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Mexican beauty products market trends

Product DB Mexico Dongcheon Kim, Mexico City Trade Center 2022-07-01 Source: KOTRA
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Keyword ##Mexico ##cosmetics ##Color cosmetics ##K-beauty ##Beauty supplies

Demand for color cosmetics increases due to expansion of external and external activities as the
COVID-19 situation improves.
Increasing awareness of Korean products due to expansion of Korean Wave and K-beauty locally
Product name and HS Code
HS Code explanation
3304.10 Lip makeup products
3304.20 Eye makeup products
3304.30 nail enamel
3304.91 face powder
3304.99 Basic cosmetics products
3305.19 shampoo
3305.20 Products for permanentg waving or straightenin
3305.30 hair spray
3305.90 etc
Mexican beauty market trends… 1/10
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Mexico ranks 13th in the world in terms of beauty industry size, and 96% of Mexicans consume cosmet
ics and beauty products. According to Euromonitor , Mexico's cosmetics and beauty market in 2021 is
worth $5.722 billion, a 9% increase from the previous year and a 3.7% increase compared to 2019 befo
re the pandemic. As social and external activities increased due to the recovery from the pandemic in
2020 and 2021, demand for beauty products also increased.
< Mexican beauty market size from 2016 to 2021>
( unit: million dollars)

[ Source: Euromonitor, 2022]

The most sold category in 2021 was skin care products (body cream, face cream, hand cream, etc.), acc
ounting for 40% of the total market. This was followed by hair care products (shampoo and treatment,
34%), color cosmetics (24%), and sun care (2%). Comparing the market size between 2017 and 2021, t
he areas that increased the most were skin care (30.8%), hair care (15.2%), and sun care (6.5%) . On th
e other hand, as time spent at home increased due to social isolation, the use of color cosmetics decre
ased by 6.6%.
< Beauty market size by sector from 2019 to 2021>
( Unit: million dollars, %)
'19~'20 '20~'21
2019 increase/de 2020 increase/de 2021 '21share market
crease rate crease rate
skin care 2,001.90 4 2,078.80 11 2,305.60 40
hair care 1,840.70 -One 1,826.00 7 1,949.90 34
color cosmetics 1,552.80 -19 1,252.40 8 1,353.40 24
sun care 120.5 -18 98.3 15 112.6 2
total​ 5,515.90 -5 5,255.50 9 5,721.50 100
[ Source: Euromonitor, 2022]… 2/10
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According to Nallely Vargas, director of L'Oreal, one thing to note in Mexico's beauty market after the p
andemic is the rapid growth of the skin care sector. In terms of the number of products used in skin ca
re, it was confirmed that 4.3 products were used before the pandemic, while 9.4 products were used in
2022. A L'Oreal Mexico study found that 57% of consumers prefer a natural brunette shade, wear make
up with accents and use more than 10 products on average every day. Products that are highly popula
r among users include △ eye makeup △ lip makeup △ base makeup △ nail products.
K Beauty
In Mexico, along with the Korean Wave, interest in K-beauty has also increased as the number of distri
butors and importers selling beauty products online and offline has increased. For example, wholesal
ers such as COSTCO also have a “k-beauty” category on their homepages, which explains what K-beau
ty is and allows you to find products by category. The founder of Momiji, one of Mexico's K-beauty distr
ibutors, said in an interview with the KOTRA Mexico City Trade Center that the skin care market is one
of the most popular markets and that the main concerns of consumers these days are whether produc
ts are clean and free from chemical ingredients such as alcohol or parabens. It was mentioned that the
product is tooth-free, vegan, and using sustainable packaging materials.
< Case of distribution of Korean products in Mexico>

[ Source: Tony Moly Mexico, Momiji, Costco website and Time Out Magazine]
Import trends and import volume
In 2021 , Mexican beauty product imports amounted to $759.2 million, an increase of 27% compared t
o the previous year. This is a 0.4% increase compared to before the pandemic in 20202, and it is expect… 3/10
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ed that the upward trend will continue as face-to-face activities increase and market demand increase
s. The main imported products in 2021 were skin care products, accounting for 58.5% of the market sh
are, followed by hair care products (12.6%) and eye makeup products (8.7%).
< Import size of Mexican beauty products from 2019 to 2021>
( Unit: thousand dollars, %)
'19~'20 '20~'21
HS CODE explanation 2019 increase/
decrease 2020 increase/
decrease 2021 '21 mark
et share
rate rate
total 756,494 -21 599,302 27 759,239 100.00
3304.99 Basic cosmetics products 393,949 -19 317,657 40 444,001 58.50
3305.90 Hair care products 97,201 -20 77,754 23 95,571 12.60
3304.20 Eye makeup products 81,349 -22 63,313 4 66,161 8.70
3305.19 샴푸 44,910 -18 37,022 40 51,765 6.80
3304.10 입술화장용 제품류 63,327 -27 46,479 -13 40,548 5.30
3304.30 네일에나멜 29,650 -9 27,050 23 33,185 4.40
3304.91 페이스 파우더 43,539 -35 28,441 -7 26,372 3.50
3305.30 헤어 스프레이 1,954 -39 1,195 -2 1,173 0.20
퍼머넌트 웨이빙(permanent wavi
3305.20 ng)용이나 스트레이트닝(straighte 615 -36 391 18 463 0.10
ning)용 제품류
[자료: Trademap, 2022]
2021년 주요 수입국은 시장의 33%를 차지하는 미국이었으며, 프랑스(15%)와 콜롬비아(9%)가 그 뒤를 이었다. 한국
은 시장 점유율 2.65%로 8위를 차지했다.
<2021년 멕시코 뷰티 제품 주요 수입국>… 4/10
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[자료: Trademap, 2022]

2021년 멕시코 뷰티제품의 대한국 수입 규모는 2,010만 달러로 전년대비 40% 증가했다. 2013년 이후 증가추세를 보
이고 있다. 팬데믹이 정점에 달했던 2020년에만 유일하게 하락했으며, 2021년에는 팬데믹 이전인 2019년 대비 15%
성장하며 회복세를 보였다.
<2012~2021년 멕시코 대한국 수입 규모>
(단위: 천 달러)

[자료: Trademap, 2022]

멕시코의 주요 대한 수입 품목은 스킨케어 제품(82%), 아이메이크업(8%), 립 메이크업(4%)순으로 나타났다.
<2019~2021년 멕시코 대한 주요 수입품목>
(단위: 천 달러, %)
HS CODE 품목 2019 ‘19~'20 2020 ‘20~'21 2021 ‘21 점유율… 5/10
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증감률 증감률
330499 기초화장품 13,445 -15.10 11,417 45.10 16,565 82
330420 눈화장용 2,465 -44.70 1,362 24.80 1,700 8
330410 입술화장용 587 59.60 937 -5.00 890 4
330590 헤어케어 468 -31.40 321 68.50 541 3
330430 네일에나멜 142 -11.30 126 38.90 175 1
330510 샴푸 84 -21.40 66 93.90 128 1
330491 페이스 파우더 219 -27.90 158 -40.50 94 0.50
330530 헤어 스프레이 1 200.00 3 -100.00 0 0.00
총합 17,411 -17.40 14,390 39.60 20,093 100
[자료: Trademap, 2022]
경쟁동향 및 주요 기업
멕시코의 뷰티 시장은 L'Oreal(13%)과 Unilever(11%)이 주도하고 있으며, 두 기업은 멕시코에 생산 공장을 두고 다
양한 제품을 시장에 제공하고 있다. 또한 슈퍼마켓과 멕시코의 주요 전자상거래 플랫폼인 아마존(Amazon) 및 메르카
도 리브레(Mercado Libre) 등 온∙오프라인을 통해 판매하며 소비자들의 접근성을 높였다.
<2021년 멕시코 주요 뷰티 기업별 시장점유율 현황>
(단위: %)
순위 기업명 취급 제품 점유율
1 L'Oréal Group 스킨케어, 선케어, 색조화장품, 헤어케어 13.2
2 Unilever Group 스킨케어, 색조화장품, 헤어케어 11.1
3 Natura&Co 스킨케어, 선케어, 색조화장품, 헤어케어 8.3
4 Mary Kay Inc 스킨케어, 선케어, 색조화장품 7.7
5 Procter & Gamble Co, The 스킨케어, 색조화장품, 헤어케어 6.0
6 Genomma Lab Internacional 스킨케어, 색조화장품, 헤어케어 5.5
7 Colgate-Palmolive Co 스킨케어, 헤어케어 4.5
8 Beiersdorf AG 스킨케어, 선케어 3.5
9 Vorwerk & Co KG 스킨케어, 선케어, 색조화장품, 헤어케어 2.4
10 Johnson & Johnson Inc 스킨케어, 헤어케어 2.2
11 기타 35.6
[자료: Euromonitor, 2022]… 6/10
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소규모 브랜드로 멕시코 시장에 진입할 경우, 35.6%의 점유율을 가진 기타 브랜드들과의 경쟁을 고려해야 한다. 시장
진입 초기에는 멕시코에서 브랜드 및 기업의 인식률을 높일 수 있는 전략을 모색하는 것이 권장된다.
멕시코의 뷰티 제품은 오프라인 판매가 주를 이루고 있다. L'Oreal Mexico는 온라인 판매가 2019년에는 3%, 2022년
에는 11%를 차지하였으며, 팬데믹 이후 증가하고 있다고 밝혔다. L'Oreal에 따르면 온라인 판매의 주요 플랫폼은 아
마존, 메르카도 리브레, 리버풀(Liverpool, 백화점), 월마트(Walmart, 슈퍼마켓)와 같은 소매업체와 산 파블로(San
Pablo) 또는 파르마시아 델 아오로(Farmacias del Ahorro)와 같은 약국 체인점이었다. 온라인 판매를 활성화하기
위해 뷰티 기업들은 소비자가 제품을 구매하기 전에 피부색, 색조 등 특성에 따라 제품 추천을 받거나 예상할 수 있도록
증상 현실과 같은 기술을 도입했다.
<헤어제품 가상 체험관 예시>

[자료: L’Oreal Mexico]

관세율 및 인증

HS CODE 품목 관세율 멕시코 공식 표준 규격(N

3304.10 입술화장용 제품류 10% NOM-141-SSA1/SCFI-
3304.20 Eye makeup products 2012
3304.30 nail enamel ( Labeling of Prepack
3304.91 face powder aged Cosmetics , Hygi… 7/10
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3305.10 shampoo enic and Commercial

3305.20 Products for permanentg waving or straightenin Labeling ) Notation*
3305.30 hair spray
3305.90 Hair care products
3304.99 Basic cosmetics products 15%
Note*: However, if the product ingredients contain special drugs, the product must be reclassified and
comply with Mexico's hygiene requirements stipulated by the Mexican Food and Drug Administration.
[ Source: Mexico Ministry of Economy]
Mexico's health law against animal testing goes into effect
In October 2021 , Mexico approved amendments to the General Health Law that ban animal testing for
all cosmetics, including perfume. Accordingly, the manufacture, import, and distribution of ingredient
s related to animal testing or products containing combinations of such ingredients are prohibited. If t
he law is violated, the product may be recalled and a prison sentence of 2 to 7 years and a fine of 200 t
o 2,000 times the amount will be imposed. Exceptions are made in cases where there is no safety testi
ng method other than animal testing, when the stability of the ingredients has been proven based on
existing history and additional testing is not necessary, or when meeting the export requirements of ot
her countries. Information regarding animal testing can be found on the product label.
According to L'Oréal, 8 out of 10 Mexicans use skin care products, but only 12% of these 8 visit a derma
tologist. It is said that because the channels through which information on skin care can be obtained a
re limited, people often rely on commercial advertisements or product descriptions. It is expected that
effective market expansion will be achieved if marketing and promotional activities accompanied by p
roduct use introduction are carried out by utilizing these consumer characteristics. A clear trend over t
he past three years is local marketing using K-Beauty. From large distribution networks to small boutiq
ue online shops, the number of Korean cosmetics buyers and vendors who explain and promote their
products through various Internet media and influencers is increasing. If this is actively utilized and ref
lected in the local expansion strategy, it is expected to have a positive effect.
Although it is still in the early stages, after the pandemic, Mexican consumers appear to have develope
d a consumption pattern by examining even secondary factors such as ingredient analysis and packagi
ng material comparison. Preference for vegan and cruelty-free products is also increasing, and the con
sumer base, which was previously only a small number, is said to be gradually increasing. Considering
that the Mexican beauty product consumer base is becoming more sophisticated and the niche marke
t is expanding, it is recommended to establish a local expansion strategy.… 8/10
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Source: Compilation of data held by KOTRA Mexico City Trade Center , including the Mexican Ministry o
f Economy (Secretaría de Economía), Mexican Congress (Cámara de Diputados, Senado de México), Tr
ademap , Euromonitor, PMFarma, Vogue México, Mexican daily newspaper Milenio , etc.

<Copyright: ⓒ KOTRA & KOTRA Overseas Market News>

In the case of KOTRA's copyrighted work (Mexico Beauty Product Market Trends), it can be used in
accordance with the conditions of 'Public Nuri Type 4: Source indication + No commercial use + No
modification'. However, photos and images cannot be used because the copyright belongs to a third party.


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