Earth Honey - Spirit of Light
Earth Honey - Spirit of Light
Earth Honey - Spirit of Light
Earth Honey
Document 5
Annex written in addition to the series
Talking to God
Phone: +40 720 897 250
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During the time when I lived among you on Earth, one day,
two little girls came into the room where I was serving breakfast
with some of My disciples and disturbed us. The older one, aged
twelve, followed by the younger one, only five, slammed the door
and shouted that she was surrendering. They playfully dueled with
two sticks they imagined to be swords. The older sister held the
stick in her hand, the younger one had it tied with a thin string by
her neck.
Then two of the disciples rushed to them to scold them. At My
sign they withdrew, and the little girls came to talk to Me about
their fate. The elder sister addressed Me saying:
“If You wish to duel with her too, good Teacher, You will have
to pretend to lose, otherwise You will make my sister’s heart very
sad. Come closer and You will feel her pain, but first find out that
she doesn’t talk much, she is slower than other children her age.”
In reality the girl, whose name was Anyana, was mute, and on
top of that she could not move her upper limbs, which her father
had tied to her body so that they would not hang down and hurt
her during the game. The father of the two was an old Jew with a
lot of life experience, who never came into conflict with anyone
and therefore all the villagers knew him as a good man, pleasing
to God. For this reason they did not understand why he was cursed
to bring into the world a daughter tormented in every way.
I turned My gaze to Anyana and commanded her soul to share
her story with those present. Then the little girl of only five years
old stood up and spoke like a learned adult, so much so that the
whole room froze listening to her.
I will reproduce in part the words of her soul in order to under-
stand the state she was in. And the soul spoke so:
“Bright Spirit in Heaven and on Earth, whom I acknowledge
above all beings, why do You call me out of my pleasant silence to
stir up my feelings? I have always been able to speak, but I chose
not to because of the suffering You gave me the moment I became
human. The last life I remember was a brightly colored exotic bird
life. I was so free and happy that I wanted nothing else.
In the evolutionary chain of creation, before being born as hu-
mans on Earth, souls live lives as birds in order to purify them-
selves and become acquainted with the freedom for which they will
long later.
It is true that when I was on the ground or resting in a tree my
wings became useless, but in the sky they were everything. Now,
human as I am, like a bird trapped in a defective body, I have noth-
ing left but to play with my sister who cares for me and to watch
with pity as my parents weep in their prayers to You. However I
won’t be able to help them with anything, nor will I be able to find
a man with whom I can fulfill my duty as a woman and become a
mother myself.
This is my biggest pain. But may Your will and not mine, as an
unknowing soul, be done, even if I am cursed to live in this body a
thousand lifetimes.”
At these words, the eyes of those present filled with tears. I sat
at the end of the bed where Anyana was lying and cried. The dis-
ciples thought that I was crying because of the story that touched
Me or that I was asking the Heavenly Father to heal her, but I was
crying because of the loyalty of her soul and the grace that I have
not found in any being in all creation.
I scolded the disciples for their foolishness and had them un-
tie the hands of the little girl, who was now healthy and happy.
The first thing the child did was to embrace Me with all her
love, then she began to caress everyone and touch everything. She
took her sister by the hand and they ran home to tell her grieving
parents about the Spirit of Light.
You, today, remember the love of closeness and the pleasure
of telling each other your experiences and assimilating them. You
find mutual respect, brotherly love. Do not come back down to earth
as the elders direct you, for the reality of people is false. Remain
dreamy and cheerful in spite of the challenges that try you, this
means being alive.
Spirit of Light
by carts and cars is over, even if it was beautiful and good, and its
purpose has been achieved in all its fullness. It served as the basis
of the core and nourished the sensitive fruit with measure. Seeds
that have been carefully planted in fertil soil and supervised have
become sprouts. But even the weak-stemmed sprouts are destroyed
by storms and other hazards. Only a few achieve their purpose and
become trees that enrich the orchard. These, my good reader, are
the spirits who allow themselves to be taught to the end, and from
men become gods.
Alberto, if a man were truly curious to learn more through his
inner spirit, out of a pure desire to become a pure being, living in
accordance with My order, he would not have to toil a day. His
life would be transformed into a divinely influenced work of art,
and the Universe would provide him and his family with every-
thing they needed in mysterious ways to leave their toil and study
My teaching.
Everything would be made available to him as if by magic?
That is exactly what would happen. Don’t you think that for
the man in whom the spark of love flickers, I would turn the world
upside down, if I had to, to instruct and love him?
Unfortunately, the spell does not catch because man approach-
es the truth only to get rid of a deception, to overcome a blockage
and get a worldly boost. The very need to enjoy reading contains
an interest that pushes you to read again and again. If everything
flowed smoothly as far as your earthly lives were concerned you
would let the material out of your hands for good.
That’s correct what You say and I don’t deny a word of it. I will
point out, however, that things work perfectly for us when we feel
the need for relief and we turn stubbornly to the inner truth. How
else would we recognize its value, who would value an effective
drug if they never got sick and therefore never took it?
To be able to cosy up by the stove, warming your frozen feet
against the terracotta tiles and sniff the comfy feeling, you need a
heavy, hours-long rain on a dreary, low temperature day, and the
cold to get you from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.
It’s only after you’ve had a good shiver that you cherish the heat-
ed bed, the furry blanket, the sweetened tea.
As a child you scream and jump to any loud song that makes
you want to be the centre of attention. When you grow up you be-
come friend with the silence and seek more peace. The music you
listen slows down your path, the sounds become longer, your vi-
sion is clearer and your thinking becomes deeper. You analyze
10 Alberto Bacoi
every detail and merge with nature. Now, from the annoying per-
son you were to the outside world, you became a complementary
presence. What you once dismissed as unimportant now fascinates
you and gives you a familiar feeling.
These simple words of truth do not belong to you, they are the
words of the Spirit who has decided things and who speaks through
you. To the astonishment of many teachers the honour of chan-
neling the holy will is only possible on Earth. Nowhere else are
mortal beings granted the privilege of receiving and playing back
the voice of the Spirit of the Begining.
When a messenger of Mine returns from the body all heaven
bows before him and praises him for the miracle of capturing and
transcribing love on paper and looks upon him as if I were Myself
in his person. And the inner love they find in him embraces them
with his arms and soothes them. The inhabitants of heaven are not
naive and are not deceived by appearances, but look deep into
the complex being that visits them and greets Me...
This is Me, the all in all, the love of all!
Further they bow their heads out of deep respect, not idolatry,
and manifest their willingness to listen to the teaching drawn from
the experiences of the newcomer who has lived his earthly life ac-
cording to the divine order.
You see, My beloved child, with time it has become easier to
dialogue, since your capacity for understanding has increased.
Thank You!
Next I would like to ask what attracts souls so much that they
crowd the sun and why don’t they just take their own way in the
The spiritual substance that the sun radiates, that contains all
the answers about themselves and without which no being could
All life on Earth depends on the sun. However, not by the sun
as a purely natural and unintelligent element, but by the beings
living on it and influencing the plant, animal and not least the hu-
man world. All souls who leave their earthly body awaken from
the chaos of dark matter and literally step into the light, that is,
they identify a light that draws them to it and to which they turn of
their own free will. This light is the very natural sun, which souls
perceive only from a spiritual perspective.
Only now I understand why most of the accounts of patients
who have awakened from clinical death are similar in terms of the
lovely light they have seen that somehow or other has addressed
Earth Honey | Spirit of Light 11
them. Now it also explains that in the fictional room where I met
my earthly father it was night, because on the sun it is half dark.
Another detail that proves the accuracy of the vision was his claim
that from where he is he can influence life on Earth, without being
able to explain to me how the process works.
I feel like a stone is lifted from my heart every time I make a
connection, which is why my knowledge takes shape.
Souls consciously or unconsciously seek perfection. For all
beings need to ferment, just like the must that attacks your stom-
ach, but in the process turns into a good and lasting wine. And
good wine is consumed, preserved and appreciated for its value,
that which is stale or without aroma is discarded, and the spiritual
particles of the non-quality content, which have not served their
purpose, return to the soil and are forced to start the process from
the beginning, which means to go up through the stem to the bunch
and then to the berries.
What a daunting vision! Many readers who self-analyze fear
that after leaving the body they will have to start the process all
over again, the reason being the lack of spiritual understanding and
good deeds that have been left waiting. I don’t boast of consider-
able achievements either, most of my energy has been spent trying
to get away with my life’s struggles and to make up for the un-
pleasant situations that have arisen. My intention was pure and my
thought was right, but in practice I squeaked every time. And I’ve
been lazy, grumpy, and miserable.
You took pity on me and brought me out of the misery of the
world without me having gained my deliverance. You have worked
with me in such a way that I do not live with the impression that I
have saved myself by my own powers, nor that You awaken in me
a sense of indebtedness to divinity, so that I worship and adore
You as an idol like the religious people. Instead You let me live at
first sight alone to perfect myself.
Such a wonderful reflection!
Some days I realize that I don’t know anything, I don’t con-
centrate, I fail no matter what I intend to do and I get discouraged.
But I am thankful that I can create this dialogue with You by lis-
tening to the inner voice and by inspiration. I also know that no
being in the entire Universe, with all the archangels put together,
is capable of doing what I do. So that is why I was needed in the
world, I say it with humility and a certain inner gratitude, because
it is true.
I have educated myself so that despite all the rejections, the
12 Alberto Bacoi
mockery, and my changing moods, I have returned to the message
I have decided to share with the world. This, I believe, is a proof
of strength. The feeling that springs from the perseverance shown
elevates me to the highest heavenly step.
Even if you learn all of this through dialogue, I’m telling you
that it’s not being said now for the first time. The apostles regard-
ed knowledge as something natural and not as extraordinary infor-
mation. Since man has moved away from the essence, he considers
these apparitions to be miracles or, at the opposite pole, aberra-
tions, yet a Spirit of Light, like Me, when it takes form, can visit
worlds about which you will learn more only when you leave your
I can take on any human appearance and appear next to you
in your room. Sitting together we could talk for hours about any-
thing you can think of, in your own language, using examples you
can easily understand. In the same way I can visit any world, for
I am the Creator of all worlds and therefore all laws are subject
to Me.
This honor would soften my knees, and the effect of the ap-
pearance would last. But how would anyone ever imagine God in
human form, thus limiting his perception of Him to himself and
to those to whom he describes the vision?
I do not submit to the form in which you perceive Me, for I am
all forms and more. However, I can take on a similar appearance
to people’s image of Me to visit you and be recognized immedi-
ately, then I can make it so that you store the event in your mental
storage as a memory.
Truly, You seem like a simple and beautiful man, dressed in
clothes from a bygone age; a person you can talk to about any-
thing and go shopping with! I mention that I perceived You in this
way only once, in order to develop the writings. (The impressive
appearance took place a year before the time of writing. So it took
me a whole year to classify the vision and understand its purpose,
the long wait being the result of my weaknesses).
This was the real appearance of My body during earthly life.
You wear a pair of sandals made of camel leather, the colour
of sand, straps that are tied with unfinished buckles made of iron.
Your body is wrapped in several wide, top-to-bottom long linen
shirts. The colors of Your clothes are a little faded and at the same
time pleasant.
This is an archaic image of You that I personally am not used
to. I now know that the vision is not a figment of my imagination
Earth Honey | Spirit of Light 13
over the individual, refers to the period before the clearing, when
everything went wrong for him and created such a disappointment
that he closed himself in and accumulated a strong desire to make
himself right before people that almost led him to suicide.
I said that the man imbued with the Spirit of Light is humble,
he serves his fellow men without the desire to be rewarded and
prevents the likelihood of worldly fame. Whether you think it’s
strange or not, it’s the truth. For if the world of darkness approves
of you, loves you and supports you in your actions, how can God
love you, considering that the world and its actions are an abom-
ination to Him? It is fair to think, in this case, that if the world of
darkness has recognized you, acclaimed you and put you on the
throne, there are two possibilities: either the world has righted
itself as if by a miracle, or you have become a dark soul like it.
Yet the world, looking at it, we can see that it has remained evil
even after the most pleasant soul has walked on the Earth.
The bottom line is that if human society has rewarded you, you
have already taken your reward, you have received your right,
which you have enjoyed and spent, and it is not fair to receive a
second blessing, the latter coming from Me. For if that were so,
it would mean that one of us, God or human society, had rewarded
you in vain; just as we know that you cannot serve two masters at
the same time and with the same faith.
In the future the religious will be mocked, starved, and killed,
this is the reward of their idolatry. Darkness, which is the religion
people have supported and loved, will sacrifice its servants just
to survive. This is happening right now under your watchful eyes.
However, the old serpent, which has adorned itself with the garb
of the pagan-Christian religion and other types, will be killed with
noises and howls by the Archangel Michael. It will utter ineffec-
tual curses at all living people, even threatening them with the de-
struction of the world.
After the end of the conflict, religion will be banned on Earth.
The rulers of civilised countries will enact clear laws to this end,
and breaking them will bring serious penalties on the individual.
These laws are already written and are waiting for the right mo-
ment to be implemented. Faith will remain only inwardly, as estab-
lished by Me in the beginning. Those caught performing religious
practices or praying aloud will not be given food and will eventu-
ally be evicted from their homes because of the debts accumulated
as a result of the sanctions.
By this cruel method people will understand that in vain they
18 Alberto Bacoi
have worshipped the buildings built by men for religious purposes
as long as they have never sought anything inside them, to which
Jesus Christ urged them. The Spirit of Light has been there from
the beginning.
I have repeatedly warned you about the consequences of idol-
atrous faith through the prophets, through the apostles, and even
through Myself. All that has departed from the inner truth will be
shattered, and matter will return to spirit and submit to it. You
can’t say you didn’t know. You can’t say that no one came to you
to inform you.
Every time I have awakened skilled people to speak your lan-
guage and teach you law, you have hated them, tarnished their
image and finally killed them. And the shameful deeds described
were not committed by the thieves, robbers, madmen, and corrupt
politicians, but by the priestly caste directly, while preaching to
the people the love of God and neighbor.
I was reading in a book written by one of Your beloved au-
thors and angels that in his old age he, the author, could no longer
control his hands, so he stopped the revelatory spiritual message
flowing through him, lying in bed, until the day a mysterious per-
son offered to write down his words and thus the project was com-
pleted. I was moved to tears reading the account, realizing once
again how small I am.
If I lost the ability to control my upper limbs my highest dream
would be to write, by any means, he is my glorious and sole goal.
The whole world, with all the people who live in it, is meaningless
in the face of the truth that comes down from the highest divine
layers. However I am often unmotivated and lazy and leave the
word second.
I lived my life beautifully. I have met people who believed in
me, I had recognition and appreciation and precious things. I’ve
visited places and enjoyed myself, but none of it matters to the
soul. The only real thing in my life has been You and the dialogue
we have created together; and I could give up the whole world for
one more taste of the divine honey that is everything and outside
of which there is nothing. I say that I would give up all the worlds,
together with their inhabitants, to remain with You, and the price
would not be enough, only that the readers recognize Your impor-
tance. Love would not allow me to hurt anyone, but would urge
me to extinguish myself, silently.
If I could start my life over again and find myself in a position
to choose, I would still choose suffering, to become exactly who
Earth Honey | Spirit of Light 19
I am right now and never lose myself. The happiness of the noisy
world, the one without depth, does not represent me.
The man whose whole life’s attention is directed outward is
like an animal. He may be good, intelligent, and gentle, but his
reason is rudimentary and contains nothing inner and therefore
deeply spiritual. He perceives only things that can be felt or tasted
and is therefore a surface man; a man who without serious cor-
rection will not be able to become an independent and complete
being. This is how we have all been brought up, to wait for a sign
from the outer sphere of life, believing therefore that the inside is
not a source of guidance and that we will find nothing there.
I congratulate you on the artistic way you choose your words,
giving to open minds a rare clarity. You are the most precious and
hardest stone in the world, your name is Sapphire.
What did You say?
What you heard.
What does what you said mean?
You will understand when the process of self-knowledge will
be complete.
The most precious and durable stone is the diamond!
Truly, but the Diamond is Me. You come before Me, as I have
determined things in the past and as I have now set them in order
to prepare My way. In My presence there is no war, there is peace
and joy.
You start talking in parables again, and You know it’s no use
to anyone.
Truly I tell you, if you became aware of My affirmations, you
would not grieve a day. The apostles who entrusted their lives to
the Spirit of Light were not sad, they thanked Me for the honor of
sacrificing their bodies for My Name. This is My will, and every-
thing that happens in the world has its purpose.
You tell the story next.
I understand that the apostles died for a noble cause, but how
did they endure the torment and how could You watch those tor-
Peter was bound hand and foot and hung in a tree, where he
was beaten with thick branches until he was disfigured. There he
was left hanging upside down for a day and a half, all this feat he
endured consciously. While reason urged him not to accept the
priests’ invitation to that secluded village where a crowd of sick
people was waiting for him to be cured, because he knew what
fate the devils in cassocks had in store for him, Love whispered
20 Alberto Bacoi
to him to go, and he listened. Then the Inner Guide spoke to him
“Simon, if you love Me, come to Me to discover other things
and claim your seat. This is a final test I am presenting to you to
prove your faith.”
And so it was, Peter accepted the proposal of the priests to go
with them to the village where he healed some six hundred and
fifty sick people of all ages, speaking a single word, and even raised
a man dead for more than three days from his grave. The moment
he had finished his work he understood that his place was no longer
among the people of the Earth, which is why he followed the evil
priests who dragged him into a deserted ravine and chose to pro-
ceed quickly for fear that Peter himself, with the help of divine
power, had set a trap for them.
Under the branches of that tree his body hung for a day and a
half until it was found by the authorities of Rome. The incident
described took place near a newly built city at that time, which is
now called Baghdad.
With this work of darkness, along with others like it, the world
thought it would remove the clear and bright light of truth, but it
did not, quite the contrary. The evil itself gave him to the divin-
ity at the chosen moment, sacrificing his body, so that his spirit
might come to heaven and rule the places given to him in custody
for eternity.
The inner voice of the Spirit of Light, perceived by man as a
naive love that leads to death, calls us out of the body at the mo-
ment when divinity has prepared a greater plan for us. Following
our hearts will only lead us to good and not to evil. Surely it is not
our case that those of us who are today attracted by love and truth
should suffer as the prophets and later the apostles suffered in the
past. We can enjoy protection and prosperity through the One who
stands before the bullets of lies that want to pierce the truth out of
On Earth, a lonely and confused animal, seeking shelter, pro-
tection and a source of food, sends out cries alerting other crea-
tures to its need. The man in distress, unlike an animal, asks using
words. The moment things take a strange turn in his life and he
gets lost he grovels to the one who could help him. When he feels
offended and threatened, even if he is young, unknowledgeable,
and wrong, the man defends himself by hitting. This is a perfect
experimental system that does not need to be replaced or modified
for improvement. I have tested all the methods and know better
Earth Honey | Spirit of Light 21
tered benches and broken signs. In the morning you notice cigarette
butts thrown on the ground, as if all the bars have emptied their
ashtrays on the alleys, vomit, bottles of cheap alcohol rolled by the
wind, animal faeces...
That’s why I bring to your attention the fact that pigs need to
stay in the mud they love. If they had sought rescue, I would have
lifted them out of the mess in less than an hour. That’s what hap-
pens on Earth, and it’s good.
Is it good?
This is the best way.
When you strive to change someone or to cleanse his environ-
ment out of compassion for him or at the impulse of your reason,
which feels disturbed by the situation you encounter, you are op-
posing his nature and My order and making him worse. Because
all beings need to be subtly supervised and guided towards devel-
opment, never forced, to destroy the good seed of their dormant
The Spirit of Light forces no one. Even more he does not laugh
at those who understand less and who are fascinated by images
rather than the truth that comes from the mouth of God.
Some souls are attracted by the phantasmagorical stories of
so-called initiates and get lost in the details. The expression on
their faces resembles that of a cat seeing a glittering orb or ball.
They do not look inward to discovering their own source of life,
but instead draw from the streams of others who have discovered
themselves before, in their own way and by their own methods.
This argues that the soul of the fascinated seeker feeds on scraps
because it lacks the will or is too lazy to dig for the treasure of
eternity with its hands.
It’s easy to claim about yourself that you’re a Pleiadian crea-
ture and to gather around you people who are less informed. If
you also recite a few quotes about global warming your admirers
will look at you as a god. Yet you haven’t proven your uniqueness,
you’ve just accepted a fantasy story you’ve attributed to yourself,
claiming you’re part of it too.
Further on are the religious fools who won’t let Christ off their
lips even if you put a gun to their heads. They accuse and instigate
and thus lose credibility. Young people shun them as the devil and
pity them, which is a good thing. Yet by living among them they
lose any shred of faith in divinity.
Should they be curious to discover the god of the fools who
shout on the bus or the tyrant who kills their generation with the
26 Alberto Bacoi
war of greed? Perhaps they should believe in the god of the Jeho-
va’s witnesses who are content with a Sunday sermon that per-
suades a soul to join their group, but who after two weeks takes
The god of the worldly parents is the money to which they and
the rest of the inhabitants of the main cities generally flock like
beasts to gather it. The only difference between them and animals
is that they walk on two legs and use their upper limbs to work.
But the lack of feelings for their children leaves a deep void in
their young ones that they will struggle to fill all their lives. They
will be gullible and weak and will look for sensual saviors not only
in this short life, but also after it. They will be lured by the sensual
and affectionate god of innocent pleasure.
The voluptuous chest of the woman who grabs your genital
organ with delicate hands and kisses you behind the ear for a fee
seems to be the cure for your insufficiency. The only experience
that still moves you and makes you shudder is a delusion, the paid
woman is disgusted by you and subsequently by all men.
It is advisable to be aware of your parents’ mistake if lucidity
does not affect your sincere love for them, otherwise how could
you grow up? If your love isn’t strong enough to forgive them for
the trouble they have caused you, pray that you never realize the
truth. Realizing the wrong they’ve done will follow you all your life
and anger will destroy you. Moreover it will cause pain to your
family, which it will divide, then to its descendants and so on. The
chain will be broken on the day I endure and awaken one who will
return My favor and save them all.
People you can’t truly forgive darken you, not by their will,
but by your inability to let go of the past and move forward.
In the vast majesty of My creation live independent beings and
judged beings. The final form of the Univers needs both extremes
to exist, if we look at the situation from the perspective of sepa-
ration, i.e. the interacting forms within it, and not as a whole life
For more clarity on what it means to be an independent being
and a judged one, I have prepared an example. I point out that the
judged being is not a life form that has been judged by the deity
for its evil deeds. The truth is as profound as it is simple:
Imagine a young man in a dance room. He is training for the
next dance competition. He thinks excitedly about the upcoming
event and sets out the moves he wants to bring to practicing per-
fection. In the next second he takes his starting position, turns on
Earth Honey | Spirit of Light 27
the loud music and begins to move his feet to an increasingly fast
rhythm. The young man performs a dance called the Shuffle, which
leaves viewers in awe when he performs it.
Question: what are his well-trained legs doing? They carry out
without a say the movements that the head has determined and
therefore the feet, metaphorically speaking, symbolize those jud-
ged beings whose destiny is to carry out what the head, which sym-
bolizes the perfected beings, has decided.
Can the legs resist by saying: “Your orders are getting harder
and harder to follow. We must go where you tell us to go, and now
you’re asking us to repeat a set of spontaneous movements with-
out even knowing their purpose? This time we will refuse to serve
Given that such a scenario is absurd to say the least, we can
understand that this category is a judged form, which means that
it has no right of opinion for purely natural causes and other rea-
sons known only to Me.
You’re brilliant! How could anyone ever extract such valu-
able information by analyzing a simple dance. You never cease to
amaze me with Your strange wisdom.
Lately I have felt more and more intensely the desire to pre-
sent the dark side of the soul’s destiny explicitly, without mincing
words. I want to leave behind an useful material for mature spirits
who drop the toys and call a spade a spade. I understood from the
previous explanations that God does not judge, but all the suffer-
ing that the soul experiences in the afterlife is caused by its choic-
es during earthly life and that no one is sent to hell because there
is no place called hell. He, the soul, is his hell or paradise, regard-
less of the external conditions in which he lives.
It is better to enter the Kingdom of God, that is, the state of
peace and bliss, wounded or crawling on your elbows, than not to
enter at all. This statement seriously makes you think, hence the
fact that the correction program and the quality of the multitude
of future experiences of a physical or spiritual nature are unimag-
inably harsh. If God is good and loving I would like to know who
is holding those souls captive in dramatic conditions and how long
does a grey stage last?
Please detail the living conditions of a bad soul, which means
crookedly formed. With the help of the image presented, we will
endeavor to review our behaviour. Fear does not bring us closer
to God, awareness does, which is why people who are prone to be
frightened by the images described are the ones who will not get
28 Alberto Bacoi
this far with the reading because they are not used to delving into
anything; they don’t taste the core, they are content with just the
Alberto, souls are given thousands of chances to make their
way, for their eternal good, here on Earth. Most of them return to
the body, not just once, to live life again, from infancy to old age.
However, opportunities are unnoticed, wasted or ignored, and love
takes care and does its best to place them in a situation favorable
to free development.
I’m still waiting for You to drop the niceties so I can develop
the topic.
A soul condemned by itself through purely selfish deeds and
the hurting of others, that kind of soul which has descended to the
point that it no longer regrets the evil it commits out of a lust for
revenge and not out of need, for there is a vast difference between
the two, is born in worlds poorer in nature. These type of worlds
are celestial bodies or inhabited planets where living conditions
are terrible, and death is not a way out. Primarily because the man
who lives there cannot bring about his own death, and if he were
to bring it about by intelligent means, i.e. with help, he would only
make his situation worse.
What makes a deplorable living situation worse?
The unfortunate person would be born again in the same or
darker worlds and be sicker.
Why is this happening you ask? Because with every attempt
to self-destruct man mutilates his soul. The mutilation of the soul
consists in the destruction of the receptive organs that connect it
to its spirit. The inner spirit is the only gateway to escape, which
over time has shrunk considerably. Only through the spirit could
he, though the spirit is alien to the soul, receive the impulses of
the spiritual guides who assist him.
Take for example a frozen world, a celestial body much smaller
than yours in size, that once represented a complex world, which
has outlived its usefulness. At first glance this world is a barren
boulder devoid of vegetation or any living thing, floating uselessly
in the endless space of the Cosmos. But in the cracks of the spher-
ical boulder live half-animal human beings, about sixty centime-
ters tall, with swollen bellies and strange expressions on their little
They have no speech system, they make inarticulate sounds,
and their intelligence is lower than that of apes on Earth. The only
source of heat they have is the intestinal gases they release inside
Earth Honey | Spirit of Light 29
the cramped caves they live in, gases that don’t allow crystallized
air to get inside. These caves are shaped like vertically positioned
eggs, with the entrances at the bottom. They use their fluorescent
eyes as a light source.
No physical being can survive on the surface of the boulder
because there is no atmosphere. Yet in lower areas, such as the
bottom of craters, a fog blanket forms and moistens the ground.
The heat from the eggs attracts moisture that penetrates through
the several meters thick layer and forms a slime that oxygenates
the small caves. If they could walk on the surface of the celestial
body, the animal people would walk with their heads bowed to the
ground to breathe, as sheep and cows walk on the green plains of
the Earth with their heads to the grass to graze. On the boulder
the thin layer of breathable air rises no more than ten centimeters
above the ground.
To a convinced naturalist these beings take on a connotation
of bacteria that form on the planetary body because of the incred-
ible fit of natural elements, like moss grows on tree bark, but this
is not so. Animal humans were created by Me and placed to live
there in the same manner as man was created who woke up in the
earthly Paradise.
The life of a human animal lasts between fourteen and sixteen
earth years. The short duration is due to food insufficiency. Its only
source of food is some woody roots resembling kohlrabi, which
form in the soil from the rotting bark of trees buried for thousands
of years.
Analyzing the picture described I realize that the life of a mole
is a heavenly life. I breathed a sigh of relief at the news that life
there lasts sixteen years at most!
A physical life lasts up to sixteen years, but souls relive that
life hundreds of times, depending on the case. For after the pre-
mature erosion of the form the soul receives another and is not
born too far from the place where it spent its previous existence.
These useless lives, as you have called them in thought now,
help souls to unite with the inner spirit. These are the conditions
of life in which the souls who fail to form on Earth in a thousand
lifetimes are assigned. Looking at them you can recognize former
rulers, kings, and tyrants, ruling priests, women who spent their
lives inciting men, bastard fathers and so on. Each soul is held
captive by its own spirit, which has no capacity to regain freedom
from itself.
During correction, selfish souls detach themselves from the
30 Alberto Bacoi
pride and obsession with control acquired during earthly life and
humble themselves to such an extent that existence in a worm liv-
ing on a bark is the most precious gift of God. But their wish is not
realistic and achievable because they can no longer become worms
but are expected to be perfect souls even if the formation will take
an infinite number of years.
The souls condemned by their deeds, even if they are eventu-
ally cleansed and received at the table, will never be pure souls,
only repaired souls, like a patched garment. And even if I will not
differentiate between you and no one will ever reproach them for
their past, they will bear the mark of shame that they will not want
to give up out of respect and love for the people to whom they have
caused so much pain.
Someday, in the more or less distant future, you will sit at the
same table with Me, emperor and servant, tyrant and subject, mur-
derer and victim, and you will adore Me in equal measure. I have
saved you with My holy blood, so that I will not take away your
Obviously, you can’t go with the revealed material, which, I
repeat, is nothing new in your world, to warn people of the fate to
which they condemn themselves in their everyday unconsciousness.
Other envoys have also tasted this glass but did not get a positive
First, those to whom you will tell the vision will laugh at you.
If you insist, they will consider you dangerous and lock you up or
kill you. They’ll construct clever arguments that will dishonor your
narrative and give themselves even more confidence.
Second, if they will believe you, you will limit their freedom,
because they would become better through fear and not through
conscious choice. This will cause them more harm than good and
you will never be able to make amends.
It is more than enough for the material to appear that the sin-
cere seeker will at some point encounter, read, adore, and assim-
ilate. Now, given that you have known the path of good, whether
you choose it or reject it, let us return to your perfect lives.
We need time to digest the information. Reflecting on the pic-
ture presented, I realize that it can’t be otherwise. I’m still trying
to decide whether knowledge is a gift or a curse. I know a lot of
people who are happy in their sleep, and I wonder if it would be
better for us to know nothing.
Do animal humans remember living on Earth?
On the spiritual level they know everything from the begin-
Earth Honey | Spirit of Light 31
ning, but on the carnal level they know no more than an animal.
Their level of awareness is non-existent and therefore they live more
This is too much of everything, I now hear some people think-
ing, who are latching onto your material to improve their image.
Some ideas reflect the current situation, but from time to time the
author loses touch with reality and writes more fantasy.
It is impossible for the mind to accept such ideas. Perhaps the
inability to assimilate more was established at conception.
You are totally wrong if you think that I created man to watch
him fall and rise only to fall again. The mind itself can help you
to understand that the image described is the clear truth. Analyze
nature and draw your own conclusion!
What about the mole or grouse, do they really exist simply be-
cause you’ve seen them or learned about them? How absurd is it
that on a planet with good living conditions, where you can stand
naked in the sun, shade, and rain, where you can inhale oxygen
without exertion and feast on sweet and nutritious fruits at every
turn, you should spend your existence under the dark and cold
earth? If I had told you about these creatures in a different context
you would have sent Me away.
Would you believe it if I told you that holes caused by mete-
orites hitting planetary bodies seemingly by chance create a per-
fect system of receptors through which natural satellites capture
the magnetic field of their parent planets and in this way remain
bound to them? Those craters act as paraboloid-shaped reflective
screens that communicate with the main planet.
You’ve brightened my life in a few words!
I tell you the truth to broaden your vision and help you on the
road ahead, as a friend does, not to make you fearful and force
you to worship Me. I may be an ordinary man like you, I am not
a deity. The Spirit of Light is hidden in all beings, to reveal itself
to the people of heaven God takes on human form, then departs
for a time and returns to them in other realms and times to guide
Being interested in knowing the spiritual aspects of life guar-
antees you entry into a gentler world where there are no tears or
complaints. Maintain your clarity and try to listen to your hearts.
Chew them out if they’re always unhappy and don’t speak up.
But how can you rebuke your heart and put it against the wall
when the spiritual heart is the very essence of the soul that you
are? By identifying with the inner spirit, which when allowed to
32 Alberto Bacoi
fulfill your spiritual goals. You are more important to Me than all
the executives, bankers, and presidents of countries of all times.
If you have an ounce of will and dedication you can shine on
your own. The world can also be conquered without a lot of mon-
ey, a generous inheritance, or a perfect partner. Whatever advan-
tages you list here actually hinder your wonderful process of per-
Truly I tell you that if you were to meet your employer, com-
pany boss or president of the state again on the day they had de-
veloped independent thinking, the meeting would take place in a
million years and not even then.
What is the reason for the short stature of the animal man?
The reason is the body’s adaptation to the low temperature it
must withstand. In time the limbs are getting closer to the body to
avoid frostbite. It’s the same on planet Earth, in the frozen desert
of Siberia, where the Yakut horse has short legs.
The second reason is more obvious than the first, namely that
these people live on a planet smaller than Earth in size. The small-
er the host body, the smaller the creatures that live on it, along
with the vegetation. A man living on a giant planet may reach the
height of a tall building on Earth, but he will not know his stature
if the elements around him are directly proportional to his size.
Today, many consider reading useless, convinced that a high-
resolution image is worth a thousand words. Oh, the thrill you get
from climbing a mountain peak, paddling on the river, the smell
of the forest in the rain, the clouds hiding the cliffs, they think it’s
everything, but it’s not. The spiritual content resuscitates your soul
to contemplate all the beauties listed. The assimilated truth serves
you for eternity, while the matter is lost along with your memory
and all your fame.
I remember the time when I was mentally detached from my
first worldly identity and experienced that magnificent feeling. At
the time, acquaintances questioned my findings and felt that the
disappointment caused me to lose my judgment. They had no idea
that what they called insanity would be the clearest and most beau-
tiful period of my life. The Spirit of Light that satiated my being
made me develop a deep thinking, and my heart was beating to the
last heaven.
Oh world, I would lay down my life that you might taste the
syrup of spiritual life and come into possession of your treasure!
I love you, even if I utter a simple word, even if some days I sit
alone and cry, I leave the past behind. Despite all my failures and
34 Alberto Bacoi