Calculus Syllabus
Calculus Syllabus
Calculus Syllabus
Course Title
Calculus 1 with Analytic Geometry
No. of Units 3 UNITS
Course Description The course equips the students with knowledge and skills needed to be able to determine limits of functions, to differentiate, and to
integrate algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions in one variable. It also includes exposure to more challenging
problems covering continuity and areas of regions.
Knowledge- Define, determine and interpret the limits, derivatives and integral of functions, the domain and range of
Learning Outcomes
Skills- Evaluate, differentiate, integrate and sketch the graphs of limits and functions in one variable.
Values- Apply the concepts of limits, derivative and integral of functions, minima and maxima to solve real world problems.
(Desired Learning Outcomes- ( Course (References) (Teaching and Learning ( Assessment (Resource Time
DLOs) Content/Subject Activities -TLAs) Tasks- ATs) Materials) Frame
At the end of the session, the ORIENTATION
students must have: 1. House Rules 1. Stewar, James. Brainstorming Group Diagnostic
1. Formulate House Rules. 2. Leveling of Calculus- Early Presentation Test Papers 3
2. Level up expectations Expectations Transcendentals. 7th Outputs hours/1
3. Answer diagnostic test 3. Mission/Vision Edition. Week
4. Diagnostic Test
At the end of the chapter, the LIMITS AND 2. Weir, Hass and
students must have: CONTINUITY OF Giordano. Thomas’
Calculus, Early Guided Discovery Paper Pencil Test Illustration
1. Define and interpret the ALGEBRAIC Transcendentals, Media Oral Recitation Problem Set 3
concept of limit FUNCTIONS Update. 12th Ed.Pub- hours/1
intuitively. 1. Limit of a Function Addison-Wesley Week
2. Develop the skills in 2. Properties of Limits
evaluating the limit of 3. Limit of a Quotient Brainstorming Paper Pencil Test Illustration 3
quotients, one sided 4. One sided Limits hours/1
limits and limits at Week
3. Sketch the graphs of 5.Infinite Limits Problem Posing Activity Problem Solving Problem 3
continuous and 6. Limits at Infinity FGD Activity Sheets Sets hours/1
discontinuous functions. 7. Continuity Illustration Week
4. Determine the domain
and range of continuous
and discontinuous
5. Apply the concepts of
limits and continuity to
solve real world