Mendellian Pattern of Inheritance

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Grades 1 – 12 Teacher LESLIE R. SALINAS Learning Area SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON May 29-June 2, 2023
LOG 8-Sunflower (M-Th) 6:00-7:00 A.M.
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FOURTH
8- Rose (M-W,F) 11:00-12:00 A.M.

DAY 1 1-DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4

The kearners demonstrate understanding of how cells divide to produce new cells
A. Content Standards
The learners should be able to report on the importance of variation in plant and animal breeding
B. Performance Standards
1. Compare mitosis and meiosis, and their role in the cell-division cycle Predict phenotypic expressions of traits
(MELC Week 2 S8LT-IVd-16) following simple patterns of inheritance
C. Learning Competencies 2. Explain the significance of meiosis in maintaining the chromosome Week 3 S8LT-IVf-18

Students will understand different

types of errors that can occur during
meiosis, such as nondisjunction and
chromosomal deletions/duplications.
By the end of this lesson, students will be
Students will explore the Describe the Mendelian principles of
able to explain the process of meiosis, its
D. Learning Objectives consequences of these errors on inheritance by analyzing Mendel’s
significance, and the key differences
genetic variation and human health. experiment
between meiosis and mitosis.
Students will evaluate the impact of
errors in meiosis on the inheritance
of traits and the occurrence of
genetic disorders.
II. CONTENT Cellular Reproduction and Genetics


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 224-225
2. Learner’s Materials pages 317-327 329-333
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Questions; Question: Begin the lesson by asking students
presenting the new lesson Define meiosis and explain its Why meiosis is important for sexual what they know about inheritance
(ELICIT) significance in the process of sexual reproduction and genetic diversity? and the passing of traits from
Compare and contrast meiosis and
parents to offspring.
mitosis in terms of their purpose and
Describe the different stages of
meiosis I and meiosis II, highlighting
the key events that occur in each
Explain the significance of crossing
over during meiosis and how it
contributes to genetic variation.
Discuss the role of homologous
chromosomes in meiosis and how
they align and separate during the
Define haploid and diploid cells and
explain how they relate to meiosis.
B. Establishing a purpose for Show a short video or presentation Introduce Gregor Mendel and his
the lesson (ENGAGE) that introduces the concept of errors work on inheritance.
in meiosis and their potential Show images or diagrams of pea
consequences. plants and discuss why Mendel
chose them for his experiments.
Ask students to brainstorm why
studying pea plants would be
advantageous for understanding
inheritance patterns.
C. Presenting Facilitate a class discussion by asking
examples/instances of the new questions such as:
lesson (ENGAGE) 1. Can you think of any potential
errors or problems that might occur
during the process of meiosis?
2. How do you think errors in
meiosis could affect the genetic
material passed on to offspring?
3.Can you think of any genetic
disorders or conditions that might
be caused by errors in meiosis?
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the causes, mechanisms, Provide students with a brief
practicing new skills # 1 and consequences of the overview of Mendel's experiments
(EXPLORE) different errors in meiosis. and the traits he studied.
Encourage them to find real-life Distribute the Mendel's experiment
worksheet and guide students
examples or case studies, if
through analyzing the data and
observations made by Mendel.
Encourage students to discuss their
findings and observations in small
groups or pairs.
Facilitate a whole-class discussion
to explore the patterns and
conclusions Mendel drew from his
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills # 2
F. Developing mastery Facilitate class discussion to help Use a PowerPoint presentation or
(Leads to Formative students gain a comprehensive the whiteboard/chalkboard to
Assessment) understanding of the different errors explain the three main principles of
(EXPLAIN) in meiosis and their implications. Mendelian inheritance:
segregation, independent
assortment, and dominance.
Define key terms such as genotype,
phenotype, homozygous,
heterozygous, dominant, and
G. Finding practical application Provide model chromosomes or Explain how Punnett squares can be
Let students do the activity “ . used to predict the genotypes and
of concepts and skills in daily illustrations and ask students to
Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis phenotypes of offspring.
living demonstrate how the error in
Guide students through completing
(ELABORATE) meiosis occurs using the models. Punnett squares for various
monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.
Instruct them to explain the impact Discuss the results and ask students to
of the error on genetic variation and explain the observed patterns based on
” how it can lead to the occurrence of Mendelian principles.
genetic disorders.

H. Making generalizations and Meiosis is a fundamental biological .

abstractions about the lesson process that plays a crucial role in
(ELABORATE) sexual reproduction, leading to the
production of genetically diverse
offspring. It involves two consecutive
divisions, resulting in the formation of
haploid cells, and includes significant
events such as crossing over,
homologous chromosome separation,
and reduction division. Meiosis differs
from mitosis in terms of the number
of divisions, the pairing and exchange
of genetic material, and the end result
of the process. Overall, meiosis
ensures genetic variation, promotes
evolution, and contributes to the
complexity and adaptability of living
I. Evaluating learning Multiple choice ( 10 items Multiple Choice ( 10 items) Monohybrid Cross Worksheet

J. Additional activities for Questions; Make a research on the recent In humans, being a tongue roller ® is
application or remediation 1. What are the consequences of scientific discoveries or dominant over non-roller®. A man
(EXTEND) errors occurring during meiosis? advancements in understanding who is a non-roller marries a woman
2. Research two meiosis mistakes and addressing errors in meiosis. who is heterozygous for tongue
and explain. rolling.
Father’s Phenotype:

Father’s Genotype:
Mother’s Genotype:

What is the probability of this

couple having a child who is a
tongue roller?

V. REMARKS Finished Finished To be continued To be continued


A. No. of learners who earned Sections Sections Sections Sections

80 % on this formative
assessment Sunflower-28 Sunflower-27 Sunflower- Sunflower-

Rose- 25 Rose- 26 Rose- Rose-

B. No. of learners who require Sections Sections Sections Sections

additional activities for
remediation Sunflower-5 Sunflower-6 Sunflower- Sunflower-

Rose- 9 Rose- 7 Rose- Rose-

C. Did the remedial lessons

No. of learners who have
caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching Group, work/ Collaborative learning.
strategies worked well? Why
did these worked? I also used visual aids such as diagrams, illustrations, and videos which helped them understand the concepts better.
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover None
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I Head Teacher III School Principal III

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