MadRiverUnion 09 13 17
MadRiverUnion 09 13 17
MadRiverUnion 09 13 17
INCIDENT SCENE Tavern Row along Ninth Street was taped off for most of Saturday morning as evidence technicians processed the scene. KLH | Union
WM. MCKINLEY STATUE Look- Routine fight call erupts in gunfire; 11 total shots fired; felon dies, officer recovering
ing for new digs? Union fiLe pHoto
Kevin L. Hoover scene two minutes later.
Local officials statements
Mad RiveR Union The arriving officers
ARCATA A police officer was injured and
a Tennessee man killed during an exchange of
on the incident; how the didnt see a fight, but a
bystander told an officer
voted off upper right leg is UPD Officer Louis Altic. Un-
injured was APD Officer Matthew ODonovan.
against misinformation A3 a four-door truck parked
across the street from the
Ervin Eugene
his Plaza
Details of the incident were discussed at a At 1:25 a.m., Chapman said, Arcata Police bars, on the south side
Monday afternoon City Hall press conference of Ninth Street, that they Sweat, Jr.
received a 911 call about a group of males
with Arcata Police Chief Tom Chapman, Uni- physically fighting in the street near Ninth thought was associated with the armed man.
versity Police Chief Donn Peterson and Arcata and H streets. One officer each from APD As the two officers contacted the occu-
City Manager Karen Diemer. and University Police departments arrived on SHOOTING A3
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Sept. 6 at the facility after an attempt
ple in Napa and credits the state inspectors he word for goat in Eide's farm have included week and a month, be-
by a correctional deputy to break up an
with helpful ideas and suggestions for set- French is chvre; in Pauline from Paris, James ginning in February until
altercation between inmates. Jail in-
ting up her operation. The state inspectors German, Ziege; in and Tom from England, mid-September," she said.
mate Francisco Mendoza faces several
have been wonderful, she said. Gaelic, minseach. Tim and Stine from Germa- "They come from all over
criminal charges following the incident.
She opens the door and the first thing Karen Eide knows the ny, and Michelle and Brian the world."
Around 4 p.m. on Thursday, the deputy
I see is a pair of clean white rubber boots. word for her helpers at her from Ireland. Sometimes there is over- was on routine patrol in one of the jails
Eide sheds her farm boots and steps Spring Hill Farmstead, the The website, wwoofusa. lap and that makes it in- dormitory-style housing units when he
carefully into the white boots before en- visitors from all over the org, describes the program teresting for one group of observed an inmate being assaulted by
tering the pristine environment. Weve world who come to stay at as "part of a worldwide ef- WWOOFERs to pass on Mendoza in a bathroom area.
approached the clean room through a ves- her farm, work hard, and fort to link visitors with or- what they've learned to the After immediately calling for back-
tibule, carefully closing the outside door enjoy the beauty of Hum- ganic farmers, promote an next group. up from other deputies, he issued sev-
before opening the inner door to keep out boldt County. educational exchange, and Eide's Facebook page, eral commands to Mendoza to stop the
flies. Everyone who works in the cheese That word is WWOOF- build a global communi- Spring Hill Farmstead Goat assault and then used his stun gun. At
room wears scrubs and head wraps. Here ER, a friendly acronym that ty..." Cheese, is filled with pho- this point, Mendoza complied with the
goat cheese is queen! refers to participants in the The site lists over 2,000 tographs and stories about commands and was handcuffed by other
Its a contrast to the wild and free envi- Worldwide Opportunities organic farms in this coun-
the different visitors. responding deputies. An investigation of
ronment that the goats roam. The farm is a for Organic Farmers. try that participate.
She keeps bicycles at the the scene revealed a sharpened plastic
work in progress with terracing of hillsides These are folks who trav- Another site, wwoofin-
farm so that the WWOOF- spork that was apparently involved in
underway. The goats roam through pasture el the world, working for, lists farms
ERs can take off on their the assault. In the assault, the inmate
and up onto fallen trees, wandering freely board and room only, on in countries all over the
own and go exploring. received injuries to the forehead, ear,
until they come in to be milked. Eide has organic farms. world for those who want to
Shoppers at the Arcata neck and near an arm. The injuries were
a new milking facility which has its own They get to see different go further afield.
three-chamber clarifying tank. Waste from Farmers' Market get an op- not life-threatening, and the inmate was
methods of farming, hands- Eide has nothing but
the facility goes through those tanks, then portunity to meet these in- treated by the jails medical staff.
on, eat delicious food, work positive things to say about
into a 3,000 gallon holding tank and even- ternational visitors because Mendoza faces charges of assault with
for part of the day, and en- the WWOOFERs who have
tually is used as agricultural water. Shes they help at the goat cheese a deadly weapon, assault by force and vi-
joy their surroundings. come to her farm.
got 28 solar panels and a solar water sys- stand on Saturdays. olation of probation.
Recent WWOOFERs at "They stay between a
While the Union strives for accuracy, we also strongly recommend that you verify dates and times
prior to setting out to attend any of the following public meetings.
GOVERNING BODY Next MeetiNg MeetiNg LocatioN More iNforMatioN
Wednesday, Council Chamber, Never suppress a generous thought.
Arcata City Council
Sept. 20 Arcata City Hall
Meets first & third Wednesday Camilla Kimball
at 6 p.m. 736 F St., Arcata
Tuesday, Arcata Station Classroom
Arcata Fire District Board of Directors
Sept. 19 631 Ninth St.,
Meets third Tuesday
at 5:30 p.m. Arcata
Blue Lake City Council Skinner Store Bulding
Sept. 26
Meets second & fourth Tuesday behind City Hall council/agendas
at 7 p.m.
Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation &
Conservation District
Sept. 28
Woodley Island Marina
Meeting Room
Meets fourth Thursday at 7 p.m.
Humboldt Bay Municipal Thursday, Boardroom, Humboldt Bay
Water District Sept. 14 Municipal Water District,
Meets second Thursday at 9 a.m. 828 Seventh St., Eureka The Mad River Union, (ISSN 1091-1510), is published weekly (Wednesdays)
by Kevin L. Hoover and Jack Durham,
Humboldt County Tuesday, Board Chambers, 791 Eighth St. (Jacobys Storehouse), Suite 8, Arcata, CA 95521. Periodicals Postage Paid at Arcata, CA.
Board of Supervisors Sept. 19 Humboldt Co. Courthouse, Subscriptions: $40/year
Meets every Tuesday at 9 a.m. 825 Fifth St., Eureka POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the
Mad River Union, 791 Eighth St., Suite 8, Arcata, CA 95521
Manila Community Thursday, Room I, Manila Community Deadlines & Departments
Services District Sept. 21 Center, 1611 Peninsula Dr., Letters to the Editor & Opinion columns: Noon Friday
Minutes_and_Forms.htm Press Releases: 5 p.m. Friday Ads: Contact Ad Dept. Legal Notices: 5 p.m. Friday
Meets third Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Manila Press releases: (707) 826-7000 [email protected]
Letters to the Editor/Opinion: (707) 826-7000 [email protected]
McKinleyville Community Wednesday, Azalea Hall, Advertising: (707) 826-7535 [email protected]
Services District Oct. 4 1620 Pickett Rd., Entertainment: (707) 826-7000 [email protected]
Legal notices: (707) 826-7000 [email protected]
Meets first Wednesday at 7 p.m. McKinleyville
Jack D. Durham, Editor & Publisher [email protected]
McKinleyville Municipal Wednesday, Middle School Conf. Center, Kevin L. Hoover, Editor-at-Large, Publisher [email protected]
Lauraine Leblanc, Scene Editress [email protected]
Advisory Committee Sept. 27 2275 Central Ave., McKinleyville-Municipal- Jada C. Brotman, Advertising Manager [email protected]
Meets last Wednesday at 6 p.m. McKinleyville Advisory-Committ Rick Macey, Sports Editor [email protected]
today, Trinidad Town Hall, Andrew George Butler, Paul Mann, Daniel Mintz, Rick Macey, Janine Volkmar
Trinidad City Council Reporters
Sept. 13 409 Trinity St., Matthew Filar, Photographer
Meets second Wednesday
at 6 p.m. Trinidad Bob Doran, Patti Fleshner, Mara Segal Columnists
Karrie Wallace, Distribution Manager [email protected]
Louise Brotz, Subscription Outreach Coordinator
Westhaven Community Wednesday, Westhaven Fire Hall,
(707) 677-0798 Marty Burdette, Proofreader Extraordinaire
Services District Sept. 20 446 Sixth Ave.,
[email protected] 2017 The Mad River Union
Meets third Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Westhaven
Humboldt Sanitation
Full Service Transfer Station
and Recycling Center
All types of solid waste disposal and
Certified Recycling Buy-Back Center too.
Open Mon Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 9am-4pm
2585 Central Ave. McKinleyville 839-3285
TANKER TIMBER Wooden water tank 9 off Panorama
Drive is no more. The leaky old tank was made ob-
solete by the new, high-tech tank 9 not far away.
The lumber recovered from the demolished tank
(see inset) will be re-used on city projects including
trailhead kiosks, moulding, trim and more.
Photos courtesy city of ArcAtA environmentAl services
are Now Accepting Patients
to Companionship
Activities to & from
Nutritious Hot Adult Day
Meals Center
he seasons are changing. This long, hot summer
wont be over officially until next Friday (Sept. ARCHITECTURAL CHALLENGES Pickards September show features architectural works. Above left, September
22, at 1:02 p.m.) but cruel winds have already hit Sunflowers, Cathy Ray Piersons Garden; above right, Founders Hall; below, Sequoia Park Flower Garden.
heavy on the borderline, and recently between fires and
floods and guns on the Plaza, things seem out of control.
How can we put things right? How about with music,
dancing and friends?
A fresh piece of paper and
The quintessential equinox event,
the North Country Fair, serves as all the promise that will hold
a renewal of sorts. Music, art and yes, Janine Volkmar Friday, Oct. 6 and includes a broader
peace take over the Arcata Plaza and Mad RiveR Union range of landscapes around the North
vicinity Saturday and Sunday. Now in TRINIDAD Paul Rickard paints Coast, what he calls the mundane
its 44th year, the festival has been run every day. For the last five years, hes and the magnificent.
by a group of locals who just slightly been painting in watercolors for al- Rickard is able to spend the time
facetiously call themselves the Same most 50 hours a week. painting because he retired from a
Old People. Theres something about it for me long career of teaching. I retired
Some of the founders have moved thats almost intoxicating, he said. from my full time job in June 2012,
on, died off or found other things to A fresh piece of paper and all the he said. I went to College Cove and
do, but the peace and love spirit remains unchanged. promise that will hold. did a plein air painting. When I was
Theres been some evolution, but the fair hasnt changed Those promises have come true in done with it, I thought, I could do
much over the decades. It was a one-day event a long, a series of exhibitions hes hanging at this. He still works part-time at
long time ago and it expanded to two days with little re- the Trinidad Coastal Land Trust Gal- Humboldt State, supervising student
sistance, but that was decades ago. lery, in the Simmons Gallery, for three teachers, but manages to spend hours Everywhere he went, he was
Theres still nonstop music and dancing all day on two months, August through October. both in the studio and out en plein sketching.
street stages and a section of lawn by the flagpole. The In August, he had a one-man show of air, painting outside. He works alone, Rickard also comes by his artistic
weekend will feature 18 local bands, dancers, martial marine landscapes, breathtaking wa- with a small group of fellow watercol- ability through heritage. His moth-
artists, Zumba and more, as they put it. (We have the tercolors of the coast around Trinidad. orists, the Humboldt Open Air Water- er, Alberta Rickard,was an abstract
schedule on page B2, and you can figure out whos who It has been one of the challenges and color Painters, and on Sunday Paint- expressionist who studied art in San
and where they are.) honors of my life to interpret through outs with a larger group of artists who Francisco. She died soon after he was
This year, with steady hands on the till and a solid di- watercolors the dramatic vistas of the work in many different mediums. born. He remembers seeing a room
rector, there was some discussion about toying with the Trinidad Coastal Land Trust, he wrote In each situation, he is always filled with racks and racks of paintings
same old status quo. You might think, if it works, why in his artists statement. I did my best looking to land the big one. Rickard as a young child but, unfortunately, the
fiddle with it? Well, a big thing is actually changing: The to interpret the beauty and mystery of grew up fishing with his family. My building that housed her work burned
parades are swapping days. Why? these sites while on the precipice, deep dad would take my brother and me down. Years later, he received a phone
In the beginning we had the Northcoast Environmen- in the forest, and along the windswept rock fishing, from Bodega Bay to Big call from a woman who told him that
tal Centers All Species Parade, where you dressed up beaches. Sur, he explained. I think of paint- she had been his mothers roommate
as animals or whatever. (I dressed as a lawn once, but ing as a metaphor for fishing. Today in college and that she had a painting
it wasnt much of a costume.) Then the samba tradition could be your day. This is the day she wanted to give him. It was called
came along on Saturdays, with dancers and drummers Ill land the big one and do the best Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors,
in requisite tropical outfits. That injected new blood and painting Ive ever done. he said. Through other friends he has
excitement. New traditions formed. At this point, we Hes self-taught, having never tak- since acquired two more paintings by
en an art class. Rickard graduated his mother, treasures indeed.
from the University of Calfornia at Friendships are important to Rick-
Berkeley with a degree in anthropol- ard. He relishes the sense of com-
Raging kegger in Mack Town ogy and embarked on a three-year munity he feels when painting with
Mad RiveR Union trip around the world. It was space, others. We have a deal that if one of
McKINLEYVILLE Join the McKinlevyville Cham- continuity, and uninterrupted time, us sells a painting (while working on
ber of Commerce Saturday, Sept. 16 from 4 to 8 p.m. for he said. He traveled to New Zealand, location with other artists), that he or
McKinleyvilles 2017 Corks, Forks & Kegs, a beer and worked on a whaling boat in Australia, she buys ice cream for the group, he
wine walk with food tastings through McKinleyville. The did carpentry work in the Outback, said. He also likes the conversations
event is a fundraiser for The McKinleyville Lions Club traveled through Asia, India, Afghan- that happen. Every now and then
and the McKinleyville Chamber of Commerce. A General istan and Iran. It was the time of the parents come up to me with a little
ticket ($35 presale/$40 day of) includes tastings at all Magical Mystery Tour, he said. child to watch me paint. I let them
locations and commemorative tasting glass. A Designat- He comes by his wanderlust by take the brush and paint a spot. I ask
ed Driver ticket ($25 presale/$30 day of) includes food heritage, as his grandfather was a what their favorite color is and Ill add
tasting at all locations and nonalcoholic beverages only, missionary in China for 30 years. He that to the painting.
as well as a commemorative tasting glass. Presale tick- spent the last ten years of his life liv- He enjoys the sense of camarade-
ets are available at participating businesses, Tri Counties ing with me, said Rickard, and all rie that comes from painting with a
Bank, the chamber and his belongings fit into one suitcase. group: I like that people are trying to
PLEIN AIR PAINTER Paul Rickard, in- Later, Rickard and his wife, Nan- promote one another and being a part
Uncorked, no forks but definitely kegs at the unofficial
doors for once. Janine Volkmar | Union cy, spent two and a half years in the of peoples lives. He was privileged
Corks, Forks & Kegs afterparty starting at 7 p.m., when
Papa Wheelies, 1584 Reasor Rd. in McKinleyville, will This months show, on display un- Peace Corps in the Solomon Islands to be in Alan Sanborns critique group
fire up the grill in their new outdoor barbecue area and til Sept. 30, highlights buildings and at zero degrees latitude. It was a during his first year of serious paint-
a beer garden out front. Those with Corks, Forks & Kegs street scenes. Its something a little really remote area where the people ing, where, he said, he learned a lot.
wristbands will have their commemorative glasses filled different for me to do architecture, to practiced subsistence farming, grow- Rickard cites Jody Bryan as another
with Caldera Mosaic beers while supplies last. Special challenge myself, he said. ing yams, he recalled. They wore influence on his work.
guest band Kindred Spirits will play. The last show in the series opens loincloths and grass skirts. RICKARD B3
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VENUE Wednesday, sept. 13 thursday, sept. 14 Friday, sept. 15 saturday, sept. 16 sunday, sept. 17 Monday, sept. 18 tuesday, sept. 19
Arcata Theatre Lounge 6 p.m. Sci Fi Pint 6 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
1036 G St., Arcata & Fry Night Radical Reels Troyboi Sing
Blue Lake Casino 9 p.m. Karaoke 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. Karaoke
777 Casino Way, Blue Lake with KJ Leonard Dr. Squid Miracle Show with KJ Leonard
Cher-Ae Heights Casino 8 p.m. 9 p.m. Redwood 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 8 p.m. Karaoke
27 Scenic Dr., Trinidad Free pool Ramblers 707 Roadmasters with DJ Marv
Humboldt Brews 9:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Absynth 10 p.m.
856 10th St., Arcata Brews n Bass Quartet & Kingfoot Black Uhuru
The Jam 9 p.m. 10 p.m. 10 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
915 H St., Arcata Whomp Diggin Dirt Rosewater Sundaze 12BC Productions Comedy Night
The Logger Bar 7 p.m. Cribbage 8 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 6 p.m. all day all day
501 Railroad Ave., Blue Lake Tournament Trivia Night Kindred Spirits Rogues Gallery Potluck Free pool Ping-pong
Mad River Brewing Co. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m.
101 Taylor Way, Blue Lake Piet Dalmolen Lost Dogs Cadillac Ranch For Folk Sake Dogbone
Redwood Curtain Brewery 8 p.m. Lizzy and 8 p.m. Michelle Damour 7 p.m.
550 South G St., Arcata the Moonbeams & The Love Dealers Shuffleboard
Six Rivers Brewery 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Karaoke 7:30 p.m.
1300 Central Ave., McKinleyville Elizabeth Moen LD51 Trivia Night with DJ Marv Sunny Brae Jazz
now open
11 p.m.
On the Plaza
he Trinidad City Council meets to- worked as hard as the men. The couple's paired. Solid Rock Construction completed and give blood. Cookies are provided by
day, Sept. 13 at 6 p.m. in Town Hall, love for Trinidad was boundless, and they the repair, which included adding gravel to Trinidad Civic Club.
but before the meeting, at 5 p.m., are devoted parents, and grandparents, the center section of the trail to make it more OLLI library classes
Tom and Anne Odom will be honored at a too. Their exceptional brood will be happy accessible. Native plants have been reseeded The fall season of OLLI classes sched-
reception organized by the Trinidad Civic to have them nearer to them in Portland. for erosion control along the trail. A few new uled at Trinidad Library begins with Sharon
Club. Friends and colleagues who trees will be planted in October. If you hav- Ferretts, Memoir Writing: Your Life Sto-
Tom and Anne are moving to would like to say thank you and ent walked the trail for some time, it is ad- ry, Sept. 13 through Oct.4 from 10 a.m. to
Portland, Ore., soon, to be near wish Anne and Tom well for their vised to keep pets on a leash and respect the noon. The class focuses on developing char-
daughters Susie and Annette and next life adventures are invited to remaining barricades to help make sure veg- acters, creating form and structure, setting
their families. But it is fitting for the 5 p.m. reception, and to stay etation takes hold over the coming months. voice, point of view and dialogue. You will
the community to honor the cou- for the always-illuminating coun- Architecture of Trinidad write, read stories and receive feedback in
ple, who have been such an influ- cil meeting afterwards. Trinidad Museum's Photography Room each class. OLLI members pay $70 for the
ential part of Trinidads civic, so- Land trust events has a new exhibit: Historical Architecture course, which is no. 46636. Call (707) 826-
cial and economic life for decades. Paul Rickard's second exhibit of Trinidad. Vintage photographs of Trini- 5880 to enroll or go to
Tom Odom served as mayor from of exquisite area landscape paint- dads buildings, some still standing, some At Westhaven Center for the Arts
1992 to 1994 and was on both ings are up at the Simmons Gal- long gone, from the late 19th century to the The Humboldt Open Air Landscape Paint-
the city and the county Planning Commis- lery-TRinidad Coastal Land Trust office be- 1970s, are on view. Museum board mem- ers and Friends have returned to Westhaven
sions. Anne served on the city council and hind the library. It is on view on Saturdays ber Ashley Mobley curated the exhibit with Center for the Arts with new works in the
as president of Trinidad Civic Club in 2008 and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. [See page B1.] the assistance of HSU intern Sjell Merrick Under Humboldt Skies II exhibit, which
and 2009 and was instrumental in starting The land trust is giving naturalist train- and others. A reception to introduce the ex- opened last weekend. The exhibit adds a
the Memorial Lighthouse ceremonies with ing walks, and there are several planned hibit will take place Sunday, Sept. 17 from new dimension of outdoor works in prog-
Eunice Saunders in 1995. for September: a Luffenholtz Beach histo- 2 to 4 p.m. at 400 Janis Ct. Museum mem- ress. Last summer, visitors enjoyed watch-
Both Tom and Anne devoted their con- ry walk takes place this Saturday, Sept. 16 bers and guests are most cordially invited ing painters work in a sunny landscape on
siderable energy to the Trinidad Chamber from 2 to 4 p.m.; a Trinidad Rancheria His- to attend. The museum is open Thursday Westhaven Center grounds. This year, the
of Commerce and seldom missed an oppor- tory and Land Management talk at the Trin- through Sunday from 12:30 to 4 p.m. Call experience is renewed. Find out when art-in-
tunity to be a part of Fish Festivals, Clam idad Rancheria takes place Tuesday, Sept. (707) 677-3816 for information. progress takes place by visiting westhaven-
Beach Runs and Christmas Galas, for which 19 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Interpretive Field Welcome to the world! or calling (707) 677-9493.
no one could top Anne for beautiful decora- Techniques on Trinidad Head is planned for Merissa and Craig Maclay are the hap- Third Friday Jazz takes place Sept. 15 at
tions. Anne was the official festival fish fryer Sunday, Sept. 24 from 1 to 3 p.m. and a Pub- py parents of Aksel Allen, born Aug. 26 at 7 p.m., with RLa and returning guest vocal-
for years. Tom was often the first to arrive lic Lands Day Stewardship session at Trini- 2:23 in the afternoon. He weighed 8 lbs., 4 ist Claire Bent, who combines subtle phras-
at community events and the last to leave, dad Head Light House is scheduled for Sat- oz. and joins sisters Ilana, 9, and Lillian, 6, ing with a unique scat style. Admission is
his energy outlasting that of everyone else. urday, Sept. 30 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Those in the Maclay family home. Aksel Allen is $5 to $20 sliding scale. Refreshments are
A respected contractor, his fingerprints interested in naturalist or docent training the grandson of Trinidads Rick and Debra available.
are on every part of Trinidad Town Hall should call the Trinidad Coastal Land Trust Replogle and Caroline and Don Maclay of Gaia's Love, a nature-based spirituality
improvements, not to mention dozens of office at (707) 677-2501 or visit Trinidad- Malibu. Great-grandparents Carl (a former group exploring the healing virtues, con-
Trinidad area homes. Anne worked with Reservations are mayor of Trinidad) and Lois Replogle, a tinues Sunday, Sept. 17 at 10 a.m. It is led
the Saunders at their market in the 1960s, advised for all of the events. beautiful pianist, are no longer with us, but by Roy King, who can be reached at (707)
but when Tom needed an extra hand at a Trail reopened their fine family legacy lives on. 834-3008 or [email protected].
construction site, Anne willingly lent a The Parker Creek Trail to Old Home Beach Blood bank in Trinidad
hand. Tom called her Sam because she was closed while a 180-foot culvert was re- Organizer Lena Macy informs us that Email Patti at [email protected]
been current on rabies and per hit the stands, making
eet Popsicle! Named for his tendency to melt
altered. inquiries more confusing! If you were
in your arms when he is picked up, this bright-
Redwood Pals works hard to help interested in that fascinating dog, you troductions are always the key to
eyed, carrot-colored tabby has a lot of love to
dogs be reunited with their owners, can now find him good housemate relations. We have
share with his forever family. Popsicle and his brother
even helping with fees when we can, or at the shelter listed as Lil Man. a handout available at the shelter and
Creamsicle are wonderfully interactive with visitors,
though that adds up quickly for a He has been joined by some addi- through our Redwood Pals email that
dogs and their current kitty roommates. They are espe-
small group like ours and it isnt as tional dogs since last week. One of the gives helpful suggestions about bring-
cially fond of playing with all toys feathery or furry and
obvious a need as are spay and neu- newest is little mixed breed dog, Gin- ing a dog into a home with a kitty.
boast some of the softest, most unique coats CAF has
ter and vaccinations for lower income ger. Volunteers are already singing Mooses foster followed those sugges-
ever seen. Future owners, beware: be prepared for a dai-
dogs. Helping get dogs back to their her praises! Petite and friendly, this tions and Moose and the cat are now
ly onslaught of affection. If you think you can handle the
owners does help keep the shelter is one to come check out. Ginger is best friends!
cuddles, Popsicle or Creamsicle may be the perfect cat
population down, so we feel like it is about 4 years old, 30 lbs., loves to get Moose loves to play with other
for you.
worth it. out and play and appears to be a mix dogs and does best with ones of a
We pride ourselves on pairing our
of cattle dog with Husky or Akita or similar size and desire to play. The
animals with purrr-fect new compan-
who knows what in there. fosters report that he does well off
ions, so we encourage anyone inter- Ginger Meet Ginger at the Humboldt the leash at the beach and on trails.
ested in Popsicle to come in and visit
County Animal Shelter at 980 They have been steadily working with
our kitten room Tuesday through
Lycoming Ave. in McKinleyville. him on good leash manners as well.
Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 88
More info is available at (707) 840- He has been a lucky boy to have such
Sunny Brae Center. We occasionally
9132. responsible fosters and it shows in
close the kitten room to administer
Redwood Pals has a great dog how far his training has come! They
medical treatments, so we recom-
in young Moose! He has been at a describe Moose as a big puppy with
mend calling us at (707) 826-7387
foster home for a few months and a sweet and goofy personality. He
before heading over. Pictures of the rest of our adoptable
is ready to find his forever home. would make a great companion for an
animals can be found at
Moose is a 1-year-old dark brindle active family that will keep him exer-
Please note that our Sunny Brae location will be closed
male Pit mix. He is a medium-sized cised and enjoy his company on out-
today, Sept. 13 to begin the transformation of one of our
dog, probably about 50 to 55 lbs. side adventures.
storage rooms into a donation processing station. We
Moose has a lot of nice qualities Moose is neutered and current on
will resume regular store hours (Monday through Fri-
A word to the wise: Animal Control going for him. He lives with another vaccinations. Redwood Pals can mi-
day, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
will almost always try to return a dog dog and a cat and has children that crochip him if desired by the adopt-
Thursday, Sept. 14.
if they have a tag with current contact come to visit him. He gets along well ers. To meet Moose, please contact us
All of the animals at Companion Animal Foundation
information. Its worth the few dollars with all of them. at [email protected]
have been spayed/neutered, treated for parasites, and
to have a tag engraved with your dogs As with all new dogs, proper in- or call (707) 839-9692.
are up to date on their vaccines. If you have any ques-
tions about a particular animal or would like to know
more about the adoption process, call us at (707) 826-
7387 or email [email protected]. Dont forget to
follow Companion Animal Foundation on Facebook and
A journey, women poets and a call for friends
Instagram! he Trinidad Library hosts Journeys on the US 20 for new board officers and committee members. Officer
Thursday, Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. Poet, publisher and oral elections will be held Saturday, Sept. 23 at 10:30 a.m.
Have you adopted an animal through Companion memoirist Michael Czarnecki will share photos, in the Arcata Library Conference Room. Nominees must
Animal Foundation over the last 15 years? We'd love to stories, poems and prose of his experiences along Route either have attended a recent membership meeting or
hear from you! Send your pictures and stories to caf- 20. All ages welcome. This event is supported in part by joined in one of two informational meetings, the second
[email protected]. the Poets & Writers grant program. of which is Saturday, Sept. 16 from 1 to 2 p.m.
In addition, the library will host Emergence: Officer nominations will be recorded at the be-
Women Poets Rise Saturday, Sept. 16 at 2 p.m. ginning of the Sept. 23 meeting.
CROSSWORD PUZZLE Four women poets Jacqueline Elizabeth Le- Friends of the Arcata Library is also seeking
ACROSS DOWN talien, Pat McCutcheon, Lori Cole and Suzanne new members for three committees: book sales,
1. Monroes successor 1. Elec. units F. Moore will read their original poetry. All youth outreach and elders and in-home out-
6. Spring dance 2. Gloomy ages are welcome. reach. Contact them at arcatalibraryfriends@
10. Make a mess 3. Haughtiness
14. Fabric with a 4. Fem. title All events are free to attend. The librarys or through the library at (707) 822-
wavy pattern 5. Be furious programs and services are accessible to persons 5954.
15. Dinner course 6. 1 of 150 with disabilities; please let us know if you re- The Arcata Library holds Fun with Music
16. Wild feline 7. __ Kennedy
17. Accessory 8. Not safe quire assistance. The Trinidad Library is located at 380 Story Time Saturday, Sept. 16 at 11:30 a.m. Children
18. One with a 9. Drivers speed: abbr. Janis Ct. in Trinidad. For further information, call (707) ages 9 months to 4 years and their caregivers enjoy a read-
breathing disorder 10. Lean 677-0227 or visit aloud and also sing, dance and play a variety of musical in-
20. Grads.-to-be 11. Stringed instrument
21. Saga 12. Delete Befriend the Arcata Library struments together. Visit to access a calendar
23. Mountain ridge 13. Walk the floor The Friends of the Arcata Library (FOAL) are looking of all Humboldt County Library events.
24. Pretense 19. Lunatic
25. Concocted 22. Swiss river
27. Lathe 24. Hot tubs
30. Appear 25. Holiday greeting start PINTS FOR NONPROFITS Get creative benefit the Humboldt Folklife Soci- nine years, Blue Lotus Jazz performs
31. Brazilian gentleman 26. Prefix for space or gram with your drinking at Redwood Cur- ety. about 150 gigs a year at venues such
34. Fictional estate 27. Belt as Larrapin Cafe, Libation Wine Shop,
35. Earth: Lat. 28. High: Fr. tain Brewery, 550 South G St., Arca-
36. __ pedestal; 29. Shady place ta, today, Sept. 13, when proceeds AT THE ALIBI Humboldt Free Radio The Wine Spot, Six Rivers Brewery
lovingly honored 30. Clothes maker from every beer sold all day benefit presents Mos Generator (heavy rock and many Arts Alive! and Arts Arcata!
37. Irritates 31. Use a divining rod from Wash.) and Lord Ellis (heavy locations. Wine & Jazz is a monthly
41. __ Z; full gamut 32. Walking __; joyous Humboldt States Art Department.
42. Bread spread 33. Amerindian language rock from Humboldt) at The Ali- program, included with admission to
43. Omans location 35. Caruso or Pavarotti SCI-FI PINT & FRY NIGHT See Ul- bi, 744 Ninth St. in Arcata, Friday, the museum. Bring along your instru-
44. Word with cent 38. Softened Sept. 15 at 11 p.m. There is a $7 cover ment, as audience members will be
or chance 39. __ plate
ysses Against The Son Of Hercules
45. Love deity 40. Was generous (1961) and other psychotronic weird- for this 21 and over show. invited to jam with the band following
46. Bar 46. Type of dance ness, trailers, short films and strange the show. Admission is $5/$2 for se-
48. Beverage container 47. Express acceptance CELEBRATION OF THE ARTS Join the niors (age 65 and over) and students
49. Soothe 48. Opposite of depress
giveaways today, Sept. 13 at Arca-
50. Theater part 49. Mr. John ta Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St. Doors Humboldt Arts Council at the Mor- with ID/free for children 17 and un-
53. European range 50. Arthur with a racket open at 6 p.m. and the main feature ris Graves Museum of Art, 636 F St., der, museum members and families
54. Sound of support 51. Eur. language Eureka, Saturday, Sept. 16 from 5 with an EBT card. (707) 442-0278,
57. Loyal 52. Peddle
starts at 7:30 p.m. In this sword and
60. Shun a big ceremony 53. On the subject of sandal adventure, Hercules takes on to 7 p.m. for the 2017 Celebration of
62. Lame 54. Wander Ulysses, but during the struggle, the the Arts. This years honoree is Rob
63. Singing voice 55. Copycat
two are abducted by deadly birdmen. Holmlund, City of Eurekas director RELEVANCE OF THE CHURCH Wheth-
64. Adamant refusal 56. Belonging to that girl
65. Magazine title 58. Cooler Admission is free with $5 minimum of Development Services, who will er the Church is still relevant in to-
66. Inert gas 59. 46 Across order purchase of food or beverage. Paren- receive the 2017 Outstanding Contri- days world will be discussed at Life-
67. Levels 61. Stein contents bution to the Arts Award for his work tree Caf, at the corner of 13th and
tal guidance is suggested.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 bringing forth the City of Eurekas Union streets in Arcata, Sunday,
14 15 16 RADICAL REELS SCREENING Radical 2017-2022 Strategic Arts Plan. The Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. The program, ti-
Reels 2017 screens Thursday, Sept. evening includes a sampling of hors tled Is Church Obsolete: Has God
17 18 19
14 at the Arcata Theatre Lounge, 1036 doeuvres crafted by Uniquely Yours Left the Building? explores emerging
20 21 22 23 G St. Doors open at 6 p.m. The Rad- Catering, with hosted California trends showing the church is quickly
24 25 26 ical Reels Tour focuses on dynamic, wines and no-host specialty cocktails. losing membership and eroding in in-
high-adrenaline films featuring ski- Enjoy live music and a silent auction fluence. Admission is free, as are the
27 28 29 30 31 32 33
ing, climbing, kayaking, BASEjump- benefiting the Humboldt Arts Coun- coffee and snacks. (707) 672-2919
34 35 36 ing, snowboarding, as well as new cil and the Morris Graves Museum of
37 38 39 40 sports and more. Tickets are $20 and Art. Tickets are $50 per person. (707 FIELDBROOK ART & WINE FEST
available only at Adventures Edge. ) 442-0278, ext. 205, humboldtarts. Spend the day in the Fieldbrook Val-
41 42 43
org/content/special-events ley Saturday, Sept. 23 from 11 a.m.
44 45 46 47 BARN DANCE! All are invited to a to 4 p.m., perusing numerous arts
48 49 Barn Dance Friday, Sept. 15 from WINE & JAZZ Enjoy a glass of wine and crafts booths and enjoying live
7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the Arcata Vets and an afternoon of great music at music by The Spindrifters and Jon
50 51 52 53 54 55 56
Hall, 1425 J St. Lyndsey Battle calls the Morris Graves Museum of Art, Lewis Latin Jazz, food, barbecue oys-
57 58 59 60 61 the dances and the Striped Pig String 636 F St., Eureka, Sunday, Sept. 17 ters, Fieldbrook wine tasting, local
62 63 64
Band plays. No dance experience is at 3 p.m., with Blue Lotus Jazz, a jazz craft beer, desserts, raffle and more.
necessary, as all squares and contra guitar duo consisting of Dave Wilson This collaborative effort by the Field-
65 66 67
dances are taught and called. Go by and Nalini Cogswell. This pair pre- brook Winery, Fieldbrook Elementa-
Solution on page B5 yourself, with a friend or in a group fers to explore the romantic side of ry School and The Fieldbrook Edu-
for a fun night of family-friendly mu- jazz Their vision is to play excep- cation Foundation is a fundraiser for
The weekly crossword is
brought to you by Kinetic Koffee sic, dancing and community. Admis-
sion is $10/$5 for students and se-
tional jazz, but most importantly, to
have fun while making music! Play-
educational needs and extras, which
exceed what the school itself can pro-
Organic, fresh, local and available at Eureka Natural Foods,
Murphys Markets, the North Coast Co-op and Wildberries! niors/free for kids under 12; proceeds ing throughout Humboldt County for vide the students.
presents a free public lecture about
the sixth year, the Godwit Day
Spring Migration Bird Festival
New Plans for Arcatas Wastewa- offers a Fall Preview, a fun-filled and peace. Noel was born Dec. 6, 1918, in
ter Treatment Friday, Sept. 15, weekend of birding in Humboldt Inglenook, Calif., near Fort Bragg. He was
starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Arcata County. Join experienced leaders the fifth and youngest child of Thomas Jef-
Marsh Interpretive Center. Couch the weekend of Sept. 30 and ferson and Edith (Wood) Harris. Noel died
is the wastewater operations su- Oct. 1 on any of seven small- at home on the morning of July 20, 2017,
pervisor for the City of Arcata group trips (maximum of 10 reg- at the age of 98.
and a founding member of Friends of the istrants) selected to cover the areas best For the past 49 years, Noel was mar-
Arcata Marsh, where he currently serves as birding locations at the end of the peak pe- ried to Ina Lipman Harris, the love of his
vice-president. For more information or to riod for migrating birds, a time of year with life. He had three children from two previ-
guarantee a seat, call (707) 826-2359. high potential for rare bird sightings. On ous marriages John Stephen and Anita
Saturday, look for lingering migrants along Kathryn, both of whom died tragically in
COASTAL CLEANUP AT THE MARSH Cele- the Lost Coast (Centerville to Petrolia, in- 1967, and Rachel Fern, who survives him.
brate California Coastal Cleanup Day with cluding Bear River Ridge) on a full-day trip A memorial celebration of Noels life
the City of Arcatas Environmental Services with Tony Kurz; spend most of a day check- will be held Friday, Oct. 20 at 2 p.m. at the
Department, Humboldt States mighty Natu- ing the Samoa Peninsula willow patches Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 24 Fel-
ral Resources Club, the California Conserva- for migrants with Ken Burton; scour the lowship Way in Bayside. In lieu of flowers,
tion Corps and Friends of the Arcata Marsh Blue Lake cottonwoods and Mad River Fish donations may be made to the Friends of
Saturday, Sept. 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hatchery with Keith Slauson on a half-day the Noel E. Harris Archive Fund through
Volunteers meet at 9 a.m. at the South G trip; or do some morning Arcata Birding the Humboldt Area Foundation at 363 In-
Street parking lot of the Interpretive Center & Beering with Rob Fowler (Arcata Marsh, dianola Rd., Bayside, CA 95524 or to Vet-
to pull aggressive spartina grass and remove Arcata Bottom, optional lunch at Redwood erans for Peace Chapter 56 at PO Box 532,
other invasive plants such as fennel and Curtain Brewery). On Sunday, travel along Bayside, CA 95524.
pampas grass from the Arcata Marsh and the coast during a half-day trip from the Elk We are asking people for recollections
Noel Edwin Harris
Wildlife Sanctuary, improving conditions for River Mouth to Fields Landing and King of Noel to include in his archive. If there
native plants and animals. Be sure to wear Salmon with Nora Papian and Max Brodie is something you would like to contribute,
a long sleeve shirt, work pants and boots (optional lunch at Gills by the Bay); spend oel Edwin Harris was a sweet man. please send it by mail to Ina Harris at 3327
and bring rain gear and water. Gloves, tools, most of a day traveling north from Orick He was a devoted husband, a sup- Pine St. Eureka, CA 95503 or by email to
snacks and beverages will be provided. (707) to Humboldt Lagoons State Park with Rob portive father, a steadfast friend, Rachel Harris at rachelfern28@yahoo.
825-2163, [email protected] Fowler; or focus on raptors along Bear Riv- an engaged citizen and a lifelong activist com. For the full version of Noels obitu-
er Ridge to Ferndale on a three-quarter-day for workers rights, human rights, justice ary, please visit
COASTAL CLEANUP AT THE BEACH Help trip with Tom Leskiw. These trips by car-
clean up the coast by joining a global move- pool range from $50 to $75 each. Meeting
ment that was started right here in Arcata! locations are specified in online trip de-
GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPS Hospice of Humboldt offers free, drop-in grief support groups
Participants will comb the beach for plas- scriptions. To register or get more informa-
every week. The Arcata group meets Mondays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the fourth floor con-
tic and other trash materials in an effort to tion, visit and click on the
ference room of Jacobys Storehouse, 791 Eighth St. Eureka groups meet Wednesdays
reduce potential marine debris Saturday, link in the right-hand Special Events col-
from 5:30 to 7 p.m.; Fridays from 1 to 2:30 p.m. and Saturdays (Slipper Club casual
Sept. 16 from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Meet umn or email [email protected].
drop-in session) from 9 to 10:30 a.m., all at the Hospice office, 3327 Timber Fall Ct. The
at the Humboldt Coastal Nature Center,
Fortuna group meets Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Brookdale Fortuna (formerly
220 Stamps Lane in Manila. Please bring SEA LEVEL RISE AWARENESS ART CON-
Sequoia Springs), 2401 Redwood Way. (707) 267-9801
drinking water and wear closed toe shoes. TEST Use your artistic skills to raise
Gloves and small snacks will be provided. awareness of rising sea levels by entering
RIBBONS OF HOPE BALL The American Cancer Society presents the Ribbons of Hope
Reusable containers (buckets, old grocery the Sea Level Rise Awareness art contest.
Ball Saturday, Oct. 7 from 5 to 10 p.m. at The Lodge, 445 Herrick Ave., Eureka. A
bags etc.) for collecting trash are high- The winning artist will recreate their work
fabulous dinner and dancing are first and foremost at this enchanting and worthwhile
ly encouraged. For more information, or on a large sidewalk square during Pastels
event! There will be a live auction with Rex Bohn, silent auctions, guest speakers, door
to RSVP a group of six or more, contact on the Plaza Saturday, Oct. 7. Entries are
prizes and many surprises! Pull out your finery for a rare opportunity to dress up and
Friends of the Dunes at jess@friendsoft- Monday, Sept. 25 by 5 p.m. at the Commu-
support cancer research at the same time! Tickets are $40, and a reserved table for eight or (707) 444-1397. nity Development Department at Arcata
is $300. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society and are tax deductible. Tick-
City Hall. Work should be 1-by-2 feet, or
ets are available at the Discovery Shop, 2942 F St. in Henderson Center, Eureka.
MARSH TOUR Friends of the Arcata Marsh similarly proportioned. The winning entry
sponsors a free tour of the Arcata Marsh will be announced Friday, Sept. 29. Visit
& Wildlife Sanctuary Saturday, Sept. 16 for IN-HOME SERVICES
at 2 p.m. Meet leader Alex Stillman at the more information. October is Sea Level
Interpretive Center on South G Street for Rise Awareness Month and this art contest We are here for you $10 for around 20 words; discounts for multiple weeks!
(707) 826-7535 [email protected]
a 90-minute walk focusing on the ecology is one way the Arcata Planning Division is
Registered nurse support Call today: operators are standing by!
of the Marsh. Loaner binoculars available helping people learn about sea level rise as
with photo ID. (707) 826-2359 the Arcata City Council explores potential Personal care
Light housekeeping
responses to this challenge. City staff will
Assistance with
NATURE STORY TIME Join Friends of the be at the Arcata Farmers Market Satur- A D A M S P R O M S L O P
Dunes naturalist Ashley Hansen for Nature day, Sept. 16 and 23, and at Arts! Arcata on daily activities
Visiting Angels is M O I R E S O U P P U M A
Story Time at the Humboldt Coastal Nature the Plaza Friday, Oct. 13 with sea level rise Respite care P U R S E A S T H M A T I C
dren to enjoy. Come prepared to explore the portunities to contribute your ideas, sign Serving Northern California
Eureka. Part-time and E W E R E A S E
trails on your own after the program. For up for sea level rise meeting eNotifications for over 20 years! Full-time, flexible hours. S T E A D F A S T E L O P E
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS KELLY E. SANDERS SEP. 05, 2017 1. Petitioner LAURA CAITLIN The petition requests au- any petittion or account as pro- your attorney. taxpayer may appear at said QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ)
NAME STATEMENT SC DEPUTY CLERK KELLY E. SANDERS KURTZ has filed a petition thority to administer the estate vided in Probate Code section If you are a creditor or a time and place and be heard The City of Arcata has
17-00463 8/30, 9/6, 9/13, 9/20
SC DEPUTY CLERK with this court for a decree under the Independent Admin- 1250. A Request for Special contingent creditor of the regarding the increase, de- been awarded a $300,000
The following person(s) is 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4
changing names as follows: istration of Estates Act. (This Notice form is available from decedent, you must file your crease, or omission of any Community-Wide Brownfields
(are) doing business as: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Present name: LAURA CAIT- authority will allow the person- the court clerk. claim with the court and mail item on the budget, or for the Assessment Grant from the
PATRICKS POINT INN NAME STATEMENT ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE LIN KURTZ to Proposed name al representative to take any Attorney for the petitioner: a copy to the personal rep- inclusion of additional items. United States Environmental
3602 PATRICKS POINT DR. 17-00451 FOR CHANGE OF NAME LAURA CAITLIN KURTZ actions without obtaining court ARTHUR NIELSEN resentative appointed by the PUBLISHED BY THE OR- Protection Agency (US EPA).
TRINIDAD, CA 95570 The following person(s) is MARGARET CATHERINE WRIGHT. approval. Before taking certain GALE & NIELSEN court within the later of either DER OF THE BOARD OF DI- Grant funds will be used to
JAMES R. FLESHMAN (are) doing business as: HALLIDAY 2. THE COURT ORDERS very important actions, howev- 2850 HARRIS STREET (1) four months from the date RECTORS OF ARCATA FIRE involve the community in the
480 PATRICKS POINT DR. HUMBOLDT FARMS SUPERIOR COURT OF that all persons interested er, the personal representative EUREKA, CA 95503 of first issuance of letters to PROTECTION DISTRICT. decision-making process,
TRINIDAD, CA 95570 653 15TH STREET CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF in this matter appear before will be required to give notice 707-269-0167 8/30, 9/6, 9/13
a general personal represen- Becky Schuette to identify priority sites, to
BETTY 3 FLESHMAN ARCATA, CA 95521 HUMBOLDT this court, located at 825 5th to interested persons unless tative, as defined in section Board Secretary/Clerk 9/6, 9/13 conduct Phase I and Phase
16242 ORIZABA AVE. YANA TIKA, A COOPER- CASE NO. CV170695 Street, Eureka, California, at they have waived notice or NOTICE OF PETITION TO 58(b) of the California Probate II Environmental Site Assess-
PARAMOUNT, CA 90723 ATIVE CORPORATION TO ALL INTERESTED PER- the hearing indicated below consented to the proposed ADMINISTER ESTATE OF Code, or (2) 60 days from the NOTICE TO CREDITORS ments at priority sites, and to
This business is conducted by: C4046680 SONS: to show cause, if any, why action.) The independent ad- JAMES M. DOVIAK date of mailing or personal de- (Probate Code conduct cleanup and redevel-
A Married Couple 653 15TH STREET 1. Petitioner MARGARET the application should not ministration authority will be CASE NO.: PR170251 livery to you of a notice under 19040(b), 16052) opment planning of assessed
S/JAMES R. FLESHMAN, ARCATA, CA 95521 CATHERINE HALLIDAY be granted. Any person ob- granted unless an interested To all heirs, beneficiaries, section 9052 of the California SUPERIOR COURT OF THE brownfield properties. The
OWNER This business is conducted by: has filed a petition with this jecting to the name changes person files an objection to creditors, contingent creditors, Probate Code. Other Cal- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, City is seeking professional
This statement was filed with A Corporation court for a decree chang- described above must file a the petition and shows good and persons who may other- ifornia statutes and legal COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT services from qualified and
the Humboldt County Clerk on S/ZACHARY RUBIN, CHIEF ing names as follows: written objection that includes cause why the court should wise be interested in the will or authority may affect your In re the Matter of the: experienced Environmental
AUG. 24, 2017 EXECUTIVE OFFICER Present name: MARGARET the reasons for the objection not grant the authority. estate, or both, of: rights as a creditor. You JOAN AND WILLIAM TRUST Engineering Services Con-
KELLY E. SANDERS This statement was filed with CATHERINE HALLIDAY to at least two court days before A hearing on the petition A Petition for Probate may want to consult with an created October 19, 1996. sultants to assist with project
LH DEPUTY CLERK the Humboldt County Clerk on Proposed name MARGARET the matter is scheduled to be will be held in this court as has been filed by: DONALD attorney knowledgeable in WILLIAM MEAGHER, implementation, work plan
8/30, 9/6, 9/13, 9/20
AUG. 17, 2017 CATHERINE CAMARDA. heard and must appear at the follows: DOVIAK in the Superior Court California law. Decedent administration, and execution
KELLY E. SANDERS 2. THE COURT ORDERS hearing to show cause why the Date: September 21, 2017 of California, County of HUM- You may examine the file Case No.: PR170260 of this grant.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS SM DEPUTY CLERK that all persons interested petition should not be granted. Time: 2:00 PM BOLDT. kept by the court. If you are NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- Sealed proposals for this
NAME STATEMENT 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27
in this matter appear before If no written objection is timely Dept.: 4 The petition requests the a person interested in the EN to the creditors and con- work will be received at the
17-00464 this court, located at 825 5th filed, the court may grant the Address of court: Superior decedents will and codicils, if estate, you may file with the tingent creditors of the above- City Managers Office, 736 F
The following person(s) is FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Street, Eureka, California, at petition without a hearing. Court of California, County of any, be admitted to probate. court a formal Request for named decedent, that all per- Street, Arcata, California, until
(are) doing business as: NAME STATEMENT the hearing indicated below Date: October 6, 2017 Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, The will and any codicils are Special Notice (form DE-154) sons having claims against the 3:00 p.m. on October 20, 2017.
OCEAN GROVE LODGE 17-00474 to show cause, if any, why Time: 1:45 p.m. Eureka, CA, 95501. available for examination in of the filing of an inventory and decedent are required to file The award for this contract is
480 PATRICKS POINT DRIVE The following person(s) is the application should not Dept.: 4 If you object to the granting the file kept by the court. appraisal of estate assets or of them with the Superior Court, anticipated to be made at the
TRINIDAD, CA 95570 (are) doing business as: be granted. Any person ob- 3. A copy of this Order to Show of the petition, you should ap- The petition requests au- any petittion or account as pro- at 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, City Councils regularly sched-
P.O. BOX 873 SOLUTIONS FOR SMALL jecting to the name changes Cause shall be published at pear at the hearing and state thority to administer the estate vided in Probate Code section CA 95501, and mail or deliver uled meeting on November
TRINIDAD, CA 95570 BUSINESSES described above must file a least once a week for four suc- your objections or file written under the Independent Admin- 1250. A Request for Special a copy to THOMAS MEA- 15, 2017. The Bid Package for
JAMES R. FLESHMAN 1385 8TH STREET SUITE 104 written objection that includes cessive weeks prior to the date objections with the court be- istration of Estates Act. (This Notice form is available from GHER, TRUSTEE OF THE this work can be obtained from
480 PATRICKS POINT DR. ARCATA, CA 95521 the reasons for the objection set for hearing on the petition fore the hearing. Your appear- authority will allow the person- the court clerk. JOAN AND WILLIAM TRUST Katie Marsolan at the office of
TRINIDAD, CA 95570 PO BOX 5153 at least two court days before in the following newspaper of ance may be in person or by al representative to take any Attorney for the petitioner: executed October 19, 1996, the Purchasing Agent at 736 F
BETTY E. FLESHMAN ARCATA, CA 95518 the matter is scheduled to be general circulation, printed in your attorney. actions without obtaining court WILLIAM G. BERTAIN wherein the decedent was the Street, Arcata, CA 95521 or on
16242 ORIZABA AVE. KATHERINE L. ALMY heard and must appear at the this county: Mad River Union. If you are a creditor or a approval. Before taking certain 1310 SIXTH STREET settlor, at 2850 Harris Street, the Citys website on or after
PARAMOUNT, CA 90723 1366 BELNOR RD. hearing to show cause why the Date: AUG 17 2017 contingent creditor of the very important actions, howev- EUREKA, CA 95501 Eureka CA 95503, within the Monday, September 11, 2017.
This business is conducted by: MCKINLEYVILLE, CA 95519 petition should not be granted. TIMOTHY P. CISSNA decedent, you must file your er, the personal representative 707-443-5075 9/13, 9/20, 9/27
later of 4 months after Sep- This RFQ follows the Compet-
A Married Couple This business is conducted by: If no written objection is timely Judge of the Superior Court claim with the court and mail will be required to give notice tember 13, 2017, (the date of itive Proposals procurement
S/JAMES R. FLESHMAN, An Individual filed, the court may grant the 8/23, 8/30, 9/6, 9/13
a copy to the personal rep- to interested persons unless PUBLIC NOTICE OF the first publication of notice to procedures outlined in CFR
OWNER S/KATHERINE L. ALMY, petition without a hearing. resentative appointed by the they have waived notice or ADOPTION OF creditors) or, if notice is mailed 200.317 - CFR 200.326 that
This statement was filed with OWNER Date: September 20, 2017 NOTICE OF PETITION TO court within the later of either consented to the proposed PRELIMINARY BUDGET or personally delivered to you, are applicable to hiring of con-
the Humboldt County Clerk on This statement was filed with Time: 1:45 p.m. ADMINISTER ESTATE OF (1) four months from the date action.) The independent ad- FISCAL YEAR 2017/2018 60 days after the date this sulting firms or individuals to
AUG. 24, 2017 the Humboldt County Clerk on Dept.: 4 GERALDINE FAY JAMES of first issuance of letters to ministration authority will be NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- notice is mailed or personally assist communities with grants
KELLY E. SANDERS AUG. 30, 2017 3. A copy of this Order to Show CASE NO.: PR170240 a general personal represen- granted unless an interested EN that the Preliminary Bud- delivered to you, or you must awarded by the EPA. 9/13, 9/20
LH DEPUTY CLERK KELLY E. SANDERS Cause shall be published at To all heirs, beneficiaries, tative, as defined in section person files an objection to get of the Arcata Fire Protec- petition to file a late claim as
8/30, 9/6, 9/13, 9/20
SC DEPUTY CLERK least once a week for four suc- creditors, contingent creditors, 58(b) of the California Probate the petition and shows good tion District for the fiscal year provided by 19103 of the Pro- PUBLIC NOTICE
9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4
cessive weeks prior to the date and persons who may other- Code, or (2) 60 days from the cause why the court should beginning July 1, 2017 has bate Code. A claim form may AT&T Mobility, LLC is pro-
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS set for hearing on the petition wise be interested in the will date of mailing or personal de- not grant the authority. been adopted by the Arcata be obtained from the court posing to construct a new
NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS in the following newspaper of or estate, or both, of: GERAL- livery to you of a notice under A hearing on the petition Fire Protection Board of Di- clerk. For your protection, you telecommunications tower fa-
17-00458 NAME STATEMENT general circulation, printed in DINE FAY JAMES section 9052 of the California will be held in this court as rectors and is available at the are encouraged to file your cility located at 1220 Glendale
The following person(s) is 17-00480 this county: Mad River Union. A Petition for Probate has Probate Code. Other Cal- follows: following time and place for claim by certified mail, with Drive, McKinleyville, Humboldt
(are) doing business as: The following person(s) is Date: AUG 11 2017 been filed by: JOANNA REES ifornia statutes and legal Date: September 28, 2017 inspection: return receipt requested. County, CA. The new facility
NORTH COAST RENTALS (are) doing business as: TIMOTHY P. CISSNA in the Superior Court of Cali- authority may affect your Time: 2:00 PM Arcata Fire District Date: 9/1/17 will consist of a 150-foot self
1969 27TH STREET MOW N GO Judge of the Superior Court fornia, County of HUMBOLDT. rights as a creditor. You Dept.: 4 Headquarters Arthur Nielsen, support tower. Any interested
ARCATA, CA 95521 1973 STRAWBERRY CT. 8/23, 8/30, 9/6, 9/13
The Petition for Probate may want to consult with an Address of court: Superior McKinleyville Station Attorney for Trustee Thomas party wishing to submit com-
MALINDA L. DAMME MCKINLEYVILLE, CA 95519 requests that: JOANNA REES attorney knowledgeable in Court of California, County of 2149 Central Avenue, Meagher ments regarding the potential
1969 27TH STREET LOGAN W. MEZESKE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be appointed as personal rep- California law. Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, McKinleyville, CA 95519 2850 Harris Street effects the proposed facility
ARCATA, CA 95521 1973 STRAWBERRY CT. FOR CHANGE OF NAME resentative to administer the You may examine the file Eureka, CA, 95501. Monday Friday Eureka, CA 95503 9/13, 9/20, 9/27 may have on any historic
This business is conducted by: MCKINLEYVILLE, CA 95519 LAURA CAITLIN KURTZ estate of the decedent. kept by the court. If you are If you object to the granting 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. property may do so by send-
An Individual This business is conducted by: SUPERIOR COURT OF The petition requests the a person interested in the of the petition, you should ap- That on September 19, CITY OF ARCATA ing such comments to: Proj-
S/MALINDA L. DAMME, An Individual CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF decedents will and codicils, if estate, you may file with the pear at the hearing and state 2017 at 5:30 p.m. at the Arcata NOTICE TO BIDDERS ect 6117004371-MH c/o EBI
OWNER S/LOGAN MEZESKE, HUMBOLDT any, be admitted to probate. court a formal Request for your objections or file written Station, 631 9th Street, Arcata, 2017 US EPA COMMUNI- Consulting, 3703 Long Beach
This statement was filed with OWNER CASE NO. CV170705 The will and any codicils are Special Notice (form DE-154) objections with the court be- CA, the Board of Directors will TY-WIDE BROWNFIELDS Blvd. Suite 421, 2nd Floor,
the Humboldt County Clerk on This statement was filed with TO ALL INTERESTED PER- available for examination in of the filing of an inventory and fore the hearing. Your appear- meet for the purpose of fixing ASSESSMENT GRANT Long Beach, CA 90807 or via
AUG. 22, 2017 the Humboldt County Clerk on SONS: the file kept by the court. appraisal of estate assets or of ance may be in person or by the final budget, and that any REQUEST FOR phone at (785) 760-5938. 9/13
B6 M AD R IVER U NION S EPT . 13, 2017
two ribbons at
this years Hum-
boldt County
Fair: first place in
Adult Home Arts/
Woodworking for
his carving of a
hummingbird and
third place for his
carving of a mal-
lard. Ive never
won any ribbons
at the fair before,
said an exuberant
Gonsalves, who
is also an accom-
plished photogra-
pher and luthier.
Jack Durham | union
These colors
Millager, who finished with 10 kills. Olivia Alves
had 25 digs and Natalie Wheeler had a strong
outing. run
S ol e s n at lea ue o ene
GARBERVILLE McKinleyville had five golf- PUTTING THE FUN IN
ers in the top 10 as the Panthers captured the FUN RUN North Bay
HDNC opener at Benbow Golf Course. Molly Rotaract held its third
Citro placed second with an 86. Phoebe Sundberg
annual 5k Fun Run
(3rd, 93), Kara Berman (5th, 97), Isabella Sund-
Sunday in Blue Lake.
berg 6th, 107), and Jayme Willis (8th, 110) led the
way for the winners. Above and right,
St. Bernards Allison Sobel was the top individ- runners pass through
ual finisher. She shot a 79 as the Crusaders placed the color station and
third, behind second-place Arcata. The Tigers get splashed with
were led by Avary Henry, who finished fourth at Technicolor powders.
95 strokes. Her teammates Lucia Monge (9th, Below, runners hula
114), and Joia Simpson (10th, 117) rounded out hoop. There was also
the top 10. a jump rope stop and
The Panthers finished well ahead of the pack dancing.
with a team total of 493, followed by Arcata (577), Matt FiLar | Union
St. Bernards (682), Eureka (694), Fortuna (724),
and Del Norte (754).
cata lanks u eka n tenn s
ARCATA The home-standing Tigers proved
too much for the Loggers as they swept all sev-
en matches. Arcata won each of the four singles
events in straights sets.
Arcata No. 1 singles Haley Hill beat Madeline
Corsetti, 6-1 and 6-0. In order, Marlie Thornburg
topped Lauren Albertini (6-1, 6-2); Kendra Flint
defeated Megan Corsetti (6-0, 6-0); and Casey
McAtasney beat Urja Patei (6-1, 6-2).
PANTHER POWER McKinleyvilles No. 11 Natalie The Tigers (1-1) were equally dominant in dou-
Wheeler prepares to spike the ball against Fortu- bles competition. Hill and Thornburgh teamed
na. Photo by CandiCe LaCkey S S
5 locations: Arcata,
Eureka, LARGE
822-6220 and Fortuna
Crescent City
Pepperoni Pizza
Welcome Back, Students!
2210 Central ave. MCKinleyville
707-839-8986 lessChwab.CoM
Arcata tops Central Valley Run in the Redwoods Saturday
Rick Macey
redwood PArks conservAncy
mAd river Union
SHASTA LAKE Arcata traveled to Shasta Lake to
WOODS Join the 4th An-
take on winless Central Valley and emerged with a 35-21
nual Prairie Creek Run in
victory to improve to 2-0 on the season.
the Redwoods 5k Fun Run/
The Tigers led by one point at halftime despite throw-
Walk on Saturday, Sept. 16,
ing three interceptions and losing a fumble.
at Prairie Creek Redwoods
We were minus four in the first half in turnovers,
State Park. Registration
head coach Jamal Jones said. Thats what I was worried
starts at 8:30 a.m.; the run/
about. They didnt surprise us. We knew everything they
walk begins at 10 a.m. The
were going to hit us with. The heat mixed everything up.
run is limited to the first
It was just one of those days. That was the weird part of
200 participants. Register
at redwoodparksconser-
Running back Demitri Patterson and the big guys up; the deadline
front led Arcatas offense. Patterson ran for more than
was Sept. 1. Proceeds from
100 yards and scored three touchdowns.
the event will be used for
The defense played well as unit with a couple of pick
visitor services and edu-
sixes, including one by Anthony McQueeney that kept
cational programs at Prai-
Arcata on track in the first half. The Tigers did not allow
rie Creek Redwoods State
a score by the Falcons in the second half.
Giving up the 21 points was the biggest disappoint-
Newton B. Drury Scenic
ment of the game, coach Jones said.
Parkway will be closed to all
he Tigers were in better shape and wore down the Fal-
vehicle traffic on race-day,
cons in the second half, but coach Jones was in no mood
Sept. 16, creating a won-
for consolation.
derful opportunity for run-
We cant play that bad for a half and expect to beat KING OF THE ROAD You can have the road to yourself, and other hikers, bikers
ners, walkers and cyclists.
good football teams, he said. and runners, this Saturday at Prairie Creek. Submitted photo
(You do not have to partic-
Arcata (2-0) is scheduled for a bye week. The Tigers
ipate in the race to take ad- should park vehicles south ing traffic. ciation of the environment
will not make up for last weeks canceled game against
vantage of the vehicle-free of the closure and park only Redwood National and in which they live and a
Trinity. The contest was called off due to area forest fires.
road.) The parkway winds in designated spaces paral- State Parks staff hopes burgeoning enthusiasm for
through the heart of old- lel to the roadway and adja- that families will take ad- exploration.
Walk to End Alzheimers growth redwoods in Prairie
Creek Redwoods State Park
cent to Elk Prairie in Prai-
rie Creek Redwoods State
vantage of the closure and
bring their children out for
For more information
about the Prairie Creek
Alzheimers AssociAtion unit of Redwood National Park. Please do not block a walk or bike ride. Walk- Run in the Redwoods 5k
EUREKA The second annual Humboldt Walk to End and State Parks and is lo- the gate or park in lots re- ing or biking with children Fun Run/Walk, contact
Alzheimers will be held Saturday, Oct. 14 in Halvorsen cated off U.S. Highway 101 served for visitor center or through the wonders of the Redwood Parks Conservan-
Park in Eureka. Volunteer opportunities are available for six miles north of Orick, or back country use. ancient coast redwood for- cy at (707) 464-9150. For
individuals and groups interested in helping at the event. four miles south of Klam- The parkway closure to est not only helps young maps and suggestions for
Community service hours are available. ath, Calif. vehicle traffic offers the people get physical exer- exploring your parks, stop
Volunteers are needed for registration, greeting, he parkway is 10 miles public a chance to safely cise and enjoy quality time by any of our many visitor
promise flower pick up, tent attendants, setup and clean- long and can only be ac- explore the beauty of the with family and friends, but centers or call (707) 465-
up, water stations, start and finish lines, cheer stations, cessed from the south gate redwoods on foot or bike also helps foster a better 7335 Monday through Fri-
runners, roaming advocacy registration and entertain- (on this date only). Visitors without worry of compet- understanding and appre- day or visit
ment. You can sign up to volunteer by logging on to the
Humboldt Walk to End Alzheimers website at act.alz.
org/Humboldt2017; emailing Kim Coelho at kcoelho@ THE WEEK AHEAD Saturday, Sept. 16 or by calling (707) 296-9060. Sept. 13 - Sept. 19 (Varsity Sports) Girls Tennis
Participants will walk either a 1- or 3-mile loop course Wednesday, Sept. 13 Arcata at Fortuna, 10 a.m.
and will learn about Alzheimers disease, advocacy op- Boys Soccer McKinleyville home vs. St. Bernards, 10 a.m.
portunities, clinical studies enrollment and support pro- McKinleyville home vs. South Fork, 5 p.m. Boys Soccer
grams and services from the Alzheimers Association. Arcata at Fortuna, 5 p.m. McKinleyville at Arcata, 11 a.m.
Walk participants will also join in a meaningful tribute Girls Soccer Girls Soccer
ceremony to honor those affected by Alzheimers disease. McKinleyville home vs. South Fork, 5 p.m. McKinleyville at Arcata, 1 p.m.
Other activities at the event include a live remote Arcata at Fortuna, 5 p.m. Girls Volleyball
provided by KHUM, entertainment on the course, a re- Thursday, Sept. 14 McKinleyville at Brookings Tournament, TBA
freshment station and sponsor booths. Sponsors to date Girls Golf Womens Volleyball
include Edward Jones, Visiting Angels, Pierson Building HSU at Cal State East Bay, 5 p.m.
McKinleyville at Baywood Golf Course, 12 p.m.
Center, St. Joseph Health Humboldt County, Timber College Football
Arcata at Baywood Golf Course, 12 p.m.
Ridge Assisted Living, News Channel 3 (KIEM TV), Lost HSU home vs. Simon Fraser, 6 p.m.
Girls Volleyball
Coast Communications, College of the Redwoods Foun- Sunday, Sept. 17
McKinleyville home vs St. Bernards, 6:30 p.m.
dation, Alder Bay Assisted Living, Limas Professional Mens Soccer
Friday, Sept. 15
Pharmacy, RE/MAX Humboldt Realty, Redwood Capital HSU at Cal State Monterey Bay, 11:30 a.m.
Bank, North Bay Rotaract and Maffia Family Fund. High School Cross Country
Womens Soccer
There is still time to form a team. There is no fee to Arcata at Prefontaine Invitational, 1 p.m. HSU at Cal State Monterey Bay, TBA
register and no limit on the numbers of team members. Girls Volleyball Monday, Sept. 18
You can sign up as a team captain, join a team or register Arcata at Anderson, 4 p.m. No Games Scheduled
to walk as an individual at or Womens Soccer Tuesday, Sept. 19
text ALZWALK to 51555. HSU at Cal State East Bay, 4:30 p..m. High School Cross Country
According to Special Events Manager Kim Coelho, Mens Soccer McKinleyville at De La Salle/Carondelet - Nike Invi-
this event is held in over 600 communities nationwide to HSU at Cal State East Bay, 7 p..m.. tational, 8:30 a.m.
promote awareness about the disease and to raise funds. Womens Volleyball Girls Tennis
We need to take away the stigma from this disease, HSU at Cal State Monterey Bay, 7 p.m. Arcata at Del Norte, 3:30 p.m.
adding that folks that are battling this disease and their High School Football McKinleyville at Ferndale, 3:30 p.m.
family members need to know that they are not alone, McKinleyville at Fortuna, 7:30 p.m. Girls Volleyball
that there is local support provided by the Humboldt Se- Arcata - Bye McKinleyville home vs. Hoopa Valley, 6:30 p.m.
nior Resource Center Alzheimers Resource Center and
national support provided by the Alzheimers Associa-
tion. The Alzheimers Association provides a free nation- THE BUMPERS The McKinleyville Low Vision Support group, The Bumpers, invites the public to the groups meeting on
wide 24/7 Helpline (800-272-3900) that receives more Monday, Sept. 25, from 11 a.m. to noon at Azalea Hall 1620 Pickett Rd., McKinleyville. Hear a podcast of how a Stanford
than 310,000 calls annually and is staffed by specialists professor Susan Krieger transitioned into a life of blindness. For information on living independently with vision loss
and masters-level clinicians who provide support, offer contact Doug Rose at (707) 839-0588 or [email protected].
information and suggest referrals.
Sports | Soccer enjoys a perfect trip to Bay Area ra managed HSUs other score at 31:07.
The Hawks got on the board first at 11:01.
nearby forest fires that resulted in a lack of
FROM C1 Alex Lolland recorded a team-high .356 The Jacks improved to 3-1, and the win Karver added, As we go into overtime,
up to defeat Albertini and Madeline Cor- hitting percentage to go with six kills. marks a perfect Bay Area road trip. its a clear message that good teams find
setti, 8-0, in the No. 1 doubles match. No. HSU men enjoys Today was a difficult game that couldve ways to win in these situations, and these
2 doubles Flint and McAtasney dispatched perfect Bay Area soccer trip gone either way, said coach Fred Junge- are the things that help craft and mold
Megan Corsetti and Patel (8-1). The No. SAN FRANCISCO Humboldt State mann. We created some excellent chances great teams. HSU out-cornered the Owls
3 doubles contest was played as a singles, mens soccer team recorded its second today that couldve made the game eas- 5-1 and outshot them 9-5 as Madison Bar-
with Emerald VanBebber-Wiest defeating straight win Friday afternoon versus Acad- ier, but in the end Marco and Max came nett and MaKenna Dunn had multiple
Seren Davies-Hughes 8-1. emy of Art. Francisco Calderon delivered a through for us to make the difference. shots.
HSU volleyball off to slow start stellar cross to Isaiah Dairo at 95:04 during Goalkeeper Cherms came up big on sev- Jenkins goal was her third this season.
LACEY HSUs volleyball team lost two the overtime period to lead the Jacks to a eral occasions Cherms had four saves on She was California Collegiate Athletic As-
matches Friday at the Division II West Re- 1-0 victory at the Beach Chalet Fields. The the day. It has been a great start to the sea- sociation Player of the Week for her efforts
gion Showcase in Marcus Pavilion, Lacey, Jacks had 19 shots. son for us and we will look to build on the in last weekends Lumberjack Classic.
Washington. Notre Dame de Namur won Our games with Academy of Art are al- confidence we have gained as we start con- Rose Harman assisted the game-win-
the early match 3-1 (22-25, 25-23, 21-25, ways close and difficult, and today was no ference play next weekend, said Junge- ning goal at 98:00, a nice chip in that al-
19-25) and Point Loma swept the North exception, head coach Fred Jungemann mann. Our team spirit is good at this lowed Jenkins to finish in the lower left
Coast team 3-0 (24-26, 16-25, 16-25). Fri- said. The Jacks improved to 2-1 overall point, and we are looking forward to start- from 15 feet out.
days results moved HSUs record to 1-4. with the win. ing CCAA play. Tyler Guptill, Calderon, Alex is a great player, and again, it
Against the Argos in the first contest, Humboldt States aggressiveness Dairo and Cherms were named to the 2017 was another example of her willingness
Janelle Ayala had four of her 10 kills. HSU showed itself in the offsides tally and the Golden Gate Classic All-Tournament Team to put the work in to get into the box and
scored the second sets final three points on foul count. The game featured 36 fouls, for their performances this weekend. HSU into spaces where we thought we could be
attack errors en route to a 25-23 decision. and the Jacks led the offsides count 6-0. travels to Hayward, Calif., for a meeting dangerous, said Karver. But equally as
Our team passed great today, we spread Both Dairo and Calderon took four shots with Cal State East Bay on Friday at 7 p.m. important is the ball that Rose played into
the ball on offense, but we didnt make the apiece, and three of Dairos shots were on HSU womens soccer her. It was a ball that made the goal Alex
adjustments that were necessary to beat goal. squad remains undefeated scored appear to be simple because of the
Notre Dame, said head coach Kelly Wood. Goalkeeper Chris Cherms earned his KLAMATH FALLS Alex Jenkins quality that it had. Something that were
They had two very talented left sides, and second straight shutout. The Jacks beat scored the game winner in Fridays 1-0 going to continue to see this year is players
we were unable to stop them. Saint Martins 3-0 in their last match of the overtime victory over Oregon Tech to keep accepting their roles to understand that we
HSU next fell in straight sets to Point Cavalier Classic in Portland last weekend. the Humboldt State womens soccer team need them to serve balls into our attack-
Loma. Cherms saved three shots in his outing. unbeaten. The Lumberjacks improved to ing players and the more they do that, the
The Jacks hung with the Sea Lions in set On the strength of a late goal by Max 3-0 for the first time since the 2006 season. more the quality of our attacking players
one as both teams struggled offensively. Steinmetz, HSU next beat host Holy Twenty-one Jacks played in what head really shows.
Point Loma never trailed in the final two Names 2-1 on Sunday. Dairo assisted on coach Paul Karver called a very gutsy team Next up for the 3-0 Jacks is their confer-
sets on its way to a sweep. Sarah Shively the game-winning goal which put the Jacks performance. He said it was difficult for ence action in a road match with Cal State
was HSUs top performer with 20 digs, and ahead at the 78:11 mark, and Marco Silvei- the team to get into a rhythm given the East Bay on Sept. 15.
A raging debate over the future of President William McKinley
Arcata outgrows McKinley
Statues serve as a tangible reminder of
the principles and ideals that were import-
ant to the people that that put them up.
They can also serve as a rallying point to
keep alive a particular attitude or point of
They are often placed to honor certain
people or events that hold some signifi-
cance in our culture.
I have often wondered if there was some-
thing so special about William McKinley
that the people of Arcata rallied around
this monument or if it was just a gift from
a wealthy donor that served to dress up
the Plaza. What was that kid in the picture BRONZE BEAUTIES Above left, the year is 1906 as the statue of President William McKinley is raised to his platform, where he
(above) thinking? has stood ever since. Now theres another movement to remove him. What would he be replaced with? Perhaps Alexander
In any case, is seems that paradigms are von Humboldt, right, who was a much snappier dresser . Submitted photoS
shifting (nationwide) and the current in-
habitants in many areas are rejecting the the Philippines had dropped into our laps sides, a statement which the base could multimillions per year in salary and stock
previous generations principles and ideals. I confess I did not know what to do with find comforting. Great numbers of the options; CEO salary is linked to stock price,
Twas ever thus. them... And one night late it came to me public including members of the GOP were and since the 1980s corporations can buy
I for one think that Arcata has outgrown this way... 1) That we could not give them outraged by this wishy-washy declaration. back shares of stock (the CEOs stock op-
McKinley. A lot of historic preservationists back to Spain- that would be cowardly and They felt any president worth his salt should tions) to reduce the number of shares
and city maintenance staff cant imagine dishonorable; 2) that we could not turn both condemn outright the existence of all available and keep the stock price high.
the Plaza without a statue. them over to France and Germany-our pro-white, racist, and anti-Semitic groups Our taxes pay for Medicare and Med-
So, lets keep one there but, update who commercial rivals in the Orient-that would as well as their violent actions that day. icaid (MediCal in California) which pays
we are honoring. As I scan the horizon for be bad business and discreditable; 3) that However, after two days of overwhelming about 70 percent of California health care
current leaders that could represent the we not leave them to themselve they are negative outpourings (except from certain costs. When we are working, Medicare
principles and ideals that I hold dear, the unfit for self-government and they would right-leaning outlets), Trump buckled and taxes are withdrawn from our pay just the
field seems limited and cluttered with po- soon have anarchy and misrule over there begrudgingly read a statement specifically same as Social Security taxes; both Medi-
litical animals. How about we honor a way worse than Spains wars; and 4) that there calling out the racist and neo-Nazi types as care and Social Security have income caps
of thinking and an approach to life rather was nothing left for us to do but to take thugs and undesirables. above which no taxes are withdrawn; this
that a political entity? How about Alexan- them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and But I think that somewhere in his gut, provides a subsidy for the high income
der von Humboldt? He was a man of sci- uplift and civilize and Christianize them, Trump knew that his more progressive people.
ence that lead the world in discovering how and by Gods grace do the very best we statement was neither honest for him nor When we reach 65 years of age, Medi-
the natural world worked and popularized could by them, as our fellow-men for whom appealing to his base. care payments are delayed pay for work
scientific thought among the common per- Christ also died. So within 24 hours he put forth yet an- weve already done. Why should some of
son. How can this be congruent with Bonus other statement, this time placing blame our back pay go to private, for-profit HICs
He was very progressive even by current Bill quote: It must not be equality and for the violence equally on both sides, in the form of premiums and co-pays that
standards. There are more statues of him justice in the written law only. It must be the alt-right and the newly coined term continue to increase to produce the desired
around the world than any other single per- equality and justice in the laws adminis- alt-left. His new statement once again profits for the HICs? Under SB 562, Medi-
son. Our county was named after him. And tration everywhere and alike administered brought overwhelming public condem- care and MediCal payments go into the
he was a much sharper dresser than Bill. in every part of the Republic to every citi- nation. But I think Trump doesnt care, Healthy California trust fund that does not
Something to think about. zen thereof. because he knows that this statement has have to create profits for shareholders and
Steve Salzman But then women werent citizens either great appeal among his base which will, high salaried CEOs.
Arcata with a right to vote until Aug. 20, 1920. at least in his mind, keep the Trump train In addition to regular medical coverage,
Cindy Siemens rolling forward on its tracks regardless of SB 562 covers eye, dental, hearing, home
Mckinleyville what others might say. health, physical therapy, adult day, hos-
Would anyone miss Bill? Sherman Schapiro pice, acupuncture, mental health and com-
Perhaps the more relevant question we
should be asking ourselves, and each other, Pay it forward Blue Lake plete reproductive care.
As Irma advances onto the mainland Health care providers are employed in
private businesses; patients choose their
If the Plazas center did not have a statue and the flood waters from Harvey slowly Which stakeholders left out? providers.
standing there, (as was the case pre-1906) recede, in our own neighboring county of According to a front page Times-Stan-
Trinity over 2,000 people were evacuated The Healthy California Act, SB 562, is a
what would we want to do with that space? dard article, Wednesday, Aug. 23 Health
and over 130 structures have been lost to system change away from the system of
The current arguments (i.e., McKinley Care Rally, an email message from As-
the Helena Fire. private for-profit multiple payers that se-
wasnt as bad as Robert E. Lee, he served semblymember Jim Wood (D) District 2
A local non-profit, PAY IT FORWARD, riously hinders pricing transparency, inte-
his country well, someone paid good money (Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity, Mendocino
has been working to collect and distribute grated/coordinated care (all of a patients
for the statue, etc.) all miss the point thats and part of Sonoma counties) states SB
donations for victims of the Helena Fire. health care providers work together as a
being made by folks advocating for the re- 562 was developed without the involve-
Support their efforts by donating funds team), and accountability to control fraud
moval of Civil War-era statues, namely, Is ment of all stakeholders. The stakehold-
on their Facebook page, to the system of a public single payer,
this the person we want to celebrate in the ers involved in the development of Senate
payitforwardhumboldt, or on paypal at the Healthy California trust fund, that pays
very center of our public gathering space? Bill 562, The Healthy California Act 2017, health care providers for the health care
Id much prefer to see the statue re- were/are health care providers, primarily
Or send a check to: Pay It Forward, 326 I costs of all residents of California.
placed with a gazebo, for music and con- California nurses.
Street Suite #148, Eureka, CA 95501. This system design gives the public
versation, as well as some shelter during Supporters of SB 562 include a diverse
For more information contact Desirae board that governs the trust fund enor-
the rainy season. group of unions, city and county govern-
Hadley at (707) 499-3840 mous power to negotiate prices. The pub-
One final question: Would anyone truly ments, school districts, grassroots orga-
From what Ive read Desirae and her lic single payer will utilize one database.
miss the statue if it was not there? nizations, and local political party groups
team along with support from Root 101 The advantages of a single database for all
Robert B. Rottenberg (
Nursery in Rio Dell, Trinity River Garden health care in California include: (1) more
Arcata Stakeholders not involved in develop-
Center in Willow Creek and Redwood Har- control by we the people (the trust fund
ment of SB 562 are healthcare insurance
ley-Davidson in Eureka, have been able to is governed by a publicly appointed board
Taking Hawaii, the Philipines corporations (HICs) and their lobbyists
that is overseen by a publicly appointed
The Hawaiian islands had a well-estab- make all the difference in the lives of those (California Association of Health Plans),
impacted by these fires and the first re- advisory committee), (2) improved com-
lished culture and long history of self-gov- Big Pharma, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers As-
sponders helping them. munication among health care providers
ernance. The Hawaiian monarch was sociation, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and
Richard Salzman that leads to portable, complete patient
retained as the ceremonial head of the gov- the American Legislative Exchange Council
Arcata health care records, (3) transparency that
ernment. (ALEC) which wines and dines state legis-
will help make pricing competitive and
Now William McKinley took a lesson lators and gives them bills to introduce in
make tracking fraud easier, (4) support for
from the Brits, you see it, you want it, you Its all about the base state legislatures, e.g. Right to Work laws
development of more integrated/coordi-
take it. It was called annexation, a treaty he When it comes to President Trump, that are designed to weaken unions and
nated care, (5) allows medical researchers
signed in 1887. one thing is certain: he relies on his base force workers to fight unjust working con-
to access one database to conduct research
He was unable to see it through to its to back him no matter what. To do this he ditions and low pay alone, without the help
to improve health and preventative care.
conclusion. Ultimately a new constitution, must make it clear that he is on their side; of other workers.
Why is Assembly Member Jim Wood
effectively disenfranchised most native that his decisions come from the right, nev- Healthcare insurance corporations,
(D) district 2 concerned about the HICs
Hawaiian voters, came to be known as the er the left. HICs, are unnecessary middlemen that col-
not being involved in the development of
Bayonet Constitution because Kalakaua He deflects their attention from the lectively make roughly $5 billion per year
SB 562? Call his Eureka office: 707-445-
signed it under duress and before the mil- real truth by claiming that there are alter- in California. An economic analysis (Eco-
7014. Show up today, Sept. 13 at noon for
itarized but bloodless coup 1893 of be- nate facts and that the usual news outlets nomic Analysis of the Healthy California
the Die In near Jim Woods office, 1036
loved Queen Liliuokalani. such as CNN are really just reporting fake Single-payer Health Care Proposal, SB-562
Fifth St. (corner of 5th & L), in Eureka.
In an interview he does make clear how news. by Robert Pollin et al, Department of Eco-
Diane Ryerson
he truly views who is a Citizen of the Re- He wants his base to subliminally hear nomics and Political Economy Research
public but maybe not the Hawaiian, nor his voice say Who ya gonna believe, Institute, University of Massachusetts-Am-
the Philippino who had also survived well them or me? whenever they confront a herst, May 2017) shows a conservative esti-
without the United States annexing them. non-Trumpian statement such as global mate of cost savings is 18 percent, the result v Please sign your letter with a real
The following is from General James warming is real or immigration is actual- of elimination of HICs and system change name and include a city of origin,
Ruslings Interview with President Wil- ly good for the American economy. from private for-profit multiple payers to a plus a phone number (which wont
liam McKinley, which appeared in The public single payer. be published) for identity verification.
Recently, with the violent Charlottes- Try to keep your letter to 300 words or
Christian Advocate Jan. 22, 1903. ville protest, we clearly see how this works. Private for-profit multiple payer HICs
operating in California include Aetna, An- so, maybe 500 max. If you need more
In an interview with a visiting church Trumps initial reaction was to not offend words than that to make your points,
delegation published in 1903, President his base and he tailored his official state- them Blue Cross, Humana, the HMO Kai-
contact us about writing a Guest Opin-
William McKinley defends his decision to ment so as not to specifically blame or even ser Permanente, Signa and United Health- ion. Deadline for letters is noon Friday.
support the annexation of the Philippines mention neo-Nazis, KKK members, or oth- care Inc. Email letters to opinion@madriverun-
in the wake of the U.S. war in that country. er white supremacist types. These corporations are controlled by
McKinley: When I next realized that Rather he spoke of violence on many CEOs and shareholders; CEOs are paid
County pursuing modular housing PLANCO The Arcata Planning Commission meets Tues-
day, Sept. 12 in Council Chamber at City Hall, 736 F St.
Agenda items include adoption of a California Environ-
Daniel Mintz McKinleyville will be con- ing) and were nowhere for siting the units. mental Quality Act exemption for an addition, remodel-
Mad RiveR Union sidered. near where we need to be, The uncertainty was not- ing and modifications to Caf Vrio, 791 G St.; approval
HUMBOLDT A dona- The Pacific Gas and Elec- he said. ed by Supervisor Mike Wil- of a minor use permit and design review to a property at
tion of 12 modular housing tric Company (PG&E) has If sites can be found for son, who highlighted the 1183 Union St.; and more.
units could enhance an ef- offered to donate 12 modu- the donated housing, We siting issue. PARKS & REC Arcatas Parks and Rec
fort to provide low income lar housing units that can be can do it for pennies on the They may become a Committee meets tonight, Wednesday,
housing but hinges on the remodeled into double-oc- dollar compared to what disposal issue as opposed Sept. 13 at 6 p.m. at the Arcata Commu-
availability of properties to cupancy housing spaces. weve been doing, Bohn to an opportunity unless nity Centers Arts & Crafts Room, 321
site them on. Supervisor Rex Bohn said continued. we have someplace to put Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway.
At its Sept. 5 meeting, eight of the units measure The idea of using trail- them, he said. Agenda items include the committees
the Board of Supervisors 12 feet by 60 feet and four er-like housing units to Bohn said the units are meeting schedule; Carlson Park fol-
directed county staff to ex- are 12 feet by 40 feet. reduce homelessness has now being stored at a pri- low-up; drone use in parks; slacklining
plore the possibility of ac- Describing them as very seen success in Eureka, vately-owned site and the in parks; a bike ride to parks; updates, reports and more.
cepting the donation and high end units that are with the establishment county and city have about CITY COUNCIL The Arcata City Council meets tonight,
working with the City of way over the criteria need- of a so-called container two months to see if we Wednesday, Sept. 13 at 5 p.m. in closed session to discuss
Eureka, the countys De- ed, he said theyre com- village managed by the can actually do this. anticipated litigation and hold a conference with labor ne-
partment of Health and plete with plumbing and Chinn Foundation. The county is pursuing gotiators. The council meets again at 6 p.m. in open ses-
Human Services and the double-paned windows. But those housing units a housing first strategy sion in City Council Chamber to review the status of the in-
Betty Chinn Foundation to Bohn added that the are for temporary occupan- relying on permanent ver- vestigation into the homicide of David Josiah Lawson and
manage the new housing. modular units, if accepted, cy and the county is consid- sus temporary housing to a discussion of student and community safety strategies.
But establishing it hing- could add housing invento- ering permanent occupan- reduce homelessness. FOREST MANAGEMENT Arcatas Forest Management
es on finding sites. Supervi- ry that would be low cost to cy for the donated modular The search for sites to Committee meets Thursday, Sept. 14 at 7 a.m. in Coun-
sors acknowledged that the both tenants and the coun- units. They would be in- accommodate the modu- cil Chamber. Agenda items include a review of Metcalf
need for low income hous- ty. stalled on permanent foun- lar units will involve places Plots; discussion of USFWS safe harbor agreement for
ing is countywide and sites We spend millions try- dations provided one or where public utilities and certain listed species; the Humboldt Commercial canna-
in county areas including ing to get (affordable hous- more suitable sites can be services are accessible. bis Land Use Ordinance; the committees annual report;
found for them. Bohn said the units will proposed changes to the committees meeting schedule;
IF YOU CAN YOU CAN County Administrative be sited where the need a joint study session with other city environmental com-
AFFORD RENTERS mittees; a summary of 2017 timber operations; the rec-
AFFORD Officer Amy Nilsen said and the availability exists
county staff could explore and that could be in areas reation chapter of the Forest Management Plan (FMP);
THIS... INSURANCE! selection of a date for an FMP study session; the status of
surplus property options of outside of Eureka.
acquisitions and grants; and more.
In Jacobys Storehouse
Downtown Arcata
Ask us anything about disc golf!
(707) 822-7888