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Best Practice Report: Mental Toughness
Best Practice Report: Mental Toughness
Best Practice Report: Mental Toughness
Ebook47 pages39 minutes

Best Practice Report: Mental Toughness

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Setbacks and pressure are part of the fabric of daily life. When faced with problems such as excessive career demands, serious trauma, sickness or sports injuries, people can use mental toughness or resilience to get through the bad times and prepare for the good. Leaders, and the members of their organisational teams, also need resilience to keep them going in the face of relentless stress. Developing the tools and resources to unlock mental toughness has the potential to benefit every aspect of our lives.

Release dateJun 18, 2015
Best Practice Report: Mental Toughness

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    Book preview

    Best Practice Report -

    Best Practice Report:

    Mental toughness


    The Best Practice Report

    The Definition

    Expert Opinion

    Survey and Research

    Example Cases



    Summary of Best Practices

    Words of Wisdom & Quick Facts



    Other Best Practice Reports 

    About the Best Practice Report Best Practice Reports provide best practices, innovative ideas, and research data on topics and tools that will help you to stay up-to-date on the latest international business trends and practices. Most of the topics for the Best Practice Reports are chosen by our members, who submit their suggestions through the members’ Research Request Service. Read and absorb, and then pass on to your staff and colleagues so they can do the same.

    The Definition

    Mental toughness—or resilience—is both a natural attribute and a learned behaviour. It helps people carry on during difficult times and, as a result, grow in confidence and ultimately triumph.

    The Stage

    Setbacks and pressure are part of the fabric of daily life. When faced with problems such as excessive career demands, serious trauma, sickness or sports injuries, people can use mental toughness or resilience to get through the bad times and prepare for the good. Leaders, and the members of their organisational teams, also need resilience to keep them going in the face of relentless stress. Developing the tools and resources to unlock mental toughness has the potential to benefit every aspect of our lives.

    Expert Opinion

    Mental toughness can be defined as the ability to deal with challenges and pressure, regardless of prevailing (either good or bad) circumstances. Mental toughness has been shown to be a major factor underpinning performance, positive behaviour, well-being, and aspirations:

    Performance: mental toughness accounts for up to 25 per cent of the variation in individual performance.

    Positive behaviour: mental toughness leads to people being more engaged and willing to try new things.

    Well-being: mental toughness leads to people being happier and able to manage stress more effectively. It also makes them less prone to being bullied.

    Aspirations: mental toughness can make people more ambitious and be prepared to manage greater risks.[1]

    Research carried out

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