New Survey Question (2) 11-04-23
New Survey Question (2) 11-04-23
New Survey Question (2) 11-04-23
of Guinea.
Stress is a typical emotion we experience when we are under pressure, overwhelmed, or unable
to handle the circumstances at hand. Periodic stress is a common coping strategy. According to
Elizabeth, (2020), sometimes we experience stresses when we are excited. Little levels of stress
may be beneficial to us and motivate us to do a required task. But nevertheless, chronic stress,
may have a severe effect on our emotions, physical and mental health, and relationships
(NCCIH, 2022).
Stress at the workplace refers to the physical, emotional, and psychological strains that result
from the demands and pressures of work. Work-related stress can be caused by a variety of
factors, including job demands, lack of control over work tasks, interpersonal conflicts, job
insecurity, and long working hours. Stress can have both short-term and long-term effects on
employees' physical and mental health. Short-term effects can include increased heart rate,
sweating, and muscle tension. Long-term effects can include chronic health problems such as
cardiovascular disease, depression, and anxiety.
Deck officers are in charge of ensuring that ships are navigated safely, and the Gulf of Guinea
poses special difficulties for seafarers due to piracy, oil theft, and political unrest. Deck officers
may experience stressful circumstances as a result of these difficulties, which may have an
adverse effect on both their physical and mental health as well as how successfully they do their
This study examines stress management strategies among Nigerian deck officers in the Gulf of
Guinea. We want to learn from onboard experiences with stress management.
Research Question 1: What are the differences in approaches for stress management
strategies at the organizational level and at the personal level?
2) How often do you engage in personal stress management activities such as exercise,
meditation or socializing with friends and family?
Never Occasionally Sometimes Often Very often
3) How effective do you find the stress management strategies provided by your organization in
reducing your stress levels?
Not at all effective Slightly effective Moderately effective
4) Do you feel that your organization's stress management strategies take into account the
specific needs and challenges faced by Nigerian deck officers in the Gulf of Guinea?
Yes No I am not sure
Research Question 2: What are the most common stressors faced by Nigerian deck officers
in the Gulf of Guinea?
Stressors at the workplace are the factors that cause stress for employees. These can be physical,
psychological, or social factors that contribute to a stressful work environment. Some of the
peculiar stressors are High workload, Lack of control, Job insecurity, Interpersonal conflicts,
Poor communication, Organizational change, Work-life balance and many more. This section
seeks to explore some of the stress peculiar to Nigerian deck officers in the Gulf of Guinea.
5) How often do you experience stress related to your workload and job responsibilities?
Never Occasionally Sometimes Often Very often
6) How often do you experience stress related to your working conditions such as weather,
equipment, and facilities?
Never Occasionally Sometimes Often
Very often
Research Question 3: How does stress impact the mental health, well-being and the work of
Nigerian deck officers in the Gulf of Guinea?
This section seeks to explore the effect of the stressors mentioned in the previous sections on
physical and mental well-being of Nigerian deck officers in the Gulf of Guinea.
9) How often do you experience physical symptoms of stress such as headaches, muscle tension
or fatigue?
Never Occasionally Sometimes Often Very often
10) How often do you experience emotional symptoms of stress such as anxiety, depression or
Never Occasionally Sometimes Often Very often
11) How often do you feel that stress has a negative impact on your job performance?
Never Occasionally Sometimes Often Very often
12) How often do you feel that stress has a negative impact on your personal life and
Never Occasionally Sometimes Often Very often
In an effort to assist Nigerian deck officers manage their stress while working in
the Gulf of Guinea, the recommended activity involves identifying and making
recommendations for efficient methods for handling stress. These suggestions
might include steps like counseling, mindfulness training, stress management
classes, and cultivating a supportive work environment. It is hoped that by putting
these suggestions into practice, Nigerian deck officers will be better able to control
their stress levels, lessen the effects stress has on their health and ability to
perform their jobs, and significantly improve their general quality of life while
working in the Gulf of Guinea.
13) How important do you think it is for your organization to provide training and education on
stress management and mental health?
Not at all important Slightly important Moderately important
Very important Extremely important
14) What types of stress management activities would you like to see implemented in your
Exercise programs Meditation or relaxation sessions Counseling or
therapy services Social support groups Other (please specify)
15) How often would you like to have access to stress management activities or resources?
Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Yearly
16) What other suggestions do you have for improving stress management and promoting mental
health among Nigerian deck officers?