(a) Summary of the current research interests and future research areas.
(b) List of the research publications over the last five years.
(c) Statement of current funded research projects (both internal and external
(d) Current Ph.D. scholars under their guidance and their areas of research.
(e) Current number of vacancies for the Ph.D. scholars.
Note: Profiles of all the eligible Research Supervisors will be made available to
the Ph.D. scholars prior to the interview.
ii. All admitted Ph.D. scholars may opt for Research Supervisors based on their
area of research and in alignment with their proposed research area by giving
at least two choices of Research Supervisor.
iii. The Research Supervisors may then choose the Ph.D. scholars under the
supervision of DRC and may give their order of preference of the candidates.
iv: DRC will do the final allocation of the scholars in the best interests of the
Scholars, Supervisors, and the University.
6.8. In case of inter-disciplinary research, Supervisors have to submit a “Statement
of Purpose” (SoP) justifying the need for interdisciplinary approach which has
to be approved by the DRCs of the concerned departments. However, Co-
Supervisor can be allowed in inter-disciplinary areas from within the
department or other departments of the same Institute or from other related
institutions with the approval of the Institute Research Committee.
6.9. Under Extramural category, candidates shall identify a Co-Supervisor from
their parent organization duly approved by the DRC and a Supervisor from the
6.10. Faculty members with remaining service of three years or less as regular
faculty (before superannuation) are not allowed to take new research scholars
under their supervision. However, such faculty members can continue to
supervise the Ph.D. scholars who are already registered until superannuation
and as a Co-Supervisor after superannuation, but not after attaining the age of
70 years.
6.11. A faculty member leaving the University shall cease to be the Supervisor.
However, he/she may continue as a Co-Supervisor on the request and with the
approval of DRC.
6.12. In case, where the Supervisor leaves the University after the submission of the
thesis, he/she shall be permitted to continue as a Supervisor till the award of
the degree. The Chairperson, DRC will act as the convener for the Viva-Voce
6.13. Change of Supervisor: Change of Supervisor may be permitted under
exceptional circumstances including but not limited to death or disability on
health grounds or transfer or resignation or retirement of the Supervisor, on
the request of the Candidate / Supervisor, with recommendations by the DRC.
A Co- Supervisor can be permitted on request by the Research Supervisor with
recommendations of DRC.
8. Course Work
8.1. Course work is mandatory for Full-time and Extramural Ph.D. scholars.
8.2. Candidates have to put in a minimum of 75% attendance per course to be
eligible to appear for the examinations.
8.3. The course work comprises the following to be completed in the first two
Semester – I
S. No. Course Title Credits
1 XXXX (I) Research Methodology 4
2 XXXX (II) Critical Thinking and Academic Writing 2
3 XXXX (III) Advanced topics in the area of research - I 3
Semester – II
S. No. Course Title Credits
4 XXXX (IV) Advanced topics in the area of research-II 3
5 XXXX (V) Research and Publication Ethics 2
6 XXXX (VI) Comprehensive Viva-Voce 2
8.4. The Doctoral Advisory Committee can also recommend UGC recognized online
courses as a part of the credit requirements for the Ph.D. programme.
8.5. Classes for Course: I, II and V shall be arranged by the Institute, and that of
Course – III and IV (Advanced topics in the area of research approved by
respective BoS) by the DRC.
8.6. Syllabus for Course: I, II and V shall be given by the IRC and approved by the
Common BoS and that of Courses– III and IV shall be suggested by Doctoral
Advisory Committee (from the list of approved courses approved by BoS) and
approved by DRC.
8.7. Ph.D. coursework (Course I-VI) has to be completed within 24 months from the
date of registration. The registration stands automatically cancelled if the
candidate is not able to complete the coursework in this duration.
8.8. Candidates have to secure at least CGPA of 7 (Aggregate B Grade) and above
and a minimum of “P” grade in each course to complete the coursework.
8.9. All Ph.D. scholars, irrespective of discipline, shall be required to train in
teaching/education/pedagogy/writing related to their chose Ph.D. subject
during their doctoral period.
8.10. Ph.D. scholars may also be assigned 4-6 hours per week teaching/research
assistantship for conducting tutorial or laboratory work and evaluations.
9.2. Evaluation: The evaluation of Course – I, II, III, IV and V shall be carried out by
an examiner nominated by the Dean of School from the panel of examiners
recommended by BoS.
9.3. The Comprehensive Viva-Voce shall be conducted and assessed by the
Doctoral Advisory Committee. It will include presentation of literature review
along with the proposed title and objectives of the research.
12. Submission of Ph.D. Thesis
12.1. To be eligible for the submission of the thesis, the Ph.D. scholars shall
complete the Coursework with at least CGPA of 7 (Aggregate “B” Grade) and
above and a minimum of “P” grade in each course.
12.2. Ph.D. scholars must publish at least One (1) research paper as a first author in
the approved list of indexed journals of the institute/school and make two
paper presentations in peer reviewed conferences/seminars approved by the
institute/school or at least two (2) research papers in the approved list of
journals of the institute/school before the submission of the thesis for
adjudication and produce evidence for the same. A patent granted will be
considered equivalent to a research paper.
12.3. Candidates have to submit two (2) copies of synopsis and a draft copy of the
thesis in the prescribed proforma as per Annexure III & IV to the DRC through
the Research Supervisor.
12.4. Candidates shall give an open Pre-Ph.D. Seminar before the members of both
DRC and Doctoral Advisory Committee, which shall also be open to all the
faculty members and other research scholars/students.
12.5. Upon approval by the DRC, the Supervisor shall circulate the synopsis to the
external experts to seek their consent who can then be included in the list of
12.6. Based on the inputs and on receipt of consent from external experts, the
Supervisor, in consultation with DRC Chairperson shall prepare the list of
adjudicators and submit to Director-R&D through DRC Chairperson,
1 A A A Conduct Viva-Voce
2 A A M The candidate has to resubmit
the thesis and it is to be sent
to the same examiner for re-
3 A M M The candidate has to resubmit
4 M M M the thesis with the approval of
Doctoral Advisory Committee
and it is to be sent to the same
examiners for re-evaluation.
5 A A R The examiner who rejected
the thesis shall be replaced
with new examiner. The
adjudication process continues
as per regular procedure.
6 A M R The examiner who rejected
the thesis shall be replaced
with new examiner. The
adjudication process continues
as per regular procedure.
In case of Modification, the
candidate has to resubmit the
thesis with approval from DRC
and it is to be sent to the same
examiner for re-evaluation.
7 A R R The candidate has to resubmit
the revised thesis with the
approval of DRC. The
adjudication process continues
as per regular procedure.
8 M M R Appointment of new
9 M R R examiner(s) from the original
panel. The candidate has to
resubmit the revised thesis
with the approval of DRC. The
adjudication process continues
as per regular procedure.
10 R R R Registration gets cancelled
A – Approved, M – Modifications, R – Rejected
R-Rejected: If the adjudicator rejects the thesis without stating any specific
reasons, the original thesis shall be sent to another adjudicator. If the
adjudicator rejects the thesis by specifying the reasons for
rejection/suggestions for improvement, the thesis shall be revised and
resubmitted with the approval of DRC and the revised thesis shall be sent to
another adjudicator.
12.7. Candidates shall submit one hard copy and soft copy of the thesis approved by
the Supervisor as per the guidelines in Annexure IV to the Department before
the due date, failing which candidates have to pay the tuition fee for the next
academic year also in order to obtain no-dues certificate.
12.8. The Convener, DRC shall forward the copy of the approved thesis along with
the documents specified in Annexure V to the Director-R&D through the
12.9. The Dean/HoI shall issue the “Thesis Submission Certificate” to the Candidate.
12.10. The Director-R&D will perform the plagiarism check with an approved software
and issue a “Plagiarism Check Certificate” along with the Similarity Index
12.11. The plagiarized content should not exceed 10% overall exclusive of references
and their own research publications.
12.12. Early Submission of Ph.D. Thesis: Ph.D. scholars may be permitted for early
submission, not exceeding six months provided they fulfill all the requirements
for the submission of the thesis. Candidates shall make an appeal to the
Director-R&D through the Doctoral Advisory Committee, DRC and IRC for early
submission, one/two months before the proposed submission date.
14. Viva-Voce for Ph.D. Degree
14.1. On the receipt of satisfactory reports from the adjudicators, an open viva-voce
shall be conducted by Viva-Voce committee comprising the following.
DRC, Chairperson Chairperson
BoS, Chairperson Member
One of the Indian adjudicators nominated by the VC Member
Two subject experts of the University nominated by the VC Members
Co- Supervisor (if any) Member
HoD Member
Research Supervisor Convener
14.2. The viva-voce shall be open to faculty members of the concerned and allied
departments, members of the Doctoral Advisory Committee, PG students,
Ph.D. scholars and other interested experts/researchers.
14.3. Candidates have to successfully defend their thesis work during the Viva-Voce,
failing which they have to reappear for Viva-Voce within 3 months.
14.4. In case the Research Supervisor left the University after submission of the
thesis, the HoD shall act as the convener of the committee to conduct the viva-
14.5. The University shall complete the entire process of evaluating a Ph.D. thesis,
including the declaration of the viva-voce result, within a period of six (6)
months from the date of submission of the thesis.
electronic copy of the Ph.D. thesis to INFLIBNET, for hosting the same so as to make it
accessible to all the Higher Educational Institutions and research institutions.
Annexure I
The Director – Research & Development,
GITAM Deemed to be University,
Visakhapatnam – 530045.
Thanking you.
Yours Truly,
Signature: ______________________
For official use only: Ref:
Annexure II
Annexure III
Guidelines for Preparation of Synopsis
1. Synopsis shall be limited to 15 pages (excluding cover page)
2. A4 (210mm x 297mm) paper size only shall be used.
3. Synopsis shall be tape bound.
(10 lines gap) - ‘Times New Roman’ – 14-point size – Bold – centered
(3 lines gap) – Square Logo of GITAM Deemed to be University – 1.5 inch side
Department of ___________
GITAM (Deemed to be University)
(1 line gap) - ‘Times New Roman’ – 14-point size – Bold – centered
Annexure – IV
Thesis Specifications
Thesis Size
1. A thesis should be preferably not exceeding 250 pages (not considering the prefacing
materials of the thesis that are paginated in small Roman numerals; see the section on
Page Numbering).
4. The thesis shall be hard bound and the spine of the thesis shall be provided with the
title of the thesis, year of submission and name of the candidate.
Line Spacing
19. A margin of 3.75 cm (1½ inch) is to be given on the binding edge while on the other
sides it is to be 2.5 cm (1 inch). The text of the thesis, including headings, figures,
tables, and notes, but excluding page numbers, must be accommodated within the
page area.
20. All tables (tabulated data) and figures (charts, graphs, maps, images, diagrams, etc.)
should be prepared, wherever possible, on the same paper used to type the text and
conform to the specifications outlined earlier. They should be inserted as close to the
textual reference as possible. If borrowed from others, it should be acknowledged
below the table, map, chart, figure, diagram etc.
21. Tables, figures and equations should be numbered sequentially either throughout the
thesis or Chapter-wise using Arabic numerals. They are referred to in the body of the
text capitalizing the first letter of the word and number, as for instance, Table 17, Fig.
24/Eqn. (33)/ or Table 5.3/Fig. 3.11/Eqn. (4.16).=
22. If tables and figures are of only half a page or less, they may appear on the same page
as text but separated above and below by triple line spacing. Font size for title text
should be the same as for the general text.
23. Good quality Line Drawings/figures must be drawn using standard software that
provides vector rather than bit-map graphics. Figures must be scalable. Images,
Photographs, etc. must be scanned in resolution exceeding 200dpi with 256 grayscales
for the monochrome images and 24 bit per pixel for the color images.
Page Numbering
24. Page numbers for the preface/acknowledgements materials of the thesis shall be in
small Roman numerals and should be centered at the bottom of the pages.
25. Page numbers for the body of the thesis should be in Arabic numerals and should be
centered at the bottom of the pages. The pagination should start with the first page of
Chapter 1 and should continue throughout the text (including tables, figures, and
27. The Abstract of the thesis should be limited to two pages (a requirement for its
inclusion in the Dissertation Abstracts International). A list of keywords should follow
the abstract.
28. The thesis should be written in either British or American English, not in a mixed mode.
However, because of increasing acceptance of both styles and blurring of the
distinction between the two, what is important is that consistency should be
maintained throughout the text. However, use of standard dictionaries like Oxford
chambers dictionary / Oxford learners dictionary is suggested for spellings, symbols,
quotations, punctuation etc.,
29. Each chapter should be numbered in Roman numerals and should be written as
Chapter I, Chapter II, etc., and should be followed by its title (e.g., Introduction, etc.).
The chapter title shall be printed bold and in 15-point font.
30. Units should be in International System of Units (SI) format.
31. Author-year style of referencing is preferred for a Ph.D. thesis of the University. Foot
note must be given at the bottom of the page. It should not be combined with
reference. All references cited in a chapter may be given at the end of each chapter/at
the end of all chapters.
32. References– All research sources including those not mentioned in the body of the
thesis have to be listed.
Appendices /Annexures
(10 lines gap) - ‘Times New Roman’ – 14-point size – Bold – centered
(3 lines gap) – Square Logo of GITAM Deemed to be University – 1.5 inch side
Department of ___________
GITAM (Deemed to be University)
(1 line gap) - ‘Times New Roman’ – 14-point size – Bold – centered
Sample Page 3
I declare that the research work contained in the thesis is original and it has been done
Designation). The work has not been submitted to any other University for the award of
Sample Page 4
Sample Page 5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Methodology and Result analysis on present investigation
Chapter 5, etc.
List of Research Publications as part of the study (in the following order)
(a) International Journals
(b) National Journals
(c) International conferences
(d) National conferences
Annexure – IV
Annexure – V
1. Candidate
2. Thesis title
3. Department
4. Date of Viva-voce
The Ph.D. Viva-Voce is held as per the schedule by the members of the Viva Voce
Committee for _______ hours. ______ Members have attended the presentation and
Viva-Voce. Staff Members ____________________________ and allied Departments have
attended the presentation.
Based on the presentation, defense and justification, the Committee has unanimously
recommended that Ph.D. Degree be awarded to _________________________in the
faculty of ______________________________ GITAM (Deemed to be University).
Head of the Department External Examiner