3. Cancer terminology
a. primary site of neoplasm is its site of origin
b. secondary sites represent metastasis
c. types of neoplasms: benign and malignant
d. four types of malignant neoplasms
i. carcinomas: usually solid tumors arising from epithelial cell
ii. sarcomas: from muscle, bone, fat and other connective tissue
iii. lymphomas: originate in the lymphatic system
iv. leukemias: originate in the blood system
2. Diagnostics and Staging
1. History and physical exam - depends on location of tumor
2. Biopsy: obtaining tissue for histological examination
3. Imaging: CT scan, MRI
4. Tumor markers: biochemicals made and released by tumor cells
5. Staging and grading
3. Staging: describe and classify extent of a malignancy when it is diagnosed
4. Grading: describe the degree of malignancy according to the type of tumor cell
3. Treatment in General
1. Objective: to remove all traces of the cancerous tissue
2. Treatment plan based on stage and grade of tumor
3. Surgery: specific to site of malignancy
4. Chemotherapy - see Lesson 6 (Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies) for information about
5. Radiation therapy - see Lesson 7 (Reduction of Risk Potential) for more information about
radiation therapy
4. Metastatic Disease
1. Spread of malignancy beyond the primary site; means of metastasis:
3. Tumor invades adjacent tissue
4. Tumor sheds cells into body cavities
5. Tumor cells spread via the lymphatic system or blood stream
2. Major cause of death from cancer
3. Most common sites:
a. to lung from primary sites in colon, rectum, breast, renal system, testes and
b. to liver from primary sites in lung, colon, rectum, breast and renal system
c. to CNS from primary sites in lung and breast
d. to bone from primary sites in lung, breast, renal system and prostate
5. Cancer Pain Management
1. Although clients with cancer may experience pain at any time during their disease, pain is usually a
late symptom of cancer
2. Use a variety of pain relief measures. (See Lesson 5: Basic Care and Comfort for information
regarding nonpharmacologic pain relief measures
6. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
1. Definition/etiology
3. Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) resulting in a dysfunction of cell-
mediated immunity
4. Characterized by recurrent, opportunistic infections or unusual malignancies
5. Methods of transmission
a. parenteral
b. sexual
c. perinatal
cancer screening