Syllabus Bembi 19-20

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College of Education
Sarmiento, Parang, Maguindanao
1st Trimester (A.Y. 2018-2019)

VISION: See SKC as a wholesome graduate school of process with Islamic ethos in the ARMM and beyond.
MISSION: To bring about the potentialities of students and professionals, to mend the image of the region and the “Ummah”.
GOAL: To produce strong and skillful human resources who can teach and command the good and prohibit evils.

Course Syllabus Template

Course Name Elementary linear Algebra
Course Credits 3 Units
Course Description This course introduces to students the basic concepts on linear algebra. It covers theories in
matrices, and linear transformations. Students will also be exposed to some practical applications on these
concepts. The use of calculators is highly encouraged.

Contact 3 hours every week for 18 weeks or 54 hours in a semester

Prerequisite None
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
1. Develop critical thinking and mastery of the lesson.
2. Manifest knowledge and application of the lesson.
3. Solve systems of Linear Equations using the different process.
4. Determine the appropriateness of the methods or processes to be used in the examples.
5. Relate the topics to daily life experiences.
Course Content/Subject Matter
Week 1 Goals, Vision, and Mission of SKC

 Overview of the course requirements

 Systems of Linear Equations

Week 2  Matrices
 matrix
Week 3-4  Algebraic Properties of Matrices
 Special Types of Matrices and Partitioned Matrices
 Linear Systems and Inverses

Week 5-6  Echelon form of a Matrix

 Solving System of L Linear Systems
Week 7-9  Finding the Inverse of Matrix Operations
 Gauss-Jordan Reduction
 Gauss-Jordan Elimination

Week 10-11  Determinants

 Cramer’s Rule
 Minors and Co-Factor Expansion

Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks

Course Objectives Summative Assessment Task Details
1. Develop critical thinking and mastery 1. Quiz In this course, the students are expected to
of the lesson. 2. Assignment develop their critical thinking on how to
2. Manifest knowledge and application 3. Long quiz solve linear function related to matrices,
determinants and cramer’s rules, echelon.
of the lesson. 4. Oral recitation
Also the behavioral aspect of the students.
3. Solve systems of Linear Equations 5. Exam
using the different process. 6. Including formative and summative
4. Determine the appropriateness of the evaluation
methods or processes to be used in
the examples.
5. Relate the topics to daily life

Desired Learning Outcomes (DLO) Course Textbooks/Re Teaching Assessment of Tasks Resource Materials Time Table
Content/Subje ferences and (ATs)
ct Matter Learning
a. Identify the contents of the Goals, Vision, Student Brainstormin Oral Graphic organizer 1day
Student’s Handbook specifically and Mission of Handbook g-Lecture handbook
on the Goals, Vision, and Mission CCSPC Discussion
of the school.
b. Determine the policies of the
c. Translate the goals, vision, and
mission of the school into their
own words.
d. Discuss among themselves the
relevance of the goals, vision, and
mission of the College of
Education. Goals, Vision, 1day
e. State the goals, vision, and mission and Mission of Student Brainstormin
of the College of Education. College of Handbook g Discussion
f. Identify some important Education
implications of the goals, vision,
and mission to them as students of
the school.
g. Apply the goals, vision, and
mission during their stay in the
school and until they graduate as
h. Manifest in their daily lives the
ideals embodies in the goals,
vision, and mission of the school.

Desired Learning Outcomes (DLO) Course Textbooks/Re Teaching Assessment of Tasks Resource Materials Time Table
Content/Subje ferences and (ATs)
ct Matter Learning
a. Have an overview of the course; Overview of the Elementary Brainstormin Oral Recitation Syllabus Prelim
b. List the course requirements; course Linear g Discussion
a. Identify the different types of requirements Algebra by: 2days
systems of linear equations; Bernard Question and Answer Textbook
b. Give examples of systems of Systems of Koiman Lecture
linear equations; Linear Demonstratio 3day
c. Graph the systems of linear Equations n
d. Solve for x in the systems of linear Illustrations
equations; 3days
a. Define Matrix Lecture/Expl
b. Give example of matrix Matrices anation
c. Determine the sizes of Matrices Demonstratio Quiz
d. Discuss the different types of n Brainstorming
Matrices Assignment 2days
a. Determine the rules in Matrix Matrix
operations Review
b. Find the value of Matrices Lecture
Evaluate Matrices
Desired Learning Outcomes (DLO) Course Textbooks/Re Teaching Assessment of Tasks Resource Materials Time Table
Content/Subje ferences and (ATs)
ct Matter Learning
a. Relate the lesson on Matrix Algebraic Elementary Review/Lect Quiz Illustration Midterm
operation to the algebraic Properties of Linear ure 3days
properties of Matrices Matrices Algebra by: Discussion
b. Discuss the algebraic properties of Bernard
Matrices Special Types Koiman
a. Determine special types of of Matrices and Textbook
Matrices Partitioned Oral Recitation 3days
b. Partitioned the given Matrices Matrices Demonstratio
a. Identify linear systems n
b. Determine the Matrix is singular or Linear Systems
non-singular and Inverses Final
c. Find the inverse of a Matrix of Board Work
linear equations Lecture 3days
a. Find the Echelon form of a Matrix Echelon form of Discussion Research Topics
b. Evaluate systems of linear systems a Matrix Textboo
Determine if the system is homogeneous Solving System
or not of L Linear Explanation Board Work
Systems Lecture
Question and Quiz 5days
Board Work

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